Tuesday, August 2, 2011


DOULOS (Bondservant)

Sunday was a day I will remember my whole life! For several reasons.

My 24 year old son Christoper gave his very first sermon.

Christopher  has been a youth pastor at Otterbein Church  for 4 months. He has been through so much trying to figure out what God had for his precious life! By God's leading he has been hired by a wonderful, vibrant Bible church and feels so at peace and at home. He loves the leadership team, the congregation but most of all the youth! 

Our family and some friends traveled to hear him preach and share his message. The senior pastor of Otterbein asked Christopher to tell his story, his passions and give a challenge. I cried throughout the entire message! I walked with Chris every one of those days he talked about... mostly on my knees! Days where he felt misdirected and sorta lost. I had so many deep conversations with him about faith, following God and not missing any blessing God had for him. I saw him struggle with what he thought he wanted and what God had purposed him to be! But isn't that the struggle in all of our lives!

When I see Christopher this is what I see...

I know that he is a grown man, but it's a Mother thing! He was such a joyful baby and a  rambunctious, ornery little boy with a heart and a smile a mile wide! He loves better than anyone I know!

Although Christopher did not like school and was the quintessential Peter Pan, he graduated with honors from high school and college and is working on his Master's degree (M'Div) ... partly because I willed him to!

Christopher, Graduation Day from Liberty University 

He loves sports and played football, baseball and golf since he was a little boy!

But more than anything else... Chris loves God!

I sat in the pew with my family and friends all gather around and listened to God pour His truth into my life through my son. The little boy I once poured all of my best into... is pouring THE best into my life now!

My heart is full because it is an awesome thing to see God work so mightily in your son's life, but even more because I was flooded with with God's love and a challenge for my life through his sermon!

I don't write this with a prideful heart, but with a heart full, no... overflowing with gratitude and love. I write this hoping you will share in my joy!

 Christopher and his sweetheart, Chelsea 7/11

If you would like to listen to Christophers message, "WHAT IF" click HERE and click on the play button. I hope you will go and listen. You will hear Chris' story... our journey... and hopefully God will challenge you too through his message.

Christoper also has a new blog for parent of youth and youth leaders, called Dulous (Bondservant). Please click HERE to view it. It is a new, hard hitting look at today's youth and the culture they live in! It it a shockingly honest look!!!

~ For we are His (God's) workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 1:10

I am participating in:
THE WHITE FARMHOUSE INSPIRATIONAL PARTY at my friend's Maggie's! She is honoring one of our favorite bloggers!


  1. What a wonderful post! Love the pic of your handsome son and his girlfriend! I can only imagine how proud you must be!

  2. This is such a wonderful post. You must be so proud of him! I will check out his blog as soon as I get a chance!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing an important event in your son's life and your life. I can see and feel the pride you have for him and feel honored that you would share this moment of your life with the rest of us. Jan

  4. Hi Yvonne,
    you are blessed with such a nice son. I totally understand your proudness. Wish for you and him all the best.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  5. Yvonne absolutely wonderful post your son is awesome, blessings gloria

  6. oh my, What a beautiful post!!, I understand how your heart must be bursting with joy at the work that the Lord has done in your son's life.. We do spend hours on our knees and as a mother there is nothing more amazing than seeing God become the centre of our child's life and watching as they share his love with others - Praise God that your son has found his calling!! I am off to listen to your son's sermon :)!
    Hugs from down under Oz!
    Jen xo

  7. Congratulations to him AND you!!! That's just wonderful!!! Your love for him/Christ comes BEAMING through this post!!!!
    I've been on staff at two different churches and it can be soooooooo difficult but sooooooooo fulfilling concurrently! I pray more of the latter for your son!!!

    Lana In Italy

  8. I feel your mother's love and pride! There is nothing better than seeing our kids pour out their lives for Christ. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Yvonne,
    Your message today reminds me of the scripture...we, too shall rejoice in the harvest if we do not grow weary. Sometimes parenting is tough! It is easy to grow weary, but through God we must perservere, till they reach adulthood. Christopher is a fortunate man to have a mother with vision! I'll be back after work to listen to his sermon. Thank you for being a true messenger of His word.

  10. Yvonne,
    This post is such an encouragement to me. Our middle son is seeking direction in his life. I am praying that God will soon reveal His plan to him.....your testimony here is just that hope I needed today. Thank You. I'm so happy for your family as you enjoy the fruits of your parental labors.

    What a handsome young man with a life dedicated to the Lord!

  11. Yvonne, you are truly blessed. Your son is something very special. With all of the craziness going on the world today, I worry about our young people and then I see someone like Christopher and I breathe a big sigh of relief.

    I also believe that he would not be who he is today without your help and guidance. Kids are not just born this way. They are raised this way and someone along the way puts in a lot of hard work and love to get results like this. God bless you and Christopher.

  12. Yvonne, how blessed you are to have such an awesome son in today's world.You can be so proud of him! I have read his blog, being a mother of an 18 year old and will continue to check in on it.
    Well done...this post is so inspiring.

  13. Beautiful tribute to your handsome and accomplished son! I love it and you have every right to be incredibly proud...a testament to the person you are no doubt. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post with us!

  14. Got tears in my eyes reading about your wonderful son. You have certainly been blessed with him, and I think he was blessed having you as his mom.

  15. Congratulations to both of you Yvonne, that's quite a journey! I listened to the sermon, very inspiring! Wishing Chris all the best and how exciting for the kids that will be lucky enough to have him in their lives:@)

  16. Beautiful inside and out!..can I say beautiful, well maybe handsome and full of goodness,for sure!

  17. Oh Yvonne, the blessings Christ gives us as mothers are so very rich, aren't they! When we see our children serve the Lord, it is so very precious to our hearts. God has blessed you in such a wonderful way. Thank you for sharing this blessing with us. Praise Him!!

  18. Congratulations to your entire family! What a wonderful blessing this is, I feel it takes a special touch from the hand of God to see into the hearts of the youth, this church will be blessed by your son, I'm sure. xo

  19. It is lovely to stand back and revel in someone's happiness.
    I am so happy for you and your family..you can tell by his face..and your words..that this is bliss for you as a family..one of those exceptional moments in time.
    His sweetheart is so pretty too.

  20. The love you have for your son comes through in every word of your post, Yvonne. What a wonderful day for you and your family. Thank you for sharing this with us. Chris is a very lucky young man to have such a loving and supportive mother.

  21. Oh Yvonne! I almost started crying just reading this! What a sweet mom you are, and what an amazing testimony of God's provision and grace. I'm going to listen to this later when I get home, but thank you so much for sharing.

  22. How proud you must be! He is such a handsome young man and it's wonderful he has found his mission and purpose. He will be an asset to the church and a Piped Piper (in a good way) to the young people there. Congratulations!

  23. I can only hope that my son would speak of me with such love as your son did of you in his sermon. I could hear the excitement in his voice in finding his path in serving God. Congratulations to you and your family.

  24. Yvonne, thanks for sharing this wonderful post about your son from your heart's perspective as his mom. With God, there is always hope!

  25. Lovely, Yvonne! You are truly blessed. It's always a blessing to see young people choose this path. Have a great day!

  26. What a beautiful post! Praying God's hand is on him as he serves the youth--what an important job!

  27. Dear Yvonne,
    Thank you for this beautiful post about your beloved son and family. I already follow your son's blog - I joined as soon as I saw it on your sidebar initially. I sent the link to my middle son as well. You have passed on quite a legacy and a testimony that will impact many generations to come. The Bible is true - if you train up your child in the way they should go then they WILL NOT depart from it when they are old -God always keeps His word! He is a promise maker and a promise keeper.
    Your blog has been one of my very favorites since I began blogging myself - the gorgeous photography, luscious food and breathtaking tablescapes are a given - the real reason is the way you touch people's hearts - kindness, love and compassion leap off of your pages in whatever topic you are posting about!
    Have the most blessed day in the Lord!

  28. Oh, what a beautiful post!! We have no greater joy than to see our children walking in the "truth"! I just once again this week thanked God that He chose my children and that they chose Him!! Thank you for sharing your story with your followers!!

  29. Congratulations and may God Bless his works. Thank you for sharing. I visited his link a couple of weeks ago and agree with his statements. Thank God for people with a stand against the culture of destruction. We know personaly how difficult the road is when you go against pop culture and the current group thinking of immoral values and practices. God bless you for your teaching and parenting. Thank you, Emelia.

  30. What a moving post. How nice it is to see a son come to realize his calling and fulfil all one hopes for when they are first born.

  31. Yvonne, How wonderful what a beautiful post! Thank you for

    Flora Doora

  32. Yvonne, this brought tears to my eyes because I can HEAR your voice saying these words and hear the pride and love you have in your heart for Chris. God always has a plan, and it is good. It may not be OUR plan but He will lead us. Chris and Chelsea look so sweet together. This was a beautiful tribute to Chris!!!! XO, Pinky

  33. Beautiful Post Yvonne! I can feel your love and pride.

    It was a pleasure to join the linky party this week. I'm happy you liked the burritos. They are a staple in my freezer.

    I was also wondering if you tried the soft pretzels for your party?

    Take care there my friend!


  34. What a fine, handsome young man. With you as his mom, I am not surprised! I am following his blog, as soon as I saw it on your blog, but we can't leave comments. He and Chelsea make such a beautiful couple. Oh my, your grandbabies will be so cute!!! :) xo,

  35. I already joined his blog and was amazed by his words and the brilliance he put on focusing what matters (or should matter) to youth in the present times.

    I'll listen now to his first words but first I would like to tell you're entitled to feel proud, you're entitled to brag and more you're entitled to share him and his teachings and example.

    My heartfelt Thank You and Congratulations. Blessed Be!


  36. Yvonne...how beautiful. What a blessing to see the results of answered prayer in your lifetime...and for you to be able to share your son with so many. What a great reminder of God's faithfulness! I love you and am thankful for the encouragement you are to me! We are looking forward to listening to your son's sermon tonight for family devotions. Love to you, sweet friend.
    Thank you for your kind words yesterday!

  37. Love this post! It is heartwarming to hear someone so proud of their children. Such a cute boy that turned into a handsome young man. I bet he is an inspiration to the kids in his charge. So many can use a good influence in their lives. Nice to know there are people out there making a difference in their lives.

    I fixed the linky! the first one was bad.

  38. Congratulations Yvonne! You have so much to be proud of. Not only is he a gorgeous young man, it is wonderful that he is following God and doing His will! How precious to know you raised such a fine young man:>)

  39. Yvonne, what a wonderful story!! I love hearing this and really can't wait to sit down and listen to his sermon. I can't tell you how much I adored hearing about your wonderful son and what he is doing for the kingdom of God. You have every right to be proud, and I would be shouting it from the rooftop if I were you!!

  40. Yvonne, Just finished listening to Chris' sermon. What an inspiring man of God he is!

    God spoke to my heart when Chris prayed "it will be my JOY to submit to You" with a freedom to live through you.

    A challenge to me that I look forward to.

    Thank you so much for sharing,

  41. Hi Yvonne,
    The Lord is using your family in a mighty way. I am so happy to see the joy of your journey.
    God Bless You!
    Miz Helen

  42. Yvonne, I know EXACTLY the pride and joy that you have for your son. My 23 year old son just recently moved from Texas to Tennessee to start his career in the ministry as the Student/Families Pastor at Grace Crossing Church in Collierville. I'm so proud of him and how God has called him to serve. I can't wait to go to Tennessee later in the month to visit him and our DIL and get to hear one of his services... I'm glad to know that we have this in common
    All the best,

  43. Yvonne,
    A M A Z I N G!!!
    . . . and just think . . .God isn't finished with him yet!

  44. Thank you for sharing this with us Yvonne! I just listened to his entire sermon - it was wonderful. He is on fire for the LOrd, I can see why you are so proud of him What a lovely tribute he gave to his Mother! I identified with his story about being raised in a Chrsitian home and not remebering the exact day and hour!
    I am so happy for you and your family, I know the Lord has great plans for your son!
    Many hugs,

  45. Such a blessing for you, I am sure the heavens are rejoicing. Parenting sure is hard work but sometimes the results are just amazing. Keep on keeping on, til you hear....well done thy good and faithful servant. Blessings ~Sara

  46. Yvonne,
    You have a lovely family.
    You must be proud of that too!

  47. Your "mother's joy" touched this mother's heart. I could feel your love and happiness through your words. You must be so happy and proud of him for finding his way. I'll go listen to his message! I do share in your joy:)

  48. Yvonne, What a precious post and tribute to your son.
    How blessed he is to have a mother who loves him so much and is so proud of him.
    Congratulations to Christopher on his first of many sermons and congratulations to you for raising a handsome, God loving young man.
    Thank you for sharing this special time in your lives.

  49. Congrats Yvonne! You raised a wonderful young man. You have every reason to be proud. And what a blessing he is and will be to the Body of Christ.

  50. Congratulations! How proud you are and you oughta be! What a great university too!! I WORK THERE!!! I recognized the stadium in the background :) Woohoo! Go Flames!! It's a small world, eh?? :)

  51. That is so wonderful! And I still look at my son as a baby and/or little boy. I'm a wienie when it comes to my son. I look forward to checking out your sons' blog as my son is in his teen years. (Where did the time go!) God bless you and your family!

  52. Yes, I can imagine that your heart is full and overflowing! What a wonderful blessing for you to be able to experience God working in and thru your son's life. It is always hard to put into words the love, pride, joy, thankfulness and so much more that is felt when you witness answered prayer. And isn't it even a greater blessing when God does much more than is ever expected?? God is good, isn't He? My prayer that your son will always seek God first and foremost in all that he does in this new church..what an awesome privilege!!

  53. Well, darlin', I am crying my Texas eyes out...I am so proud for you to be this proud of your young man. I KNOW how full your heart is...I have two that makes my heart full.
    Your son is a very handsome man..and all the more so for WALKING IN THE SON.
    XO bj

  54. Congratulations!!! I know you are sooo proud!

    My son is a sophomore at Liberty!!! What a great school!



  55. today was a very tough, emotional day for many reasons. I am so glad I visited your blog. I had no idea what wonderfulness was in store for me. Such a lovely man, your son. I can not wait to learn more from him. WE need inspiration and hope everywhere. HE will move mountains.

  56. Yvonne, I know you are so very proud. What a cute couple they make, too.

  57. I was visiting your blog to thank you for the sweet, encouraging words you left me earlier this week when I came across this post that pierced my heart. It brought me to tears as I read you talking about walking along side your son 'on your knees', because that is exactly where I am right now with my eldest. It is so encouraging to hear you share your son's story and the Godly man he has become. I pray that my daughter will find the path He has laid before her and that she will choose to walk it, just as your son so clearly has. Blessings to you & your family!!

  58. How proud you must be Yvonne! How wonderful to have a son turn his life over to the Lord! Wonderful, wonderful!


  59. Hi Yvonne. I so understand how full your heart is. I was tearing up while reading about your son and thinking about how you must have felt while listening to his sermon. What a wonderful God we serve!

  60. Your post gave me goosebumps. You must be so proud of your boy. You have raised him very well. Enjoy the gorgeous day, Kellie xx

  61. You are truly blessed, Yvonne to have raised such a wonderfully sensitive, thoughtful & devotedly Christian son. He is very handsome & I know how proud you much be of him & the path he has taken. That had to be one of the most incredible days of BOTH your lives!


  62. What a wonderful post, Yvonne! I know your heart is just bursting with love & thankfulness in raising such a wonderful son. Blessings to you & your family.

  63. I do share in your joy! Congrats to him. I have read one of his posts before and I enjoy his honesty. Congrats. Joni

  64. You are such a spiritual inspiration and I know you are so proud. How is it possible that our children are grown and teaching us lessons about God. My son is still finding his way and I have spent his adolescent and young adulthood on my knees.

    Thanks for sharing Yvonne. You are a blessing to me and other readers.


  65. What a blessing! My speakers are not working right now so I'll come back once they are fixed. I know you are so very proud of him and grateful too!


  66. Yvonne, what a wonderful son you have raised! He and his sweetie are just precious! I loved seeing all the pics, they reminded me of my blond haired little boy at that age. lol My heart is overflowing for you as I read this...such a blessing.

  67. How wonderful for all of you! I share your pride and joy as my older son is also a young pastor. I know JUST what you mean when you still see him as that sweet little blond boy!

    I read your post about the stuffed peppers. You are making too much work out of it :) I don't use the rice or sausage, just make the filling much like meatloaf only "soggier" with hamburg, egg, milk, onions, seasonings, and bread crumbs. I cut the peppers in half (from top to bottom) and fill with stuffing...lay out in a casserole and cover with crushed tomatoes and parmesan cheese. Everybody raves about them. My younger son who dislikes green peppers even eats them :)

    Love your blog...

  68. Yvonne, Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story about Christopher!! I LOVED reading it and have listened to part of his sermon! I will tuck my little crew into bed and finish! Also, I joined his blog and loved his article on parenting..of course, my heart is right there and I am thrilled to go to his site for encouragement! I have so much hope for my own children (in a world that seems hopeless) after reading about your son! What a renewed hope I have today! It is evident that the Lord trusted you to raise Christopher to the cross and that you trusted Him!! I feel pride in my heart for you and for him!! Thank you for sharing and for the hope! Love to you!
    My computer has had a virus and we have had someone come out three times this summer to try and fix! I guess the good Lord had other plans for me than blogging this summer:)!! I miss all of you and just all the fun and encouragement! Christie

  69. patty@creativeideasandtips.blogspot.comJuly 14, 2012 at 9:56 PM

    Yvonne, I enjoy so reading your posts and this one touched my heart......

  70. It's just over a year since you wrote this. Your description of Christopher is about 90% the same as our Kristoper. I wept with thanks to God as i read this. What a thrill to see that happen in his life! May God bless his ministry. Our Kris, 29, is still searching for his place in the work world. But he knows Who holds him in His hands and next to His heart. And God has given him a precious little wife to walk with him. blessings, k
