Friday, January 25, 2013


It is a bitter cold day, here at StoneGable. Snow is coming this afternoon... just a small accumulation... but it's snow and I love snow!

  I turned on the fireplace and started puttering!  Snow always makes me putter... and cook. A big pot of minestrone soup will be on the back burner to meet the snow!

I'm shopping my house, finding blue and white pieces to bring a little color to my serene family room color palette...

Not many years ago snowy days meant building snowmen... and handing out hot chocolate... and constructing blanket forts in the family room...and a dryer full of wet mittens, hats and coats...and blowing little cold noses! (Sigh!)

These days, snowy days means puttering. And I'm puttering in the family room.  I just needed a little splash of color... and that usually means blue and white, for me!

The mantle gets lots of color.  I did buy two new mantle lamps at HomeGoods. Ralph Lauren blue and white, who could resist?

 The mantle is long and narrow so these squat lamps work perfectly! I set them on the far sides of the mantle. I'm not sure if they will find their home there... but for now that's were they are settled. 

I'm thinking of adding a couple of plates on the wall above the lamps.

Bobby's leather chair is next to the fireplace, and a very cozy spot!  A matching chair flanks the other side of the fire place too.

I added an ikat  pillow. It gives a nice pop of blue against the winter white fur throw and the quilted pillow.  I am wild about ikat (pronounced ee-cot) patterns. 

I think I'll continue to tweak and play with the mantle...

Then spend some time in Bobby's chair by the fire finishing my book club book.

The room looks a little more alive... and cozy. 

What do you do on a snowy day.


  1. No snow here, but if it were snowing I'd be curled up on the sofa by a cozy fire, Sadie snuggled up beside me, cup of hot tea, and a good book. But that's just a dream. Don't know what happened to our winter days. Yesterday it was in the 80s. Not ready to give up my sweaters and coats!
    Hopefully cooler temps will return.......Love the blue and white. '-)

  2. Beautiful! I adore blue and white. :)

  3. Morning Yvonne.
    Bright sunshine and 61 for me.... Been a long time since I have had to do a snowy day. Those long ago days in NYC and Virginia. Now winter for me means a few days in the 20's , a freakishly rare one in the teens and lots of sunshine and mild temperatures.
    Sending you some bright Florida sunshine and warmth.
    HUGS, Gee
    Luv the pops of blue in your luvly room.

  4. Hi Yvonne, Your room looks so inviting! The blue touch is perfect. You made me a little sad, remembering the days of wet mittens and drippy boots ... and cold little hands that needed warming ... now on snowy days I text the kids to remind them to be careful driving! Then I always cook chili or soup and make sure we have extra water stored incase we lose the power. I do like a little snow in the winter still, just not too much. I don't think this storm is going to make it to CT. Linda

  5. Adding blue and white to a room .. is like adding the blue sky and the clouds... dreamy ! My indoor bulbs are all blooming. I did all Blue tones this winter, it gets me through till spring comes. Thanks for Sharing Yvonne...

  6. On snowy days I find myself looking out the window a lot to enjoy the beauty. We haven't had any snow yet here in NE Oklahoma. I love snow.

    Your blue touches are so pretty!


  7. I almost bought that SAME LAMP yesterday at HG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!! I have to go pick up some prescription in a few mins. then meet a friend for lunch THEN I will come home to putter:):) LOTS to be puttering about around here. COME DOWN SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXO

  8. Your blue touches are so pretty! We have had snow for weeks and weeks now and I love it. It is so beautiful.

  9. You room looks so sweet and cozy with the fire and the pops of blue. I love the lamps, I think they look perfect on your mantel.

    We woke up to snow this morning, too. Out come all of the warm boots and mittens! I have a few errands to run and then I'm going to sit in front of a fire and read myself!! Keep warm, Yvonne!


  10. The blue and white looks so pretty in your room. Love it. Hugs, marty

  11. No snow in my neck of the woods in California, but on a cold rainy day like today, I too love to putz around the house. Laundry, soup, read, pin on pinterst. I do as much or as little as I like, love being able to do that now.
    I am a long time blue and white lover so I really like your touches, especially the pillow and sitting by the warm fire, perfection.
    I am getting my sofa reupholstered in a blue and white ticking stripe, so excited!!
    Happy weekend, keep warm and cozy,
    xo Kathysue

  12. Such a pretty, cozy room, Yvonne! I love the blue and white you've added. That last shot gives such a nice view of it up close and then over by the mantel. We've got snow going on here right now. Like you, it shouldn't be much ~ maybe 4 inches {fingers crossed}. I would have tackled bookcases today, but I'll be getting a visit from my granddaughter, so I'll probably do them over the weekend instead.

  13. I am on lunch at work and the snow we are expecting has just started. I hope the drive home is smooth but then I'm off for the weekend. I too will be puttering. I love your blue and white- my favorite colour combo too. The RL lamps are lovely, as are you pretty touches of blue and white.

  14. Beautiful! I so love the blue accents! Blessings, Tammy

  15. Yvonne your living room looks so cozy yet fresh, with the new lamps ans pillow (is the pillow from HomeGoods?)

    New 2013 Artists Series

  16. I love the ikat pillow! I didn't know that was how you pronounce it. (I always thought it was i-cat (ha)! I saw that Pier 1 has some pretty blue pillows for spring. You have made me want to change out the breakfront in my great room w/ the bookcase(s) in my living room. I don't think my husband will like this idea very much, but you sure have got me to thinking! ;.)

  17. Yvonne, Blue and white is my favoite color combination for decorating. I love how you added it to your room. The pillow and your mantle are so pretty.
    xx, Sherry

  18. Going to gather as many blue pieces and items I can find as I putter in my house on this very cold snowy day in Ohio. Your room looks so inviting. I'm ready for some logs in the fireplace this evening.

  19. This room is so beautiful and cozy with the fire going. I love the pops of blue and white. You have some very pretty pieces Yvonne. Do you have electrical outlets behind the lamps on the mantel or are the wires hidden somehow. It looks nice and clean. Enjoy your snowy afternoon. I also remember the days of children playing, hot cocoa and drying outdoor clothes. Happy memories. :)

    1. We have outlet in our mantle. One of the best moves we made when we built the house!

  20. Your room looks very cozy, and inviting. The roaring fire makes me want to sit and read a book too!
    Love the blue and white in there!

  21. We have a mix of ice and snow here today and I am puttering around my house as well. Luckily our youngest got out of school early and my dear husband is spending his day off by traveling to Chapel Hill to get our oldest so she may be home for her aunt's birthday this weekend. I love the lamps on your mantel...perfect size for the area. Your fire in your fireplace makes me seriously consider lighting our pilot light and cranking ours up to high. Love the chair by the fireplace. It looks like the perfect place to snuggle up and read a book on a day like today.

  22. What a perfect place to cozy up on a day like this! Some snow is also coming this afternoon around here, the kids had early dismissal, so the fireplace has been roaring since early morning. I love the blue accents, the lamps fit so nicely too. Love the room! Hugs, Cristina

  23. I love your blue & white accents Yvonne! Oh so cozy with the fire blazing in the fireplace! I would be curled up in that chair with dogs in my lap enjoying a good book! Scamp is looking like he is in need of a lap :) We're getting a wintry mix of sleet and freezing rain today...I was hoping for white fluffy snowflakes instead!

  24. We are spending the winter in Florida, but if I were home where it's supposed to begin snowing again this afternoon and all through the night I would first make pie crust for a sweet potato pie, mix the filling and put the pie in the oven so I could enjoy the scent of it baking! Then I would probably rearrange our bookcases in the living room by removing and replacing articles...try to make it look more spring like. Next would be my sunroom. I am hoping to get our sofa slipcovered which of course means the wicker chairs have to have new covers too! But I could take 2 beach scene pictures to the living room and hang them behind my sofa. I will leave the wall as is for now in the sunroom until I roam the house seeing what could make a new home there. Then I believe I would make myself a nice cup of tea and begin to work on a piece of needlework!

  25. You putter so well Yvonne!! This room looks absolutely beautiful!! Love the blue pieces you added, especially those little lamps on your mantel! Have a great weekend:)

  26. Can you ask Bobby if he minds if I sit in his chair too?

  27. Very pretty Yvonne!! I love the pops of blue and white.
    Your lamps are so pretty too!! I especially love your leather chairs
    with the nail head trim.
    Very bitterly cold here and snowing....Having a hot cup of Lemon water...

  28. Pretty nice pops of blue! beautiful room indeed!

  29. Very pretty, I love blue and white too!! Up until now, I have had it predominately in my diningroom, but brought a little bit more into the kitchen and may spread some in the family room as well. It is just classic in so many ways. Love the ikat pillow and the new lamps. They look so good on the mantel, I think it looks great. Thanks for sharing. I know what you mean about the cold weather, I am puttering too and it is my favorite thing to do. Have a great Friday. Blessings, Linda

  30. Oh how cozy and pretty in blue. Warm and inviting.

  31. Yvonne, the room looks beautiful. I love the blue and white. No snow here in GA. Wish we could get just a dusting. I keep my little 14 month old granddaughter and would love for her to see it. Have a great week end and enjoy the snow, soup and warm fire. Sheila

  32. Yvonne, the room is so lovely. I was just thinking about adding some blue and white. You,ve inspired me. I love the new lamps. Enjoy the snow. It's still coming down here.

  33. I love the blue and white, especially the lamps added to the fireplace.

  34. Your home always looks inviting Yvonne! The snow here was pretty and fun, started at 3:15-light and fluffy, not icy, so I'm thankful about that. Little Scamp is just the cutest-enjoy:@)

  35. Yvonne, you putter beautifully! So inviting .... stay warm. :)

  36. Your home is SO BEAUTIFUL. so Welcoming! Just like YOU :)

  37. Hi lovely lady.
    I love your Beautiful Home.
    XXOO Diane

  38. Love anything blue & white! Great lamps, your room looks like the perfect cozy place to curl up on a cold winter day...
    Have a warm weekend,

  39. Did I hear you say blue and white...beautiful room and always the best colors to spruce up any room and for all season. Yeah blue and white!


  40. Yvonne...your home is beautiful and I LOVE the blue and white!! I wish I was sitting in that leather chair next to the fire place. We had a bit of snow this morning and a bit more this evening. It always looks so pretty and sparkling falling at night, with a porch light on...letting the pups out before bed!!

    Jan ♥

    ps...I'm your newest follower, too!

  41. Oh...I love your blue and white and I am seriously coveting :-( Bobby's chair! Would love one just like it. Beautiful room. I love to piddle/putter around in house in cold weather. I love winter! Summers are just too hot for my body.

  42. So beautiful and perfectly cozy, Yvonne! I could wile away a lot of hours in Bobby's chair on a snowy day.

  43. I have a red living room and adding blue and white accessories always makes things pop. Lovely post!

  44. No snow in San Francisco...just some rain here and there...the last few days have been filled with sunshine...hooray..spent a lovely afternoon doing some cleaning in the garden...I love the touches of blue and white it's just right...Happy weekend enjoy with love Janice

  45. Love the blue and white too! Yes its cold here too, in Nortwest Ohio. Think I will make a pot of beef stew today. But your soup sounds so yummy too. Do you have a recipe? Also, I love the RL lamps, but how did you plug them in? Just wondering.

  46. Your room is so warm and welcoming...I could spend hours in there reading and relaxing. So beautiful! It's been really cold here in Wisconsin, and I too like to putz, when the weather is nasty. Enjoy your weekend! ;)

  47. I must say that is one beautiful room, the blue and white just pop with color! I've seen those lamps and sighed over them, they look gorgeous on your mantel.
    Have a great weekend!

  48. Hi Yvonne,

    With my kids grown now, I too enjoy putzing around the house. Your blue and white is so pretty and adds so much warmth to your home (it's in my house too!). Those lamps look wonderful! I also like your two leather chairs. Such a cozy spot to curl up with a magazine or book.

    Have a nice weekend!


  49. Yvonne,
    I love, love, love your blue & white for Snowy Days @ StoneGable, dear friend!!!
    Shopping the house is one of my favorite types of shopping!!!
    I did some of that today while I was designing a new tablescape!
    Your pot of soup sounds delicious!
    On a Snowy Day, I make a Snowman Blend of hot chocolate and sit at the patio doors and watch the birds while the SNOW falls quietly on the Prairie!!!
    This year, I'm waiting for enough SNOW to make a Snow Angel!!!

  50. Hi Yvonne, Love the touch of blue and white for winter. If I may I comment on the chair, simply put it's gorgeous and I love it. The roaring fire makes for a place to curl up with a cup of hot chocolate and read or watch an old black and white movie. Enjoy.......

    The French Hutch

  51. I love blue and white year round, and especially in winter! Your blue and white details lok so pretty in your living room. I love the pattern of your throw pillows! They are stunning.

  52. Would you mind adding where you found that ikat pillow. I like it too much! ;o)

  53. What a perfect place by the fire and to look out into that gorgeous room...I love blue and white and trying to incorporate more if it in my room....such a gorgeous cozy room!

  54. i love the blue/white pillow - so sweet!!! the whole place is gorgeous :)
