Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Every year in the cold month of February I start dreaming about summer flowers! 

My thoughts turn to planting the pots around the porch... a wonderful diversion from the frosty, windy weather outside!

This year's theme and flowers are VERY different than anything I have ever done...

This weekend I planted ENDLESS BLOOM hydrangeas in my newly painted urns. Look for an upcoming post about painting a pot to look aged.

The theme for this year's front porch is SOUTHERN BELLE.  I want a porch that bids a big southern welcome to all who visit... even thought I am a northern girl!

Hydranges are my pick for the porch this year!

For some reason these showy old fashioned flowers remind me of the grace of the south!

Endless Beauty is an everblooming hydrangea... it should bloom from spring right through autumn.  The flowers can change colors too... from pink to blue.  I am keeping my soil a little on the acidic side so the blooms will stay blue. I think blue will look pretty against the Pennsylvania limestone facade of StoneGable.

Hopefully, the plant will fill in the pot and big moppy headed blooms will spill over it...

Right before the first frost I'll take them out of their urns and plant them in the garden. Next spring I can put them back in their urns on the porch... at least that is what our very reliable garden center employee says!

The spring forsythia wreath will be replaced today with a summer wreath with a more southern belle feel!

Here's one more glimpse of the forsythia wreath...

I'm excited to see how these urns look as summer progresses!


  1. Very pretty! I've been looking for something to put in the pots on the front porch. Will this last all summer and will it do well in a pot? I sure hope so because it is beautiful! Thanks for idea!

  2. Very pretty Yvonne. I can only imagine how luvly they will look spilling their floppy heads all over the urns.
    That is a wonderful idea.
    Looking forward tot he summer wreath.
    Hugs, Gee

  3. Oh Yvonne! I LOVE the hydrangea! I put some in my big planter this year and I LOVE the idea of putting them near the door where they can create a lush welcome for friends and family! I'm pinning for my new house! xo

  4. Great minds think alike! Wait until you see my link on TTT:)
    Bee-you-tee-ful Yvonne!!!

  5. Hydrangeas make such a statement of welcome and beauty-I can't wait to see fall pictures with them still blooming.

  6. Hi Yvonne, I've just planted these same ones outside my bedroom behind a 3-level fountain, lots of shade, lots of humidity. I hope they do well. Those urns are wonderful!

  7. Good Evening Yvonne, I adore hydrangeas... I have two planted outside my front door as well.
    I look forward to hearing how you aged your pots.
    Best Wishes

  8. I'm from the South and loving your urns with hydrangeas. Gorgeous! I hadn't thought of putting them in pots. I'm going to try them in my urns next year. Looking forward to your tutorial on how to age pots.

  9. I love the Endless Summer Hydrangea. I have three.Keep them out of the bright southern exposure on hot days.I have wanted to transplant ours due to droopyness on hot days. They are lovely! I adore them in the urns!

  10. I don't know what the hydrangeas that I put in my urn on the porch is, will have to see if I can find out. Your urns look GREAT painted and do go so well with your house. Hope to see you soon. XOXO

  11. Loving the hydrangeas. The painted urns turned out wonderful. I've been wanting to repaint my urns,can't wait for your tutorial.

  12. Your urns are gorgeous and the hydrangeas are going to be amazing. Hugs, marty

  13. Lovely, my sister had them in her wedding, just gorgeous. Still waiting for some new cushions before I make changes to front porch..
    Thanks for entering my giveaway.

  14. This southern gal loves them. All my hydrangeas, planted in the ground, are making blossoms now.

  15. I love the endless blooms! Yours will be spectacular. I cannot wait to learn about how to paint urns to give them an aged look. Yours are so lovely.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  16. I love you & your ideas...You make my days fun & I have someone that I look forward to seeing! ;-)

  17. I LOVE that look! Oh I hope they do well for you. Please be sure to share later in the summer.
    Wishing you An Extraordinary Day!

  18. I love hydrangeas and thing these endless summer blue ones will be great for your front porch. I would never think of planting them in an urn or planter though. Blessings, Pam

  19. Yvonne,
    Gorgeous blooms, dear friend!!!
    All ready the look against your stone is stunning!!!
    Please post more photos of your bushes as the Summer progresses!!!
    Have a marvelous weekend ahead!

  20. Oh how I love my everblooming hydrangeas. They are great! Isn't it fun to shop for summer plants to decorate our yards. Love it! Blessings to you, Patti

  21. This past year I left my hydrangeas in the pot out doors. They looked dead, but regrowth came as soon as Spring showed up. You may not have to plant, then dig up. Your son & his bride look so beautiful together! Congratulations!

  22. I'm interested in the procedure for un-potting the hydrangeas, and putting them in the ground. Do you leave them in the pot in the ground? Lovely, southern idea! I can't wait to see how you "aged" the urns/pots. Gorgeous!

    1. Here is the link to aging an urn with paint...

      I'll be planting my hydrangeas in pots again this summer... look for an upcoming post with all the info.
