Thursday, March 29, 2012


When my children were little they called white bread "bunny bread". 

This bunny bread is hippity-hoppity easy and would be a delightful surprise with your Easter meal!

I was awe struck by the creativity of this fun bunny shaped bread when I saw them HERE  and   HERE. But I was not interested in making a yeast bread from scratch... or a sweet bread.

So, I put a StoneGable spin on the recipe and decided to see how refrigerator bread sticks would work... and they did!!!! Savory with a hint of butter and herbs, this bunny bread is so yummy... and cute! 

You don't have to hop down bunny trails to make this fluffy-tail bread!  Just get your paws on some refrigerator bread dough and begin!

StoneGable Bunny Bread
1 container refrigerator breadsticks
2-4 TBS butter, melted
herbs, chopped finely
sea salt

Preheat oven according to package.

Sprinkle flour on a work surface. 
Please indulge me... I love rice china. This is the measuring cup in my big jar of flour. See how the light shines through it? Pretty!

Unroll bread sticks on to the floured work surface. Separate into individual pieces.

I pinched the ends of each breadstick together slightly to look like bunny ears. Twist until you get the breadsticks configured like the photograph at the top.

Make bunny tails by breaking off a piece of dough from 1 breadstick. Roll it into a ball and place it in the center of the hole in the body.

Put the bunnies on a large parchment lined baking sheet and brush them with butter.

Bake according to package directions or until golden.  Remove from oven, brush with butter and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and sea salt.

Soooo cute... ENJOY!


  1. Cute indeed! I love this idea and the fact that I don't have to worry about making the yeast bread when there will be so many other dishes to make. Thanks so much for sharing!


  2. Just in time for Easter Yvonne! I like your 'Bunny Bread'!
    Talk soon,

  3. That is just too adorable. What a great idea.

    Mmmmmm warm bread fresh out of the oven slathered with rich creamy whipped butter.

    Oh yum, I just "went there" for a minute, sheesh.

    This is a darling idea and I am going to remember it!

  4. Darling & delicious idea! Thank you. Cherry Kay

  5. Oh, this is so cute! Thanks for sharing.


  6. Talk about easy! I have pinned several bunny breads and am definitely going to be trying some out this week (won't bode well for low carb - bread is definitely my weakness) and these would be really easy and fun. The kiddies could even have a hand in making these cute bunnies. I love how it encourages them to eat things when they have had a hand in it.

  7. Oh How Cute, Yvonne. Thanks! I love the name of it and it looks easy. I'll bet my grands would LOVE this. I will tell you that when SweetCheeks handles things we always give her her OWN PAN...of cookies or whatever it is. Noone wants to eat something she has "worked over"!;>) xo Diana

  8. The bunny bread is adorable.

    Hope I remember to make it on Easter Sunday,

    Usually in the rush to get dinner on the table something
    is always forgotten.


  9. So cute! Will have to send this to my sister so she can make it with her children. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Yvonne,
    I'm hooked...two of my all time FAVORITES...bread & bunnies! That little cotton tail had me swooning! Too cute, dear friend! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Absolutely adorable-great idea:@)

  12. Genius idea, Yvonne. I am going to try this. Pinned it to my "bread" board on Pinterest. I do make a yeast Easter bread that is delicious but labor intensive. Not sure I will be making it this year. xo

  13. So very cute! I'm going to make my kids bunny bread:)


  14. So sweet for Easter, Yvonne. My mother used to make a similar little bread for our Easter brunch. Love that these cuties don't take a lot of time to make.

  15. Love glad you shared!

  16. Cute is right and something even I could do. I can't make bread for the life of me, no matter how many times I try. So opening a pack of bread sticks would work. Thanks for the tutorial. Looks soooooooo cute and good. Hugs, marty

  17. Yvonne, this is the perfect bread for Easter. I adore it. Your photos are so pretty, they just draw me in. I love the details in a cook's kitchen: the flour swirls on your wooden cutting board, the delicate rice bowl instead of a metal measuring cup, the pansy garnish. Hope you have a sunny weekend. XX00

  18. Thanks for the tip for Luckett's in Leesburg, VA. I am attending the Annie Sloan Workshop there this weekend and would love to visit this shop thanks to your suggestion. So great to have you back!

  19. Hi Yvonne - I am so excited to make this bunny bread for Easter this year. My 20-month old granddaughter, Brooke, will just go crazy over it!! Thanks for such a wonderful and fun idea as usual!! Hugs, Dorinda

  20. I will have to try this for my Easter day lunch. It look so pretty with the herbs sprinkled all over. I also this the rice bowl looks so good on the flour, with the light. A fabulous photograph. I have some of these bows I purchase years ago and they are going to get pulled out of storage now. Thanks for the recipe and inspiration.
    Have a great weekend Yvonne.


  21. Sorry, Yvonne, I should have edited my comment before I added it. To many mistakes.


    1. Oh goodness, Emily! I make so many mistakes when I type! It is not my strong suite. I appreciated your comment very much!

  22. How cute! Since we are having Easter dinner away from the rest of the family this year (because of the distance) the kiddos will absolutely love this treat on the table. Thank you for sharing!

  23. What a cute idea. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  24. Your bread is so cute and happy for Easter dinner! That quick breadstick dough is good. I think I would also try this with sesame seeds instead of the herbs! Linda

  25. The perfect Stone Gable touch for Easter dinner! I am so glad you are back! Sharing your many talents is a way to pass on love to your readers and then show love to our families and friends in our own homes. Thank You

  26. So fun! I mention your blog in my post this morning...I saw Ben Affleck at the grocery store while I was buying ingredients for your soup :)

  27. I'm going to try this! But I wonder what are refrigerator bread sticks? Ready to bake at the grocery store??

  28. Love this! And love that we can use the refrigerated bread. Thanks for the recipe!

  29. These are so great!
    Love monkey bread too.

    Hope you can dig out some of your
    tartan skirt photos from when you
    were little to share on Sunday at
    the Tartan Parade, Yvonne. THAT would
    be such an awesome post!


  30. Yvonne...thank you...I am so excited about making these adorable bread stick bunnies...something even this "baker challenged " person can do!!....

  31. Your blog is a delight to look at and a great read. Those are the cutest bunny breads. Thank you for your kind visit.

  32. My girls and I will be making this fun bunny bread. Thanks for sharing the easy hopping receipe! Have a good day.

  33. Very cute and easy!

    Yvonne, did I miss it? I don't see a tablescape this week?

    - The Tablescaper

  34. Adorable Bunny Bread! I want to hop over to the market and pick up some refrigerated bread sticks right away :)

  35. Hi! I love your Bunny Brad!! I want to try this for Easter Dinner. Happy Easter! Sunny109

  36. Yvonne,
    Love this idea for dinner.

  37. The bunny bread is too cute and easy, too! Nice to *see* you back....

  38. Nice quick tip using refrigerated breadstix. Yours turned out darling and look delicious. Thanks for sharing.


  39. Wonderful Yvonne! I think I could manage this one.;-)

  40. This looks so delicious. I can't wait to try this. Thank you for this wonderful post! I would love it if you would share this at our What’s It Wednesday blog party. Hope to see you there.


  41. Yep I have to make these for my boys!

  42. These are just too cute. After clicking on your link mulitple times this past week, I just knew I was making them for Easter dinner. And they came out just as cute as yours. Oh, I used parmesan cheese rather than herbs. Easy peasy and too darn cute.
