Wednesday, April 11, 2012


What does one do with hundreds and hundreds of daffodils that are gifted to you? Well, you gift them to others, of course... but not before you set a table with them first! What inspiration!

This table was hands down the most simple yet extravagant table I have ever set... and the most fragrant too!

It was all about showing off the daffodils... so put on your sunglasses...lots of bright yellow here... the sheer color will make you happy!

 The stand-out-stars of this table are the daffodils. Giving them the attention they deserved, I chose to set an all white table... with the exception of yellow and white gingham napkins.

To keep the place settings a little interesting, I chose to stack white plates with great detailed edges.

Simple homemade yellow and white gingham napkins were pressed, folded and placed on top of the plates. No fancy napkin fold. It is all about the daffs~  A single bloom is laid across the napkin to bid a sunny welcome to luncheon guests.

Each place had its own mini profusion of daffodils! White porcelain cups and saucers were filled with pretty daffodils! 

When using a tall flower, like the daffodil, I also like to repeat them lower to the the table and closer to each place setting. I think it makes a much prettier and full table. 

So dramatic!

Five pitchers brusting with over 400 daffodils line the center of the table and become a breathtaking centerpiece!

There were 500 daffodils all together on the table!

This is one time that the camera could not capture the magnitude and extravagance that the eye can see. I was captivated by the beauty of all these daffodils... I kept walking into my dining room just to take it all in again and again and again!

Three large pitchers...

and two small pitchers...

 happily march down the center of the table to make the most incredible and sunny centerpiece!

Dessert dishes were set on the table so one more pitcher of daffodils could be added to the profusion!

I was so incredibly blessed to use armfuls of daffodils for this table... even if it was for a short time!

Leftover daffodils were taken to nursing homes, hospitals, and given out at my husbands medical practice. 

These daffodils were reused as a centerpiece on a Spring table at a women's group event and all the ladies got to take several home! 

These happy daffodils spread sunshine and joy to so many people!

I hope these daffodils were a gift to you too!

Baby Greens with Strawberries, Bleu And Spicy Pecans In A Lemon Poppyseed Dressing
Salmon, Asparagus And Bow Tie Pasta In a Light Cream Sauce

Lemon Sponge Cake With Berries And Freshly Whipped Cream
Iced Tea

Look for these recipes in an upcoming Foodie Friday!

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I am participating in:
 Let's Dish at Cuisine Kathleen
Between Naps On The Porch


  1. Yvonne-How beautiful. Our daffys are just beginning to bloom. We usually don't see these for another 3 weeks but have had an unusually warm spring. Blessings to you this fine Wednesday- xo Diana

  2. Absolutely beautiful Yvonne!! I love how you added daffodils to the tea cups, you think of everything and it's perfection!

  3. What a gorgeous table Yvonne! Simple, but striking colors! So fabulous!

  4. That is simply breathtakingly beautiful! I am in awe of your tablescaping talents!
    A feast for the eyes, thanks for sharing...I adore those white dishes too!

  5. Just perfect. That is my very favorite flower. I think because the simplicity of it, and because it just screams "It's spring!!!' after those dark winter months. This table could not have been more perfect because you kept is so simple...yet elegant. Truly, the flowers are the center of everything! Love it! Lori L

  6. Unbelievable! Breathtaking! I would have taken up residence in your dining room just to drool!

  7. Yvonne, this is just gorgeous!! That sunny yellow just dazzles! You have created such a beautiful setting! So bright and cheery! Gorgeous, as always! And you were able to brighten so many lives!! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Amazingly beautiful! How many Daffodils do you have? They're gorgeous!!! :)

  9. Oh this so cheery and beautiful Yvonne~~~Now I am headed off to trader joes! I want some daffodils! haha

    Kay Ellen

  10. Like sitting at a table full of sunshine! They are beautiful! I can't believe how many Daffodils you had. Such a pretty way of sharing them also. White was perfect to go with this glorious color!

  11. Oh my goodness 400 daffodils! This is good for the soul! I love this profusion of yellow! The napkins are perfect with it- they add a nice cheerful accent!
    How lucky your guests were to get to take some home!

  12. Simply beautiful! And you are right you don't need anything else except the beautiful yellow daffodils and the lovely white dishes. Well done!
    XO Cindy

  13. Oh how beautiful Yvonne! I love daffodils! Thanks so much by stopping by my blog and leaving kind words. I'm a new follower.

  14. I am so overwhelmed with the beauty of the daffodils. I just love them. It is too bad that they have such a short life span. But they do come back every year, don't they?

  15. Amazing Yvonne, they are just too beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing.

  16. Daffodils are hands down my favorite spring flower, but how can you bear to cut them from your garden? I can only imagine the sea of yellow and green....but they make a gorgeous display in your dining room! They just scream SPRING is here. I am sure everyone enjoyed.

  17. Oh, such a beautiful tablescape with the daffodil profusion Yvonne. It is so perfect, so breathtakingly beautiful. You inspire me every time I come to your blog and I love all of your ideas, you have such talent to share with us.

  18. Yvonne, you have captured the essence of happiness with this tablescape. Simple yellow and white - just gorgeous. I treated myself to a bunch for Easter but they faded rather quickly. Love the gingham napkins. And the menu, oh my...xo

  19. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous daffodils!

  20. Your table is just stunning, Yvonne, and I bet it was breathtaking in person as you said! My bulbs didn't fare well this year with the mild winter. I was able to make a small bouquet! lol! How nice that you made so many others happy and able to enjoy them. I love your use of white on white dishes, they are each so pretty! And the yellow gingham napkins are the perfect touch! Wonderful!


  21. GEESH, I just left a comment and it went POOF....gone. I wanted to say: I was dying to see what you did with all the daffs!!! Your table is beautiful as always, love the gingham napkins. they are the perfect accent and love the daffs in the tea cups!!! Love to you, Pinky

  22. Amazing! And to pick 400!
    It looks beautiful!

  23. Stunning Yvonne.
    These sweet flowers just kept on and keep on giving!

  24. Obviously you've been mass planting daffodils for a while! How beautiful! Would love to see a pic of them growing in their masses, too!

  25. Yvonne:

    The daffodils look fabulous! How beautiful! So thoughtful of giving them to nursing homes, hospitals and your husband's office! Thanks for sharing such a cheerful post!


  26. Now that's a happy table! Daff's are a favorite of mine, love the bright yellow and the napkins are cute too:@)

  27. I do not think I have ever seen so many daffodils in one area...they are one of my favorite flowers...they are so happy!! Magnificent display Yvonne...simply breathtaking in every way...I am so glad you shared these beautiful flowers with us and others...So happy you just want to dance!!

  28. This room is pretty much like heaven to me! Absolutely spectacular, and I'll bet the room smelled heavenly. I'm your newest follower, btw.

  29. Oh this is so beautiful. All the white with the beautiful yellow flowers is stunning!

  30. What a GLORIOUS display of sunshiny yellow daffodils! They make such an incredible impact at your table and I love the touch of the yellow & white checked napkin! Our daffies are spent~ thanks for sharing yours with me :)

  31. OMG, 500 of those beauties. So lovely, and so nice you were able to share them with so many others. Pretty, pretty, pretty!!!

  32. The yellow and white...just simply amazing!

  33. You had me at yellow, one of my all-time favorite colors. This is so cheerful -- beautiful.

  34. Daffodils are one of my favorite flowers of all. To me, the more the better so I loved your table with it's celebration of yellow!

  35. Yvonne, Your table is breathtaking... I am sure they are from your garden. Just beautiful. Thank you for your kind words about my Pottery Barn towels.

    Love your table.


  36. Yvonne, such a fabulous fabulous table. I love your wonderful dishes. The daffodils just make me smile! Love all that yellow. It's so pretty. Lucky you to have all those pretty flowers to use. xo marlis

  37. Dorothy in her field of poppies didn't hold a candle to this profusion of loveliness! Gorgeous! Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  38. Oh Yvonne, how glorious!!!! The daffodils are soooooo amazing, you could almost set anything with them. What a spell binding table!

    - The Tablescaper

  39. Yvonne, yellow daffodils always make my heart sing. How wonderful to have an abundance! I can smell this table all the way to TX. Thanks for sharing the beauty of all the details. You are amazing! ~Sarah

  40. So pretty love the gingham napkins

  41. That is amazing! I don't think I have ever seen so many daffodils in one place. Your table is gorgeous, so sunny! I love yellow and white, so crisp and the check napkins are adorable~ Thanks so much for sharing this beauty at Let's Dish!!

  42. Yellow is my favorite color, so you know this is a favorite for me. Absolutely breathtaking, Yvonne.♥

  43. I have always loved yellow daffodils - and along with that yellow gingham is so special. Your table is so crisp and perfect. What a delight it must be to sit down and enjoy the beauty!!

  44. I was waiting for the return of your great tables and this one is beautiful. Thank you.

  45. Beuatiful in simple yellow & white!!! There is nothing that sings of Spring quite like daffodils. They have the most sunshiny color and ruffly texture, and they are a fabulous "attitude adjuster"!!! The more the merrier, so this table is bursting with happiness!!!!!!

  46. Stunning. So bright and cheery. Instant sunshine!

  47. What a daffo-delicious table, Yvonne...just gorgeous with all that beautiful yellow against white!

  48. Spectacular! How amazing of you to share these beauties with others! Absolutely gorgeous tablescape as ALWAYS!!

  49. Spectacular! Thank you! What a joy to see the beautiful daffodils in all their glory!

  50. Yvonne,

    I just discovered your blog and I am going back and reading your blog in it's entirity (in Oct of 08). I am learning so much about how to entertain, how to decorate seasonally, and hostessing! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and talent. You do it in such a gracious and lovely manner.


  51. What a gift that was! I love that you "passed it on" and gifted them to others. Daffodils are such a beautiful flower, as is your tablescape. They look fabulous in the white pitchers!!

  52. WOW, I've never seen so many cut daffodils. This is beautiful!

  53. Now that is a "happy" profusion!

    Thanks for sharing & Happy Easter!

    Mrs. S

  54. wow ~ just wow ~

    Thanks for sharing the exuberance of joy in daffodils with us Yvonne.

  55. Hi, Yvonne, so glad you are back on your blog. I really enjoy it.

    I don't know where to ask this question, so I am asking you.

    Is there a design conglomerator (is that a word?) similar to TasteSpotting or foodgawker? I have found many recipes and blogs through those. It would really be nice to find design projects and ideas the same way.


    1. Great question, Peggy! I would love to know that answer myself!

  56. Cheerfully beautiful!! Thanks for sharing your talent

  57. Yvonne
    dear, Your daffodil table is so beautiful, the tears almost came for me. I never see mine in the front yard at home because I am here in Texas, and they do not grow daffodils or tulips because the ground never gets cold enough for the bulbs during the Winter. We can buy them here in the groc. stores, but are very expensive a bunch. They are inported from another place. May will be another beautiful month, and "hurray", I'll be home. Love, Mother

  58. Absolutely Gorgeous Yvonne, nothing brings a smile to the face like a happy daffodil. I used white tulips this year, we had 70 white tulips and 50 daffodils in an adjoining room. It looked like a wedding was about to begin. Love Spring flowers and your table was just beautiful. Kathysue

  59. Yvonne,
    What an amazing profusion of beautiful daffodil's. Your table is lovely, as always.

  60. How did I miss this last week??? Must have been busy with DH's issues. Glorious table, full of sunshine & warmth, Yvonne! You were smart to keep all the other colors to a minimum & all the wonderfully different edges on your white plates add so many interesting textures to the scene.

    You brought sunshine to many, many people with these beautiful flowers! Thanks for including US!


  61. Yvonne, this may be one of my very favorites. I love it. Love it so much I will be featuring it on my blog tomorrow xo

  62. Yvonne, Magical!!! So nice of you to share all this beauty. I'm sharing it too on my Pinterest board..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  63. Breathtaking! Simply gorgeous Yvonne!

  64. Anita,
    I clicked onto the Daffodil Profusion Table from the "you might also like this" thumbprint at the bottom of your current post. At first sight of the glorious daffodils, I could SMELL them! Just like that, I was engulfed in their heady distinctive scent. Beautiful photos, beautiful table.

