Saturday, November 24, 2012



Christmas begins at StoneGable... the blog... with my new Christmas header!

Many people ask how I create my seasonal blog headers. Here is how I create my images...

example of a "work in progress"~ wreath and snow created using picmonkey

Let me first say that I work with a fabulous blog designer, Julie from BLOGGER BOUTIQUE. I'm not a techie so I need a little help. Make sure to see the special offer from Julie at the end of this post.

To create this Christmas header I used pictures from my own stash and edited them with an old old program  called MICROSOFT DIGITAL IMAGING. A "chalk" filter was applied to each image.

If you don't have a digital imaging program you should check out PICMONKEY. I'm amazed how well this free, no registration, on-line editor works!  PicMonkey has some great new winter effects! Even if you are not a blogger this program is amazing for photos and scrapbooks!

Here is a before photo I took of Father Christmas in Williamsburg last year...

And here it is edited and the filter applied for the header...  I love that soft smuggy look!

Here is the wreath I used in my header... again, Christmas in Williamsburg...

And here it is edited and the chalk filter applied...

I will be working on my sidebar too... adding Holiday posts and images.  Keep an eye out for the changes!

Julie, my fabulous blog designer, is offering StoneGable readers a 25% discount on all blog designs (not on  singular add-on services).

Just go to BLOGGER BOUTIQUE and type in StoneGable25 when you contact her. The offer is good until December 31, 2012.

This would make a great Christmas gift for you from someone who is having a hard time knowing what to get you!!!! Sounds like the perfect gift to me!

I hope you find Christmas cheer, here at StoneGable, all holiday season long!

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  1. Totally awesome. Ive never used picmonkey but only photobucket. I will pay them a visit! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. love the new header. I'm so excited to see everyones Christmas decor and posts =)

  3. I love it. I have used picmonkey and ribbet both great programs. Where do you find your fonts, that seems to be the hard part. Hugs, Marty

    1. Hi Marty, Fonts are from my old Digital Imaging Program.

  4. Looks Lovely!! Changed mine too!! Used Photoscape..

  5. working on mine Yvonne...picmonkey is a wonderful FREE editing program for sure. Anything you do is outstanding! :)

  6. I have to say I love both pictures of Santa!

  7. I LOVE it, Yvonne, and can't wait for all the Christmas blog posts!! Thank you for the information on Picmonkey, too, I do need help and this sounds great!!
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Wow, so pretty. Love the "after" Santa photo. Thanks for the info.

  9. Thanks for sharing,I always love your photos!

  10. Thanks for sharing,I always love your photos!

  11. Love that picture of Santa. What a cute Christmas card that would make! Thanks for sharing your header tutorial.

  12. Hi Yvonne, your new headers looks really pretty for the Holidays! I to use pic it, the possibility are endless!

  13. The header is gorgeous and festive. Headers build my character:}

  14. I love that effect Yvonne. My blog needs a little work, I need to get on it asap.

  15. beautiful photos, both edited and straight out of the camera!

  16. I always wondered how you did that, it isn't as complicated as I expected! How wonderful! Thanks for showing us :)

  17. Beautiful Yvonne! I love the new header. This is great inspiration for me to finally redo mine for a holiday touch.

  18. Hi Yvonne! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I love your blog header and the way you put the wreath on it. I too am amazed at the free software we can use.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  19. Great looks in the photos. I use PicMonkey
    for my editing and did play with the Winter
    editor this week.. it's fun and you can
    do so many cute things...
    Happy Holiday

  20. Thank you for sharing! Love your photos!

  21. I have totally loved the new way you are doing your headers...the smudged, hazy look. It really appeals to me. Thanks for showing us non-bloggers what goes on behind the scenes. I so admire all of your hard work.

  22. Today you make me pine for Williamsburg Yvonne, I get there every cole of years but haven't bee for Christmas in several years. Love the beautiful new header and thanks for the info, I sure can use some help.

  23. Thanks so much for sharing how you made your header images. I have never heard of the chalk makes your photos look like works of art!

  24. Beautiful new header and thanks for sharing your tips.

  25. You are the most generous person on this planet, to share your "secrets" with everyone. Tina @ The Enchanted Home told me how to do my header, and I'm so proud I accomplished that...and here you go with all the filtering devices to out-do all of us. Big congrats..the header is fabulous !!

  26. so creative and cool, lovely blogger!

    smiles to you.


  27. Yvonne- That header is beautiful. I have been using PicMonkey to crop my pics and brighten them but I had no idea you could do all this stuff with them. I am always afraid of screwing something up so bad that I will ruin it and then not be able to undo it. I am SOOO untechy it is not funny. Love coming here- it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas- xo Diana

  28. Yvonne, you are so kind to include a shout out for me in your post (and on your sidebar)! Thank you so much. You are a great client to have and I have enjoyed creating your blog and your headers for you throughout the year! I hope you have a fantastic holiday season!

  29. Oh my this is just so inspiring and beautiful Yvonne! I have always loved your blog and this just makes me love it even more :)
    I've used PicMonkey quite a bit but never really tried the special effects and they just really make the photos!
    Thank you for showing us "novice bloggers" how easy it really can be!
    Happy Holidays to you and yours,
    Most sincerely

  30. Great new header, it is just perfect:)

  31. I'm thinking about doing something with my header looks a bit plain! Thanks for sharing how you did this. It's fabulous and perfectly you. I should be decorating but maybe I'll work in my header instead. :o) Happy Sunday Yvonne!

  32. I love the pics you created...the "stone gable" and the Williamsburg wreath could definitely make gorgeous framed pictures!!...
    Love the new header Yvonne!!

  33. You are dressed in Christmas finery from home to blog!


  34. This is so beautiful and fun, I love it.


  35. Yvonne,
    I noticed your Christmas header as I was departing your blog during my last visit!!! I love that you change your header with the Seasons!!! Nice photos using your software program!!!

  36. That is a cool effect Yvonne. I like Picmonkey too~

  37. I love that idea and those effects! Thanks so much for sharing how the magic happens ...


    Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving holiday!


  38. Can Julie give her offer to bloggers outside US?

    Let me know.

    Have a great w/end.

    Greetings from a cold Stockholm,
