Saturday, April 20, 2013


I just gave my kitchen a good spring cleaning... scrubbed down the cabinets, polished the countertops...dusted the chandy... cleaned out drawers and cabinets... and about a hundred other little jobs!

It's sparkling clean and organized... at least for today.

This is a great time to share our spring kitchen...

The kitchen is truly the heart of our home! And where I spend a good deal of my time.

Because it is a farmhouse kitchen I try to keep it pretty free of clutter and chachkies.. I like the feel of open spaces and lots of counter space.

Everything on the counters is utilitarian. But who says utilitarian can't be pretty?

The island is the exception. I like to decorate it with seasonal things...

Two large vases filled with white spring blooms give a nod to the flowering trees outside. 

Freshly hung aprons, my at-home uniform, hang on plate hooks.   I have aprons for every season... and wear them every day!

The breakfast area just off the kitchen gets a little bit of spring too.

I love this big round basket! It is just the right size for a vignette on my kitchen table.

I change small things up quite often and poor Bobby is always saying, "now where are we putting this?".

I recently purchased a mug rack from world market for our coffee station... and he had to get used to putting the WHITE mugs on it instead of in the cupboard. Bless his sweet heart!

As spring turns to early summer, I'll be adding herb pots and baskets of fresh produce to the farmhouse kitchen!

For now, I'm enjoying the open spaces and the canopy of blooms!

Remember to

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  1. Hi Yvonne! Oh, your kitchen is just a dream! It's sparkly clean and not to mention, most gorgeous! I love all the space you have and your decorations are so beautiful! You're blessed, my friend.
    Have a wonderful weekend and be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Dear Yvonne, Your blog has to be my favorite! You offer so many wonderful ideas. I look forward to each and every posting. Your kitchen has inspired me to change mine. I painted cabinets, put up beadboard on backsplash.I am from Pa as well about 50 miles south of Pittsburgh, I travel to Lancaster at least once a year, it is a beautiful area. Please keep your posts coming.

  3. Yvonne, you have my dream kitchen. It is beautiful.

  4. What an inspiration! Everything is beautiful and makes me happy just to look at it! :-) My kitchen island is the part that I keep absolutely clear of anything. Unfortunately, the top of the microwave is where so much stuff gets stashed for sorting later...or later...or later.

    I love the white cupboards.

  5. Lovely kitchen Yvonne. Are your counrtops Carrara Msrble, they are so beautiful,

  6. Your kitchen is gorgeous! I went through a big cleaning and organizing week in my kitchen but unfortunately, my kitchen doesn't look as nice as yours! You have inspired me to add some spring accents to freshen things up.

  7. Simply gorgeous. Love all your choices. Thanks for sharing.

  8. What an over the top gorgeous kitchen - LOVE those aqua vases on the island!
    Have a great wknd - hugs

  9. Your farmhouse kitchen is beautiful, love the added spring touches, lovely!

  10. I love your kitchen, it is gorgeous and you do have it decorated so perfectly. Love that round tray on the table. Hugs, Marty

  11. Pretty kitchen yvonne. Now that yours is clean would you mind coming over to help with mine.

  12. Such a pretty Kitchen, Yvonne, Love the big vase with the Spring branches such a pretty touch on top of your shiny black granite! You have been one very busy lady, doesn't it feel good to have that all done? Enjoy your nice clean, Springy kitchen,

  13. I so love your entire home and kitchen Yvonne its beautiful!
    We just recently finished our kitchen (the sweet hubs did the entire re-do) and like you, I love being in there puttering, cleaning and organizing!
    Your blog is truly one of may all time favorites to read and I look forward to it popping into my inbox daily!
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful home!

  14. Yvonne, you have one of THE most beautiful kitchens and your Spring touches are gorgeous! I love the clear jugs on your island with spring blooms ... and, your coffee mug holder is such a fun addition, too. Your blue and white pieces are perfection ...

  15. Your kitchen is the most beautiful kitchen I've ever seen and is my absolute favorite! I love the functionality and placement of everything. As a cook I look for kitchens I can use for inspiration in my own and yours tops them all. My kitchen is my favorite room in my house and I, too, love puttering about in it, reorganizing, experimenting and cooking. Thank you for sharing your beautiful home with us. Have a great weekend.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Yes ditto on what Susan in the previous comment has said!

    Your photos of the kitchen Yvonne are just stunning! You have not only a beautiful talent for decorating but also you are a true talent behind a camera!
    Enjoy your clean kitchen (even if it for just the day...LOL) and have a wonderful weekend! See you tomorrow evening at your On the Menu Monday party!
    XO Barbara

  18. Yvonne, your Spring kitchen is just wonderful! I get so much inspiration each time I visit! Love those gorgeous vases on the island; and the vignette on the kitchen table! As always, everything looks beautiful!

  19. Good morning Yvonne. Your kitchen is beautiful. But the thing about it, not only is it beautiful... but functional. :-) A working kitchen. Everything in it's place.
    That makes it more beautiful to me.
    I too spend most of my time on mine... and can appreciate the functionality as a part of it beauty.
    have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for sharing ...
    Hugs, Gee

  20. Yvonne, you kitchen looks so beautiful and cheery with all it's spring décor.

  21. I did the same thing yesterday!!!! You know I love your kitchen. And YOU!!!:):):)

  22. Beautiful springtime kitchen.

    I love what you said about your husband. My husband says the same thing...often. My whole family probably feel like they stay on a treasure hunt looking for where something has been moved to.

    God bless you on this gorgeous spring day.

  23. Yvonne, you are inspiring me to get busy on spring cleaning here. Your farmhouse kitchen is definitely one to admire!

  24. Yvonne, your kitchen is beautiful. I laughed at your comment about Bobby not knowing where to put things. It happens at our house all the time. I'm thankful to have a husband who puts up with all of my changes too. Have a great weekend.

  25. How absolutely beautiful! Your kitchen looks so warm and inviting and so beautiful! I love those blossoming branches!

  26. I love your beautiful blog It’s exactly what I was looking for!nice job for posting this.

  27. I have long admired your kitchen. Nothing feels quite as refreshing as a good spring cleaning! Our kitchen is literally torn out, awaiting a complete reno (we're down to the studs in some places). The drywalling, electrical etc starts next week. We are doing lots of BBQing lately =)

  28. Your kitchen is just awesomely beautiful!

  29. Gorgeous kitchen-I like space and function melded with pretty also.
    Love your aprons.

  30. I love your kitchen. It always looks so nice. I love the mug rack and everything else. Yvonne I have soapstone to, but what do you use on yours. Oil, Wax? They look wonderful.

    1. I use mineral oil... I go over it about once a week. It really leaves a beautiful finish.

    2. Thanks, I do the same. Your kitchen looks wonderful, I love everything about it.

  31. Your kitchen is beautiful! I love the plate hooks for your aprons and the big vases with Spring flowers. Everything looks so fresh and clean. Thanks for sharing and blessings, Patti

  32. Oh my your kitchen is just gorgeous. SO many things I love Yvonne. I love the light over the sink, the bar stools, the apron holder, the plates,just EVERTHING! So pretty. Have a great weekend!~

  33. Your kitchen looks amazing! Oh, how mine needs a good scrubbing! Life to the full! Melissa

  34. Spring cleaning makes everything feel so fresh! I agree with you...utilitarian can be beautiful. Love the large filled vases on the island!

  35. That's one sparkling kitchen. I love the dark countertops, and white cabinets.


  36. Such a beautiful Spring kitchen! You encourage us all to do Spring claning.

    It's wonderful to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescape

  37. I love your kitchen yvonne. It is so charming. what a pleasure it must be to cook in. Looking foreward to seeing the rest of your home when you get all your remodeling finished.

  38. Your kitchen is exceptionally beautiful, Yvonne, and I know it is the heart of your home with your love of cooking and entertaining. Gosh, I'd love to see it in person...beautiful!

    My problem is that my kitchen is Command Central. The functional things I use don't always blend with the things I love to look at...clutter accumulates so easily. Sometimes it seems to be an office and a catch all for mail and ongoing projects. If you haven't done so, maybe you can give us some hints on how you organize and keep your kitchen free of the non~essentials that take away from the true beauty of your working space.


  39. Ivonne, your kitche is gorgeous! Your arrangements make it even more beautiful and I'm sure your kitche is your fav place, as you are such a chef! Can't wait to see what your remodeligs are goig to look like! Have a blessed Sunday.

  40. You have such a beautiful kitchen! If you get a chance, please link this to my linky party:

  41. Yvonne, you have such a beautiful spring kitchen. I wondered if you made your plate hooks that you hang your aprons on? I would like to know how to make one. I enjoy using seasonal kitchen towels. I'm always ready for the next season by the time it comes.

  42. Gorgeous kitchen Yvonne! Love your whites with black counters, the pop of blue & white...gorgeous!
    Hope you'll come share at Amaze Me Monday, link goes up this afternoon!

  43. Your kitchen is wonderful, Yvonne. Energizing!
    LOVE those plate hooks., too Did you make them?
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  44. Love your checked shade over the sink and the large clear vases with stems just scream clean, fresh & spring! So pretty! Such a great feeling to know everything is so clean...I think I'll go clean my kitchen...:)

  45. beautiful. Its as pretty as it is welcoming and warm. Hope the sun is shining and that you get to enjoy a lazy and relaxing Sunday!!

  46. Yvonne, your farmhouse kitchen is just Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! It's my dream to one day have a farmhouse kitchen.
    Love your blog and look forward to your posts. Thanks for sharing with us.
    Have a Blessed Day,

  47. It’s exactly what I was looking nice job for posting this.Thanks lot for this useful article, nice post

  48. All I'm gonna say is that's one beautiful kitchen.

  49. Yvonne,
    I found you at Pamela's How I found my style series and just love your home and your blog. I am a new follower. Gorgeous home. So pretty and cozy. Love it.

  50. Your kitchen is just wonderful. The plate hooks are really cute.

  51. Yvonne,
    Bright, light, sunny and showcasing Seasonal blossoms of Spring!!!
    I had to chuckle..."Mr. Ed" asks the same question as Bobby!!!

  52. You make me laugh! My poor husband adjusts well to changes here, too. Bless their hearts! I love your plate hooks for aprons. I love the idea of keeping my aprons out in the open. Did you attach the plates to the hooks yourself (you are so talented, I would not be surprised!)

  53. Everything looks gorgeous, such a beautiful kitchen. Love the lighting and that light over your sink. Great vignettes. Such inspiration.


  54. What a beautiful kitchen! I love it all. I am so interested to know where you got the lovely white dishes with curvy edges? I am looking for a cottagey set of white dishes and love those!

  55. Love your kitchen table and chairs...just what I am looking for. Any chance you would share the manufacturer and details? Thank you for all the fun ideas!!!

  56. Yvonne, I just happen to lurk on your Blog!! I can't say what a Blessing and inspiration reading your blog mean to me. Love, Love everything I can just venture off into a land of peace reading and looking at every thing. God Bless

  57. Yvonne your "Spring" kitchen looks beautiful...but it's beautiful no matter what the season! I LOVE the large jars filled with the white branches on your island!

  58. Your kitchen is gorgeous! I'm loving the cute. I pretty much love your entire kitchen and I wish I could put big vases of flowering branches on my kitchen my house my teenage boys would be like."what the heck?! I can't see!" lol. I'm sure my husband would be the same way. Oh well, I love how it looks though.
    Hello from the Mega Spring Link!
    Leelee @

  59. Hi Yvonne, I was wondering if you could share what type of flower sprigs you are using in your kitchen(white) and dining room(yellow). I love them.

    1. The spring sprigs came from HomeGoods. I was just there today and they had lots and lots of them. I think they look like apple blossoms or white cherry blossoms.

  60. Your kitchen is my dream kitchen! I would so love to have that island with barstools. The whole layout is so conducive to hanging out and working together. It's just gorgeous, Yvonne!
