Sunday, August 5, 2012

SUNDAY SCRIPTURE~ August 5, 2012

I recently did a survey on facebook for a speaking engagement in September and asked...


Last week we discussed the number two answer... being more thankful. Being thankful in all circumstances... finding God's grace and blessings,  in every situation.

This week let's look at the number one answer... and it is no surprise...

We know we should do it. We know that it is not only right but very good and beneficial. But, many of us also struggle with praying!

What is PRAYER?

The bottom line... talking to God!

There once was a man named Nicholas Herman who lived in the Lorraine area of France in the mid 1600's. Born into poverty, Nicholas became a soldier to feed himself and later a footman.
He eventually entered the priory in Paris... too uneducated to be a cleric and took on the name of Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection.

Brother Lawrence spent the rest of his days as kitchen help. Scrubbing pots and pans, doing tedious and mundane kitchen work, answering the call of his superiors, and in later life, even becoming a cobbler in the priory... repairing sandals. Such a lowly position... a life to go unnoticed!

But, Brother Lawrence possessed something...

"The time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer; and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the blessed sacrament".

Brother Lawrence practiced the PRESENCE OF GOD.

"Nor is it needful that we should have great things to do. . . We can do little things for God; I turn the cake that is frying on the pan for love of him, and that done, if there is nothing else to call me, I prostrate myself in worship before him, who has given me grace to work; afterwards I rise happier than a king. It is enough for me to pick up but a straw from the ground for the love of God."

So what can we learn from this lowly brother?

Prayer... it is an ongoing communication between each of us and the God of the universe. It is personal and real and authentic and common. It is practicing God's companionship... His presence in our lives!

When God tells us to pray without ceasing... He is asking us to keep communicating with Him... talking, listening, praising, thanking, asking, submitting, meditating... in our own voice and words and thoughts...  throughout our day. Sticking close to our Father... making Him the center of our universe!

When I talk to God, I am often clumsy and my words are not magnificent enough for the One true God.. for I am so small. I struggle with how to ask "just right". I have big gaps of silence when I just don't know what to say. And I am often distracted by my own thoughts or the demands of the day. 

But I know my God... and I can just picture Him... stopping everything to lovingly listen, ready to speak grace and love and truth and comfort and even reproof into my life. Hoping I will listed to Him too!

 I can just picture Him, waiting patiently for me as I fumble with my thoughts and words and distractions... and my Father being ever so gracious and overjoyed with the time we spend together.... and wanting more!  

After Brother Laurence's death his thoughts were compiled into a beautiful little book called
PRACTICING THE PRESENCE OF GOD. It is a wonderful and thought provoking read. 


Practicing the presence of God... each day ... every day... all day!


  1. Yvonne,
    What a lovely tribute to the power of Prayer! I have been mocked in my own household and by my dearest friends just this week because I've been praying for 2" of rain and the return of double digits. Your timing for this post is PERFECT...because last night it rained...and this morning our highs are expected to be in the upper 90's! Praise the Lord!Each time I would stop between my chores or meditation, I would again ask for these things. God is good...all the time! Rain, double digit temperatures and today to be in His house of doesn't get any better than this when you're "A Child of the King"!

  2. Great post Yvonne. I was taught years ago that prayer was just talking to God just like I would any friend. Such a great thing to learn and understand. Prayer then is so easy, He's your friend and you are just talking. Hugs, Marty

  3. Love this. I always consider prayer just talking to God, and in the past few years I have learned that I also have to LISTEN to what He is tryig to tell me! Have a beautiful day. XO

  4. Good morning. Thank you so much for this beautiful way to start my Sunday morning. Prayer... the never ceasing conversation with my God.
    God is good, and never ceases to listen to us.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Cheers, Gee

  5. Such a true path to pursue. I can't imagine my life without the ability to climb into the lap of Abba, Daddy, and pour out my heart to him. Thanks for this heart precious ministry. Cherry Kay

  6. I have read Brother Lawrence's writings three times and it always challenges me to pray.

  7. Little did Brother Lawrence know that when he was praising God while doing mundane tasks he was setting a Godly example that would be looked on as inspirational 400+ years later. Praise God in ALL things. Lovely.

  8. I'm buying this book right away...Can't wait to read it! Thank you for your ministry here, Yvonne! Have a blessed week in Him!

  9. Thank you, Yvonne, for your honest and poignant confession of your prayer life, I felt you were speaking about me. So calming to know someone else struggles with what they feel is "appropriate prayer", and then to be reminded of such a lovely person as Brother Lawrence. I had heard his story years ago but had forgotten.

  10. I have never heard of Brother Lawrence, Yvonne, but thank you for sharing his story and your beautiful thoughts on prayer. I always know that God, our heavenly Father, is there to listen to us, but do we always listen to Him? xo

  11. These are wonderful reminders that our daily life can also be a prayer, giving thanks for all that we have and praying for others to find peace, happiness and love. Even small tasks done with a loving heart in service to others are worthy prayers. Such wonderful thoughts today. xx

  12. so true...prayer can be a simple thought or an intense conversation..but prayer is a conversation with someone who loves like no other

  13. We are to take everything to the Lord in Prayer. When we do we are doing what He wants us to do. Everything, remembering to be thankful, praising Him and talking to Him.

  14. Thank you for this beautiful opportunity to stop and find a quiet moment for reflection about prayer. God bless you.
