Sunday, December 4, 2011


No fancy pictures, or colorful font...just some plain talk today!

Today is my last post here at StoneGable.

Sorry, this is so sudden. But when God tells you to move, we better move! And I am a little slow in listening!

Moving from this blog is one of the hardest things I have ever done. I love it so! But I maybe love it too much! 

Some of you know that I am a bible teacher and a Christian speaker and I feel this is the real reason God has put me here on earth. My real purpose is to speak God's love, salvation and Word into the lives of others. Sometimes blogging has gotten in the way of doing that! More and more of my time has been given to blogging and less and less to the God I serve. More of my worth and affirmation, as of late, has come from blogging and my worth as a precious, desired and adored child of God has seemed a little less bright. How foolish of me!

It should be an easy decision... to obey God. God says it, we do it! But sometimes it is very painful, even if we know that God is always right... that He loves us more than we could ever imagine or think. He tells us that HE has a plan for our live. A good plan with a good outcome! I believe that with all my being and want to be in the mainstream of that plan. I don't want to go it alone, be out of His will or miss this good plan and all the blessings that go along with it. I am all in! I belong to Him!

For sometime now I have know that my focus has been too much about my blog and not enough about His plan. So I am not off-roading any longer! I am getting on the right path. As hard as it is, I know that the path God has planned out for me is where my blessings are... and where I will meet Him!

One last thing...

Thank you for your friendship!

The biggest joy of blogging is YOU... and is what I will miss most. Thank you for reading, supporting and being so very kind.

I wish you all a holy and blessed Christmas. May the Author of Christmas, Jesus, find His manger in your heart this year! I pray that your best Christmas gift this year is HIM!

With love from StoneGable,



  2. I have enjoyed your blog so much, and you have truly been a blessing to others through it. I do respect your decision, but will miss you.

  3. Oh Yvonne, I definitely understand. Blogging is a lot of work and does pull you away. I enjoyed your blog so much! I hope you will keep it up for some inspiration. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!

  4. Yvonne, your blog has always been not only an inspiration from all of your decorating talents, but you have always shown your love of the Lord and shared His love with all of us. God Bless, you will be so missed, but I will always cherish the friendship that you so easily give. Thanks and much love, Marty

  5. Yvonne, You must follow your own heart and the Lords path for you but I can't help thinking that you were in some way doing the Lords work with your blog. I am not a religious person but I always read your Sunday scriptures and making good food is a gift of love from God. God speed on your new path. And thank you for all of your great recipes!

  6. Oh and a self-serving question...will your recipes still be available? Or should I go through and print them off? Thanks.

  7. Oh Yvonne I am going to miss you!! I totally understand your decision. Blogging does take up a lot of our time and can make us feel overwhelmed at times to keep up! I was blessed to have gotten to know you and now you are going to bless the lives of so many other lucky people! A Blessed Christmas to you and your family my friend, Martina

  8. How blessed you will be Yvonne! His plans are best and obedience is always rewarded...I admire you! Truth be told blogging keeps most of us from the more important things in life; God, husbands, children, home, and others. Many blessings Yvonne, for you, your family and your ministry!

  9. Dear Yvonne -- I will miss you dearly sweet friend! I am always thrilled to see you've visited me BUT that said, I TOTALLY understand and support your decision. God always blesses our obedience, so I know you will be blessed beyond measure for your very hard decision.

    Merry CHRISTmas!

  10. I will miss stopping by but I do understand your need to refocus. Your love of God has shined through your blog. You have reached out to so many folks through your posts. will be missed. May God bless you and keep you as you take your new path.

  11. You have been such an inspiration and blessing to me. I have only been reading blogs a little over a year and have so enjoyed yours. I will miss you, but I am excited for you on the next step in your journey. God bless and keep you. Isa 1:19 If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. Peggy

  12. Yvonne, I have enjoyed StoneGable so very much. This post is so sweet.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  13. Yvonne, I've enjoyed your blog full of inspiration so much, when voices talk we must follow. You'll do great work wherever He leads you. You'll truly be missed. We'll be here when you return. May God Bless you and your family this Holiday Season and through out the year. Many many hugs ~lynne~

  14. You have been a blessing in our lives Yvonne right down to your chicken soup recipe which has warmed my body and soul more than once. I think each of us changes our direction from time to time according to what HE wants for us, you will be missed.

  15. Oh Yvonne, I will miss you so very much, but you need to follow your heart & your purpose on earth. Blessings to you as you spread your joy & love to everyone you touch.

  16. Those who know you only from blogging will miss you, but you have chosen the Greater thing! Blessings as you follow the lead of the Holy Spirit and our Lord Jesus Christ!

  17. Yvonee - I totally understand where you are coming from. Which is why you see me blogging in spurts. I will blog a few weeks and will disappear for a few weeks. My wake up call was one afternoon I was putting up a blogging post while my Grandson kept asking me to come play with him and I actually said..."I don't have time right now, Grammy has to get this blog post up." I actually stopped and said. "Lord what have I become?" Be Blessed and share the love of God. I will miss your blog, as it is by far one of my favorites. Maybe every now and then you can drop by to say hello. Hugs, Barb

  18. I'll miss your blog -- it is beautiful and inspiring. And your love of God came through in your posts so it has been a channel for God's goodness as well. I only blog when I am "inspired" so my followers are few but the outlet is for me so it works out well. But I certainly do understand how much time it can take if you do it regularly and put as much creativity into it as you have done. God bless you.

  19. I am so going to miss your blog but understand that when God sends a message you listen to it!

    You have been one of the inspirations and reasons that I started blogging!

  20. I will so miss your blog. You have such a talent for it, but I also respect your decision. Go do more great things!

  21. Go with God! Always the best decision. thank you for your inspiration.

  22. I will miss your beautiful and inspiring are such a great Lady, homemaker and hostess, which in itself is a reflection of Heaven. I know there are proverbs I could quote but I am too upset right now. Your deep faith came through on your blog, never did it not shine like a beacon. Take good care, and there is a void in Blogland that won't easily be filled. ((hugs)) xo

  23. I will so miss you and your blog.

    God Bless you and yours.

    Denise Lamb

  24. I too have enjoyed your blog but you need to follow God's leading! Blessing to you!

  25. While this saddens me greatly, I know that you have given this great thought. I will think of you every time that I look at my new china and what a wonderful gift, both tangible and spiritual gift you have given me.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  26. I wish you all good things. Thank you for all the beauty in photos and Spirit that you have shared with us.


  27. Yvonne,
    Dear child of God...I so understand your priority and service to HIM!
    I will so miss your "layers" of dishes. You have inspired me with so many ideas and gorgeous pictures. Your sweet comments have always been gracious and kind! You have been ministering as well with your blog..I always thought it was wonderful you shared God's word and you posted a Scripture on Sunday. When our Lord tells you His Will for your life it is so important to listen. You will certainly be missed as your blog is one of the prettiest I've ever seen. Merry Christmas and God Blessings to you!
    Miss Bloomers

  28. You have been blessed, and so it should be. I have enjoyed your blog and will miss it...but, you have been so blessed to have heard and to have responded to that voice within, telling what shall be done. God bless you. You have been blessed. Susan

  29. Yvonne,
    P.S. now i have to hurry and go back and look at all of posts that were my favorites!! :)

  30. I just recently found your blog and I'm sorry to see you go, but understand following God's word. May God bless you and your family. Best Wishes to you all.

  31. Dear Yvonne, I truly understand from the bottom of my heart. You are a truly gifted lady and God will use you mightily in this path He has chosen for you. It has been a joy seeing your talents in at Stone Gable. Be Blessed in ALL that you do. Because you will definitely be a blessing to others. You will be missed.

  32. Yvonne, you will be missed, but you must do what feels right to you...thank you for the many posts I have thoroughly enjoyed...
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  33. I can understand the pulling of the blogging world. But I will tell you that you have been a source of spiritual inspiration to me. You held Him up for all to see in your blog, and I was often time moved by your devotion. To read a blog written by a devoted Christian, to see and read your ups and downs. Perhaps someday you will feel Him lead you back to the many in the blogging world that may not be very social and need Christian connections in this thing we call blogging. May God use you in your next endeavor as He has used you here, at least to me. God bless you.

  34. Boy, do I ever understand. I wrestle with this very dilemma every single day since I started my blog.

    It almost became a god to me at one point, a false idol, so I totally relate to your feelings, and admire you more than I can say for making the decision you have made.

    God bless you, my friend!

  35. Dear Yvonne,
    I have enjoyed your blog so much and feel very sad that I will no longer be able to stop by to enjoy your beautifully decorated and welcoming home pictures, delicious recipes and menu ideas, and your mentoring on how to be a gracious hostess. Through your blog you have been a blessing to me. Thank you! Peace be with you, Amy

  36. You will be so missed, Yvonne! But I totally understand your heart. Surely God has something so special iv His plans for you.:)

  37. I am so sorry to hear that you are leaving your blog, Yvonne! I have thoroughly enjoyed your sharing of your creativity through your tablescapes, decorating and menus. Please don't think that you haven't done good through your blog. You have reached out and touched many people through it, even if it was just to bring some beauty to our day.

  38. Yvonne, your blog has always been a great encouragement and a wonderful source of inspiration! I admire you that you serve God and chose His will over your desires. He will bless you abundantly and fulfill your life through other streams. It is true, blogging could take up a lot of time. I respect your decision to answer the call of God and follow His direction.

    May God bless you and your family,


  39. Yvonne, I will certainly miss you and the inspiration you gave to so many but I understand completely that you must obey God and follow where He is leading. Obedience very often is not the easy choice but it is always the BEST one. Blessings to you as you follow Him!

  40. Hi Yvonne, I will sure miss your blog. I've enjoyed participating in On The Menu Mondays, and seeing what you and all the other participants are cooking up.
    Your blog is beautiful and has been an inspiration. Wishing you all the best on your new journey. Take care and Happy Holidays!

  41. Dear Yvonne...blessings to you as you start this new phase of your life. God works in mysterious ways...he must need you for something big. I will miss you. Will you be leaving your blog up? It's a part of you and such a source of inspiration. I'd be grateful if you would consider it.
    Joyeaux Noel...

  42. You have used your god-given talents and passion for a wonderful good. But I can only imagine having to balance both paths. I know you are following your heart, but you are breaking some others. Your blog is a prize winner! Bless you dear.

  43. I know exactly what you mean. I was getting overwhelmed by my etsy shop and actually caught myself wondering how many orders I could get done if I didn't go to Wednesday night Bible study! It was a real eye-opener.

    I do have to say though that has been told me many times. "All things in moderation."

    A blog can be used to serve God also and can be used to reach a wide range of people who are isolated or that you maybe would have never impacted if not for your blog.

    I, for one, would love to be able to hear your lessons and studies that you teach. Maybe you can channel your blog in a different direction.

    I always have to tell myself, it doesn't have to be all or nothing. Maybe a revamp is what you need.

    But I know you will make the decision God intends and you will be greatly blessed!


  44. You have shared so much with us..i loved your Sunday Scriptures..I thank you for everything and understand your decision..I feel it is a loss for all the bloggers..
    It will be sweet for you now that you have made the decision..So much work! You put your heart into it..
    It was a pleasure getting to know you..and again thank you.Take care..keep well and God Bless you:)

  45. Dear Yvonne,

    I can related very readily to your situation. I have gotten so off track from my original purpose for blogging. I'm blogging less, but just can't seem to bite the bullet and stop. I'm actually pastoring a rural small-town church, but find myself distracted by keeping up with my favorite blogs, facebook, etc. I am wondering if the Lord is not speaking to me to do the same. Must spend some muc-needed time in prayer to discover His will for my life.

    Blessings to you in your future endeavors,

    Charlene @ A Virtuous Woman

  46. Yvonee,

    I understand your reasons but I must say I am so very sad. I think you may not realize how you bless so many peoples lives through this blog. You have touched many and always be it through your decor, recipes, or just your words they shine with the Lord. I hope in time you will find a way to come back to us, to be able to fulfill everything you need too. Know that the Lord gave you the talents, your way with words and your loving soul for a purpose..and I feel this will come to be again with your blog. Know we love you and will miss you so very much and I hope and pray our paths will cross again through your bloggin!!
    Love and prayers,

  47. Yvonne, I have started each day reading your blog for a very long time now. Your faith and testimony have always found my heart and it is one of the reasons I have followed you for so long. Please know how VERY MUCH I, personally, will miss you. But also know that I totally support you in your journey, no matter where it takes you. Be blessed and continue to bless others. May your family and friends surround you with love and may His Peace fill your heart always! God bless and keep you, my friend.

  48. Yvonne, God Bless you for your decision. You have been a true blessing to others here as well. However I certainly respect your decision.
    I have cut way back on posting on my own blog because of the time involved and not enough devoted to God. I have also been very ill, which may have been God's way of waking me up! God Bless you!!

  49. Have a blessed Christmas and may He bless and order your steps in the New Year. Maybe you can share once in a while what God is doing through your ministry...God Bless!

  50. Yvonne,
    I should be sad...but I am not. I am filled with JOY at your decision!!!Will I miss your sweet presence in the Land of BLog...more than you will ever know! I feel that God is calling you into a deeper relationship through His service! God bless you, dear friend! May you know that you have reached many of us by your continued encouragement, inspiration, support and friendship!!! My life has been fuller by having had the opportunity to communicate with you! Blessings to you and your family!

  51. Oh my dearest Ivonne, I am going to miss you and your excitement about life that led you to have such a wonderful and inspirational blog...I for one am very sad and I'm shedding a tier or two, but when there's a calling by HIM there's a calling!... nothing better than your heart's desires and nothing else can fill your heart, but our Lord. I admire you and I will miss your faith and testimony, I've read in my one year of blogging. Wish you a lot of blessings in your life for you and yours. Thank you for all you've sharede with us. I will never forget you my friend. FABBY

  52. To everything a season. For a season our loving Father has allowed us to be touched by your appreciation of the beauty that surrounds us. You helped point that out in so many ways. He obviously has new plans for you--or perhaps just a widening out of the way he has been leaning. He is faithful and will do it. It goes without saying that you will be blessed as you walk in obedience to his promptings. Love and best wishes.

  53. Yvonne, I have enjoyed your postings so much.Hope you will leave it up for those of us that still want your ideas and recipes you've already posted. Your witness for the Lord has come through your writings.You will be missed greatly, but when the Lord impresses us to follow Him, we have to. His plans are the best. I love the scripture Jer.29:11-14.
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a joyful new year!

  54. I was just reading this morning about Abraham and his willingness to obey God. When God asked him to leave what was comfortable and set out for a foreign land, he willingly followed. And because of his obedience, he was known as a "friend of God".

    Be blessed in your God adventure, my new friend!

  55. Dear Yvonne,
    Your blog was always full of inspirations, good ideas and a testimony of your faith to God. There are certainly more important things than blogging, but everywhere you can serve God. We must accept your decision and will miss you. I wish you all the best with all my heart.
    Blessings, Johanna

  56. I will miss you but God will BLESS you which is by far better! Have a wonderful Christmas with your family! ♥

  57. I just got home from church and read your post. I was shocked! If someone like you, who has put so much time and effort into creating and continuing a beautiful and informative blog, can walk away from it to follow the Lord's calling, maybe we should ALL take a look at how blogging has affected our lives. Indeed, one of my first thoughts was that God was speaking to ME through YOUR decision. Certainly, your blog has been an inspiration to me with not only your gorgeous tablescapes and delicious recipes but also through your dedication to God. While there are many positives to blogging, there are also many negatives and though I try to block out the feelings of "coveting, materialism, consumerism and how my time could be better spent, after reading your post, I think maybe now is a good time to reflect. May our Lord give you the strength and comfort you need as you move forward. Thank you, Yvonne for your sacrifice which is allowing me to face my shortcomings when it comes to my service to God.


  58. Your blog has been such an inspiration and I am so going to miss it!
    But of course we all understand and wish you the best!
    I hope you leave it up in case you ever want to come back and share.
    Plus I haven't read all your posts yet!
    Christmas Wishes,

  59. Yvonne, you are such a wonderful example of a woman of God! I saw that the moment I "stumbled" across your blog! I was in a place where I was looking for God's goodness and it showed in a way I was not expecting, through your blog I was inspired, uplifted, and ministered to. I am so blessed to have found you when I did. May God continue to bless your richly. I know that everything you touch will be blessed, because of your obedience!!! Thank you again for being such an example!!!

  60. I am devastated because I so look forward to seeing what's on the menu the coming week! This is one of the best picture blogs I read.

    I totally agree that you must do as our Father leads you. Let's hook up when we get to Heaven, OK?

  61. What a blessing that you are willing to obey whatever it is that the LORD is requiring of you.

    I understand. When my children were young I felt God calling me to give up the fiction that I loved. It was a stronghold on my life and I felt that God wanted me to spend my time on more worthwhile reading. I've never regretted that and 20 years later I still don't read fiction

    I know that you must follow the LORD's prompting, but your blog is such a wonderful source of inspiration and encouragement. I hope that you will be able to leave it up so that those of us who have just recently found you can glean from your talent and knowledge.

    May God bless you!

  62. Dear Yvonne,
    I know the decision you made is the best one because it is for the Lord. Still, we will miss you. Your door was always open to us, never felt like an intrusion to your world but a welcomed guest. I could stay as late as I wanted just having to remember to turn the light out when I was ready for bed. You made blogging fun and my home a lot prettier. I miss you already. Dear, I will keep you in my prayers and heart.

    Darlene Payan

  63. Yvonne, my heart is breaking to know that your beautiful blog will no longer be here for us but I do respect your decision. I do hope you realize that your blog was also a testimony and blessing to many of us. Making our homes better for our family, sharing meals as a family, reading your Sunday scriptures..all of these things can be a testimony. Please leave all your posts here for us so that we can read and re-read if that is at all possible. I wish you many blessings.


  64. I will miss visiting your blog so much. It was such a bright spot in my day and please know that you did minister to people here. Many blessings to you and your family.

  65. I will miss your beautiful tablescapes, and hope you continue to do your Sunday message.

  66. Yvonne,

    I am going to miss you but thank you for your example of obedience in quitting your blog. I'm sure the decision was very difficult but came after much prayer and struggle. Should we not cross paths here on this earth, I look forward to meeting you in heaven and sharing a good meal!

    Love to you and your family,


  67. Yvonne,
    You are a blessing, and your obedience is, too! I hope your blog stays up so we can peruse it, and I am glad we got to see the beautiful kitchen re-do.
    Have a blessed, joyous Christmas!

  68. Yvonne~ I will so miss your creativity, delicious recipes and your beautiful posts! I certainly respect & understand your decision even if it makes me sad...and your talents are certainly God given! Wishing you & your family a Wonderful & Joyous Christmas.

  69. Hi lovely lady.
    I will miss your beautiful and inspiring blog. I wish you all good things. You have been blessed, and so it should be. Thank you Yvonne for this blog. Thank you for all your sweet comments sweet lady.
    XXOO Diane

  70. Yvonne you are wise in your priorities and a great example to the rest of us. It is easy to get too involved in our blogging--it's so much fun and can eat up time. Thanks for the reminder to keep a balance. Your blog was filled with such beauty and wisdom and tips and recipes, inspiration ... (I also wonder if you will leave it "up" as a resource). I know God has used you through your blog, but obviously has redirected you now ... and you are obeying which is all important.

    Blessings on your Christmas, your Bible teaching and speaking and all that you will be able to do now that you aren't blogging. Thanks for all your great posts and friendship. Hugs, dotsie

  71. I will miss Stone gable. Our lives have become richer by getting to know you for such a brief time.

  72. I'll really miss reading your wonderful blog, discovering all those delicious recipes & your gorgeous tablescapes. Blessings to you & thanks.

  73. Yvonne,
    What a beautiful outpouring of love and what a testimony to the Christian walk and example you have had here on your beautiful blog. You have truly been a blessing and a wonderful role model in my life and I thank you kindly for that gift. You have so many gifts and talents that the Lord has given you. I still teach a Womans Bible Study and a Children's Story Hour. This will be an example to me to always keep the Lord and his will first in my life. May our Lord bless and keep you always as you carry His message of Good News. Thank you for all you have given me.
    Peace and Joy,
    Miz Helen

  74. I completely understand, I can't believe how evolved blogging has become for me too. I will miss you!

  75. Yvonne- we will miss your talent and you! Good luck in your new ventures! It isn't always easy to follow our inspiration, but you are doing it! Joni

  76. OMGoodness, I am in shock!!!! But, I totally understand and respect your decision. I know this matter has been laying heavy on your heart and you have to follow your heart. I will SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO miss your gorgeous pots, fabulous recipes, and amazing, amazing talents!!!!!!!!!!! I feel BLESSED to be your friend and able to keep in touch in REAL LIFE!!!!! I know you will be rewarded for your decision. God bless you and your family in this Christmas season and always. I will always be your friend. XOXO, Pinky PS, I hope you keep the blog on here for INSPIRATION to so many others......

  77. I have enjoyed your blog very much and am sad to see you go. I understand your reasoning though, and if God is speaking to your heart to leave your blog behind, then you must follow your heart. You will be missed. God bless.

  78. Blessings to you in focusing on the life God is directing you through each day. I've enjoyed visiting and appreciate the time you've blessed us with.♥♫

  79. Dear Yvonne,
    I am thankful to have known you. Your blog has touched our hearts, and most importantly, helped nurture our souls. I will miss you.

  80. I was surprised by your news, like so many of the other readers. but then my heart welled up with joy as I read more about your decision to follow our Father's leading...what a wonderful testimony for all of us. I have been struggling lately with finding a quiet time to just be still before the Lord...we have so many distractions and blogs, no matter how inspirational, can take up that precious time that God gives to us. Thank you for your example set before us and may God continue to bless you as you serve Him....

  81. Goodbyes are always bittersweet. I have loved your blog and the ideas and recipes. I have also loved that you were always clear on your faith and the importance of it in your life.
    So long , but thanks and Godspeed!

  82. Dear Yvonne, you will be deeply missed. I have loved getting to know your kind a generous spirit. I think blogging is a treacherous slope. It can easily rob a person not only of time but self esteem. Quite frankly, I love the creative process of writing my blog, but there is a lot out there that bothers me. It takes courage to follow the path you are on, and I applaud you. Thank you for your wonderful inspiration!
    the enchanted oven

  83. We are going to miss you terribly. I know God will bless you immensely. Thank you so much for posting such great things while you have been blogging. Be blessed. Amy

  84. I knew by your title what your post would be today as soon as I saw it. You are a wise woman to follow God's will and pursue him wholeheartedly. God bless you richly as you continue to serve Him more fully. You will be missed but you will also be doing His will. Love and best wishes to you. Pamela

  85. Yvonne:

    Your posts have been a true blessing for me this past year. I must admit I have been "addicted" to your blog....wonderful design, recipes, decor, and a faithful witness to our Lord Jesus Christ. I will definitely miss your posts but I admire you more for your decision to go where He leads. May God bless you!


  86. Yvonne, you have shared your talents from God, and I will always be grateful! Best wishes to you and your family!

  87. I just discovered your blog four weeks ago and have shared so many ideas and recipes already with others, but TREASURE your priorities and am SO excited to know that God has your heart completely. Enjoy the great adventure of following Him in this next calling. In Him,

  88. Yvonne, I am so sad for us...but so very excited for you. God is going to pour out His richest blessings on you and your ministry outside of your blog. I hope you realize what a beautiful ministry you had here through StoneGable as well. You were a tremendous blessing to your readers in a variety of ways. I too, hope that you leave your blog up for access to recipes and decor inspiration. I wish you and your family the most fabulous CHRISTmas, and a future rich with the promises of God!

    Bless you dear friend!

  89. Yvonne,
    You have been such an incredible source of faith, creativity, making a wonderful home via your cooking and tablescapes...sharing snippets of your every day life with us. I treasure the fact that our paths have crossed.

    I do understand your decision. God should be #1 in our lives and everything else after. I'd love to know about your teachings if that would be something you might share.

    Also, I would love it if you would leave your blog as is. There are soooo many wonderful recipes and ideas as well as it would still be a link to you. :-)

    Wishing you peace, joy, love and blessings for this holiday season and for every day thereafter.


  90. I will greatly miss visiting your beautifully inspirational blog. I have learned so much from you sharing your gift of hospitality. Last Christmas my girls and I made Simmering Christmas potpourri and and the salt scrub to give to friends and neighbors. This past spring I picked strawberries and made your jam recipe with my daughter. In October we hosted my daughter's dance team for dinner. I decorated with your black and white checkered color scheme for the tables. Your gift has allowed me to pay it forward to others. I am thankful God used you as an instrument to inspire me in doing HIS work. Peace be with you.

  91. Yvonne, you will be missed! I agree, you must do what you feel you need to and God will let you know what is right. I have enjoyed your friendship. I have to agree, that besides developing skills and talents the friendships I have developed have been the greatest part of blogging.

    The news would have you believe that we are all depraved and choosing the lives that Hollywood depicts and corresponding with loving women who value family and home and God has been so heart warming to me. There are so many marriages out there that have lasted decades. Women who devote themselves to good. That is what I have loved most about blogging too.

    Have a wonderful Christ centered Christmas this year.

  92. Yvonne,

    I found your blog about a year ago and have been so blessed by your posts. Your gracious spirit, and love of the Lord ministered to me through your writings and amazing photography. Your gratefulness for all your blessings and the wonderful way you shared them with all of us has been truly inspiring. I've learned so much about grace through your beautiful approach to living. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Wishing you happiness and continued blessings in the days to come.

  93. I have enjoyed your blog so very much Yvonne. Your beautiful photos and tablescapes, delicious recipes and gorgeous decorating has been wonderful. Thank you for that! Blogging does have a way of taking over our lives and keeping us from pursuing real life pursuits. I struggle myself with just shutting it down. I admire your courage to listen and act on what is important in your life. You will be sorely missed my friend.
    xo Delores

  94. I love and enjoyed your blog always dear Yvonne and I know I will be miss you a lot, blessings and thanks for all!

  95. Yvonne -- you will be very missed -- so many of us have been touched by your thoughtful and inspirational posts. However, you MUST go where God is calling you to be. May God continue to bless you and your witness to Him. Certainly when you are called in a new direction, there must be exciting blessings in store.


  96. Oh my word! I'm so shocked! I would be lying if I didn't say I was so disappointed. But I do love your blog and find so much inspiration here. I was hoping to finally get to see your kitchen. :( But I totally and completely understand. You are a strong woman for doing this and I know you're doing what you need to do. God bless. :) I'll keep you on my blog list *just in case* you decide to pop in every now and then. ;)

  97. I am so saddened to see you go as it has just been the last few months that I have found Stonegable and gotten to know you. Yvonne, you are a servant of the Lord. I saw it here in your blog and that was one of things that drew me here. I truly felt you sharing the Lord with us, His Love, His Caring, His magnificent sacrifice for us with His atonement for all of us. Your blog reflected HIM and YOU, as that of being an INSTRUMENT IN HIS HANDS.I hope that is what my blog will become. You gave hope, love & beauty that reflected your life and HIS as you testified of Him by the written Word, actions and art and especially the wonderful LOVE that you gave to all of us. Thankyou from my heart. You have a magnificent Soul and a kind and gracious heart. Your life testifies to all that YOU ARE HIS and are willing to do what you are commanded at all cost. May the Lords continued blessings be upon you now and forever. With Sincere Love, Nancy (Nann)

  98. Yvonne... I'm going to miss you and your blog very much! You have always been my "go to" person if I had a question! Its hard to find balance sometimes, I know.
    Sounds like you made peace...
    Love and Light

  99. Yvonne,
    You have been such a wonderful servant of God's for all of us. We will miss you so much! Your tables, recipes, encouragements, suggestions, examples, and Christian life have influenced so many people. I hope you will know how many you have touched. You will be missed so very much. But you are truly a child of God's and you are listening to him speak to you. What a wonderful example that is in itself. God bless you as you embark on a beautiful new journey...may your daily walk be oh so glorious! You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I will think of you often as I see something that reminds me of you, cook one of your recipes, or ATTEMPT to make a table look fabulous.
    Big Hug to you,

  100. Oh my dear friend! I have to say that I have a tear in my eye as I write you this letter of love and appreciation.
    I fully understand. I have not been visiting as much as I have been curbing my blogging so that I may instead spend the time in what I hope are more noble pursuits.
    I do hope you will leave you blog up as I often refer to your decor magic and recipes.
    You are a dear and special person and have richly blessed me.
    I hope to visit you this summer in Pennsylvania.

  101. I will miss you, Yvonne. I understand and have wondered about myself of late. Sometimes this hobby can be a little unbalanced to other parts of your life.

    May God bless you in all you do!

  102. We will miss your wonderful decorating and recipes so much but I admire your obedience and faith. It is so hard to find balance in life. Blogging is a wonderful hobby but can be very, very consuming. With your blog being so popular, I'm sure it was more time consuming that many of us will ever know. Wishing you all the best! xoxo

  103. Yvonne, His timing is always the best. Sometimes we ignore that "still small voice" and He allows it. But He keeps calling and in our heart that He has given us, we know what He wants most. You have been and will continue to be a witness and blessing to all the lives you touch.

  104. Oh Yvonne. I'm saddened to hear your news that you'll be leaving the blogosphere but at the same time I'm happy for you to be doing what you know is right in your heart. I've thoroughly enjoyed your blog parties and reading your blog with food envy. It was very beautiful.

    God's richest blessings to your and your family for now and the future.

    Anne @ Domesblissity xx

  105. Yvonne, you have given much joy and inspiration to all of us through Stone Gable. I will truly miss signing in to this place of love. All the best to you, dear friend.
    ~ Sarah

  106. Yvonne,
    I will miss you! Wish you health, love, and happiness. Pat from Pat's Pink Apron

  107. Well said. I know it will be a mixed blessing of relief and missing the online friends you've made but know that you are stepping in His will.....there is nothing better. I hope to get to hear you speak sometime soon.

  108. Dear Yvonne,

    I will miss your blog but I will be praying for all of the wonderful things God will have you doing. I love it when He moves and stirs His people and more importantly when they respond to His promptings because big things happen.

    Thank you for sharing home and your heart with us. We have been blessed!

    A good friend of mine always says "I hope to see you again this side of heaven, but if not, we will have all of eternity to catch-up".

    Thank you and God bless you and family!

    Yoly from Miami

  109. Yvonne, Your blog will truly be missed, but I so admire you for following the Lord's leading, even when it means discontinuing something you love. I know that you will be blessed beyond your imagination for following His plan. I hope that your blog will continue to be available, as I'm sure I will often refer back to it for inspiration. Shae

  110. Best wishes to you Yvonne! I have so enjoyed the time I spent here ~ thank you!

  111. Oh my gosh, Yvonne, I can't express how sad I am that this was your last post! I go to your posts several times a day. You are such a wonderful talent, and your love of life/family/and your love of God have been so inspiring to me. I hope you will leave the site up so we can enjoy your archives - and who knows, maybe one day you will want to let us know where your path has led. I hope you know how much of God's love you spread through your beautiful blog.

    Terry in Milwaukee

  112. Oh no Yvonne!! Well, I mean, I totally understand and you must follow where God leads you. I just mean that I am really going to miss you. Please don't remove your blog because there are tons of things here I need to save so I'll have them. I think you can keep the blog even if you are no longer posting it. Oh my, I am so sad. May He richly bless your obedience, but as I say that I know that He will.

  113. So sad to see this post but most definately understood. Truely, I have been so inspired by your blog. Your Sunday Scriptures will be sorley missed as all your other posts.
    Wishing you everything of the best and know that you have touched many lives.
    Christmas blessings from South Africa.

  114. I have enjoyed your blog. You will be missed but you have traded something good for God's best and I know as you step out in faith you will be so very blessed. Love and Prayers go with you as you serve our God. Thank you for the example you are to us who love and follow Jesus. xoxo Wanda

  115. Dear Yvonne

    Your friendship and your blog has blessed me over the years - you will be dearly missed! I hope your blog will remain active so that we can still visit. But - I truly understand your decision and wish you all the best. I know that you are greatly blessed!


  116. Yvonne..I am so totally blessed with your act of oberdience. Oberience is not easy but what a witness you are to me. I will miss your wonderful blog soooo much but then I know God will fill that vacancy in me as well.!! Just wish I could sit in on your Bible teaching! He must have some great things planned for you!

  117. Yvonne, like everyone before me, I will miss your presence in blogland very much. It is obvious by the number of disappointed ladies commenting, that you are loved, respected and admired by so many whose lives you have touched. Sometimes we don't realize the influence we have by the life we lead but you through your beautiful blog have been an example of a gracious, generous, talented, faithful servant of God. Won't it be fun when all of us get to heaven and get to continue our chats? Boy, I'm thinking that will be a noisy place! Good luck, Yvonne and may God use you in a mighty way!-------- Shannon

  118. I will miss reading new posts from you and I hope you will keep your blog open so I can browse through your old ones from time to time, but I certainly understand why you feel the need to stop. In my opinion, this world would be so much better if people put the Lord first in their lives. I know I fail at this more than I succeed. May God bless you. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  119. It has been fun to cross paths with you and I wish you blessings on your journey of faith. Betty

  120. I have a long list of blogs that I follow and yours is the ONLY one that I get a sunday scripture from and even talking about God at all. It set yours apart. I understand your decision and it makes me want to try harder, but if you didnt have this blog I wouldnt even be trying to do better. I will miss it.

  121. Yvonne- Oh to hear the heartbeat of God when the world is clambering so loudly with it's noise. I have been thinking much of the beloved (John) leaning on the breast of Jesus. You're hearing the beat of His heart in this, hard as it is.

    God bless you dear friend which I know He is and will continue to do.

    I wonder if He is whispering to me the same.....

    bee blessed

  122. Thank you, for being a huge example! I don't know you, but I have enjoyed your blog and today I found a sister in the Lord. Be Blessed, you are a gift. Fix our eyes on Him, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow no matter what the current trend in the world is, it is so much better to grow with the Lord.

  123. Yvonne, I enjoyed following your blog for a few months - your recipes and beautiful table settings were truly inspirational. I understand your obedience to follow God's call and I think you sharing this important decision with your blogging friends has made an even bigger impact - so we can do some introspection and see how much we have allowed blogging to overtake out lives. God is indeed more important and He will bless you for being obedient and pour blessings on your life.

  124. God bless and grace you have bestowed upon us - you will be greatly missed!! Your blog has enriched my life more than you will ever know. Judy B. Texas

  125. I wake up with your blog each morning. It is the only one I follow. Your class,recipes,warmth and touching quotes have made my day during a difficult year. Remember you have touched souls here you have yet to meet. Love,Susan

  126. I cannot understand, what exactly, God has to do with your blog, but anyway, you know better.

    I am not less christian than you, (as you said, you are a teacher) and I believe that God, is everywere...
    I cannot understand really...

    I had a pleasant time here, and i am gonna miss you!

  127. I totally understand what you're saying, I'm at that place too. Merry Christmas Yvonne, wishing you all the best my friend-peace:@)

  128. WHAT???? Nooooooo!!!! ~~Rettabug stamps her feet & wants to cry~~

    You can't leave us completely!! Take a break...take a vacation...hire some staff to help you (*wink*)...whatever it takes, but don't go away completely, please???

    In all seriousness, I fully understand your decision but I selfishly don't want to accept it. You have been such an incredible source of inspiration & friendship, that I will miss you terribly if you go away completely.

    Don't ever think that you weren't doing the work of the Lord through your kind sharing of your talents & softly spoken encouragements in your comments. You show, through your example, how to live the life Christ wants.

    Maybe I could just move to Lancaster, PA & live next door to you, so I could visit regularly?

    Mega supportive {{HUGS}}

  129. Yvonne: I can understand your decision to stop blogging, although it is breaking my heart. When you hear God speaking, the wise ones listen and answer.

    I am going to miss checking in on you every day. You are one of my core "go to" blogs".

    I know I speak for others, can you please leave the blog up? I have so many notes filed away for recipes and other ideas and I would hate to lose such a valuable reference. If for some reason you decide you need to delete the blog can you warn us ahead of time so I can at least copy some of the recipes down.

    Your grace and beauty will be sorely missed.


  130. God Bless You, what a wonderful lesson to leave with all of us, your readers. You will be missed.
    A Blessed and Merry Christmas to you and yours. Thanks for sharing your heart.

    The French Hutch

  131. Hi, Yvonne

    You have many gifts and talents and I am so grateful you shared them on this lovely blog. Many of us are sad to see you go, but if God is calling you to the next step in your life then you are right to follow. You have been a Blessing to many through your blog and we will all miss your inspiration and all the love you put into this blog. Thank you so much for sharing, encouraging and inspiring us to create a lovely home. God Bless You and your family. Have a Merry Christmas.


  132. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. You've been a huge inspiration to many. While your departure saddens us we honor and respect your decision. Be Blessed and Be Well.

  133. Yvonne,
    I'm truly sorry you won't be blogging anymore! I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog, your wonderful creativeness, your sharing scriptures, everything about your blog has inspired me on! Your love for God has come thru and touched me. I admire you so much for giving up what you enjoy doing in blogging and following God's plan for your life. God has been speaking to my heart too about spending too much time reading my favorite blogs and not enough time reading his Word and spending time with Him. He comes first and we must give Him what is due Him.
    I will miss you very much but am praying for you as you carry on for our Lord!

  134. I have enjoyed your blog for quite some time. I will miss your lovely posts, however I respect your decision. May God Bless You!

  135. Your blog is lovely Yvonne, I wonder if you have considered using for your ministry? You have literally thousands of followers and reach many more people from all over the world through blogging. Could it be a talent that God has given you for His glory?

  136. I'm sorry to hear this Yvonne as i always look forward to the Menu and your decorating schemes. I'm so glad I stumbled on this blog and also glad I made those fabulous short ribs you posted. We loved them :) Seriously though you are a wise woman who listened to that still small voice that so many do not and you took the road that you knew was speaking to you. Best of everything. You have many talents that God has given you.

  137. Yvonne, you will be missed. I'm certain this was a very difficult decision for you and I've am having issues with the time blogging and staying connected with other bloggers takes away from time that could be spent on doing other things myself. I very much respect your decision and wish you every happiness. You are a wonderful teacher and your gifts will be welcomed wherever you take them.

  138. I am not a blogger, but I can imagine how much time a quality blog like yours must take. Again, you inspire me - this time to look at the time that I spend with the Lord. You will be missed and thank you.

  139. We are going to miss you so much. You have such a following and are the perfect mentor in so many ways. I hope after reading all of these comments that you will consider staying. You have such a large following and perhaps you could combine your religious calling into your blog in some way. Whatever your decision we will understand. I also am one that hopes you will leave the blog up so we might continue to be inspired and study.

  140. Oh, how sad,I have never commented before, but have so enjoyed your blog. As a daughter of The King, I understand. We spend 10 days every year in Strasburg Pa.I would love to share a cup of tea with you. You feel like an old and dear friend. Blessings as you walk closer with our Dear Lord, Dawn E. Brown

  141. Yvonne, I feel so selfish in saying that I'm so sad to see you go! I understand your struggle and wish you the very best. I hope you realize that all this time you have been doing the Lord's work. You are a blessing to all of us and I can personally say you've added much needed joy to my little life. I hope too that one day you can see your way back to your blog. You've really touched so many people! So Godspeed Yvonne, many blessings and peace to you and your family. Lorie

  142. I will surely miss hearing from you so often, but I know when the Holy Spirit calls, we must listen and follow. Praying for you, and love you! xoxo Rachel

  143. Jennifer Savannah GaDecember 5, 2011 at 9:41 AM

    I've never commented before either, but you must know how many of us you have touched with your inspirational blog. It was like I told my husband, "OH,NO! my favorite blogger is shutting down her site!" I've even sent friends the Stonegable site saying, "You must follow this beautiful blog site." You have been doing the Lord's work daily, and it has been a blessing to me. I will miss you.

  144. Understand your decision. Have enjoyed your blog tremendously since Oct 2009- will have the go through your blog and gain and save some favs. I feel blessed to have "known" you and wish you the best.

  145. Yvonne: You have meant so much to me! I will miss you and pray God's blessing on your ministry. The harvest is plentiful (Matt 9:36)and you have planted only seeds of joy for me. Take care my friend.

    Where He leads me I will follow...

  146. I completely understand as I know how unselfish you truly are. I wish you would find a way to change the focus of StoneGable...maybe in time you will. With the holiday season upon us this seems the perfect re-beginning for doing our Lord's work. Everything else seems frivolous, doesn't it?
    You know I will always keep you close, blog or not. And, I am just sick I won't be able to see what you would wear to Tina's virtual Christmas party. May the hovering of angel wings surround you now and forever. Sending love, my precious friend....

  147. I am saddened that I will not be able to visit here each day. You have been much appreciated resource and inspiration. I wish you much success and happiness in your new "venture".

  148. Oh, geez, Yvonne...this is sad news on the one hand, but happy on the other. I hate to see you leave the blogging world because you have a wonderful talent to share. On the other hand, I understand having to follow your faith and do what you feel God needs for you to do. I'm glad that you are listening and following as your heart tells you. Best wishes to you and to your family. May God bless and keep you, and Merry Christmas!

  149. You have shown grace, love, and elegance through your blog. I even read the blogs about your son!! I will miss reading them. I hope you will give us a little time to download your recipes before you sign off. You are a very talented woman and He will use that talent in mighty ways.

  150. I'm not one to comment alot on the blogs I read but I so love yours...more than all the rest...because of your Christian comments and outlook. It is an inspiration to me and to others. I wish you the very best in your decision! I'll miss seeing new posts from you but I hope to spend a bit of time revisiting some of your past posts and spiritual insights. God bless you and thank you for reminding all of us to put HIM first all the time!

  151. You will be sorely missed.Know that I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings...Mary

  152. Yvonne, I admire you for knowing when to quit, but I will miss that ray of sunshine that StoneGable brought into my life each day. Thank you for sharing your talents with us for as long as you did. Many blessings to you and your family.

  153. I am so sad that I will not be able to see your beautiful tablescapes, wonderful menus and most of all, your love for Christ. You will be missed! Thank you for the wonderful inspiration over the years.

  154. Yvonne, there is no greater blessing than finding your joy in life and using it to make life better for others. God is the greatest joy, and He is there for all.

    I will miss you, and I hope you stay in touch. You have my e-mail address. Love to you, dear friend.♥

  155. Like so many others, I am saddened you won’t be sharing scriptures, your faith, hospitality, recipes, and so much more at StoneGable. Having retired a few months ago, I’ve just discovered reading blogs, and I’ve so looked forward to your posts. They showed me I could stay home, enjoy homemaking and cooking for my husband, and feel I was doing something worthwhile. I wonder if you realize how many people have been touched by your witness? I certainly wish you the best as you follow God’s path, and I will miss visiting with you.

  156. Yvonne, Sad to hear you will not be continuing your blog, but I have the utmost respect for your decision. Thanks for sharing so many great ideas and recipes. I hope you will leave your blog online for us to reference and review. I often look search back through your archives for ideas. Thanks for the memories and may God bless you on your future endeavors!

  157. Yvonne,
    It has been a privilege to read your blog and share your talents and gracious spirit. You are an 'elect lady'-- one of God's choicest. You have inspired many of us and helped us become better people. Thank you

  158. Good decision, Yvonne and He will reward your obedience. Thank you for allowing us into your beautiful home and life. You will be missed.

  159. Yvonne, I sent you an email expressing how sad I am! But I am also happy for you as you are following where the Lord is leading you. Much Love to you! Will you consider leaving your blog up, so that I can continue to visit for recipes? Love, Christie

  160. Yvonne,

    It has been a pleasure reading your blog since it has been so inspiring to me! You are a very talented person, wish I could have met you in person when I lived closer to your area....Best of luck to you in your new endeavor!

    Happy Holidays to you and your family.

  161. It has been my pleasure to get to know you and read your lovely blog. I, like the others, will miss you dearly, but respect your decision. Thank you for sharing your life and Stone Gable with us.

    May God bless you and your family.

  162. Hello Yvonne,

    First, I know you will be greatly blessed by your obedience to what God is calling you to do. Your blog is so beautiful and inspiring. I have a small blog and often wished I could do more with it, but I agree with you that God takes first place in our lives. The friendships that are made are such treasures and I know you have been a great example of Christ's love to many. God used you to inspire so many of us for such a time and now He is leading you to move on. Your friends will always be here. Thank you for your dedication and inspiration to all of us. May the Lord richly bless you! Merry Christmas and may the New Year be filled with much health and blessings that cannot be contained.


  163. I respect your decision, Yvonne.
    I will miss you...hope you will drop in every now and then.
    I also hope you won't delete your blog. I think your kids and grands will enjoy it someday. Have a book made of it and then you can delete if you want to.
    The best of luck,
    xo bj

  164. I respect your decision, Yvonne.
    I will miss you...hope you will drop in every now and then.
    I also hope you won't delete your blog. I think your kids and grands will enjoy it someday. Have a book made of it and then you can delete if you want to.
    The best of luck,
    xo bj

  165. We will miss you so much, but completely understand.

  166. Yvonne, your blog was one of the very first ones I began to read regularly when I discovered the blogging world. I barely have time to read the blogs I love, let alone do one of my own so I can appreciate the time and talent you gave to your blog! What a blessing your creativity, recipes and spirit and faith were to me. But, I'm thankful for you, that you know that when God's tells you to do something, there is blessing in obedience! It would be fun to hear and update of what all God does in your life. And should God ever say, "start up that blog again" know you will have an gaggle of instant, eager followers! God bless you,

  167. I have never commented before, but have read your blog often - I found it through my daughter-in-law, Rachel's (Atwood) blog. I have enjoyed your tablescapes, recipes, and just your sweet posts. You are an amazing woman and I know the Lord will bless and use you.

  168. Yvonne, I will miss you and your blog. But I completely understand your feelings and convictions. Sometimes I think I spend too much time in Blogland and perhaps have my priorities wrong. You've definitely given me something to think about.

    In the meantime, I wish you much joy and happiness.

    Hugs and blessings,

  169. You'll be missed Yvonne. You have inspired and entertained so many of us who read your posts, but your priorities are in order and I wish you happiness. God bless.

  170. Dear Yvonne,
    I will so miss your lovely posts, but I do understand very well what you are saying my friend. When the lord speaks, we must move - you will be blessed for your obedience. You have left us all with a wonderful collection of recipes and homemaking tips that all of us will treasure.
    Your Sunday Scripture will be missed the most, but you taught us to draw closer to Him and that is the most marvelous gift of all.
    Blogland has given me a precious friend in you, and we will keep in touch. i look forward to when we can have a Bible study via Skype.
    WIll talk soon!

  171. Yvonne - follow your heart. This post means a lot. You are a treasure and will return when you are able and it fits into HIS plan. You are gifted and you need to share those gifts based on HIS guidance. Blessings to you.

  172. Yvonne, I do understand as I've had to cut way back on blogging. I cannot serve God and serve myself with this blog. I understand your commitment.. I will miss you horribly. you have been a tremendous inspiration to me personally. I really will miss you with all my heart. xo marlis

  173. I will dearly miss visiting your blog. However, your path has been laid out before you and you have chosen to follow it. May God bless you.

    You will be missed!

  174. I will miss your blog! Many blessings.

  175. I will truly miss you Yvonne! I have loved your blog, your kindness in sharing your God given talents for hostessing, decorating, cooking and energy for organizing! You without a doubt are amazing. I hope in your calling you can continue to share your talents!

    From Virginia

  176. You are a woman of many talents andI thank you for sharing them with us on your blog. I will miss my daily visits to your blog - although I will still visit for all your great ideas. My all time favorite post was your red and white tablescape - it is my families favorite at Christmas time although mine is not quite as nice as yours - it never would have been possible without you. Thank you and God Bless You. p.s. Any chance you would consider a weekly or even monthly post to help us StoneGable addicts ease into this decision you have made? :) You have been ministering to us all along - although you may not realize it. Thanks.

  177. Dear Dear Yvonne, I am stunned by the news, but something wonderful will be waiting for you as you dedicate yourself more fully to your ministry...I hope that you will know that you have touched so many people and brought so much joy to so many families sitting around the table. But of course I understand the time commitment Stone Gable Blog has required of you. Sending you my love & a hug and hope to keep in touch~

  178. Yvonne, how special you must be to our God. I know He treasures you. Your blog is gracious and beautiful and you have always been nothing but a kind and gentle.

    May God bless you greatly in your ventures.

    Sending my blessings to you,
    Barb ♥

  179. OH, it was so nice spending some time with you and all your creative talents that God has blessed you with, and in turn blessed us with in more ways that one! May He continue to shine on you and bless you for your faithfulness! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  180. May you and your family have a future Christmas's and New Year's filled with an abundance of love, joy and laughter!

  181. I read this today and thought of you.

    Today's Seed ™ Daily Message
    Dec. 5, 2011

    Those who sealed it were: Nehemiah the governor, the son of Hacaliah. Zedekiah, Seraiah, Azariah, Jeremiah, Pashhur, Amariah, Malkijah, Hattush, Shebaniah, Malluch, Harim, Meremoth, Obadiah, (Neh 10:1-5 NIV)

    Prayer: LORD, those names mean little to me, but they played a role in Your plan. I know You have a purpose for me too. Few may ever know, and my name may not be written anywhere like this. But what You have for me to do matters to You and to (only You know how many) others. Help me live every day knowing that I am important to You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

  182. You have touched so very many lives with your beautiful blog. I am another who has never commented before but you need to hear and I have to say that you have nourished my heart, my body and my soul and you will be missed by me and oh so many others. You are truly gifted in inspiring others by your simple words and beautiful photos. We have all embraced the joy of hope and grace we can bring into our lives. We were blessed by your decision to start this blog. And now, if your journey towards God has you going in a new direction, I and I am sure, many others, wish you Godspeed. Thank you for gracing and blessing our lives. I will miss you. Much love~mjny

  183. I will miss you and your blog, your wonderful creativity, your sharing and beautiful photos. Your blog was my only "destination" blog that I made a point of visiting regularly. It will be sorely missed. I hope your change in paths brings you the joy you seek.

  184. Yvonne, I am just so saddened that you will not be posting any more - you have no idea what your blog meant to me. It reminded me that staying home and taking care of my family was still a noble thing to do! Your beautiful tablescapes, delicious recipes and wonderful choice of scripture have been such an inspiration to me. You have been ministering to so many - you have no idea! I hope you will take a break and come back to us renewed! Will you leave the site up so we can enjoy it???

  185. A wonderful friend just told me about your blog and I, like many others, am so blessed by your gifts of faith, creativity and teaching! My prayer is that what God wants is for you to be WILLING to let it go so He can bless you and this very special blog even more richly! ( I am reminded of how Abraham trusted God when He asked him to sacrifice his son Isaac.........and you know the rest). Whatever the outcome I know God will be in it. Thank you for blessing all our lives in so many ways......

  186. Yvonne, I've really enjoyed reading your blog and been inspired by your designs. I admire your steadfastness in leaving an activity that brings you joy but distracts you from your true calling. Blessings to you as you rededicate yourself to teaching. ~Roberta

  187. Well, as much as I would like to tell you this is the wrong decision, I would never tell you to dismiss what HE has told you to do. So, that being said, I will miss your posts terribly, but will be happy to see you keep us updated on Facebook. Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy your life!

  188. Yvonne, I greatly admire you for being obedient to what God is calling you to do. It is our loss but God has a greater plan. Many blessings as you pursue Him.

  189. Hello Yvonne, Oh dear, I have so enjoyed your site, and like many others, have just recently found Stonegate & look forward to exploring your lovely pages. I too have a rather large & busy web site (not a blog) and as I'm also a believer, applaud your decision to follow the Giver of Life, He will show you the way to Joy, sometimes we get a little off the track, we wandering ones... One plea, will your site stay up and available for those days when I've a moment and can catch a cup'o Earl Grey and take some time to rest and relax and enjoy the gift He has given you?
    Prayers for His best in your life,

  190. I've always cherished that our loving Abba Daddy blesses us with such beautiful gifts...even if but for a season. I have been blessed with a season that has involved learning so many wonderful inspiring things from you. Every time that I see the Southern Home Decor black and white placemats, I'll remember you with a little prayer. I pray that our mighty God will pour his favor on you as you obediently yield to His loving call on your life in this next season. I pray that we'll meet again prior to the time when we'll see each other before that only judgment seat where there is no condemnation. We are so blessed! Cherry Kay

  191. My heart just sank :-( Even though I respect your decision I hope you will reconider and just give yourself time to get back where you want to be, but perhaps will find some time to share yourself again. You have so much to offer. Perhaps restrict it to once a week and not feel so much pressure to put new postings out. Take care and I hope you will find that God will let you share yourself once more.
    Hugs, Liz

  192. Yvonne, I just wanted to take a moment to tell you what a blessing your blog has been to me. Particularly last summer, as I was confined to bed following a difficult back surgery while my mother languished on a ventilator thousands of miles away, your blog was a balm for my soul. Your gracious hospitality here helped me find the loveliness I craved and provided a bit of the mothering I needed. May God bless you in whatever He has planned next. And if you can, I hope you will stop by for a visit from time to time.

  193. I'm sad but I respect your decision. You have been a great inspiration to me and I will truly miss your words and beautiful pictures. God's plan for you will always be the right move. I look forward to following your journey on facebook.

  194. Dearest Yvonne,
    Only the very special ones on earth hear the call of God. I'm so honoured to know you through blogging and you will surely be missed my me and everyone else.
    Thank you for all your wonderful and caring comments. Blogging has brought all of us together and I know it consumes our time, but I know it is worth it. Please remember, that if you happen to change your mind and return to us, we will be here for you.
    Good luck with your mission and how blessed are the people you will be spending your time with now!!
    We will miss you my friend, Merry Christmas and may your 2012 be a wonderful, happy and joyous year.

    xxxxxxx Coty xx

  195. Yvonne,
    You have touched so many of us with your inspirations and creativity. You will be truely missed. Thank you for all that you have done, and most of all, for inspiring me! I just love your blog!! God has a plan and could not have picked a better person to fullfill those shoes.
    May you and your family have a Merry Christmas and God bless, my friend.

  196. That's to bad. You will obviously be missed, Yvonne. I do hope you will keep your blog open so we may continue to browse your lovely posts!

    All the best in your journey.

