Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Look at this pie!!!!! Well, what I really want you to see is the pie dough

These pies just came out of the oven and I was holding my breath! I am NOT  a baker and baking is often a stressful experience for me! YIKES!

Although I always make my own pie dough it usually a very trying experience! I do use Martha's Pate' Brisee with good success, but I really like a short crust better (made with shortening as opposed to all butter)!

I think I have found the perfect balance between a butter and short crust... from FAITHFULNESS FARM ! My dear blogging friend, Mrs. P posted a recipe for a "fool proof pie dough". And being no fool, I tried it.

It was a delight to work with!!! This is the first time I have ever made a pie and didn't want to say a bad word!!!!

It tastes so delicious too! If you still need to bake a pie, run over and get this recipe!  FAITHFULNESS FARM'S FOOLPROOF PIE DOUGH  is a keeper, for sure. You will love FAITHFULNESS FARM ! So full of homey great food and it is infused with the sweet ways of Mrs. P!


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  1. The pie looks so delicious. Am going to try the pie dough! Thanks again for all your answers to my questions and for going to my blog following me and posting your sweet comments. It meant alot to me Yvonne. How you have to answer a myriad of emails in a day and do all that you do with your own beautiful blog is daunting. Thanks again.

    Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving.

  2. Looks delicious, and I will have to try this recipe next time. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Yvonne! xo

  3. Yvonne -- your pie is GORGEOUS and I am so glad you didn't want to say any bad words, lol! Thanks for all your sweet words.

    Thanksgiving blessings to you and yours :)


  4. PS I forgot to tell you. Its called Papyrus. I love it. Another friend also commented on that. She also wanted to know.So glad you like it too. N

  5. I'll have to give this a try; I love to bake and love to make pie crusts, but have sworn by a Joel Robuchon recipe for many years. tonight is pie night in my house! Wishing you & your family a lovely Thanksgiving, Yvonne, and can't wait to see the table~

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you..Your pie crust looks perfect..Bravo!

  7. The pie looks wonderful, Yvonne! I'm trying that crust recipe, too. I have an online subscription to Cooks Illustrated & checked it out there. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  8. WOW THAT IS AMAZING!! I love the leaf design around the crust..amazing. Wishing you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

  9. Yvonne, you did an awesome job! Are you sure you're not a baker? ;o)

    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  10. Ohhh they loook delish!! Have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  11. They do look delicious. I remember one year I bought a tiny leaf shaped cutter and lined my pumpkin pies with pretty pie crust leafs. I received a lot of compliments on them. Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy those pies!~Ames

  12. Yvonne,
    These pies are ribbon award wining, my dear friend!!! Lovley...I can almost smell them! Congratulations on your newly found pie crust recipe! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  13. Gorgeous pies Yvonne! Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving-enjoy:@)

  14. That pie looks fabulous. Happy Thanksgiving.

  15. Happy Thanksgiving Yvonne ~ hope you have the most wonderful day!

  16. It turned out beautifully, Yvonne! Good job! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  17. I, too, have been looking for the perfect pie crust, so off I go to Gail's! Thanks so much!

    Warmly wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving, Yvonne!


  18. Your pie crust looks scrumptious, Yvonne! I'll try it next time...the pies were the ONLY thing I didn't have to make this year.
    Thanks for telling us about it & Nann's blog, too. I'll go visit her right now.

    Don't work too hard today...delegate & "outsource" as my DD calls it. LOL


  19. Your crust look lovely! Love the leaves...quite artistic. Strictly speaking a "short" crust refers to a crust that has a high percentage of fat to flower and is very flaky - could be lard, butter or shortening. I like the blind taste test project done by Pioneer Woman on which made the best crust....hands down it was leaf lard. Now where to find it is my quandary.

  20. Nanci, Thanks for setting me straight!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. Happy Thanksgiving, Yvonne. Enjoy your pie and many blessings!

  22. My oh my I do love pie! Your's looks wonderful! My mother always made home made pie dough...she worked on teaching me but I always got scared about not handling it too much..that's part of the secret to it being light and flaky. I'm afraid I've gone the way of Pillsbury's pie dough that are ready to go!
    I'll give this one a whirl!!

  23. Looks beautiful and I'm sure it is delicious. Thanks so much for sharing!


  24. Well, of course! This is a Cook's Illustrated recipe, so it is fool-proof. I've made this one, and love it. Funny, I just posted a King Arthur Flour pie tutorial. It's a different animal, because of the technique. My husband loves pie more than I do, which is a good thing. For someone who says she's not a baker, you did a fantastic job. The pecan pie looks gorgeous!
