Sunday, November 20, 2011


There are women (and some men) all over America getting ready for a feast! Thanksgiving is my very favorite holiday (other than Christmas, of course)! The pilgrim history... gathering of family...  nippy weather... football... walks....  feasting... food... the house full to the rafters... a time to pause and give THANKS TO GOD for another year of extreme blessings.... holding hands around the table...lots of loud and laughter... love, love, love... and pumpkin pie! I revel in it all!

But, I am a little worried about Thanksgiving to tell the truth!

I feel that Thanksgiving is becoming a somewhat forgotten or hurried holiday! Thanksgiving is compressed between the gore and candy of Halloween and the premature tinsel tossing of deck-the-halls Christmas preparations. These holidays that bookend Thanksgiving bleed into turkey day territory! I find it so hard to shop at  fill-in-the-blank Mart in October and hear Christmas music...  REALLY?

I think there should be some sort of official etiquette for holidays! Let's give each holiday a chance to be properly celebrated! A chance to shine all on it's own! And give ourselves a chance to breath in and live the holiday!

When holidays run amok trying to be celebrated before their given calender time this phenomenon is called CROSSHOLIDATION!  A word I made up many years ago to describe Christmas displays put up before Thanksgiving! 

Now I know that many of us do it... crosssholidate! And I am so aware that Christmas is just around the corner and there is much to be done! But I say,"Live in the holiday moment"!  Thanksgiving is so short... and growing even shorter! Many stores are opening up for black Friday on Thanksgiving night! Chip, chip, you hear that? It is the sound of Thanksgiving being chipped away by consumerism disguised as Christmas joy! No, I am not getting all hum-buggy! Well, okay... maybe just a little. At least until Thanksgiving.

So, don't just carve the turkey this year, carve out a special spot for this All-American holiday strengthening family traditions and making memories! 

I wish you all a 

Not here's what's ON THE MENU...

Red Chicken
Homemade Rice-A-Roni
Roasted Cauliflower

Recipe: Red Chicken
This is such a crowd please and so so easy! If you ever need to take a meal to someone this is a great dish to take!
1 lg pkg chicken drumstick and thighs
1 bottle Catilina Salad Dressing
1 envelope Lipton Onion Soup Mix
1 jar appricot jelly

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Rinse and pat chicken dry with a paper towel. Put chicken in a large baking dish.
Mix dressing, onion soup and appricot jelly together in a bowl and pour over chicken.
Cook chicken for 1 hour, or until tender and juices run clear.

Printable Recipe

Homemade Rice-A-Roni:
Yummy and so much better than the box!
3/4 cups rice
1/2 cup angel hair pasta, broken into pieces
1 medium onion, peeled and finely chopped
2 TBS oil
1 TBS butter
2 3/4 cups hot water
2 chicken bullion cubes (or more if you like a real hearty chicken flavor)
2 TBS chopped fresh parsley

Heat oil and butter in a large skillet. Add onion and cook for 5 minutes, until soft and translucent. Add rice and pasta. Cook until slightly browned.

Meanwhile, add bullion to hot water and dissolve. When rice is slightly browned, add water and put a lid on the skillet. Cook until gently simmering. Cook about 20 minutes until the water is absorbed and the rice and pasta are soft. You may need to add a little extra water if it gets too dry. Take off heat and add parsley.

Recipe: Roasted Cauliflower
l large head cauliflower
drizzle of olive oil
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. 
Wash and slicer cauliflower into thin slices. Put on 2 large rimmed baking sheets. The cauliflower should be in a single layer. Drizzle with olive oil. Salt and pepper and toss.

Bake for 25-30 minutes, turning a time or two until the cauliflower is brown and crisp.

Swiss Chard And Parmesan Torte
Arugula, Shaved Parmesan, Pine Nuts In A Lemon Vinaigrette

Chard Torte14CRsz.jpg

Recipe: Swiss Chard And Parmesan Torte With Pressed-In Olive Oil Pastry
Do you love to read cookbooks like I do? I always say that I read cookbooks like a romance novel! And I read Once Upon A Plate that way too! What a gorgeous foodie blog my friend Mari produces ( just look at the image above... drool!). I want to make everything she posts! You will want to visit Mari and get this delicious, company worthy torte. Click HERE for the recipe.

I'm not crazy!


Thanksgiving Dinner:
Each year I make the exact same thing! Everyone has their favorites! If the menu was ever would not be pretty! Thank goodness we all pitch in! What's your favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal?
Stuffing (lots and lots)
Mashed Potatoes
Giblet Gravy
Homemade Orange Cramberry Sauce
Canned Cramberry Sauce
Green Bean Casserole
Sweet Potato Casserole
Mixed Greens, Bleu,  Spiced Pecans, Pears In A Poppyseed Dressing
THE Jello Salad
Soft Rolls and Butter
Pumpkin Pie
Pecan Pie
Pumpkin Roll
Ice Cream
Whipped Cream
Coffee and Tea

FRIDAY~Slow Cooker Day
Slow Cooker Chili
Buttermilk Sweet Corn Bread

Recipe: Slow Cooker Chili
I'm making this up ahead and freezing it. Just take it out of the freezer the night before and reheat.
StoneGable chili  is a little sweet... a  little spicy. It certainly is a little different and delicious! I married a family recipe with a gourmet recipe I love. Serve it over rice and sprinkle some good cheddar cheese and crushed tortillas over the top. YUMMY! Pass the sour cream and chopped green onions too!

2 lbs lean ground beef
1 large onions, peeled and chopped
2 large cloves garlic, minced finely
1 large green or red pepper, chopped
1 large can of stewed tomatoes
1 can kidney beans or black beans, rinsed and drained (I combine the two)
2/3 - 1 cup of catsup
1/2 -2/3 cups chili sauce
2 TBS chili powder
2 tsp ground cumin
salt and pepper
a sprinkle of taco seasonings from a packet (if I have it, I use it)

To make the slow cooker version, brown meat, onions and peppers. Add the ingredients in the slow cooker and cook for 8 hours on low.
Printable Recipe

Recipe: Buttermilk Sweet Cornbread
1/2 cup butter, melted
2/3 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 cup white cornmeal
1 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease an 8 inch pan.

In a large bowl, beat eggs and add sugar and combine. Stir in butter.
Combine buttermilk and baking soda and stir into egg/sugar/butter mixture.

In a separate bowl combine cornmeal, flour and salt.  Add dry ingredients into wet ingredients in thirds.

Pour batter into pan. Bake for 30-40 minutes until golden and a toothpick comes out clean when tested.

Printable Recipe

Brown Sugar And Soy Marinaded Salmon
Potato Cakes
Fried Cabbage

Recipe: Brown Sugar And Soy Marinaded Salmon
After I have recovered from my food coma, I will want something light and good for me! Salmon is my go-to food! I found a delicious sounding marinaded salmon. YUMMY! Just don't overcook it. Dry salmon is a real culinary disaster!  Click HERE for this wonderful recipe.

Recipe: Potato Cakes
This is what I do with leftover mashed potatoes.Scrumptious!
2-3 cups mashed potatoes
1/2 cup finely chopped onions
1-2 eggs
salt and pepper
1/2 cup flour
2 TBS vegetable oil

Mix mashed potaotes, onions, eggs and salt and pepper in a bowl.

In a large skillet heat 1 TBS oil. Meanwhile form potatoes into a ball about the size of a scoop of ice ream. Flatten like a hamburger. Dredge in flour on both sides.
Cook in batches.
Cook until both sides have browned. Put the potatoe cakes into a low oven to keep warm.
Printable Recipe

Chicken Quesadillas
Refried Beans
Mexican Explosion Salad

Recipe: Chicken Quesidallas
1 TBS vegetable oil
2 cups cooked chicken
2 onions, peeled and cut into half moons
1 large red pepper, seeded and sliced
1-2 TBS jalepeno pepper jelly
salt and pepper
1 1/2 cups good shredded sharp cheddar cheese
10 inch tortillas
sour cream

Heat oil in a large skillet. Add onions and peppers. Cook until tender soft. Add chicken and pepper jelly and heat.

Meanwhile, heat a large cast iron griddle ( or another large skillet) over medium high heat. Brush with vegetable oil or spray with cooking spray. Lay down 1 tortilla and spoon  1/4- 1/3 cup of chicken mixture over it, Sprinkle 1/4 or so cup of cheese over the chicken mixture.  Top with tortilla. Put 2 quesadillas on the griddle at a time. Loosely cover with foil. Cook until tortilla is browned. Flip and cook the other side until browned. Set aside and keep warm. I usually put it in a low (190 degrees) heated oven.

Cut into wedges and serve with gracamole, salsa and sour cream.

Recipe: Mexican Explosion Salad
1 bag romaine salad
1/2 cup canned mexican corn, drained
1/2 cup black beans, rinsed well and drained
1/2 sharp cheddar cheese
1 tomato, diced
Mexican ranch dressing, recipe follows
Nachos, crushed

Place salad, corn, beans, cheese and tomato in a salad bowl.
In a small bowl, mix 1/4 bottle of ranch dressing, 2 tsp pkg. taco seasoning, and 2TBS salsa. Mix well. 
Dress salad and add crushed nachos.
Printable Recipe

I am so excited to see WHAT'S ON YOUR MENU...
~Please link your post using your permalink.
~Make sure you have a link back to ON THE MENU MONDAY on your post.
~ Please visit at least 2 other OTMM participants.

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  1. I wholeheartedly concur Yvonne...lets keep the Thanks in Thanksgiving and celebrate for as long as possible. It is such a glorious American holiday and should not be squandered :)

  2. Yvonne,
    I am like you I want to embrace each holiday until it is over and then go on to the next. Thank you so much for hosting our lovely Thanksgiving Party. My very best wishes to you and your family for a blessed Thanksgiving.
    Miz Helen

  3. Your Thanksgiving menu reads almost exactly like our family's! Wishing you & your household a Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. So many of my neighbors have all their Christmas decor up already, but we haven't enjoyed Thanksgiving yet! I have shared White Chocolate Lemon Streusel Bars. Have a great Thanksgiving holiday at your house!

  5. Hi Yvonne,
    I agree totally! Christmas decorations have been out for a while here. I love Thanksgiving and ignore Christmas decorations, etc. until December.
    Your menu looks wonderful! Our Thanksgiving meals sound pretty similar. I'm adding a new dish this year, Peas with Pancetta and Shallots.
    Have a happy Thanksgiving!

  6. WHEW!!! That is alot of food!!! We have many os the same dishes too. Usually jjst one dessert, just canned cranberries cause that is what everyone wants. I wish you and your family a happy, blessed and JOYFUL Thanksgiving!!!! I hate to mention this but I started Christmas decorating today! Got my whole downstairs DONE!!!!!!!! Noone will know:):) I have to talk to you too, I had an "issue" yesterday:):):) XO, Pinky

  7. Yvonne,
    Madam...may I help you up on that soapbox...and I do hope it's large enough to hold the both of us, dear friend! BRAVO!!! I couldn't agree with you more!
    This will be the first year I haven't worked in retail in four years. I'm NOT going shopping!!! I'm staying home with "Mr. Ed", putting my feet up and enJOYing the flavored teas he recently purchased while I write, edit and correct my annual Christmas letter and address Christmas cards!!! One of the many traditions of Thanksgiving weekend I have missed so very much!!! Another Thanksgiving tradition is to put up the Christmas Tree on Thanksgiving evening...since I was five years old... a family tradition I preserve to this day! One more, then I'll slide off this soapbox from my side, dear. I drag all my Christmas CD's out and load up the CD player with all my favorites. One unique family tradition of the last ten years is to celebrate "Mr. Ed's" and our daughter~in~laws birthdays with cake on Thanksgiving Day!!! Thank you for reminding us that we NEED to be thankful! I'm so grateful for the time to be at home this year. Have a blessed Thanksgiving, dear friend!

  8. I agree that we rush holidays too often and Thanksgiving sometimes gets caught in the rush towards Christmas.
    I hope you and your family have a fabulous Thanksgiving.

  9. Had to chuckle about the T-Day menu always having to be the same. I went to a couple stores looking for the mini gherkins... Talk about trauma if they weren't on the relish tray!!! Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving Yvonne-enjoy:@)

  10. Yvonne, I'm really interested in the Roasted Cauliflower. Do you slice the whole head of cauliflower as you would a loaf of bread? I'm just trying to picture it.

    Your Thanksgiving menu sounds scrumptious. I wish you the most blessed Thanksgiving with your family.

  11. I so agree with your post.

    Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday and I hate
    that it seems to be being pushed aside.

    Our menu usually consists of the same dishes each year. I do try and use one different cranberry sauce
    each year. We always have two homemade cranberry sauces and we have to always have some from the can.

    Happy Thanksgiving.


  12. I think I'm loving the roasted cawliflower, it's great for a side dish Ivonne. Although Thanksgiving is not celebrated in my neck'o'the woods, we celebrate it with our American friends, so this year I'm going to my friend's Lesly's home on Saturday, as Thursday here is just another day. I will have some turkey home, caz my grandgirls are coming for a week, their parents are going to Florida on business.
    Thank you for hosting and wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving. FABBY

  13. Oh, I would love to go to your home for Thanksgiving...the menu is TDF!!
    Hugs, FABBY

  14. Yvonne, Ditto here when it comes to must haves. One year I ate (well somewhere else lets say) and I was so bummed because the food I am used to wasn't there. Yes we have to have our staples but we do offer new dishes that sometimes become part of our staple group (liek the recipe i linked up) ..but never get away from the original menu! Uh huh! No way.

    Yes, keep THANKS in Thanksgiving. Even when I feel things in my life are at their worst, I know I'm better off than so, so many. I am so thankful for so many things!

    Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving with your same ole menu! =)


  15. In Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving in early October. While many of my American friends find this strange, I have to admit, that I'm rather fond of it. It's the first holiday of the fall and winter, and gets it's proper respect it deserves. I'm also one of those who loves to decorate for Christmas early, and I can do so after Remembrance day (Veterans day in the US), with out guilt that I'm skipping over another holiday =)I will admit that Thanksgiving seems to be a MUCH bigger deal to my US friends, than to my Canadian friends, not sure why, but I admire all the effort and excitment that my American friends put into this holiday =)

  16. I am right there with you. Not one single Christmas decoration goes up in my house anywhere until Thanksgiving is over. I can barely keep my comments to myself when I see a house decorated with Christmas trees and lights before Thanksgiving is over.

  17. Oh, my goodness. What a wonderful week you have planned. Hubby loves when I do Mexican dishes, but he can do hot and I usually prepare mild. I just hand him the hot salsa and I add sour cream to tame down something that turns out too spicy.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Looks like you'll need to put your feet up for a couple of days afterwards.

  18. "crosssholidate" LOL I can hear Webster's dictionary calling your name to see if they can add this to their new words for next year! LOL

    I'm so grateful that you've come into our lives, to share all your wonderful foods, decorations & thoughtful ideas.

    Wishing you & yours a very blessed Thanksgiving holiday.

    p.s. ♥♥♥ the tut on your rafia wreath & velvet pumpkins! SO easy!

  19. Beautiful blog! I am so happy to have found you. Your photos are amazing. Looking forward to reading more. Your newest follower~Sarah

  20. Lest you forget New Years. I think January is our only month of rest from all the holidays. I just hate what commercialism has done to days we used to hold so dear to our hearts. The sad thing is that it's all our children have ever known.

    I'm thinking take out the day AFTER Thanksgiving, not the day before ; )

    My goodness, where did you ever learn to cook like that?

  21. I agree, Yvonne. Thanksgiving used to be so much more special. Now, with all the Early Black Friday sales and Christmas decorations flooding the stores, it does seem to be the forgotten holiday - at least as far as retail businesses are concerned.

    Glad to see you're having Take Out on Wednesday ;)

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Yvonne!

  22. What is THE jello salad? It has to be a recipe from the South becasue we are the only people who call jello dishes "Salad"! Making my list this morning. Not much changes from year to year even from here to East Asia!

  23. I LOVE Thanksgiving, Yvonne! Thanks for posting about all it's goodness. We certainly all appreciate your thoughtfulness & wish you & yours a Happy Thanksgiving.

  24. I'm with you 200% on the topic of the holiday's running into and over each other! I don't understand the rush to get to Christmas so fast. The reasons for the seasons are lost. We are all victims of these consumer driven mechanisms and need to take a deep breath and enjoy the moment we are in! I love your term "Crossholidate" If I may- I want to include a link to this post in one I'm planning.
    Your menu is divine! I envy your guests!

  25. Came over to see what I should be cooking for Thanksgiving...and, yes, we all seem to be doing the same traditional menu...which is wonderful!! The radio stations are already playing Christmas music, which makes me cringe. But, I too, will begin decorating for Christmas over the weekend, can't wait. Love, my friend, to you and your entire family....

  26. I KNEW I wasn't the only one that felt this way!!! I too get upset with the Christmas music in stores before Thanksgiving and the funny thing is I didn't even grow up here! Anyway, wishing you, Yvonne and every one of your followers a great Thanksgiving Holiday!

  27. I had to at least come and peek at the recipes! I'm sure everyone LOVES your Thanksgiving table! Have a wonderful T Day!

  28. Hi, Yvonne. Yes, it's way too rushed anymore! Your Thanksgiving salad looks delicious. I shared a Pennsylvania Dutch turkey stuffing recipe, a candied sweet potatoes recipe, and a holiday cranberry salad recipe today. Thank you for hosting us and Happy Thanksgiving!

  29. Your menu looks great as do the links. Today I bring NOT That Green Bean Casserole. It is a little something different from the traditional one. Thanks for hosting and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  30. I love your menu and your organization for the week is enviable! Add two more nights of take out at my house! Mashed potato casserole at my house is everyone's fave!

  31. Yvonne,
    Woo almost didn't make it today. With the way the world is going, a little cheer from Christmas early, is what many people are needing. With that holiday also comes grief and saddness though for many. Santa is spinning around the top of my blog already. I'm almost in the mood, not yet. Happy Thanksgiving! Pat

  32. Crossholidation - so perfect. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I enjoy Christmas but it seems so rushed anymore and I can't seem to put the brakes on it - my family is here and there, stopping here for an hour and then it's off to somewhere else. Thanksgiving seems to move slower and is always a 4 day weekend and we enjoy every minute of it. Wishing everyone here a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING. And a special Thanks to you, Yvonne, for the wonderful information you send our way.

  33. Wow Yvonne, can't wait to see pics of your Thanksgiving table and food; I also make a jello salad! I went to pick up my organic free range fresh hen yesterday at the market and the bird was sent to another market by mistake and quickly sold, so today I am scrambling to find a replacement. The rest of the menu will be basically a lot like yours, very traditional. Wishing you a lovely week~

  34. I like your mention of THE Jello salad on your tgiving menu...that's what my mother always brought and I sometimes forget I need to make it now!

    I'm wondering where your leftovers are in your menu planning after Thanksgiving--or maybe you don't have any!! Have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving!

  35. About leftovers~ This sounds so bad, but we eat them for breakfast on Friday! I love to have stuffing, mashed potatoes and a little gravy. My sister and I sit at the kitchen table and eat a leisurely thanksgiving breakfast in our pajamas and read magazines... and LAUGH! Then we divide the rest between families. I'll be making some for dinner next week!
    Thanks for asking!

  36. Yvonne, I could not agree with you more! I simply LOVE Thanksgiving and it seems to be almost forgotten these days. I just refuse to do Christmas before Thanksgiving.

    Your menu looks incredible and I love that you're serving a few spicy dishes after the big day. I can only imagine how gorgeous your table will look and then add all the scrumptious food.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with huge blessings for you and your loved ones.

  37. Hello Yvonne~I'm b-a-c-k to makin' my visits (finally)! I just wanted to take a minute at this season of renewed hope and gratitude to personally thank you for your visits and kind words, especially with the loss of my kitty Angel. I wish I could convey to you how much your continued friendship means to me. You're always so generous to share a big part of your hearts passion through your amazing posts. You truly have a gift. I look forward to each and every visit. I've no doubt we've got a lot more blogging fun in store.
    I, like you, will be relishing my time away from the malls on Black Friday-Thursday! Thanksgiving in precious to me and I plan on savoring every minute.

    I've got a question about the buttermilk cornbread. Is there any adjustments to this recipe for making them into muffins? I'd like to bake some up for Thanksgiving.

    Sweet Wishes,

  38. For Sara, Thank you so much for your kind comments! You are so sweet!
    I would watch the oven time, that's all. It will be considerably less time. Maybe 15 minutes. Just check them and when the look done, use a toothpick to make sure they are done inside!
    Blessing to you this Thanksgiving.

  39. Everything soounds yummy, Yvonne! I make the same thing every year, too. My BIL says we have it down to a fine art, so why change? lol Thanks so much for your congratulations for my pumpkins! Thanksgiving is almost here, so I wanted to send my best wishes for a wonderful holiday filled with family, laughter and...of course...good food! Happy Thanksgiving!...hugs...Debbie

  40. Just found you through Savvy Southern Style and wow, I'm glad I did! I have to try my hand at the Swiss Chard and Parmesan Torte. Mmmmm! Thanks for hosting this party ... I'm looking forward to all the tasty recipes.
