Sunday, June 24, 2012


Wailing Wall, Temple Mount Jerusalum
Paper written with prayers and stuck between the stone of the Wailing Wall... mine are there too!

Please pray for the people of Syria and Egypt.


  1. Yvonne,
    I stand in amazement of your Sunday Scripture and how The Word you choose each week seeks me out! Thank you for your steadfast commitment to this weekly meme!

  2. what a sad state of affairs our world finds itself. we need to pray for our nation, that we return to a time where we believed in the word, turned to God in times of need and we believed that right is right and wrong is not some alternative lifestyle decision. thank you for not letting the blog world forget. after church today i made your granola and all i can say is wow i will not be without it now and i also made the laundry powder, and my husband thought i was "just getting dog food oh well, thanks for the lovely blog i found you at a time in my life where i need, well where i can go to take me to a beautiful world, thanks Lyn

  3. Yvonne,I am so thankful that I found your blog and follow you daily. You are such a blessing to my heart and soul.
    I enjoy so much the menu each week, although I must admit that I don't try every recipe but it is so nice to see what you are doing. You have such a gift in sharing with others that I just wanted to thank you and let you know how much I appreciate all you do. I have shared your blog with others and they enjoy it now also. Thank you again for the gift of your time and effort.
