Sunday, April 22, 2012


I just got home from a RELAXING girl's weekend on the Chesapeake Bay. What fun to eat lunch on a big sailboat in a beautiful marina! The owner of the boat was kind enough to offer her boat as a setting for a tablescape. You bet I'll be traveling down to the Chesapeake very soon with a big box of dishes.

Don't we all need time to relax? I love to go away. No laundry to call for me, not pets needing my attention, no dusting, no cooking, no responsibilities! I sleep so well when I am away (as long as I have my own pillows!)...

But I love coming home even better! I really am a homebody. I love to putter! All the way home I was thinking of the little projects I have planned.

This week I am hoping to get a few silver spoon garden markers made and I would love to make a pillow or two for the family room sofa.

  I'll also be spending hours and hours scraping the final wallpaper off walls in a bedroom we are redecorating. I have been putting this project on the back burner for awhile.  Time to get to it!

I am looking forward to giving this bedroom soft white walls. My poor Bobby can't understand why I was so bent on painting all the walls and covering them with wallpaper 17 years ago, and now I want to paint the light and white! I keep telling him... "EVERYTHING HAS A LIFE CYCLE... THINGS GET TIRED... THINGS MOVE TOWARD CHAOS, DISARRAY AND DECAY IF WE DON''T TEND TO THEM...EVERYTHING HAS A LIFE CYCLE!"
But, hey... I'm talking to a guy who still has sweaters for the 1980's in the back of his closet.. and thinks they are still fine to wear! I guess he is saving them for his next wife because he will never wear them while I 'm his wife!

Now back to soft white paint.... Do you know how many white paints there are out there. I have a whole file box filled with white paint chips! Look for an upcoming posts, Choosing The Right White. 

Now here's WHAT'S ON MY MENU...

Meatball Sandwiches On Crusty Rolls
Artichoke Salad

Perfectly Roasted Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Roasted Carrots

Orange Poached Salmon
Broccoli Slaw

Bourbon Barbecued Pork Chops
Tasty Taters
Sauteed Green Beans

Nani's Sauteed Chicken
Wide Noodles
Broccoli With Lemons

Grilled Tilapia
Thai-Style Grilled Eggplant Salad

Steaks On The Grill
Grilled Vegetables With Balsamic Dressing


Now what's On Your Menu...


  1. Oh I can't think of a better place! I love road trips with the girlies!!

  2. Hi Yvonne, I can't wait to try a few of these recipes. the roast chicken and broccoli slaw are just two I want to try. xo

  3. What a great list of food for next week.

    I am looking forward to trying the thi-style eggplant.

    That roast chicken looks delicious. Will have to pick
    one up this week.

    Thanks for all your delicious recipes.


  4. Having lunch on a sailboat is my kinda lunch! Sounds like a fun trip! Thanks for hosting :)

  5. Hi Yvonne, Your weekend sounds wonderful and rejuvenating! I am looking forward to the on-deck tablescape! I had to check out your roast chicken recipe because Al loves roast chicken. I have been making Martha's -- similar to Ina's, but I stuff the cavity very full of quartered oranges and lemons, with lots of chopped garlic and some rosemary. Coat the skin with melted butter, roast at 450 (!!) for about an hour, then use the juices for a sauce! Soooo good. Your idea of the compound butter will definitely make its way into my next chicken! Have a wonderful week. Linda

  6. Why is it always the pork chops that catch my eye! Sounds like you had a fun weekend Yvonne, always nice to recharge the batteries:@)

  7. Hi Yvonne,
    I look forward to your post about your road trip and lunch on the sail boat, it sounds like a fun trip. I love your menu, the chicken and pork chops would be a winner with our group. Thanks for hosting and have a great week!
    Miz Helen

  8. What fun you had my friend, wow! Can't wait to know what the menu at the boat was! I'm so happy you had a great weekend, how refreshing. Thank you for having me. Have a blessed week.

  9. Grilled pork chop kabobs for us monday

  10. What a blessing to get some time away. Sounds like a great time. I hope you will get some time away this summer out here. Alma said it is a possibility, it will be fun!
    A boat scape will be great, I hope you have a helper to carry all the accoutrements! :) A big strong cabin boy would be nice!
    The menu looks good, as it always does!

    1. Kathleen, Yes! A big strong cabin boy!!!!!
      I do hope to get out to A. this summer and I am so looking forward to meeting you!

  11. I love to travel too, but the best part is coming home. We all need to get away sometime to really appreciate what we have in our own lives. I'm sure you enjoyed your lunch on the sailboat. There's usually such a nice breeze when you're on a boat that makes dining even more fun. One of our favorite pastimes is sitting on our lanai watching all of the boats come in and out of the marina each day.

    Thank you for hosting On the Menu Monday. You are always so organized Yvonne. I've brought Baked Chicken with Lemons and Olives, a great party dish that can be put together in 10 minutes and bake while you have cocktails and visit with your guests.

    Enjoy your week and good luck finding that perfect white.

  12. I NEED A VACATION, TOO!!!!!!!!!! Especially on a boat! I'm happy for you to have gotten away for awhile, but I'm also glad you're back, too.

    I'm going to compare your bourbon bbq pork chops with the Jack Daniel's recipe I've used, from Gourmet magazine. It is WONDERFUL so I bet yours is similar.

    I hope you get to try my grilled garlic shrimp recipe. It is REALLY good!

    Hugs & Happy Monday, Hon...thanks for hosting OTMM,

  13. I love looking through your weekly menu. I am on a gluten free diet so much of it is off limits to me but I did find a recipe I could enjoy from one of your posters. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I am so excited to try it.
    thanks for visiting me. I am so happy you are blogging again and sharing all your pretty creations with us.

  14. It sounds like you had a fun weekend, but I'm with you on being a homebody!! I love being home and I'm never bored, as there's always something to do. I've shared three recipes this week, Yvonne. Thanks for hosting!!

  15. Thanks for hosting, have a wonderful week!

  16. Oh, that roasted chicken looks amazing!

    I'm so glad all of our wallpaper is gone too - I love the look of light and cheerful. Can't wait to see what paint colors you pick!

  17. I am so glad you had fun, I didn't know you had lunch on a sailboat!!!!!!!!! Can I please be your "cabin boy" when you take the dishes down????? My GF who lives in Annapolis has a LARGE sailboat that they travel on and LIVE on part of the year! YOur menu once again sounds wonderful, and I need some new ideas. Joe has, well, HAD OLD clothes in his closet and we got rid of ALOT, for the move. 3 suitsthat were old and didn't fit him anymore. I so agree that things need CHANGE and updating. See you soon!!!!!!! Love, P

  18. The Bourbon pork chops sound delicious! Thanks for sharing and for hosting this link up.

  19. Looks fantastic as always! Thank you for hosting!

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