Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Happy New Year!!!!

I hope this year holds much joy for all of you!

Have you made any New Year's Resolutions?  Many people don't anymore... but I like to think of a new year as a fresh start! A little retrospection and change is good for all of us!

Even if I don't keep all of my New Year's Resolutions a few might stick and I'll be better for it!

Here are a few of my NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS ...

This is my year of ORGANIZATION! It's amazing to me how things can get so unorganized... so quickly!!! I really love to organize... but being a creative person I can become very unorganized if left to my natural tendencies! And nothing kills my motivation like disorganization!

This is the year to GIVE AWAY, THROW AWAY AND PUT AWAY... and keep doing it!

* I have already started this first resolution... keep my e-mail inboxes under control! I have one for my personal use and one for StoneGable. They can get pretty full... I just went through my StoneGable account and cleaned it up... feels great! Now I just have to keep it up!

* Organize my kitchen cabinets and pantry... AGAIN!  Next week everything is coming out and I am re arranging! My kitchen is not too bad, but it could stand a good cleaning and a little reorganization.

* Clean out the garage. It has become a MESS... and it is all MY mess!  I volunteer Bobby for that job! Sorry, honey! (Delegation was a resolution a couple of years ago).

*Organize the basement.  This will certainly be a year long project!!! I have this most wonderful idea in my head of how it should look... sorta like a store with shelves and isles.  Every week I would like to have 3 "dates" with my basement...

*Make lists... Lists motivate me. I love to check off what I have accomplished! Now I just need to remember to look at them!!!

* Practice generosity! I am so blessed... I want to have a generous spirit and bless others!

* Make a plan! Things don't just happen. Having a realistic plan and sticking to it will go a long, long way to help accomplish any of these resolutions!

That's it... believe me, it's probably more than I can handle! I feel good about having goals! I like having something to work towards!

How about you? Have you made any New Year's resolutions?


  1. I blogged my resolutions too! Some are simple and will bring pleasure, others will be year long, and I keep adding to the list, like smiling and greeting strangers, which I did this morning on my way to church to light candles . . it is amazing to see the looks on all the faces when you do such a simple thing. Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! Happy New Year . .
    Deborah C♥

  2. This post has really motivated me to get organized too. I'm one of those people who never make new years resolutions. What's the use? I never follow through. But I try. I do need to get organize. This new house, my life . . . I'm I too old to do that now? Anyway, your blogs are so uplifting and inspiring!!! Happy New Year, Yvonne!

  3. Happy, Happy New YEAR!!!

    What a great list! Organization topped mine, but finally doing a few things to make this house we moved into 9 months ago our home is really big for me this year.

    Enjoy your day and I look forward to follow along with you this New year!

  4. Sounds very similar to my list! LOL I agree about email, when I get behind it's a nightmare. Good luck with your resolutions and Happy New Year!

  5. Yep, this is my plan too! I understand, relate, totally get it! I have even started a post about it but keep bumping it back on the calendar because I can't even finish my proposed organization plan...Sigh...I'm procrastinating already...being creative is much more FUN! I hope you will post your organization projects to motivate all of us! My to do list will post Jan. 9 and I WILL NOT push this back further, you've inspired me!
    Happy Organizing,

  6. Hi Yvonne, Instead of precise resolutions I make lists. List making is in my blood and I see it in my kids too!! I like the precision of lists because I can see progress as I cross out the things I accomplish. Of course, more items are always being added, so the list is never gone! Last year doing the basement was on my list and we put up shelves along the sides. If you are an organizing addict like me go to The Container Store. You will think you are in organizer's heaven. Have a wonderful, happy and healthy 2013! Linda

  7. These are wonderful resolutions, Yvonne. I don't make resolutions, although I always start off the year saying I'm going to be more organized. I like to go through our things, too, and either donate, give to my daughter or just get rid of what we are not using. This goes hand in hand with using more of what I have already before going to buy new. I start this week by putting away the Christmas decor and giving away those decorations I haven't used in the past two years.

  8. When you get through organizing your mess please come do mine. I am so unorganized, too. Must be the creativity thing like you said. I did clean out a bunch of stuff yesterday and took it to GW for tax purposes. Now I need to tackle my hoarding room. It is a real problem.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Hoarding room -- my new favorite phrase. It gives my mess a name. :)

  9. This is a great resolution list Yvonne. I wish you well in keeping at it. :) I guess my 'resolution' is to lose weight. I think that is everyone's but at my age it is much easier to put it on than to take it off. I need to eat more healthy and cut out the sweets that I love so much, and to exercise more which means less time sitting at the computer. That will be tough. :) Blessings to you and yours for this new year. Pamela

  10. I am with you!! I hope you Blog about it all year as you are accomplishing it. I will need MUCH encouragement to turn my hoarding and scattered ways around!!

  11. I am working on similar resolutions, but I am going to steal your practice generosity thought. I always try to think of this, maybe writing it down will keep it in my mind.

  12. I make goals and choose a word for the year. I'm with you on the basement organization! It's a big job but will be so wonderful when done!
    hugs, Linda

  13. Give Away, Throw Away & Put Away. Absolutely!
    I'm writing a song with these words...:)'s

  14. My resolution (and mantra for 2013) is to follow the words of Mother Theresa, "to do small things with great love". All the best to you in the new year!

  15. I enjoyed reading your list of resolutions. I don't make them anymore. I just gave up trying to keep up with them a long time ago. I love making lists. The only problem is that I get carried away and when I'm making a list, I see myself in my mind's eye just flying around doing everything. Then I put my pen down and get up from my chair and, somehow, I don't seem to fly as fast as I used to nor to accomplish as much in a day. Believe me, we don't move as quickly in our seventies as we do in our forties, fifties, even sixties. Nevertheless, I love lists and I will always make them.

    It must be difficult keeping up with a huge house like yours. I think you do a splendid job of it. I only have a small apartment and it seems I never stop. I would like to wish you a very Happy New Year. May all your dreams come true and may all the things on your list get done. Thank you for providing such a helpful blog. Have a wonderful day!

  16. Yvonne,
    I am so glad that you came back to our blog world! You keep our eyes, our hearts, our tummies and most importantly, "our spirit", so wonderfully fed!
    Happy New Year to you, and all at your table under the Stone Gable!

  17. Hi Yvonne,
    What an inspiring post! My Basement is on my list for 2013 as well. I have some Gorilla shelving from Costco that I am going to put to good use. It holds so much ;0)!
    All the Best,

  18. No resolutions but I'd like to learn to make great dinner rolls from scratch, preferably ones that can be frozen and used as needed. Sounds like your list will keep you very busy Yvonne-Happy New Year:@)

  19. Happy New Year Yvonne! Wishing you every blessing in 2013.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  20. I have SOOOO many things I want to do in the coming year, it is a little daunting! But I do make lists and love checking things off. I want to get my dish room, DONE and organized but need to buy 2 or 3 more shelving units. The basement is almost organized....til we get the rest of the stuff from Joe's cousins:(:( I may just load it all in the car and take it to GW!!!!!!!! Happy, happy new year my friend. YOU are one of my many blessings. XO

  21. Hi Yvvonne and happy new year. I am often referred to as the queen of lists...love em and can't live without them!
    One of my many goals is also to be a lot more organized. I want perfectly clean and orgainzed closets, drawers, etc...and that applies to my car too (which often looks like a packed office on wheels)

    Wishing you all great things for the year ahead, cheers to 2013!

  22. Happy, happy new year 2013. I wish you lots of dreams, ideas, health and luck. Renata

  23. Happy New Year Yvonne!! Your list sounds just like mine LOL!!

  24. I haven't made resolutions for many years. I inevitably fail and then I just feel disappointed in myself and that makes me feel bad. For the past few years, I've chosen a word for the year - or rather the word has chosen me. This year my word is Courage.

  25. Yvonne, those are some great resolutions! I actually posted mine today...no more saving the "good stuff" just for company/entertaining; and since we're going to be using the "good stuff" now, I am determined to entertain more! I'm looking forward to all of your wonderful posts in 2013. Happy New Year!

  26. Yvonne~ I'm a great list maker, not follower! I'm still in the putting away stage after Christmas and hope to move on to throwing and giving away next. Thanks for all the inspiration you provide each week! Wishing you a Healthy & Happy Year of Organization!

  27. Be sure and post your basement progress/ideas! :-) That is my main home project this year - to tackle my basement.

  28. Oh I'd just sit at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and staring off in space without my lists to tell me what to do-LOL
    Happy New Year

  29. Yvonne,
    GREAT list...
    now start checking things off, dear friend!!!
    I, especially, liked the one about having "dates" with your basement!!!
    That's exactly where I've spent the last three days!
    Organizing the storage shelves in Studio One!
    Yeah...I can check that one off my "to do" list!!!
    Keep inspiring us with your creative ideas in 2013!
    I need all the help I can to "check things off" my list!!!

  30. We have promised to clean out the storage area over our dining room
    plus the closet room that once was a very small bedroom for our middle
    son. Hubby redid the room with two cabinets and lots of shelves with
    plastic containers. Unfortunately he has stored lots of things that he can't
    leave in the shed all winter so you can't even walk into the room.

    So he started at the end of last week. He has made two trips to the town dumps,
    two trips to Goodwill donating a set of dishes, everyday silverware, books.

    Today he cleaned out a cabinet and I had to approve everything that he boxed up
    for the Lupus foundation. They need dishes desperately so we have service for 16
    that we got a few years ago for Thanksgiving so they are all packed up and we are
    waiting for our two sons to come next Sunday to carry them down so they can go out
    Jan 8th to be picked up.

    We still have lots to do in the area over the dining room. Old Christmas trees, ornaments
    and law books from another son that he will also take to goodwill.

    He has made a nice start so hopefully we will continue cleaning out and making more room
    Tieing up all my old magazines for the recycleing this Thursday evening.

    Hope you have a Happy Healthy and wealthy New Year.


  31. No resolutions...I just need to stay positive and persevere. I would like to paint my sewing room but it almost seems like a job that's too big for me right now. It may have to wait. :o) Happy New Year Yvonne...

  32. Organizing is oneof those things that go right along with doing laundry and eating...what I mean by that, is that we have to do it on a regular basis. I does feel good to have things under "control". Cheers to a very organized 2013!

  33. Yvonne, I finished cleaning my basement tonight! I spent about 5 hours cleaning and reorganizing the finished side of the basement. I moved everything and wiped walls and baseboards. No more cobwebs! What a relief to have this job done! Next, I will do the unfinished side! I love your blog, can't wait to read it everyday! Happy New Year!!

  34. Wonderful resolutions, Yvonne! I need to add organizing to my resolutions, too!

  35. ..just starting to put things away. My company leaves tomorrow and I will be heading to work. I'm anxious to get back to a routine and start organizing! After the holidays it feels great to get do a little editing .. pantry, refrig, closets! Lots of laundry and I must spend some time at my natural foods market in the vegetable isle.. detox is in order!

    Happy New Year and wishing you the best in the coming year!

  36. Sounds like a good plan to me. I have started with the getting rid of things plan. Have taken three trunkfuls to Goodwill.

  37. Happy New Year, Yvonne! You are girl after my own heart when you talk about organizing your garage and basement. My basement is a huge project that'll be on my radar this year. I've so enjoyed your blog and look forward to more awesomeness from you this year!

  38. Amen to getting organized! We're doing that around our house too! Good luck and happy new year! ~ Angie

  39. Happy New Year..!!! Buon anno e tante belle cose per questo anno 2013. baci

  40. Yvonne...you inspire me!...You motivate me!
    ~Jo @ LoblollyLane

  41. Yvonne...I wish you the best ever!

  42. My closet will be a major task...Love your motto...Give away, throw away, put away....fantastic!....
