Saturday, April 21, 2012



Do you like StoneGable's new look! 

When I made the decision to continue blogging I wanted to start with a fresh new look. This time I decided to let a professional handle the design. And I am so glad that I did! 

I researched many blog designer's... looked over their web-sites, perused portfolios and read testimonials. After much investigation, I chose Julie at BLOGGER BOUTIQUE to give StoneGable a facelift. What a great fit!

Let me show you around the new StoneGable...
  The header above is a montage of my original work with a "pastel filter" applied. The center square hold an image of our home's stone gable that inspired it's name and the name of my blog.

 The sprawling "StoneGable" across the header is a new font! We tried a few fonts but this was Julie's original choice... she knew best!

 My new tag line "inspiring creative living" reflects the purpose of my blog.

And my new logo ~ SIGH~ a lovely monogrammed seal, floats in the left corner of the header. It appears on any comments I leave, is my favicon, and the logo is echoed in the laurel wreaths in post titles.

Choosing a header was a very big decision. Thank goodness, Julie was a great listener! She translated my desires into beautiful elements and graphics. She also was very diplomatic, steering me away from making any poor decisions. Working closely together, Julie gave me a blog design that embodies all that StoneGable is.

I love the new blog colors. They were intentionally chosen too... soft buttery yellow (my favorite color)  and a pale steely blue to work with the colors in the gable. Julie used these colors in designing the body of my blog, giving it an updated appearance!

Other great elements added to StoneGable:
new layout
new background
new signature and comment bar
new post dividers
new sidebar titles
new blog button
new navigation menu
cute social networking buttons

I am especially enjoying the "pages" at the bottom of my header... Home, Recipes, Tablescapes, Weekly Menu, Tutorial Tips And Tidbits,  Home And Garden and On The Menu Monday.  Please click on these tabs to see my favorite posts.

A great big THANK YOU to Julie at BLOGGER BOUTIQUE  for all of your hard work, your listening ear, your determination to bring to life my vision for StoneGable and for your professional advice at all times!

I highly recommend Julie. If you are thinking about a new blog design please visit her site and her informative BLOG

StoneGable is just one sample of her beautiful work.  I could not be happier with it's new look. Please go visit her site and check out more of her creative designs!

Julie is offering a $75.00 discount on a custom blog design to the first client.

A disclaimer:  Julie did not ask me to post anything nor am I getting compensated in any way.

I hope you are enjoying StoneGable's new look! It was my fondest desire for all who come to visit to find a place of beauty and inspiration!

I need a little help!
Because I stopped blogging and most of us thought that I would not be blogging again, I see that StoneGable is not on many of the blogrolls it used to be on. I miss seeing my blog on your sidebar!!!!!

If you would be so kind... could you please add StoneGable back to your blogroll? Thank so very much!

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  1. Good Morning Yvonne:

    I put you back on my blogroll the first I learned of your 'return' I was new to the bloggers world and loved your posts when you stopped posting. I was sad because of I loved your content. I was so delighted your heart brou9ght you back to us!!
    Mary Anne ox

  2. I don't think we ever took you off of our blogroll Yvonne!! :-) And your blog's new look is just gorgeous!

  3. You are on mine and never left! Love love love the new look...fabulous!

  4. Yvonne...You never left my blogroll or my prayers that you would return!
    I am sitting here, with coffee and jelly toast, the washing machine is going.
    I made your laundry soap last Saturday. I gave one half to my daughter. When I was talking to her (on the phone) yesterday, she hugged my granddaughter and said. "You smell so good!" "That's Grandma's soap!"
    Her comment made me"feel the love", smile and reflect warmly upon my visits to Stone Gable.
    I so appreciate you sharing your blog designer. I love your new look!
    Thank you!

  5. Yvonne, I am inspired by your blog! I rarely post and never had many followers but I didn't take you off my blogroll:-) Beauty soothes my soul and I know God put that in our hearts for us to enjoy so I very much appreciate your blog. Scripture and being led by the Lord are important to me too.

  6. SO glad you are back! I never removed SG from my list. Actually, and this was before you came back, I realized I had never taken the "I was featured" button, so I did! You had featured a Rachael Ray recipe I posted for On The Menu in Aug. 2011. I also think that Blogger is messing around with things again. xo

  7. Yvonne,
    Thank you so much for your blog, I want you to know you are my go to girlfriend. Today I made your herb quiche for a ladies tea at church. Your grace and influence is a blessing.
    Your friend, Shelley

  8. Love it! Clean and fresh as a Summer breeze :)

  9. Yvonne, I love your blog's new look!! Like the others, I never removed you from my blog roll! I was always hoping that you'd be back!!

  10. HI Yvonne,

    I've kept you on my sidebar all along! I don't think I'm on yours though =(

    Your new blog design looks great! I keep thinking I should take that plunge myself! I will check out Julies site and pricing.

    Have a great weekend!


  11. Looks beautiful! You are still on my blog roll!

  12. Beautiful new design..I never took you off my blog roll as I would visit some of your photos from time to glad you are back!!
    Miss Bloomers

  13. I love your new look, Yvonne! :)


  14. You are on mine. I love your creativity!

  15. Love your new look! It's perfect for you!
    PS I never took you off my blog roll.:)

  16. Thank you for posting this. It’s exactly what I was looking for!

  17. I was just getting to know you, when you announced you would retire from blogging. I'm glad to see that you reconsidered. I love your new blog home-- it's stylish and classy, just as you are. Blessings, Debby

  18. Yes I do love the look of your blog Yvonne. Your blog is what I think of when asked "What do you want your blog to look like when you grow up?" I do so admire your blog, not only the blog shell design but all of your posts and your talent in creating each and every one. Thanks so much for sharing all of your creatively.

  19. You never came off of my Blogs To Peruse list.♥

  20. I love your new designs and I am so
    Happy that you are back.

    I don't have a blog so I guess I can't become part
    of your blogroll.


  21. very pretty and very professional looking.
    I never removed you from my list..I was hoping by keeping your name there the Universe would bring you back to glad it did~!

  22. Yvonne I love your new look! Never removed you from my list in hopes you would return:)

  23. Everything is just as classy and elegant as you are! It is beautiful. I never removed you from my blog list ~ can't do anything with it anyway. Blogger is such a problem ~ :-(

    So glad you're here!

  24. You never ever left the Take Six blog roll, Yvonne! Great new look!

  25. I never removed you as I knew you loved it too much to give it up forever! Did you remove the click to continue option? I don't see it on this post! Good! I don't like having to wait for it to reload! Always anxious to see what you have. I heard from my readers they don't like it either! :)
    Your new look is beautiful, but the old one was too! Mine will stay homemade, it's my style, nothing fancy!
    Enjoy the weekend and I wiil be linking up this Monday with something I've never made before!

  26. You never left mine either. I wished you back to blogland, Yvonne. And, see, it worked !!!

  27. Your new design inspired me to try my hand at making a button for my blog from a tutorial I had saved.

    If you want to see it here is the link:


  28. Love your changes, always fun to freshen things up, isn't it?

    Please email me, I have a question for you!! It's important!!

  29. Julie did a wonderful job, Yvonne. It is just beautiful. I love the colors and the clarity of the layout.

    One of these days I am going to follow suit and have a "makeover" done...I would certainly consider working with Julie! xo Diana

  30. all ready for another year of blogging ... beautiful work.

  31. Hi Yvonne,
    I love your new design,it is a very pleasant experience to visit your blog, I always leave feeling inspired.

    You have been on my side bar for a very long time and never left.

    Hope you are have a wonderful evening!
    Miz Helen

  32. I never took you off mine because I just knew you would be back sooner or later. I'm glad it was sooner!!
    I LOVE the new design.

  33. Love your new look and style. The butter yellow is gorgeous. I don't have a blogroll now but if I ever do you'll be there!


  34. Hello and good morning,

    I love the new look of your log. I must go and check out Julie.

    I have rolled for some time and you were the first person on my blog roll, where you have stayed. I never removed you. That was how I new you were back.

    Have a happy Sunday, Elizabeth

  35. it's a great look. Very calm and serene and classy. headed over to check Julie out. xo marlis

  36. I'm not really sure what a blogroll is, but if you mean like a follower, I never deleted you!

  37. Hi Yvonne

    Our mutual friend Rae Ann told me of your blog. I have been here almost every day since I retired. I love the site, the feaatures and especially the recipes. Made a batch of the pickle pot pickles today. Rae Ann & I are going to make some of the laundry detergent and share. Looking forward to more exciting things in the future. Fondly

  38. I was not around before, but you are now on my blogroll! Love your blog. The buttery yellow is scrumptious♥

  39. So glad you are back...I never removed you from my list cause I didn't want to miss you should you decide to come back. YAY!! LOVE the new look! Blessings, Pat

  40. Yvonne,
    Very all the changes.

  41. I do not have a "blog roll" however, you are on my "side bar"!!!....

    Love your new look...your overall blog design is over the top beautiful...I started reading your blog in late 2011 when I started blogging...I so enjoyed reading it...then you were gone...I was so sad, but understood how what you had to do for yourself...Now since you have been put a smile on my face every time I read your posts...I am so glad you found your way back...

  42. You did great changes sweet lady Ivonne. I love all you did, you're so creative! It's way great looking, wish I was good at this things, lol..I always have to have my savvy daughter do my blog things. ha! Sometimes I just cannot believe you're back, I'm very happy and smile everytime I see your Syone Gable party too. OK!, I'm linking anyway, wheather I have food, or not in my thank you for having me and have a great week.

  43. Thank you for the warm mention, Yvonne. Your design is a favorite, and it was lovely working with such a talented woman.

  44. Your blog was one of the reasons that I was motivated to finally start a blog. I had thought about it long and hard. I loved yours, simply loved it! And it still is wonderful.


  45. I really love your new look! I am so glad you came back to blogging. I have added you to my list of blogs I love!! Hugs, Linda

  46. I really like your new look! It is classy and much more updated. I really liked your older look as well, it really stood out. When I pull up some of the older posts, I can't read some of the words as they look whited out??? Can that be fixed? Anyway, great looking blog and enjoy reading it daily! Ana

  47. I do like your new look and I made a bookmark for Julie's blog. I don't think I ever took you off my blog list because I knew you would be back!

  48. I've been enjoying your blog for about 10 days now-since I saw Anita's post mentioning your mason jar votives. Although I, too, like Anonymous [above], noticed that some of the words were missing, it sure didn't make me stop reading lots of your posts. How blessed I am to find another Christian blogger who shares her talents in blogland!

  49. I have Stone Gable listed on my sidebar as one of "The Loveliest" and could not bear to take it off even when you took a blogging break. So glad you are back! I believe at one time A Little Loveliness was listed on your sidebar, and I always hoped It was not removed due to an offense on my part. I enjoyed your visits and hope you know you are welcome anytime!

  50. Yvonne,

    I will add it to my blog. Your new design reflects the loveliness of your home!


  51. LOVE the new look! But I will say, on the constructive criticism end of things...having to load twice to read each page is a bummer. I am finding that I am just looking at the initial little blurb more often than I am reading on.....But everything else is WONDERFUL.

  52. I love your would look great etched on a the one you have been given for Christmas.
