Sunday, September 4, 2011

ON THE MENU MONDAY~ Week Of September 5, 2011

I hope you are having a very happy and safe labor day!!!! This is the unofficial end to the summer. So have one last wonderful fling!

As you can probably tell by the tardiness of ON THE MENU MONDAY linky party, summer at StoneGable is going out with a big bang! Sorry this is so late. I had prescheduled this post but for some reason it did not work. I was shocked when I checked it! Again, SORRY!

Here's what's ON THE MENU this week...

Beef Brisket Fajita
Black Bean And Corn Salad

Recipe:Beef Brisket Fajita
I am using the leftovers from our picnic and making  meal! The smoked beef brisket, grilled onions and peppers will be reheated with a heaping TBS of red pepper jelly and  the juice of 1/2 of a lime. All this yumminess will go into a warmed four tortilla that has been covered with refried beans. Top with cheddar cheese, tomatoes and a dollop of sour cream and you have a great meal!

Recipe: Black Bean And Corn Salad
Leftover corn on the cob comes off the cob and into this great salad. I'll be eating this for lunch... It just improves with age!

1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 can white shoepeg corn, drained~ if corn is in season use fresh~ 4 ears, cooked and kernels taken off the    cob
1 red or yellow pepper, diced 
dressing, follows

Mix all together and refrigerate. Should be made ahead for the flavors to marry.

3 TBS vegetable oil
1 TBS balsamic vinegar
3 TBS orange juice
1 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp ground cumin
1 clove garlic, pressed
salt and pepper

Mix dressing together and let it sit for 1 hour before pouring over salad.

Mac And Cheese Lorraine
Tomato Basil Salad

Recipe: Mac And Cheese Lorraine
Oh this is such a wonderful idea! Pasta, cheese and bacon!!!!! I must restrain myself for sure! Barb, at Two Birdies and a B posted this in August and I knew that it would be perfect for an early Autumn meal. Go visit Barb, she is such a sweetie! Click HERE  to get the recipe and tell her I said HI!

StoneGable Bean Soup
Buttermilk Sweet Corn Bread

Recipe: StoneGable Bean Soup
This is one of the most requested soups I make. The secret to this soup is using enough ham hocks and adding fresh squeezed lemon!
Click HERE for a culinary tutorial and recipe. This is an oldie but goodie post. I wrote it 2 months after I stared blogging~ almost 2 years ago!

Recipe: Buttermilk Sweet Cornbread
1/2 cup butter, melted
2/3 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 cup white cornmeal
1 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease an 8 inch pan.

In a large bowl, beat eggs and add sugar and combine. Stir in butter.
Combine buttermilk and baking soda and stir into egg/sugar/butter mixture.

In a separate bowl combine cornmeal, flour and salt.  Add dry ingredients into wet ingredients in thirds.

Pour batter into pan. Bake for 30-40 minutes until golden and a toothpick comes out clean when tested.

Printable Recipe

Roasted Lemon Garlic Herb Shrimp
Roasted Broccoli With Garlic Oil

Recipe: Roasted Lemon Garlic Herb Shrimp
One of my very favorite design blogs is Providence Ltd Designs. Owned by 2 glamorous sisters who have such a sense of style, this blog always delivers chic and class! Just look at this elegant shrimp!!!! To get this easy, upscale and company worthy recipe, click HERE.

Planked Teriyaki  Salmon On The Grill
Grilled Cheese And Carmelized Onion Polenta Cakes
Constructed Pear Salad Wtih Walnuts In A Poppyseed Dressing
Chocolate Cake With Double Fudge Frosting

Recipe: Grilled Cheese And Carmelized Onion Polenta Cakes
4 TBS olive oil
1/4 cup onions, chopped
salt and pepper
1 1/2 cups milk
3/4 cup instant polenta
1/2 cup fontina cheese, grated
1/4 cup flour
Carmalized onions, recipe follows

Grease an large loaf pan.

In a large pot or dutch oven, heat 2 TBS olive oil. Add onions and sautee  for 2-3 minutes. Add the salt and pepper and cook for 1 minute.

Add milk to onions and bring to a boil. Add polenta and whisk until it thickens. Add cheese and let it melt. Incorporate well.

Pour polenta into the loaf pan, packing it down before it sets. Refrigerate for 1 hour for until set. When set, heat a 2 TBS olive oil in a large skillet. Slice polenta 1/2 inch thick and cook until golden brown, about 1 minute on each side. Remove to a paper. To assemble pate polenta and top with Carmalized onions.
I will add the salmon to the top of everything.

Recipe: Carmalized Onions
2 TBS olive oil
2 TBS butter
5 medium yellow onions, thinly sliced
1/2 tsp fresh thyme, chopped finely
salt and pepper

Heat butter and oil in a large skillet or dutch oven. Add thinly sliced onions. Cook slowly until browned and carmalized, about 45 minutes. Add thyme and salt and pepper, stir and cook for 1 more minute.

SATURDAY: Company's Coming
Parmesan Crusted Chicken With Sage-Sherry Butter
Smashed Potatoes
Green Beans And Mushrooms In Brown Butter
Peach Crumble

Recipe: Parmesan Crusted Chicken With Sage-Sherry Butter
This is such a fabulous sounding recipe!!!! Sage and sherry and butter.... oh goodness! I am such a fan of cooking savory sauces with a good sherry. What a taste! This recipe is as classy as the blog it came from... House Dressings! I am always so inspired when I visit! To get this recipe and inspiration, click HERE.

Recipe: Peach Crumble
I had peach crumble at a recent luncheon at my DEAR friend Barb's home. She is the ultimate hostess! Everyone was asking for this recipe... and I got it!  Look for it on FOODIE FRIDAY.

StoneGable Hamburgers On The Grill
Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges

Recipe: StoneGable Hamburgers On The Grill

1 lb 85% ground beef (no lower fat content)
1 package Lipton Onion Soup Mix
3 TBS water
3 TBS Worchestershire Sauce (or more... we like lots!)
Freshly ground pepper
Pinch of salt

Heat up the grill to medium heat.
Put ground beef in a large bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients and GENTLY mix. Do not smoosh or your hamburger will be tough. GENTLY form into hamburgers. We love large hamburgers so I usually double the recipe. Grill until done to your liking. DO NOT press hamburger down with spatula! We want all those wonderful juices to stay IN the hamburger. So yummy!

Recipe: Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges
3 sweet potatoes
2 TBS olive oil
1 TBS salt
2 TBS brown sugar

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
Scrub potatoes. Cut in half and then cut into wedges. Toss with 2 TBS olive oil.
Put sweet potatoes on a large rimmed baking sheet and sprinkle with salt and brown sugar.

Bake for 20 minutes or until done. Turn half way through roasted.

Recipe: Coslaw

1 bag coleslaw mix
1 carrot, grated
1 cup mayonnaise
2 TBS cider vinegar
1/2 tsp dijon mustard
2 TBS sugar (I use spoonable Splenda)

Mix mayo, vinegar, mustard and sugar in a large bowl. Add coleslaw mix and carrot. Toss to coat. Serve or refrigerate.

Now let's see what's on your menu...

~Please link your post using your permalink.
~Make sue you have a link back to ON THE MENU MONDAY on your post.
~Please visit at least 2 other OTMM participants


  1. Thanks so much for featuring the mac & cheese Lorraine recipe. It really was delicious 'comfort' food. Another wonderful week of menu inspiration here. xo

  2. Happy Labor Day! Sounds like your picnic will be yummee! Thank you for stopping by my little bloggy. I am really excited for you to try Grandpa Tom's Corn and Shrimp chowder. My family likes a little bit o' bacon in it, too!

    Your veggies always look so blessed to have such a beautiful garden with so much produce! You must feel blessed!

    Thank you for hosting another fun linky party.

    Love to YOU!

  3. I saw that shrimp on Pinterest. I followed the link and the recipe is fairly similar to one we love! I will have to try this version too. We are big shrimp fans. Have a wonderful week.

  4. Happy Labor Day!

    Oh, Yvonne, you have me so hungry and I'm up's past 2:00 a.m. here. I'm ready to run to the store and get the ingredients for that parm chicken with the sherry. Oh my! And, bacon with Mac n Cheese? Mmmmm is all I can say. I bet you can hear my tummy growling!

    Have a safe and fun day,


  5. I can't take my eyes off of the shrimp. And any week that ends with burgers on the grill is perfect to me.

  6. Chris is home:) Love that.

    I should look into Pinterest..

    Everything sounds and looks delightful.
    Enjoy the week:)

  7. Hi Yvonne,
    Your menu looks fabulous and sounds like you are having a great Labor Day Celebration with loved ones. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week!
    Miz Helen

  8. Happy Labor Day Yvonne! My BBQ was yesterday too. I just put a pot of your bean soup on the stove, looking forward to a big ole bowl for lunch:@)

  9. There will be no picnic at our house today because we are finally getting some heavy rain. Can't complain since we have needed rain for so long. You menu looks delicious, as usual. Hope you have a great week! Shannon

  10. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Labor Day! Thank you for so gracious hosting your linkie party even on a holiday, and as always, your Menu for the week looks delicious!
    I also want to let you know how thrilled and honored I am that you featured my Parmesan Crusted Chicken, and for the kind words you said about my blog.

  11. I have linked up Fruit Pizza, Cream Cheese Cranberry Muffins, and Coconut Cream Pie. Thank you for hosting!

  12. Happy Labor Day, Sweet Friend!

    What wonderful selections you've got for us this week...Yummy!
    Thank you especially for the link to the Parmesan Crusted Chicken With Sage-Sherry Butter. My DH is not big on chicken...he complains "too dry". I can see by the photo that this one will not be.

    Have a wonderful start to your week & don't "LABOR" too hard today.

  13. Mac and cheese with bacon??? I am so on that one! The roasted sweet potato wedges sound good too. Thanks for two new recipe ideas, and for hosting such a great linky party. Have a great week!

  14. PS: Your cornbread recipe is just like mine, except I use a little less sugar, so I know your recipe is a winner. :)

  15. Not to worry about being late! Our family stayed and talked until after 11:00 pm last night - fun night but I was too tired to link up that late.

    Another wonderful menu and I've got to check out that shrimp recipe!

  16. The dressing you're using on your black bean and corn salad is very similar to one I used recently to make a southwestern coleslaw. It was so yummy to have crunchy cold veggies with warm gooey enchilada's. You may want to try is some time. :)

  17. Thank you very much for your blog. It is very inspiring! Love your table settings! The best is the Sunday scriptures!
    Thank you for opportunity to participate in your Monday post.
    God bless you and your family!

  18. Hi Yvonne,
    thank you for all your wonderful recipes. I hope, you had a great Labour Day.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  19. Yvonne,
    These sound delicious!!! Slow cooker bean soup would certainly be a hit On Crooked Creek! Thank you for hosting this weekly meme and for sharing such yummy recipes! Have a restful Labor Day and enjoy your upcoming visit with Christopher!

  20. wow, those shrimp look heavenly and the chicken breading sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing the inspiration! I will add some teapot cookies for your dessert this week!

  21. Love the recipes Yvonne all look amazing, I add my Dulce de leche dessert and chocolate. and now I will visit some folks!, gloria

  22. Yvonne, your menu is simply mouthwatering! Your selections are always perfect!
    Thank you for hosting and sharing all of your beautiful talents!

  23. Ivonne, your picnic it's too yummy for words! My goodness, such goodies, wish I was going to be there! Well, at least I have your wonderful recipes, I love the srimp one AND ALL OF THEM!! Thanks for hosting such a terrific party. Hugs,

  24. It all looks delicious, but I am noting the corn bread recipe. I made PD's last week, and we didn't like it at all!
    Thanks for hosting!

  25. So many lovely recipes.. I could just be your kitchen maid if you'd allow me.. Thank you very much for your well wishes for the parents.. They are both doing very well. xo marlis

  26. As always, such delicious inspiration for the week. We have a little crispness in the air following the tropical depression...the soup sounds like just the ticket.
    Angela and Renee
