Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Last week TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS  almost hit 100 participants and it is only 10 weeks old! While that is great... and I so appreciate everyone who shares...what I love the most is all the things you can learn to do from these creative people who share their how-to's, tips and tidbits!

A great example is the kitchen above... A PROGRESSION OF A KITCHEN from GOLD COUNTRY COTTAGE was the most viewed post last week. And no wonder you should see the transformation!!!! 

Here are a few more (more than usual) features from last weeks TTT bloggers...

Wait till you see the beautiful and unusual way Angela from Number Fifty-Three is DECORATING THE DINING ROOM WALLS. It makes a BIG statement!

Jennifer from BLISSFULLY EVER AFTER shows us how to RECOVER A LAMPSHADE. This is a DYI I am bookmarking! I love designer looking shades! Jennifer's tutorial is so easy to follow and understand! Thanks, Jennifer! Beautiful lampshade and decor!

Swoon-worthy! I am a wreath girl... and this HYDRANGEA WREATH is exquisite!!! There is so much wonderful detail in this wreath from Debra at COMMON GROUND!

Do you have a little one in school? Then you will LOVE this LUNCHBOX NOTE POCKET idea from Vanessa AT THE PICKET FENCE! It was a sentimental walk down memory lane for me... I wish I knew about this when I had wee ones!

back to school, lunchbox, lunchbox note

Are you hungry yet? You will be!!! Look at this heavenly sweet treat called BLITZ TORTE! I'm so glad that Dale's mother-in-law is a "fountain of knowledge in the baking department"! Dale you are a darling to share the recipe... head on over to The Quail's Nest for a second helping!

A small bathroom doesn't mean it can't have big style!!! Look at this BEACHY RUSTIC BATHROOM at CRAFTED NICHE. I can't wait to see the final transformation!

I want Pat from ON CROOKED CREEK  to come to my house and decorate! Look at this FALL DECORATED CHANDY. Oh, I LOVE this!!! She shows us all her tricks for making it! Can you say "copy cat"?


my tip this week...GIVE IT AWAY

If you have been featured at TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS please grab a "Featured" button from my sidebar.

Please visit our featured bloggers and see their creative blogs!

Now let's see what great TUTORIALS, TIPS AND TIDBITS  you have for us!

* Please link your post using your permalink
* Please link back to TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS in the body of your post. You can find my button TTT button on my sidebar.
* Visit other TTT participants... let's all visit at least 3 others and comment
* Please link up only photographs that belong to you.
* It would be nice if you would follow me, thanks!


  1. Wonderful features, each one is gorgeous. Thanks so much for hosting, I'm so happy to be able join in again.

  2. Thank you so much for hosting, Yvonne.

  3. Thank you so much for hosting and for featuring my dining room progress! So happy to be linking up again this week.


  4. Hi Yvonne- hope you are healing from your eye surgery and all is well!

  5. Hi Yvonne, Fantastic features today! Love that reclaimed wood bathroom and the shade! Thanks for mentioning my chalk painting tips.

  6. Yvonne, I have shared a drawer organizing tip. Thank you for hosting!

  7. So happy to be partying with you. Thank you again for the invitation. Have a blessed week!!

  8. You've featured a very pretty fall chandy-love it:@)

  9. Thanks for the invite, Yvonne, and thanks for being a gracious hostess!

  10. Thank you for hosting the party, Yvonne--I appreciate it. I love the features this week, and I really enjoyed your post about giving things you no longer use away--I need to go through my clothes closets again and purge and organize!

  11. Thank you Yvonne: I so appreciate you featuring our kitchen renovation at your party. I am honored that it got so many lookers. It was a long time coming, but we are really happy with it. Thank you for hosting and again for featuring..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  12. Thanks so much for hosting. I loved your features. Have a great week!

  13. Yvonne: Forgot to mention minor detail. I am entering again this week so thank you for hosting this lovely party..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  14. Oh great features. Can't wait to browse around. Thanks tons for hosting. Hugs, Marty

  15. Thanks for featuring my beachy rustic bathroom!

  16. Can't wait to study this for my daughter's new kitchen! Thanks for sharing!

  17. Thank you for the invite to your meme...I linked up. Can't wait to browse....have a great rest of the week!

  18. I was on time this week (for once!) Thank you so much for hosting. I've visited a few links and will come back this weekend and look around some more. Hope all is well with you!

  19. Looks like lots of fantastic ideas, Yvonne!
    I love that barnwood/driftwood paneled niche in the
    bathroom you showed us, and that decadent dessert has
    my mouth watering!!

    Thanks for hosting~
    I need some inspiration badly!

  20. Thanks for hosting these wonderful bloggers, such great tips and ideas!

  21. Thanks so much for the shout out, Yvonne!! and isn't Pat's chandy just wonderful? just linked up, thanks so much for having us!!

  22. Awesome features! Thanks for hosting!

  23. Great features for a great party! Thanks for hosting. XO

  24. I'll bet the treasures you donate will be quickly bought and enjoyed by quite a few people in your area.

    Thanks for hosting the party.

  25. My car has been looking much the same my friend. Feels good doesn't it? :)

  26. Yvonne, I've been busy doing the same thing this week. Feels great to cart off bags full. I'm making another delivery tomorrow.
    Thanks for hosting..........Sarah

  27. Yvonne, So glad to be partying with you this week! Thank you!

  28. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving me the sweet comment about the Flower Pot Thimble Necklace. It was such a fun project to do with my daughter. Have a fantastic rest of the week!

  29. Thank you so much for another great party! :)

  30. Thanks for hosting Yvonne. So much talent and inspiration out here. I love that chande. Have a great day!

  31. Love all the great features from last week...showing that lunch tote note pocket to my daughter in law as she writes a note to my granddaughter everyday and places it in her lunch tote....great idea....Thanks for hosting..have a wonderful day!!

  32. Hey Yvonne! Well, the kids are back in school and I am trying to establish a routine! Thought I would start here at your party! I love the parties! Thanks for hosting and always for sharing so many wonderful ideas! Blessings on this Thursday! Christie

  33. Love that kitchen transformation and I am looking forward to decorating my dining chandy, too. Thanks for hosting, Yvonne!

  34. Thank you so much for the invite and the kind words! What a beautiful blog!! Iam all linked up and following! I would love it if you would join mine tomorrow!

  35. Yvonne,
    What a pleasant surprise!!! Seems I've been extremely busy with "prayer warrior" request that I hadn't had a chance to stop in until now! Thank you for the mention of my blog and my Autumnal Chandelier Decor! You continue to bless me with your blogging friendship, dear friend! Thank you for hosting each week, I've picked up some great Tips and ideas!

  36. This is such a fun party, I'm glad to be here...thanks for hosting!

  37. Those are some great features you've selected!
    I'm definitely digging on the fall chandelier you featured- I've decorated mine for Christmas but never for fall.

  38. I am so honored to be featured on your awesome blog! The Blitz Torte is such a wonderful dessert and fond memory of my dear Mother-in-Law! I hope many of your followers will try the recipe and find it to be a keeper! Thanks again and I just love your blog!!!

  39. Thanks for gathering those GREAT featured blogs together for us, Yvonne! Hey I am number 100 at your party so the next entry after me will put us OVER 100 for this week. Thanks so much for hosting your party.

  40. Hi!
    Thanks for letting me share my own Home Educating, Goodreads: An Excellent Resource to Inspire Youth to Read!

    Here’s the link:

  41. Wonderful blogging extravaganza!
    Oh my car always looks like that! Always on the hunt for treasures & junk! haha
    Have blessed weekend:)

    Thank you for hosting,
    Kay Ellen
