Saturday, May 19, 2012


It is the most glorious day here at StoneGable. Sorta like living in San Diego today! You know those days... warm, breezy, sunny, low humidity, birds singing...lawn edger whirling, trucks up and down the driveway,   voices of hearty men wafting through the open windows, men heaving mulch everywhere ... wait!!!... what?

The mulch men are here today! I am not complaining because for the last two years we have not mulched our gardens ourselves, thank goodness. I am very very grateful for that

Here is how the mulch men fit into today's post...

My original posting plan was to take photographs of some pretty vignettes around the porch and gardens this morning. The camera is so kind in early morning light. The flowers are blooming, the pots are full of blooms too! Did I mention, it is a glorious, San Diego type day at StoneGable?

But, the mulch men are here. Throwing dirt, grass and mulch all over everything... including my pretty vignettes! And now the soft morning light has taken a harsher late morning turn!

One of the safe places this morning is my front porch. Did you know that I have a second front door?
Not a main door, but a door that goes to my study and the second stairs and the guest suite?

It is set back a little from the main house, sorta tucked away.  It does not look like an important door, so it is not often used by anyone other than family.

The flowers in the foreground are Annabelle hydrangeas.  Their big moppy white heads will soon be making a showy appearance around the front porch!

This summer I decorated the second front door with a basket filled with white annuals. I have used this basket for year. It is quite textural and sturdy! The white flowers look so delicate next to it.

The basket hang by a rusty brass hook because the basket is so very heavy and nothing else will hold it! The brass hook suites the door. If you look under the window there is a small brass plate with our last name on it. It has gone with us to every new house for thirty years.

Petunias, Snowstorm and  White Helitrope fill the basket. I think they will be happy on the second front door!

I have some fun garden surprises to show you next week! We are putting up a couple new birdhouses in the veggie garden today!

I hope you are having a San Diego day wherever you are!

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  1. Yvonne, I'd love to know how you "plant" the basket, as I'd like to do the same with a basket I have. Do you leave the flowers in the pot? Line the basket and fill with dirt? Thank - Julie

  2. Julie, That will be a great post. Look for it in an upcoming post soon!

  3. It was San Diego-ish yesterday but today is a mite warmer.

    My youngest just moved back, as you know, from 7 years in San Diego - she's been loving it.

    In fact we had HER do most of our mulching this year - I am too tired and coughing and my poor husband with his broken ribs, well he helped but really she did most of it. We're talking 8 huge scoops of mulch. And she weighs 90 pounds wet - she is just strong and loves landscaping and love the outdoors and works so hard.

    OK enough of us- your second door decor is perfect and I, like Julie, look VERY forward to learning how you did it exactly. It's beautiful.

    Have wonderful Saturday!!

  4. It is San Diego-ish here too! I just posted on FB that my house is now, officially, devoid of ALL personality:(:(:( I love your second front door, and the basket looks beautiful. I miss you. I miss my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):) XOXO

  5. A perfect day then. And, this is beautiful, Yvonne. I cannot wait to see photos of the hydrangea when they bloom, even the beginning blooms. They are my most favorite flower. Sending love....

  6. Oh Yvonne, so beautiful. YOur porch is gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  7. Beautiful Second Door, Yvonne. Love the weathered look of the basket with the white flowers trailing down. It's funny, I had just been thinking about my front door and it's time to put up something for Summer. It's supposed to be in the 80's here in Western Missouri today.

  8. Very pretty!! I planted some hydrangeas for the first time and am getting a few blossoms. I'm excited. And your flower beds will be so nice once it's all done. I've tried mulching but it's so windy here that the mulch doesn't last long and is sent to the four corners of the earth!!

  9. I am just in love with you house. Who would have guessed you have a 2nd front door and it's decorated as beautifully as the main door. Love the basket and all the tiny flowers.


  10. Just beautiful! I love your front porch. We too are having the most glorious weather today. A perfect sunny Saturday! Wishing you a happy weekend.

    Susan and Bentley

  11. Your porch is beautiful....Love the basket on your door especially the cascading flower. The weather in Beaufort, SC is cool here and it is wonderful....Going out to plant some flowers that I just bought at the Farmers Market....

    Have a great weekend!

  12. Absolutely lovely, Yvonne. It's a wonderful day here in TX too.

  13. Yvonne I LOVE that basket, it looks so pretty on your door! It's San Diego-ish here in NY today too. Just came back from the nursery with more plants. I love this time of year!

  14. The basket is very pretty Yvonne! Yep, lovin' this day in Philly too:@)

  15. The basket with real plants looks so pretty, Yvonne! It's hot here in TX!!

  16. We are enjoying a lovely day here in NE PA as well. Unforotunately we can put summer flowers and vegetables in until next weekend as we have the possibility of frost until the end of May. Your basket is beautiful and so very clever.

  17. I've just come in from spending the day at both church and home spreading mulch, weeding and edging and I am just pea green with envy over your mulching dudes Yvonne. Your door looks beautiful and I can't wait to see more after the mulching dudes are gone. Enjoy your lovely weekend.

  18. The basket of white flowers on your second front door is so pretty, Yvonne. The colours, windows and stone work on your front porch are just lovely.

  19. It's beautiful. I love that you have a second front door, Yvonne. Your basket is just gorgeous- xo Diana

  20. It was gorgeous here today and no humidity. What do I do to get mulch men? Or just mulch for that matter? Here we use pine straw for we have it in abundance.

  21. SO pretty and inviting! Sorry I been so quiet these last couple weeks, I’ve been really ill (now finally diagnosed with Whooping Cough even though I was immunized) and have had another very rough week.

  22. This is my first visit to your blog and it is beautiful, mulching men or not. Happy Sunday!

  23. Beautiful. We've been having San Diego like weather in Hampton Roads VA too!

  24. Love your second door and the shape of your basket, The white really pops and the tiny flowers are great contrast with the texture of the basket.

  25. Yvonne,
    After our rain last night, it is a grand and glorious day, indeed!!! to Worship!

  26. Hello Yvonne,
    Your door is very pretty.

  27. We gave up the mulching ourselves a few years ago. 10 yds is a lot of mulch and it was backbreaking for the 2 of us! Now I just supervise so they don't mound it up by the tree bases or house, which is a no no! And then wait at least a week before planting as it burns the roots.

    Your basket is very pretty. I plant a plastic lined one on my door too. Then I have to remember to water it! :)

  28. I really enjoy your blog. Where we live a common architectural feature is to have a door to the garage off to one end of the front porch. It is also commonly a louvered joulousy door. I have strongly disliked (I am using my good Christian vocabulary here since it is Sunday instead of a stronger word :-)!!!!) this door which is in clear view of the front door, unlike yours it is not stepped back. Thank you for this post of your beautiful door/front porch as I will ever now think of my ugly, vexing door as my "second front door" & adorn it properly. My mind has been renewed...

  29. So pretty Yvonne! The door your family enters is the most important one!Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  30. LOVE the flower basket!!! Where do you find these baskets?

  31. i loved it to, flower in the basket . i want to send this basket with flowers as a gifts to Pakistan.
