Saturday, May 18, 2013


This summer's theme for my front porch is SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY. Even though I am not southern by birth... I like to think that I have a southern soul.

SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY is a nod to my new daughter-in-law and her wonderful family! And hospitality starts at the front door. 

So grab yourself some sweet tea and come up on the porch...

Nothing says "welcome to my home" like a big lush wreath on the front door. 

The large urns flanking the front door were filled with blue hydrangeas this year.  They remind me of the south for some reason! Maybe because Southern Living Magazine is filled with them this year!

Because I didn't want the wreath to compete with the beauty of the hydrangeas as they fill in and bloom, I kept it lush with lots of greens and just a touch of white blooms to add a little interest.

Of course, what is more southern than a monogram?  

Our monogram fills the center of the wreath.

Can you see the etched letter "P" on the right sidelight? The second widow from the top...  I saw this done in Savannah and loved it so much that I had one placed in my window too! 

As I say... My front door is always open to friends... old and new!

Look for an upcoming tutorial about putting together this summery southern inspired wreath.

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  1. Love your wreath! Your blog always makes my day. Have a great weekend.

  2. So pretty Yvonne! Your monogram wreath is a Southern Welcome for sure!!!

  3. Your wreath looks fabulous! Very pretty entry to your home.

    Have a good weekend!


  4. YOur wreath and arns look beautiful my friend!

  5. Gorgeous, Yvonne! I'm anxiously awaiting a wreath tutorial. :) I have been searching for a wreath idea for our farmhouse for the summer and you've nailed it! It's perfect! (I just hope it wasn't hard since I'm not good at that kind of thing. :) ) Pinned! ~Rachel @ The Olde Farmhouse {on Windmill Hill}

  6. Another beautiful wreath, so warm and welcoming fondly ~lynne~

  7. so pretty and welcoming, love that amazing wreath!!

  8. Very pretty. The hydrangeas will be stunning when in full bloom.
    Happy Weekend.

  9. Your wreath is gorgeous....and I am glad your door is open to friends. Be there in a few hours. : - p

    Hae a fabulous weekend, Yvonne!!

  10. It's "P"erfectly "P"lanted southern hospitality!

  11. Your wreath is stunning. I love it. Your urns are fabulous also. Hugs, Marty

  12. Beautiful wreath and I love the color of your front door.

    Can't wait to see the tutorial. I received a monogram
    as part of a Christmas present.

    Hope you can take some time to relax before your wedding
    next weekend.


  13. Absolutely beautiful wreath. You have nailed the southern thing. I live in Georgia and was born in Florida (about as southern as I can get). Can't wait for the tutorial on the wreath. You have such a beautiful home. Have a great week-end. Sheila

  14. Very nice and Southern-and I would know i am a proud GRITS-girl raised in the south! I love wreaths and love making them even better! Have a great weekend!

  15. Love it! I was born in the south but raised in California and l've always felt that I live in the wrong state. I monogram everything.

  16. Love it! I was born in the south but raised in California and l've always felt that I live in the wrong state. I monogram everything.

  17. Love it! I was born in the south but raised in California and l've always felt that I live in the wrong state. I monogram everything.

  18. So pretty Yvonne! I especially love green and wispy wreaths!

  19. Beautiful! I like to think of myself as a southern girl, too.

  20. Beautiful wreath, Yvonne! I love it so full and lush! And, your 'P' in the window is darling!~~Angela

  21. That wreath is just right for her door. I love it....

  22. Lovely wreath Yvonne. It says welcome, come on in.

  23. Yvonne, your home is a lovely welcome. I am certain the south would welcome you into the fold. There are so many wonderful traditions round the world. Blogging has opened our hearts and homes to so much beauty.

  24. This wreath is a stunner! Can't wait for the turorial. The hyndrangeas when they bloom will be beautiful.


  25. I will be looking forward to the tutorial. Can't wait to see my own blue hydrangea bloom this year!
    Beth P

  26. Hi, Yvonne! This really helps me out in making my decision about our front door monogram color. We have a white house with black shutters and a bright red door...classic Colonial style. I have been wavering about what color to paint the monogram that will adorn the wreath. I was leaning toward black to complement the shutters, but now I'm thinking white is the better choice. I guess it may also be more visible at night if it's white, too.

    LOVE the idea of the initial on the side panel window!!! I think that something I'd like to do to jazz up our entry. With the new paint job on the house, I want to make changes here and there to give the house a more welcoming look since we don't have an actual big porch. More "Southern" cum Cambridge, Mass. if you will! ;-)

    Pinning finger poised and ready to go! :-) Have a great week!

  27. As a southern girl from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, I have to say that you've achieved what you were striving for. It looks like a front porch right out of a southern neighborhood. Beautiful job.

  28. Beautiful Yvonne...your porch always says welcome...and you have my favorite items featured today...monograms and hydrangeas....A bit of "Southern" is always a good thing!!...

  29. Beautiful. My door is empty, but if I wait long enough I can use the 4th of July thing I made last year.


  30. We southerners do love our monograms!!! It's beautiful!

  31. Love it! May I ask where you got the pineapple plate on your door?

  32. Did you ever make a tutorial for this wreath? Ever considered making them to sell?

    1. No I did not post a tutorial for this wreath... and no, I don't sell them. I'm too busy with my blog! Thanks for asking!
