Friday, May 31, 2013


This recipe was a fantastic serendipity! 

I was putting away 6 dozen wide mouth quart ball jars from the weekend's wedding celebration and had a big pot of chili cooking away on the stove. 

Inspiration struck and the chili ended up in the jars with a big dollop of corn bread batter on the top of it...

YUMMY... and F-U-N! 

This is my new favorite way to serve Chili and Cornbread!

I also tweaked my usual StoneGable Chili recipe too...

I had leftover baked beans from our Wedding Celebration this weekend and used them in the chili.

The worked wonderfully!!!  If you have leftover baked beans just substitute them for the beans in your favorite chili recipe and OLE' ... they make the chili simply delicious!!! I usually cook my chili in a slow cooker, but this time I made it on the stove.

If you don't have a favorite Chili recipe... give one of mine a try...


Make the chili and your favorite cornbread batter...



use a package of Jiffy Cornbread... it tastes pretty good too!

Fill the wide mouth quart jars to within 2 inches of the top with hot chili and add 1/2 cup of the cornbread batter to the jar. Fill to just below the top. The cornbread will not rise very much.

Bake in a 350 degree oven for 20-30 minutes until the cornbread is done.  

You could also garnish the top with a dollop of sour cream and chopped green onions. I served mine on the side!



  1. How hungry am I now? I wish I could get cornmeal in the UK. Really miss cornbread and Hush Puppies and such deliciousness. I love this serving in a Mason jar, a brilliant alternative for a picnic dish, you are so clever to come up with these ideas.

  2. Clever! Looks yummy too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I have to try this. So clever using the canning jars!

  4. I guess I would have thought baking the jars would break them...this is clever!

  5. You are just so awesome... Its fun how mason jars are all the rage and you've taken it to an even cooler level (love how you tied the spoon on the side...wonder if a plastic one would melt--just had sort of an accident like that at my last party).

    I'm pinning this and hope to try it soon while my son is home from college...he and his friends will love this.

  6. Yvonne, My husband and I love your cornbread recipe. I'll have to try your chili recipe and add the cornbread on top. So creative in the mason!!

  7. Hello,

    This is a mega awesome idea! In fact, a great one to give as gifts at 4th of July, Canada Day...Christmas time, Super Bowl... It already has the matching colours!

    Have a great weekend!


  8. Hello again,

    Just to let you know that your Pink button didn't work...I pinned this recipe manually.
    You were already famous! :o)


  9. Wow a fun and clever way to serve chili! So pretty too! Going to try this one next time I have friends over!
    Thanks for sharing!!
    Miss Bloomers

  10. Yvonne~ I had to stop and pin before I could comment! I'm obsessed with jars, LOVE the chili/cornbread combo! So delicious, clever and fun too!

  11. A fun and pretty presentation Yvonne! Love beans any way I can get 'em-Happy Weekend:@)

  12. YUMMMM! Love this idea. If it wasn't so HOT I might do this.Waiting til Fall:):) XOXO

  13. Yvonne,
    Yummmmm!! This is a great and really clever way to serve up chili. How fun thanks for sharing.

  14. Oh, this sounds delicious and so cute in the jars with the spoon attached! Love this clever bit of fun and inspiration. I'll give it a try!

  15. What a great idea to top the chili with the cornbread. You are so creative Yvonne. And the presentation is fabulous.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend and that you're feeling better. Thinking of you.

  16. Now your talk'n! and I pinned it.


  17. Now, I just LOVE a spontaneous inspiration! Brilliant!

  18. Yvonne, when I click on the sweet cornbread recipe link, it only gives the white chili recipe. Can I have your sweet cornbread recipe?

    1. Yup, I'd like the cornbread recipe too, please. The link still goes to chili. :(

  19. Love chili and love cornbread...fantastic idea..great presentation!!...

  20. Oh...I think I want some right now. Love this idea! So fun for a fall get together!

  21. So clever, as always, Yvonne! This is my pick for my Recipe feature at the Creative HomeAcre Blog Hop this morning! Thanks so much for always sharing such special ways to serve and entertain!
    xoxo, Andrea

  22. What a beautiful way to serve a country favorite! I have Pinned this recipe for future get-togethers...or maybe just for the hubby and I at home :-)

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  24. Make a nice fresh Clam Chowder, put in Canning jar. I top mine with chopped green onion, and some crumbled bacon! Keep hot in a hot water bath! When ready, top with oyster crackers! This is great for around a campfire!

  25. Hi Yvonne,
    I just love your Chili and Cornbread in a Jar, it is awesome and looks just delicious, I can't wait to taste it. Thank you so much for sharing it with The Texas Star Chili Cook Off and the best of luck to you!
    Miz Helen

  26. Please share your cornbread recipe. The link brings you to the chili recipe:)

  27. Oh, what a fun idea! We love chili and cornbread, so now I can combine the two!

  28. So very often I like to cook and then take to my friends house around the corner. After seeing this post, I thought, Why not make the chili ahead and just before going over I could take the mason jars out of the fridge and put the cornbread mixture on top. Then when I got over we could throw them in the oven that way everything would be hot when we are ready to eat!!!!! Brilliant idea Thank you

  29. I've made these. They are unreal! This chili recipe is now my go to recipe. I was never a real fan of chili, but with this recipe it is so delicious! And the cornbread on top is genius! Great recipe for the summer picnics, or anytime!
