Sunday, March 25, 2012


This week at StoneGable it is work, work, work on some of my upstairs bedrooms! Bobby and the boys laid hardwood floors in 3 bedrooms over the last couple weeks, and now I am working on painting, removing wallpaper and putting the rooms back in order. This 3 room project will take awhile. I am not a fast worker.

And I am not an  "all work and no play kind of gal"... so I am off on a couple of fun adventures! Luckett's will be my first stop (that GREAT antique vintage store in Leesburg VA) and later in the week Evans Chocolates. 

Evans is an old fashioned chocolatier. They make many of their chocolate bunnies from antique chocolate molds and  use Wilber's chocolate...FABULOUS! It just would not seem like Easter if I did not make a trip or two to Evans! So I'm getting my Easter basket goodies and maybe something a little extra for me!

Just a quick update about the intruder lurking around my home last week... he was captured and is now in jail. He had a long history of criminal behavior.  Good for our local police!!!

Now here's what's on the Menu...

Hamburgers On the Grill With Fixins'
Oven Fries

Prosciutto Wrapped Tilapia With Peach Mango Salsa
Sauteed Rice With Garlic Oil And Parsley

Chicken Piccata
Angel Hair Pasta
Dark Greens With Balsamic Dressing


I had this WONDERFUL, SCRUMPTIOUS meal on a recent visit to my gourmet-cooking sister's home. Words don't do it justice. Give this a try, even if you are not a culinary adventurous will love it! Lisa you are my cooking role model!

Vietnamese Style Grilled Beef With Sweet Cucumber Dipping Sauce
Thai-Style Grilled Eggplant Salad

StoneGable Ceasar Salad Topped With A StoneGable Crab Cake

We are looking for a fun, relaxed evening at StoneGable with good friends and a  Margarita or two! I'm sharing a big bowl of homemade bakes tortillas with fresh guacamole and salsa for a starter. This is a night for close friends, great food and Mexican Train Dominoes (another great love of mine)! 

Make Your Own Tacos With All The Fixins'
Guacamole And Salsa With Homemade Baked Tortillas
Mexican Flan
Classic Margaritas

StoneGable Ham and Bean Soup
Buttermilk Sweet Corn Bread
Warm Brownies With Vanilla Ice Cream And Chocolate Sauce

Culinary Tutorials And Recipes
StoneGable Ham And Bean Soup

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Now what's ON YOUR MENU...


Thanks, for joining us and sharing!

* Please link your post using your permalink
* Please link back to ON THE MENU MONDAY in the body of your post
* Please visit other OTMM participants

Iam participating in :
Menu Plan Monday
Menu Planning Monday


  1. I still haven't made chicken piccata, gotta give it a try soon Yvonne! Glad they caught the bad guy-be safe:@)

  2. Oh a trip to Evans & Luckett's sounds delightful! Sounds like you will have earned a treat or two with your bedroom projects! Thanks for having me this week :)

  3. It sounds like you are busy but enjoying the redecorating, Yvonne. The work will pay off when you get everything finished , stand back and admire your gorgeous new rooms. I hope we can take a peek. Your menu looks great for the week. I love crab cakes so I must try your recipe. Take care.-------- Shannon

  4. I was planning a trip to Luckett's as well. Hope to find some iron urns for the garden. Relieved to hear they caught your unexpected visitor! I was thinking about that ever since you shared the story.

  5. Yea for catching the bad guy!! Your menu sounds wonderful, Yvonne. Thanks for hosting!!

  6. The recipe for the eggplant salad is not coming up. I have to tell you I have looked at your easter buffet many times, I just love it. I am so glad your back. Lena

    1. Try again, it worked for me just now! Thanks for letting me know.

  7. Your menu for the week sounds so delicious.

    So glad that they arrested your visitor from last Sunday
    morning. I was hopeing that you would update us.

    Be safe!!!!!!!

    Denise Lamb

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Your food always looks so danged good it pops off the monitor and I can practically taste it.

    I think that crab salad for a Lenten Friday is a real winner idea, think we may try a lot of these ideas. You make dinner planning so easy with your amazing inspiration.

    Thanks so much.

  10. Hi Yvonne,
    Glad to hear the intruder is off the street.
    Your menu plan for the week is very inviting. It is so good to have you sharing with us again and thank you so much for hosting this great party! Have an awesome week!
    Miz Helen

  11. Yvonne, I can't wait to see your floors. I hope you have a great time on your holiday! Your menu is divine! My favorite is the hamburgers will all the fixings--haven't had that in ages.

  12. To be honest with my week that I know is coming up at work, it will most likely be: Monday, Taco Bell. Tuesday: Leftover Taco Bell. Wed: Campbells Soup..... etc. Oy! I dread this week.. I missed your post about your intruder. How scary. Glad that is over. Blessings, Barb

  13. Thank you, Yvonne, for your Monday weekly menu posts! Every Sunday after church I sit down to plan my weekly menu and your yummy meals help me get out of my sometimes very boring box! Also, I love the scripture that you share and the pictures of Israel! Our son is going to do some missionary work there for a month, so the pictures are exciting to see!
    God bless, kim

  14. So glad you intruder is where he belongs. What a scary story. I know you'll love your hardwood floors, but I don't envy living through the experience.

    Thank you for hosting On the Menu Monday. I've brought some homemade Hostess Gift ideas.

  15. Oh scary...just happy that the police were able to apprehend this criminal!...

    Look forward to all the great things you have in store for us this week!

  16. Oh, I more thing...Wilbur Chocolate?!!!..Love their chocolate..When we were vacationing in beautiful Lancaster County, we had reservations at a B&B in the Lititz PA area..when we drove into town, it smelled like chocolate chip cookies..come to find out it was the Wilbur Chocolate factory..we made certain that we went to the tour the next about heaven!!...

  17. Thanks so much for this posting. So happy that they nabbed your unwelcome visitor.Where is Evans,it sounds delightful?Would love to visit Lucketts,sounds like the place for me. So glad you are back. How can I get your ham and bean soup recipe?I did not see it on here, but it looks delicious...Dawn E. Brown

    1. The ham and bean soup recipe is under "Culinary Tutorials and Recipes" at the bottom of the post.

  18. Looks like another yummy week in your place!

  19. So glad that lurker was found - how creepy! Another delicious week there! After all that hard work you all deserve it :)

  20. Wow, Yvonne -- how frightening! Glad to hear that was resolved. Your menu sounds wonderful (as usual)!


  21. So glad the bad guy was found! Looks like a great menu and I would love to visit your chocalatier. Joni

  22. I love to play Mexican Train too!!!! Sounds like a fun night! Wish I was coming for dinner, Tuesday, LOVE tilapia and yours sounds wonderful. BUSY here this week too, getting ready to put the house on the market...YIKES!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOO much to do! MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! Let's pick a date to get together!!! XO, Pinky

  23. PS, SOOOOO glad they caught the would be intruder!!!!

  24. Thanks for hosting. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  25. Thanks for stopping by and for the nice comment on my post. You have a beautiful blog and I will be sharing it with my 18 year old daughter who loves to cook just like her former chef dad.

  26. My brother lives about 3 miles from Evans Chocolates. I have been there when visiting my brother. Evans is good chocolate.

  27. Hi Yvonne, this bean soup looks out of this world delicious. I know I can always find great menus and recipes from you. If I am looking for a special dish I always come here. I am so enjoying your blog. I love the food and always enjoy the scriptures. I am looking forward to your sharing your new bedrooms. I know it will be beautiful!
    Hope you have a great week.


  28. Thanks Yvonne for stopping by my blog today.
    Love the picture of Kale in your pot.
    I decorated my table on St.Paddy's Day with Kale.

  29. The caesar salad and crab cake are calling my name! I'm so happy that your weather lets you grill out, we have one more week of rain before (I'm hoping) spring weather is finally here.


  30. I've been dying to go to Lucketts! Your menus alway make me long to be a better cook. Your header looks beautiful, by the way!

  31. Your menu for the week sounds wonderful. The Vietnamese dish really caught my eye. I can't believe how you get oall the painting, etc. etc. done and your blog. It's sure good your going out to take a little time to yourself. I was tired just reading about all you had to do. The vintage antiques store sounds like someplace I'd like to visit and Evans Chocolate sounds so decadent and delicious. What a fun outing to unwind.

    Thanks for hosting this fun linky party. I am delighted to join up.


  32. I just found out yesterday that you are back to blogging, and I'm SO glad!

    Glad they caught them! What an experience!

  33. Sure sounds like you have a lot going on. I knew you weren't an all work kinda gal! How I'd love to go to Luckets (wonder if I could sneak that into a college road trip??? LOL!).

    - The Tablescaper

  34. I've been to Lucketts once and loved it! Hope to get back this spring.

  35. Yvonne;

    The thai-style eggplant salad is still coming up as the recipe for the steak.

  36. Wow, your menu looks FABULOUS! And I am SO excited that you are back to hosting this wonderful link-up. I took a break from Nov-Jan when my computer was on the fritz and when I came back yours wasn't up and I really missed it. So glad you're back!

  37. Hi Yvonne,

    I am so late to link up but I only just found the time to post my recipe today! Never mind-better late than never!

    Best wishes and thanks for having me!
    Natasha in Oz

  38. Wow! I don't have this much time to cook. Your menu looks fantastic! Thanks for visiting and reminding me of this party. Lovely to join you.

  39. Everything looks scrumptious.Your family has another week of great meals to look forward to. Have a grea tday, Yvonne. Blessings...Mary
