Friday, August 5, 2011


Join me for ON THE MENU MONDAY every week with your...
~ recipes
~ menu plans
~ party ideas
~sweet treats
~ tutorials
~food ideas
~culinary tips
~AND any food related post you want to share!!!!

Help spread the word. Grab the OTMM on my sidebar or mention ON THE MENU MONDAY in a post.!
Thanks, you are the best!

See you Sunday at 8:00 at ON THE MENU MONDAY!

I am participating in:
PINK SATURDAY at How Sweet The Sound 


  1. Wouldn't miss it Yvonne! See you Monday!

    Have a great week end!


  2. We plan on joining in very soon! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us on Monday.
    XO Renee and Angela

  3. Thanks for the reminder. I love seeing all the great ideas on Mondays. Have a great weekend. Mona

  4. I'll be seeing you Monday! Have an excellent weekend~

  5. Happy Pink Saturday Yvonne Sweetie...
    What a wonderful PINK reminder for each and all.

    Have a wonderful weekend filled with lots of pink love. Country hugs from Phoenix, Sherry

  6. Have a GREAT weekend. I had a great day today!!! Will have to tell you about it. Hope to join in on Sunday. XO, P

  7. Hi Yvonne!
    I will grab the button!

    I need to get my daughter over here for this! She has been cookin' up a storm this summer!
    Wishing you the very best as this moves forward!
    oh ps. Chris and I are finalizing our kitchen plans - I think things will start in September at this point. Choosing a countertop is my current challenge. How do you like your soapstone?

  8. See you Monday! I'm bringing the most awesome dessert to the party!

  9. Dear Yvonne Imsoooo happy with my printable recipes, thanks you for sharing, thanks again, hubby said you are really smart and I said OF COURSE!!! LOL
    See you Monda!! gloria
