Saturday, May 4, 2013


I'm just a taddy bit overloaded these days! Lots of unfinished projects... and little time to tie up loose ends!

Do you ever feel like that?

When I get like this my motivation wains! Being overwhelmed = doing nothing!  Here's what I do to help put me back on track...


Re-read an old reliable book called


The premise of the book is... if you knew that you had to eat a frog every day... and some days that frog was very big, very juicy and very ugly... you should eat the frog first and get it out of the way! Now pretend the frog was the worst and hardest task you had that day... eat it first! Many of us get stuck (me, especially) thinking about all the hard things we have to do. It's better to use that energy and just do it. And do it purposefully! 

In three weeks and one day we are hosting a COUNTRY CELEBRATION here at StoneGable for Christopher and his new bride, Abigail.  So exciting!

Of course, I have lists as long as my arm for the Country Celebration... but I am eating them at a pretty good pace! Because of the celebration, the long list of other  "to-do's" have come to a halt!  I'm only nibbling on a couple of them until after the wedding.

Here is a list of the other "frogs" on my plate right now...

*Clean the garage~ this is a big, big, ugly frog that will wait...for now!

Here are a few things Bobby and I are working ...

*Finish the dining room chairs...

Two chairs done and two in progress. Four more to start...   BIG FROG! I told you it would take years!

*Make curtains for the living room and dining room...

Another monster frog!


*Find a bombay chest or another piece for the wall between the window and the door in living room and paint it...

I'm still on the hunt for that piece!

*Frame the beautiful sea fans from ETSY that go above the bombay chest I have yet to find!

*Strip the foyer, the stairs and the upstairs hall walls of the wallpaper and repaint them...

*Repaint the white buffet in the foyer Country Grey.

Here are just a few things we are working on with help...

*Paint the Family Room and Breakfast Area and Kitchen ...

Bobby has always done all the painting and wallpapering in our homes. But I finally convinced him to let someone else help us!

I love the Benjamin Moore Springfield Tan in these rooms... but my family room is too dark! I just can't go through another season with a dark room.

May 13th our painter will be here to transform those rooms... so I will have to pick out the right color by then. This is not easy for me. I'm not good at seeing a small patch of color and deciding if it is perfect for the entire room!

* Knock out the wall in the family room and add big big windows and transoms!  This is on the two year plan. Bobby is not quite ready to take a bite out of this project. I may need to sugar coat that frog!

*And because the family room connects with the breakfast room and the kitchen... it all must be painted.

* New garage doors..,.

One of our garage door finally bit the dust. I ran into it years ago and we keep getting it fixed... but those days are over! So it needs to be replaced. 

It seems like everything at StoneGable is beginning to wear out. We have lived large here for 18 years and now we are in replacement and redo mode!

 I'm thinking carriage house garage doors will look nice on our garage. 

* Front porch stairs repaired... for some reason, this winter was really hard on or stone and slate stairs.

The mortar has begun to crumble. They need to totally be redone! I am still negotiating a price.

*Outside beds mulched and weeded. We have done this ourselves for years and years. Last year we had someone else do it... and it was so freeing!!! This year we will be able to use that time to get our veggie garden planted.

Lots and lots of BIG FROGS here at StoneGable! 

Because each project is so big, we are choosing one and eating it one bite at a time until it is done! 

The first frog will be the curtains... and the ongoing project of the dining room chairs.

In the book, EAT THAT FROG, the author tells how to break down big jobs so they can be handled or "eaten" in little bites. I have followed this formula for years! This is a great reminder for me. When I am overwhelmed, it's good to have the steps to get moving and motivated again!

Click HERE to see the book.

Do you ever get overwhelmed? What productive things do you do to get moving in the right direction? Please share!!!

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  1. Oh my, Yvonne! I am exhausted just reading your to do list. Glad you have help with at least some of it. I get overwhelmed with things that need to be done but I try to remember the good advice my Mom gave me. She said that any time things seems out of control and too big to accomplish, take a big breath, slow down and just think about one thing at a time. Everything will get done and there will be less stress. Looking at the whole picture can be very overpowering. Hope this helps!

  2. Hi Yvonne! I do what you do but I don't necessarily tackle the most overwhelming tasks first although sometimes I do. But I do break them down in easy steps as you do. That way they don't overwhelm me so much. When I need a break, I like to watch a funny sitcom. Something silly that makes me laugh or I will sit and do a few Sudoku puzzles. Nothing gets me out of the doldrums faster than a few brain exercises. I know there's a scientific reason for this but I haven't looked into it. I just know it works.

  3. I have to ask...aside from your 2 yr projects, are you trying to do ALL this before the Country Celebration?? I can't imagine! Even on a good day :)

    I can relate to the never ending to do list. What frustrates me most is remembering how I used to zip thru projects in no time. Being 55 just doesn't get it anymore no matter how much denial I apply ;)

    Perusing blogs doesn't help either but sure is fun lol ;)

  4. I don't think I could eat that many frogs Yvonne! I am still marveling that you started those dining room chairs while wedding plans were going on! I do agree though, do the least attractive task first and feel great the rest of the day! I divided my "want to do" list into months back in January and assigned a big task to each month. It has helped keep me on track and actually do more because I love checking things off! If something hasn't gotten done yet it's usually because something else bigger did so that's a WIN WIN! I can't wait to read all about your Country Celebration and I do know you will eat all those big frogs! {I will never think of a frog the same way again :)}

  5. Whew!!! I need a coffee just reading your to do list. ohmygosh!!
    Mine is getting a bit on the long side. Must find that book. Seems like all of a sudden May is the month for marriages. We are celebrating with our eldest and Bride on Saturday. I am so happy.Then the HUGE project of getting their new home ready and get them moved in. Sooo, in the meantime, my projects are on hold.
    Eat that frog!! One nibble at a time.
    Hugs, Gee

  6. If someone had a gun to my head I couldn't eat a frog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO way:):) However, I do make lISTS....lots and lots of lists. I also have lists in my head. I get overwhelmed too. There is too much to do and NOT enough hours in the day. Off to a wedding now:):) XO, Pinky

  7. Lists and lists. And I know the celebration will be fab and everyone will enjoy it so much! Okay, I would hide the chairs not done in the garage where I would "never" allow anyone but my daughter to go into during the big celebration! Or anywhere in the house! Our house is in the same shape, lovingly worn out. My lists is long so the church youth work teams from the auction for missions, I got 2, will take care of some of it especially the seasonal. The major ones needing professionals do take so much time getting estimates, etc and to plan out and proritize. Reminds me of when we did our kitchen the month of Nancy's wedding and found if you give kitchen a new floor then you have to....

  8. LOL! I make LISTS too, but then I LOSE the lists!!
    I LOVE your blog

  9. Oh my, you'll need a celebration when u r all finished. To make u a tad bit better, we all do the same thing. Good luck.

  10. So glad I am not the only one who is overwhelmed with projects! We just sat outside and made our "frog" list, also. I totally understand about things falling apart after a certain amount of time, the same is happening to us. BUT -- I hope you are not too exhausted when the time comes to enjoy your party, it's a once in a lifetime thing! No one will notice if there are a few weeds in your beautiful garden Yvonne! Your home will be stunning even if the wallpaper isn't replaced, trust me :)
    xo, Andrea

  11. Running into garage doors must be a "Lancaster County" thing...I ran into my brothers (he lives in Holtwood) garage door about 4 years ago, when I was visiting him!! Lol


  12. oh my I don't think there's enough frogs! lol! that book has my interest peeked for sure lol!

  13. Wow , what a lot to take on at one time. You are braver than me. I have been trying to pick out new furniture for our family room for a few weeks now. I think I would like traditional leather in there as it has a library feel. I do not want to spend several thousand dollars and then not like it. I have nerer had such a hard time decorating any room before now .
    Good luck getting every thing finished on time. Yarlette

  14. I've got the "garage frog" too. And more. I do like to make lists, too. How great when I can scratch something off. Good are such a capable woman!

  15. Oh my! I thought I was bad! I have lists and lists! What I am best at? Making lists!
    I am planning a shindig here in June. I am trying to get things done, washing and painting all the wicker early, thn wrapping it as the pollen invasion won't end till early June.
    We used to do the truckloads of mulch ourselves too, but it got to be too much. That was done today, so next week I can put in the annuals.
    My biggest worry is the weather! There will be around 25 little kids and 65 adults. Even with a tent it will be a problem. I am doing a rain date for the next day.
    Dumpster coming this week to tackle the garage. We have to pay by the bag to get rid of stuff here, so a dumpster is the only way toget rid of wood, etc
    I know your country reception will be fabulous! Would love to hear about your plans for decor and food.
    I'm doing a beach theme , it will be our little gson's first bday celebration, so lots of blue and white!
    Good luck to both of us! I think my get up and go, got up and went. :)

  16. Frog legs are a Cajun-French speciality. Eating those legs would be tasty. But, your projects are all so big! You are eating the whole frog. Good luck. I know that you will have the most important things done in plenty of time for the great celebration.


  17. I have some frogs too (House & Garden - everywhere) . So "glad" that I`m not the only one ! I love your blog and asked myself "How can she handle all that ? " In my opinion , people with lots of creativity have unfortunately "sometimes" a herd of onlooking frogs around them... They try to eat you & your ideas ! So lets`s catch the frogs, calm down & carry on.... (easy words- I know...)
    I think, I`ll work a little in the garden followed by building a little on my book cases , daily stuff like horses & Co clean up.... Happy Sunday !


  18. Your celebration for the newlyweds sounds fantastic Yvonne. But you certainly have a long list of frogs. I have a long list as well, returning to a house after six months and putting it and the grounds back together. My mother would say I have "bitten off more than I can chew." Another friend calls it "one forest at a time." My husband says "there's always tomorrow."

    Have a lovely weekend.

  19. My goodness you are busy! Your home always inspires me. I love the cozy nooks you have created.

  20. I grew up with a similar concept. "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time"! To this day when overwhelmed I grab a big project (life?) And bit by bit bite by bite get it done.

  21. I am exhausted reading your list. However can't wait to see the finished dining room and curtains. Have you searched for a Bombay chest? They have some nice ones.

  22. I meant to add that be sure to paint a large sample of the paint on the wall and see how it looks at different times of the day before choosing. Don't go by the tiny swatch. You probably know that but most of us won't do that. It's worth the time and effort though. Ask at the paint store for the samples of designer's favorite colors.

  23. What a list! I think you are smart to plan things out a little at a time. Sometimes looking at the big picture hinders more than helps! My garage and garage doors are just awful...I wish I could wave a magic wand and they would be clean and restored! Ha! Good luck with everything. You have a busy but very fun summer ahead!

  24. I have a yard filled with frogs!...but I seem to be only able to eat the "frog legs" these days...I always say I must stay focused, but "life" sometimes gets in the way...I planned to sit down to a gourmet frog dinner today, but a "sweet little voice" on the phone today asked if she could I shall put the "gourmet frog dinner" away and have leftovers tomorrow...The book sounds great..will have to check it out!! Have a great "dinner" today Yvonne....

  25. Yvonne,
    I truly enjoyed this post, dear friend!!!
    I make my "To Do" list and revise often. . .
    for "Mr. Ed" I make a "Honey~Do" list!!!
    I always limit his list to "Three Things Per Month"!!!
    After reading your recent post, I'm thinking a breakfast
    of Cinnamon & Sugar Breadstick Focaccia might help
    him to "Eat That Frog"!!! ;)

  26. I get everything rolling around in my head onto paper. Then I seperate it into two lists. Everything that requires 1 or 2 steps goes on the To Do list but everything requiring several steps goes on a Master Projects list. Projects needing many steps get a list of their own. This method comes from Glynnis Whitwer's book, I Used to be So Organized. Works extremely well.

  27. I love to paint white old stuff. It looks elegant and yet simple.

  28. Normally we have to decorate our home in a wonderful way and the interior designs should be perfect. Your home really inspires everyone and loves your writing.

  29. Bless your heart!! I do the same, but at a much slower rate.....delegate that garage duty to your husband...

  30. Yvonne:

    That list has many, many LARGE frogs on it. I hope a bit of that is going on the two year list.

    The painter is coming to my house on May 13th also! I planned it so it would be after the Senior Citizen Tea, but I didn't think about Mother's Day. I just spent the day unloading all of the china, glassware, etc. that I hide in my living room into the dining room. I'm also in the process of finalizing colors.

    I've been kicking myself for planning this, but I want it done before my son's graduation so I keep pushing. I just wish I wasn't the only one in my house pushing!

    Good luck with all of the planning of the reception. I'm guess that's not a frog, but I guess parts of it could be!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper
