Tuesday, December 4, 2012


This year I am keeping Christmas decorating simple and natural.

Using fresh greens, pinecones and black and white ribbon... my breakfast room is gussied up for the holidays!

Here is a little peek...

The table has a simple arrangement of greens, pinecones, a bird's nest along with two long burning candles.

To see how I made this arrangement click, HERE.

A garland of incense cedar hangs in the chandelier. It smells like Christmas!

A spray of regular and variegated boxwood tied up in a pair of black and white ribbon hangs on each chair back. This year I am foregoing the tradition red and green and going with a little more sophisticated look. Black and white works so well with greens!

Fresh boxwood wreaths hang on a pair of symmetrically placed shutter. Here is one of the two.

I hung the wreaths on a black and white checked ribbon.

A basket of greens hangs on the window of our porch door. Sorry the quality of the photos are not the best... I should know better than to take pictures in afternoon light!

My chicken lamp gets into the Christmas spirit too! This little bench sits behind the table and is often not visible in many of my breakfast room photos!

We use the bench when the table is extended. It gets lots of use!

I placed a grapevine charger under the lamp to look like a nest and added fresh greens.

It looks like my little hen is brooding!

Again, excuse the quality... but I wanted you to get a look at an area that is hardly ever photographed.

Beside the lamp is a bowl of pinecones and boxwood.

My breakfast room really reflects they direction I am going with my Christmas decor this year. I've opted to use what I have and add some pretty greens! 

I have lots more to show you!!!


  1. Your breakfast room looks beautiful Yvonne! I love the arrangement you made in the basket on the door and those little sprays you have on the backs of your chairs, so pretty!! My visits here leave me filled with inspiration!

  2. I absolutely love this! The greens look wonderful in your breakfast room, and the accents on the back of the chairs is a great idea too!

  3. Everything looks so beautiful. Love the use of black and white ribbon for Christmas with the greenery and pine cones. Stunning vignettes, Yvonne. xo

  4. So beautiful! I love all the black and white and those shutters look amazing with the wreaths! Great job!

  5. Soooo pretty Yvonne....lovin the black and white color scheme :)

  6. I love it Yvonne. Your decorating is tasteful and beautiful!

  7. Gorgeous, Yvonne. As always, you create the most beautiful things.
    Happy Tuesday.

  8. Beautiful, Yvonne - can't wait to see the rest of the house! xoxo

  9. really nice and natural creations! looks lovely, and I am sure your house smells great

  10. Yvonne, Everything is beautiful and I especially love your lamp.

  11. Very pretty, Yvonne! I love all of the greens, with the touches of black and white. Beautiful!

  12. Natural is beautiful. I love what you've done. I'm going to keep our decor to a minimum this year too. It feels right!

  13. Simply elegant--and, beautiful as well. Bravo!


  14. Love the look Yvonne, the B@W ribbon is a great change from the "norm". Boxwood is always my favorite for the holidays and yours looks full and lush. Thanks for sharing.

  15. It looks lovely Yvonne. Love the black and white ribbon with the greenery.

  16. Whatever you attempt to do, Yvonne, you do beautifully. I love it-I love the natural beauty you are using- xoDiana

  17. Everything looks so pretty, i love the table arrangement and the boxwood wreath....the black and white ribbon just adds freshness to everything...lovely!

  18. Perfectly lovely in every way!!!! I love each and every detail.

  19. Beautiful. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your decorations.

  20. All SO very pretty! I love the greens on the backs of the chairs, and the black and white, and the baskets, and the greens and candles....and...all of it!

  21. I love your dining room, Yvone. Your house must smell so good with all this natural greenery!

  22. The dining room looks so lovely, I love all of the pinecones and that shutter is wonderful. The ribbons are so cute. Everything is just beautiful.

  23. with boughs of holly fa la la la la la la la la

  24. it all looks beautiful Yvonne. I love the fresh greens and pinecones and since black and white is the favorite in my home, this was a joy to view.

  25. It looks so natural and perfectly homey, Yvonne! I really am loving the black and white checked ribbon with all the greenery.

  26. simply gorgeous, yvonne!

    smiles to you.


  27. Beautiful!!! Love the simplicity of it.

  28. Everything looks very pretty and welcoming Yvonne! Love the boxwood:@)

  29. It all looks gorgeous


  30. Love the greenery on your light fixture Yvonne, everything looks so natural and festive!

  31. So pretty, Yvonne. I love the addition of the black and white ribbon.

  32. So many beautiful vignettes! Love it. And boy do I like that table and chairs! Everything is so pretty and festive.

  33. Yvonne.. Is there anything you cannot do?? Everything is always SOOO beautiful. I love, love, love the hen lamp. Could you give me any info on it?

    1. The hen lamp is so old. I got it over 10 years ago in a shop near Washington DC

  34. I love it! It is funny, I finally switched back to red and green this year...also using pinecones, berries and a few snowmen and reindeer. I don't have an ornament on the tree or in a vase or bowl and it was so much easier! It seems I have spent the past years using every color except traditional Christmas colors...so this all feels new again to me. The black and white is very elegant, really lovely.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. This is so beautiful! I guess this is the year for all of us to cut back on over indulgence when it comes to decorating for Christmas! I'm determined to do it…and I've managed this far! I'm tired of spending mega bucks on greenery when truthfully, my yard has everything we would ever need! I can do it… i know I can! especially if I keep referring back to this blog post! Thanks for sharing your tips!

  37. LOVE your breakfast room all decorated for Christmas! It is so yummy looking! My favorite is the vintage shutter with the wreath on it! I keep not being able to take pictures of my breakfast room because of too much bright light, which make everything turn to silhouettes. Very fusterating!

  38. Everything looks so beautiful... I especially love the black and white ribbons they look really nice...Happy Holidays with love Janice

  39. Don't you just love the black and white ribbon? I used the black with white polka dot ribbon and love it. The backs of the chairs are so adorable and I love the bench that you can use both ways too!

  40. Hi, Yvonne! So very, very pretty. I love the natural look and all your greens.

  41. As always, the room is beautiful! You have wonderful taste. Really, quite lovely. Merry Christmas.

  42. Wow, you are very organized to have your decorating done already. I love the fresh greens with the black and white check, it's chic and fresh. Lovely! Linda x

  43. Wow looking fabulous! Love your wreath with the check ribbon, the bowls filled with the greens, your attention to detail on the chandelier and chairs..its all fabulous!

  44. Making a note...."must bring in more of the natural's from my yard".

    I got tired of clipping outside and really need to *fill* up my stuff like you do. You make me work so hard.


  45. I wish I had wonderful evergreens to pluck from my yard!...your natural greens are so amazing in your home...I am so in love with your boxwood wreath against the shutter...fantastic!!...So many gorgeous items of beautiful greenery Yvonne!!

  46. Oh Yvonne I love it all! The wreaths on the shutters and the sprays on the chairs are just perfect. I also noticed your dough bowl. My kids got me one for Christmas and it arrived a few days ago. Oh my gosh it's gigantic! It's like a small boat. I'm not sure what to do. At the moment it's sitting on my dining room floor. Should I just go for it and see what it looks like on my table? Is there such a thing as too big? I could use your advice. :o)

  47. Very nice Yvonne! I love the touches you have given your home this season. I love the black and white ribbon. I saw that used in a kitchen some years back and couldn't find that checked ribbon anywhere! I finally found some and grabbed it up but I haven't used it yet! I think I'm savoring it!! Love your bench arrangement too!

  48. I just love the way you decorate your home. Your kitchen looks like the perfect place to spend family time at Christmas.

  49. So pretty Yvonne! I love all of the natural elements and how you have incorporated them into your decor. Very festive but not overdone at all!

  50. Lovely and elegant and I'll bet it smells divine. I especially like your little brooding Hen and the chair back decorations. Unfortunately, we don't have access to real winter greenery where I live now. It was an effort to find an actual live tree to serve as our Christmas tree this year.

  51. This is gorgeous, I love all the greens and the boxwood wreath the check ribbon is great. Everything is beautiful.


  52. Oh I LOVE the rustic, cozy charm of how you decorated! So lovely! Makes me want to curl up with a cup of team under a blanky. :-)

  53. Yvonne,
    I adore this warm, natural look to your Christmas decor!!!
    I understand the photos..."Mr. Ed" rolls his eyes when I tell him..."Stay OUT of the dining room until after I finish photographing"! Poor guy, he's only wanting BREAKFAST. . .but after 9AM it's much too sunny on the West Side to get good photos!!!

  54. I love all of your details Yvonne! Your Boxwood Wreath is stunning! You have an amazing eye, love it:), Jen

  55. Very pretty, Yvonne! I love all of your natural greens. The chair decorations are adorable!

  56. I adore the black and white check, ribbon. It's so pretty with all the greens.

  57. Your decorations are so pretty, Yvonne. I love your use of black and white with the greenery, and I especially love your chicken lamp!

  58. I think the natural greens are so beautiful. I love the boxwood wreath. Not sure I could find boxwood in my area. The ribbons with greenery on he chairbacks are perfect in the dining area.

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  60. Yvonne, I absolutely LOVE your blog! I just love the way you arrange and rearrange! Can you share where you found the chicken lamp?? Here's hoping you continue to recover!

    1. Oh gosh! I've had my chicken lamp for years... probably a decade. I got it in a little shop outside of Washington DC that is no longer there. So sorry I could not tell you more!
