Friday, April 27, 2012


This beautiful plate of hors d'oeuvres took minutes to make an assemble. And doesn't it look yummy!

A  plate like this can be used as hors d'oeuvres or even as part of a meal. It has those scrumptious Mediterranean flavors we all love!

No one will care that you didn't spend hours slaving away in the kitchen when they can nibble on such great savories...

All these intensely flavored tidbits came from my grocer's deli isle. I am just amazed at all the wonderful, high quality food we can get ready-to-eat from the grocer's!

I chose 3 distinct flavors for my hors d'oeuvre platter. A tangy tomato bruschetta, pungent oil cured olives and soft cheeses. Three  selections are plenty... even for a group!

Toasting the baguettes was the only cooking I did. A day old baguette was cut up, brushed with olive oil and put into a 400 degree oven for 15 minutes until they were just golden brown and crisp. To make this appetizer even easier, store bought panini  could be substituted.

I think the real trick to making GOOD QUALITY store bought food  into a delicious starter or part of a meal is the presentation. We all eat with our eyes first!

 The food itself is so colorful and sensual that I served it on a very neutral, all white background.

 It is important to stage store bought hors d'oeuvres to look better than homemade. I added fresh herbs to the mozzarella and feta cheese as well as the bruschetta.  And drizzling a little extra olive oil over the olives made them look shiny and plump.

Here are some great deli isle finds to add to an hors d'oeuvre platter...

~fresh cheeses
~roasted red peppers
~marinaded mushrooms
~marinaded artichoke hearts
~marinaded heart of palm
~pickled vegetables
~ onion marmalade
~soft cheeses
~ pate'
~ toasted baguettes
~panini rounds
~bread sticks
~toasted pita triangles

So save yourself a whole lot of work and pick up some tasty bites at the deli isle! 

Here is my rule of thumb for entertaining...

If I am cooking a meal, I buy the hors d'oeuvres... and if I make the hors d'oeuvres... we grill!

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I am joining FOODIE FRIDAY at Rattlebridge Farm
Full Plate Thursday at Miz Helen's


  1. Love this Yvonne. Looks perfect for a ladies night on the deck!

  2. Great idea and just enough. I will try this for my next tennis girl event!

  3. That looks delicious, Yvonne! The presentation is very appetizing. We have a grocery store here that can be a little more expensive, but I love going there {plus, it is basically just down the road from us, so it's the closest} and they have so many delicious looking things. They have a whole section just for cheeses! This is a store where I would definitely go if I was entertaining to get some appetizers. Then you can concentrate on your meal menu. Although, I'm not opposed to buying the appetizers AND the meal!

  4. One of my go-to favorites is salted nuts. Salted cashews and sparkling wine ... YUM! Or if I feel like it I roast almonds at home. So easy to do and you can do it while you're doing other things - like stuffing junk under the bed so your guests won't see it - hahaha!!

  5. Your post is a great reminder that we can put together a lovely table without spending hours in the kitchen. Simple foods become elegant when they are presented so beautifully. Love the way you added your own touches to each of the items. It's amazing what a spoonful of oil can do to dress up a little bowl of olives.

  6. I'm hungry! What a beautiful presentation and great pictures!

    I did a post last year on an easy brushetta...another easy and pretty go-to recipe you might want to check out.

    I'm really hungry.

  7. More delicious idea... off to find some ingredients in the cupboard!
    Great tip about making storebought look good!
    Bon week-end,

  8. Yvonne, Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog. Your photography and composition look beautiful. But since you asked, here is a link to the lights that come in handy when natural light is not available.

  9. Your appetizer setting looks very yummy! I agree with you on making things easier by using some store bought items as part of the entertaining menu. Life's too short to be slaving in the kitchen...I'd rather be with my guests!

  10. I'm now following your blog Yvonne. These appetizers look delicious! I'm getting hungry just looking at the pictures. I think I could make a meal out of these.


  11. Fabulous! I'm giving a small cocktail party next week, and this might just appear!! Thank you so much for posting!

  12. It looks BEAUTIFUL, Yvonne! You inspired me to do this for a dinner I am having tomorrow here at home! And what a beautiful blog, I love the design!!!
    You even put the pictures on frames, the colors are so soothing... GREAT job!!!
    I want my blog to look like this, too!!! I literally break my head trying to look more professional... still so much to do!
    I will become a follower right now!

  13. Great ideas for my next dinner party! I love where you arranged them also, the pretty white platter. Thank you lovely Ivonne, I just needed this appetizer idea. Enjoy your weekend.

  14. Yummy indeed!! I do an arrangement like that quite often as an appetizer when we have company Yvonne and it's always a big hit! You do the best presentations!!

  15. Very pretty indeed! I could easily call that dinner and be very happy about it:@)

  16. This looks so attractive and appetizing! I always serve a little something before dinner, I like that lull between guests arriving and doing the final prep. We have so many specialty stores here in the city, but sometimes I find the best things right in my grocery store!

    Thanks for your tips, Yvonne. Have a Happy Weekend!


  17. There are times when I spend more times on the hors doeuvres than the meal and enjoy them a lot! So glad to see you back!!


  18. I actually ate these delicious appetizers and they were amazing. I thought Yvonne made them, even asked for the recipe for the tomato bruschetta. What a great idea to lighten your load when entertaining.

    1. Okay,I forgot if Kim or Ginger asked me for this recipe! Love to you whoever you are!!!!

    2. Reread this again. Sounds like you, dear Kim!!!! xo

  19. They look beautiful, and you are so right about using pretty store bought Hors Doeuvres when entertaining and cooking the main course. I have actually done this same selection a few times myself. It's pretty, and people love it.
    Another great post!
    Have a fabulous weekend!

  20. Yummy yum yum, I agree about store bought too, there are some excellent choices out there. xo

  21. What a beautiful kind of appys...easy peasy..

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  22. You make everything lovely!! I love your rule of entertaining! If you don't mind i think I will borrow it!!

  23. I hate to admit it but appetizers intimidate me sometimes. Thanks for these great and easy suggestions from the deli dept of the market.

  24. Yvonne a perfect way to start an evening; make the entertaining a lot easier. Yes I agree and your list of ideas is extensive enough for anyone to make a lovely presentation.

    2012 Artist Series featuring Designer and Paper Artist Anita River... do please stop by!

    Art by Karena

  25. I love your rule of thumb for entertaining and will adopt it! I wish we had a Wegman's near us but I am thinking maybe our Giant might have alot of these available. GREAT idea and BEAUTIFUL presentation! Wish I had been there:) XO, Pinky

  26. I am SO with you on the easy and attractive! I spend so much time on so many other components of my entertaining that the hors d'oeuvres often are a next-to-the-last-minute thing. Hors d'oeuvres don't have to be intricate to be tasty or to present well. I'm with you all the way, sister!!!

  27. Everything looks so delicious. I love to entertain this way.

    - The Tablescaper

    PS Reminds me of some the treats you had when I visited!

  28. This all looks so mouth is watering!

  29. Hi Yvonne,
    I am so excited to see you here today. I love your presentation for the wonderful hors d' oeuvre platter, a great assortment leaving lots of time to visit with your guest. Hope you have a Very Special Week End and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  30. I've just taken another spin around your beautiful blog. You know how you start one place, and end up far, far away? We're taking appetizers to friends on Saturday night and I just got a couple of great ideas. Thanks!

    Please check out new blog directory and events calendar.

    Thanks again,

  31. The bread is what I want to try.

  32. Hi..can you please tell me what fresh herbs you put on your mozzarella and feta cheese? Thank you!

    1. basil, red pepper flakes and flat leaf parsley. Hope that helps!

  33. thank you Yvonne..that helps a lot! I appreciate it!
