Saturday, April 7, 2012

WHAT'S THE SCOOP~ Repurposing Teacups

Finding a new purpose for an old or unwanted item is such a thrill to me!

Sitting on my farmhouse kitchen counter are large glass jar holding cereal, flour, sugar and granola. But there is something else in these glass jars... somethings repurposed... that adds a gracenote to my kitchen...


These cups-turned-scoops look so interesting in the big jars! Each teacup measures exactly 1 cup. And they are so pretty!

To scoop out the contents of these great glass, see-everything jars I use old, mismatched blue and white tea cups. 

I love this "rice china" teacup that is now a flour scoop. I "scooped it up" along with a whole box of blue and white for $4.00 at a flea market. It went from a castaway to an honored and useful tool in my kitchen. Its lovely shape and fetching design make measuring out flour almost an event! 

I just purchased another big glass jar to contain a batch of homemade laundry soap I recently made. Now I am looking for another interesting tea cup scoop! Maybe a charming brown transferware.

Even if you don't display your flour in a glass jar or canister... how fun would it be to open your bag of flour and be greeted by a pretty teacup scoop!

I hope you will dig around your home or a flea market finding old teacups to rescue and repurpose!

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  1. Yvonne- What a great, great idea. I do have a pantry that I keep my things in but they are in tupperware. I think this is a great idea and one I will copy. Now...first I have to find those big glass containers that seal!

    Beautiful job! I hope you have a wonderful day! xo Diana

  2. That's a great idea, Yvonne, especially for those finds that you have to have. It allows us a way to use them {and not just have them sitting in a cupboard}.

  3. This is what I call a fun post! I can appreciate repurposed, blue and white, and teacups any day!

  4. I have used teacups as "scoops" for fact most of my life. My grandmothers used teacup "scoops". I especially like using the old teacups.

    Great post and beautiful too.

  5. I use those same containers for flour, sugar and coffee. They are very convenient because the content is visible and the opening will allow for use of beautiful cups like yours. Have a blessed Easter, Yvonne.--------------- Shannon

  6. Yvonne, I love your idea. Where did your purchase your glass jars? Barbara

    1. The big glass jars came from Reading China And Glass. But I have even seen them at Walmart.

  7. Yvonne, this is a lovely idea. They look great in big 'ol glass jars filled with staples!!!

  8. Yvonne, I also use recycled tea cups for my scoops.
    Did you know that a tea cup measures exactly 1 measuring cup.
    I still love a good cup of tea in a china cup.

  9. I have blue and white teacups in my glass canisters, too. They just look so pretty!

  10. I get my glass canisters at Target.

  11. Yvonne, this is a great idea. I have some rice china dishes that I purchased at Pearl S. Buck's home near you. It is a copy of her original pattern and I do love it! Have a wonderful Easter! Linda

  12. I would love to find a pretty teacup in my flour jar. Great idea Yvonne.

  13. What a great idea and so pretty also.

    Will have to look for some teacups for by sugar and flour.

    Love the containers also.

    Happy Easter to you and your family.


  14. Beautiful idea~ Soooo glad to see you back up and running with your blog ~ You are such a blessing! We may never meet in this life but I can see us being great friends when we finally get to our real home in heaven :)

  15. What a great idea! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  16. That's a very clever idea. I keep scoops in my flour and sugar bins, but china cups would be much more attractive. Thanks for sharing!!

  17. I love great ideas. This is great. Thanks for sharing. Happy Easter Season.

  18. Great idea, Yvonne. Makes baking even more fun. Have a happy and blessed Easter. xo

  19. Wonderful idea and what a nice way to please our eye while doing baking or chores! I'm going to start measuring with some lovely old teacups I have! Hugs, Linda

  20. I have the glass jars and I have the teacups... now I need to hook them up! Great post.

  21. Very pretty, Yvonne! Something to make you smile about everyday! Do you have the recipe for the laundry detergent?


    1. Yes, I am doing a post about next week. Just making sure that it is good.

  22. Great repurposing Yvonne, this is an idea I'll follow up on. What a pretty way to decorate a utilitarian jar. Happy Easter.

  23. Wow, I have used them for years, thought everyone used teacups for measuring cups!

  24. Yvonne I love this idea and those little tea cups are so pretty!

  25. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! Thank you so much for sharing it!! I also now want big glass jars for my flour etc.

  26. I have those big glass jars and always keep a measuring cup in mine...Now I'll have to go look for some lonely tea cups!

  27. I have pretty punch cups with painted strawberries in my glass canisters, Yvonne! However, I love your pretty! Blessed Easter!!

  28. Very pretty Yvonne, I'm sure they make you smile-enjoy:@)

  29. Happy Easter to you Yvonne and was wonderful to discover your blog and meet you.
    Love how you have used the teacups in the jars.


  30. What a great idea. I love the blue and white too. I have these exact glass canisters and use them in just about every kitchen photo shoot I do. I've used little wooden scoops and little stainless ones, but never thought of this. I love simple ideas that make a big statement. Love, love, love this! Oh ya, I said that.

  31. This is such a nice way of displaying necessary pantry items. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter celebrating our Risen Lord!

  32. I love your glass canisters on your counter top. What a great way to jazz then up. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing it.

    The French Hutch

  33. What a great idea. Thanks so much for sharing this.

  34. I love this idea! I have some of the rice china blue and white also - it has to make the chore of our kitchen more pleasant!!

  35. You always find beautiful things to use for everyday utilitarian uses...great idea...thank you for sharing your beauties!

  36. Yvonne,
    I love finding another use for everyday household items! Your use of a tea cup for a scoop is brilliant! Thanks for sharing!

  37. I too enjoy finding other uses, particularly for tea cups! Yours look beautiful!

    - The Tablescaper

  38. I truly love this idea! I am a tea merchant and I collect tea cups myself and while looking at my shelfs over-filling...I thought, this is crazy! I mean I love these cups but there has got to be someone who could use these more than myself. Now I'll have a purpose for a few of them! I hope I may share your ideas with my customers?!?
