Friday, June 14, 2013


One of my favorite things about summer is HERBS!

They are culinary super stars and so easy to grow!

I don't leave them in the garden until I am ready to cook with them... I bring them in and make a kitchen herb bouquet...

Herbs make the prettiest and best smelling arrangements!

I grow quite a lot of herbs in two gardens. If left to their own natural ways many will flower, bolt or get very leggy... the sign that they were needing a little TLC.

Giving them all a generous clip will keep them growing and healthy... and gives me a fabulous herby bouquet!

Also, I'm more apt to use herbs if they are right at my fingertips!

I keep herbs in this pretty Alabaster crock. It's part of a vignette... along with assorted spoons in a small pitcher and an old champagne bucket filled with wooden spoons... one of my big obsessions!


 I like to add herbs to the water I drink, trying different combinations.

Peppermint or Applemint is still my favorite! YUMMY!

Herbs are growing like weeds in my kitchen garden... Here are some I picked this morning...

Here are a few tips to keep a cut herb bouquet fresh...

* cut herbs in the morning

* cut herbs with a good sharp knife

*don't wash herbs until you are ready to use them

*recut herb stems and refresh the water daily

* use herbs liberally

Herbs are extremely easy to grow and care for...  enjoy them indoors as well as out!

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  1. How pretty. Are those Nasturtium flowers? I remember growing those with the boys when they were little and adding them to salads. Hmmm... should try my 'brown thumbs' at some herbs again.
    Happy Friday! Woot!!
    Hugs, Gee

  2. Smells like a good meal, already! Love your orange and green bouquet. Lynda

  3. So pretty, I love how they look in a bouquet!

  4. A gorgeous and delicious bouquet with a few fresh flowers tossed in!

    Art by Karena
    Giveaway by Splendid Sass

  5. I don't know why but I never thought of adding herbs to my ice tea, but I have now!
    Thanks, Patty

  6. I love using herbs like this too. I think they were the foundation of the Tussie Mussie, if I'm not mistaken. I have a special glass pitcher where I steep mint, or lavender, in water for drinking. So refreshing and much less expensive than store bought bottled variety.
    I love the white jug you display them in.

  7. Your herbs look wonderful in a bouquet. I have a tiny herb garden here at my new home in a container, so I slip out the back door and snip them off when needed, but if I have a chance to grow a larger amount, I would love to have an herb bouquet too.

  8. O, how pretty your herbs and flowers look ....looks so nice in that white jug.

  9. Well I never ever thought of actually making a bouquet with them...I cut mine back often - and cook often- too but all the cuttings have been given to the neighbors to use.

    I may have to do this when they get bushy again - I bet it smells heavenly in your pretty kitchen!

  10. Beautiful & such a good idea! Thanks for sharing..

  11. I never thought of making a bouquet of the herbs. This looks gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  12. Love love love this! We have our first vegetable and herb garden this year and I have more herbs than I can cook with! I can't wait to do this, and I love the vignette you created on the tray with an adjacent pot of cooking utensils! What a bright, fresh breath of summer!

  13. I love using herbs in flower arrangements too. My fave is rosemary because you can't beat the scent. I have not tried growing chervil. I will add that to my list for next year. My mints, as always, are out of control. LOL This is so beautiful. xxoo

  14. So neat to see a herb bouquet. Yours is truly lovely. I have sweet basil and Italian parsley planted and my lavender is ready to burst its blooms next week.

  15. It's always amazing to me how something so simple can be just so absolutely lovely! And you do lovely like nobody I know Yvonne! :-)

  16. Love the look of the feathery dill Yvonne! Have a great weekend:@)

  17. Gorgeous-I love herbs. I grow a few on my deck.

  18. I love to make herb bouquets as well, but I have no luck growing nasturtiums. What a lovely addition this is.

  19. Herb bouquets have become my new favorite!
    Yours is beautiful, Yvonne!

  20. Love your fragrant & fresh herb bouquet Yvonne and I'm wild about your champagne bucket serving up your wooden spoons! All my herbs are off to a slow start with the exception of our rosemary hedge :) Love the Nasturtiums!

  21. Gorgeous! I love fresh herbs for the same reason. Bring them inside and the smell is wonderful!


  22. Such a beautiful display. Your herbs look so fresh and green in your ironstone. I love your utensils in the metal container too.

  23. Love the bouquet and LOVE that CROCK!!! I may have to run over and order that!!! XOXO

  24. Yvonne,
    I cut them early in the morning and bring them to the kitchen
    on the day that I'm going to use them in a recipe!
    What a clever idea to arrange them into a kitchen bouquet!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend!!!

  25. So very pretty (and practical) Yvonne...I keep wanting to grow a great herb garden...the only "herb" that I have is a Rosemary you are inspiring me to get the wheels in motion and start the garden!...Gorgeous bouquet!...Can't imagine how glorious it must smell!!

  26. Looks great. Actually it is environment friendly bouquet.

  27. Yes, the flower arrangements really look fresh. I want to try growing herbs like these as well. How I wish I can realize it myself. Thank you for the tips on how to rightly grow the herbs. I just wish I can follow all of them when I got the time for my garden.

    from Sherry at Online PhD Degrees

  28. Pretty post Yvonne. Great idea.

    - The Tablescaper

  29. I hope you never stop! This is one of the best blogs Ive ever read. You’ve got some mad skill here, man. I just hope that you dont lose your style because youre definitely one of the coolest bloggers out there.
