Sunday, March 11, 2012



  1. Good morning, Yvonne!
    I am home sick this morning with a cold... Luckily, we went to the evening service last night. Watching this video was such a gift, Yvonne. I will share it on our church's facebook page and on my own. What a great and modern delivery of a life-giving message!
    Thank you so much!

    ps. I read a lot of articles this morning about Pinterest's Terms and Conditions - Thank you for putting a "Pin-it" button on your pages... I may only pin from sites with a share/pin button from now on...
    pss. I've been making the laundry soap you pinned a while back. It's excellent! I found a similar blend at The Fresh Market, it was $13.99 for 2 lbs!

  2. Marie, I cried when I saw this video! BEAUTIFUL!!!!
    I am going to do a post very soon about this laundry detergent.
    xo Yvonne

  3. Such an uplifting message! Thank you for posting!

  4. Yvonne,
    Powerful message!
    Not only during the Season of Lent, but any Season!
    Your Scripture Sunday has always been a highpoint of my day of Worship...welcome back, dear friend!

  5. Oh, this was good! Thanks for posting it!

  6. all i can say is amen i will be showing this at church cheryl

  7. Yvonne,
    G.O.S.P.E.L. out, girl :-)

    I am one of those people who is slowly finding my way back, and I appreciate you sharing the video with us today. I also had my kids watch this with me.

    And . . . I was also one of those people who *selfishly* wrote to you in the comments when you announced you were not going to continue on with the Stone Gable blog . . . that I needed you to stay. And I was sad, because I needed you to help me find my way back.

    Now, you are back. And I am here, too. Thank you.

    On a lighter note, I have big plans for the Leprechauns "hitting" my house next Saturday. The kids are wondering what mischievous acts they are going to render this year (the milk and toilet water always turn green)!!! Have you started building your Leprechaun traps???

    And we have our Easter egg craft basket started. I have been shopping for silk ties at Goodwill. In addition to our onion-skin dyed eggs and food-colored dyed eggs, we are going to try silk-dyed eggs this year (ala Martha).

    We dig you, Yvonne!

    1. Martha,
      Please e-mail me and I would love to talk to you about "finding your way back". God has BIG open arms!

  8. Oh Yvonne - this was simply wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing!
