Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Every week I get several e-mails asking if I really eat at the tablescapes  I set. 

 I do use many of the tablescapes I set for company dinners, family dinners, get-togethers, brunches and lunches.   I always say our home is more like a hotel! We love to have visitors! And I love to feed them! Many of the tables that make it to my blog are set for guests.

Some tablescapes are set just for the joy of preparing a pretty table. They are my "fantasy tablescapes". Setting a table is a creative outlet... I love the whole process ... well, maybe not putting everything away, but mostly everything else.

Recently, I got an e-mail from a dear reader who asked what an "every night dinner" table would look like at StoneGable.

So tonight, Aimee, I'm setting an "every night dinner" table. This is exactly how Bobby and I eat dinner every night. No bells and whistles. This is the real deal.

The table is set for dinner. Bobby and I are empty nesters. Our youngest moved to a job about 2 hours for home in March.

Even when our children were little, I set the table every night. It was not complicated, but it was always set. I think it promoted a positive family atmosphere and prepared our children for dinners beyond our doorstep.

A seasonal centerpiece always adorns my table. I just took away the summer centerpiece yesterday and chose a transitional grouping of tall pitchers (Pottery Barn) and some great faux twigs (Old Millhouse Shope). More about that next week.

No tablecloth for a usual dinner at StoneGable. A runner is an easy decorative touch and isn't as fussy.

The runner is a crisp embroidered linen beauty (Pottery Barn). I am very partial to white linens for the table. When dinner is over it will be rolled up and stored in a kitchen drawer until tomorrow.

When I was a young girl one of my friends had me over for dinner on a school night and we ate by candlelight. That made a HUGE impression on me and I never forgot how special I felt. 

So, every dinner is candlelit at StoneGable.  

When the kids were little this was not always easy. Christopher loved to blow them out.... or try to touch the flame... or pour the candle wax on the dog... All I had to do was threaten (and I never make an idle threat- parenting 101!)  to take the candles off of the table and that usually straightened him out! That... or he was asked (more of a demand) to leave the table. 

I have these little candles (HomeGoods) in many colors. They add just the right amount of twinkle and are very inexpensive.

Each place is set with a simple wicker charger (Pier I). I also use black woven placemats. Easy... placemats and chargers define the dining space of each person at the table and keep things tidy.

The absolute workhorse of my kitchen are my Mikasa Italian Countryside everyday dishes. I LOVE them!!!!!

I have collected them over the years and now have 18 place settings.

The large dinner plate is topped off with the wide shallow soup bowl. Food looks gorgeous in these dishes. 

I am very partial to white dinnerware.

These oval glass dishes with an embossed leaf design are the official salad bowls at StoneGable. NOTHING FANCY! I have used these glass dishes for so many years. They are permanently etched  from years of hard water dish washing. But I find them much easier to manage than a large salad plate. They are great for dessert too!

I prefer cloth dinner napkins. But don't always use them, sometimes I get lazy! These napkins are really large flour sack towels. I think they work brilliantly as napkins. They are so soft and LARGE!  Just toss them in the wash and fold them as soon as they come out of the dryer. 

The everyday fork I am using belonged to my grandmother. I only have 2, so they are saved for Bobby and I. They must be 70 years old... at least! I like them so well because the tines are thin and sharp.  Don't you love the handle?

The knife and soup spoon ( I often use a soup spoon instead of a tea spoon at the dinner table) are my old worn flatware. I think they are Oneida. They are dull with use and the assault of the dishwasher.

The water goblets and wine glasses (Reading China And Glass) are waiting to be filled. I do switch out my glasses. I often use my beloved bubble glasses. These are used the most though. They have an every so slight amber/gold tint. 

This big tipped wooden salad bowl (Wm-Sonoma) can hold enough salad to feed a crowd. But when it is just  the two of us, Bobby and I still use it. The salad utensils were made in Belize by a man who has a woodworking cottage industry. They are beautifully made and I am blessed to have them.  I pray for him when we use them.

There you have it Aimee... "every night dinner" at StoneGable.  

Thanks for asking!

Every Night Dinner Menu

Santa Ana Eco Malbec
(an organic Argentinian wine)
Eggplant Parmesan Casserole
Ceasar Salad


Look for a culinary tutorial and recipe for Eggplant Parmesan Casserole tomorrow evening. It is scrumptious!

I am participating in...
~Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps On The Porch


  1. I love the simplicity of your everyday table, Yvonne.

  2. Yvonne, your table setting is perfect for dinner with special people in your life.. It's real and charming and inviting. Love the centerpiece.. great runner and love those faux twigs! I have to have some of those. thank you for letting us in. It was a lovely experience. xo marlis

  3. I love your table. I think I have a few of your Mikasa pieces that I bought at the Goodwill. Great post.

    Jocelyn @

  4. Beautiful "every night" table, Yvonne! I love the serene simplicity.

  5. The Pottery Barn pitchers!!!!!!! Oh, my gosh...they are SO cool!!! I love the way you displayed them with the branches. Beautiful on a "simple" or more complex table! The embroidery on that runner is absolutely exquisite! I love really pretty detailing like that. I think it is neat that you shared the story about eating at your friend's home with the nicely set table. There's always something that triggers it in us. For some (most, I think!) it's at an early age. So glad that table made a lasting impression on you because that means we get to indulge in your creativity every week. Have a good one!

  6. Yvonne, you set such gorgeous elaborate tables most of the time and they are always over the top. I adore the simplicity of your every night setting for two. I do believe this is my favorite of yours. Even your every night is special. Love the three pitchers with branches and the little candles.

  7. Love your design tonight and enjoyed the flow of your narrative. Of course, your signature font design is so artistic! Can't wait for the eggplant recipe! GREAT POST!

  8. I think your table looks very welcoming and I, too, light candles at the dinner table...something calming about the soft glow. Thanks for sharing...Christine

  9. Well, your "every night table" looks alot better than mine:):) I also set the table every night and did when my children were growing up. We ALWAYS sat down to dinner together. I loved that time of day. Joe and I sit next to each other. And I usually use paper napkins. Thanks so much for sharing your table. Bobby is such a lucky man, GREAT cooking and a beautiful table with his honey!!!! What maor could a man ask for??? I LOVE that runner. And the chargers too. SO nice that you have 2 of your Grandmother's fork, I DO love the handle!!!! See you soon!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  10. Yvonne, you even make the hum-drum of "everyday" so very elegant... You are blessed with a special talent! Thanks for sharing it with us..

  11. love the windows that i can see.

  12. Your every night dinner tablescape is every bit as lovely as your other settings. I never get enough of your wonderful settings, Yvonne.
    Those wee candles are so sweet. I'll have to look for them next time I'm in HomeGoods. I love the idea of candlelight at 'every night' dinner.

  13. Simple and elegant! I need your eggplant parmesan tutorial -- every time I've ever made anything with eggplant, we end up having to go out to dinner.


  14. Simply perfect in every way. The pitchers with the twigs are wonderful! We've taken to converting Sweet Misters writing table in the study to our dinner table some nights....because it lets him watch television if he wants...there...true confession...yet we can sit across from each other and visit while we dine. I have a pair of yellow trays that I fit most often with either the Burleigh Blue Willow, Furnivals Blue Quail, or Copeland Spode Tower Pink...cloth napkins, we're in agreement there. I like the idea of the flour sack towels for napkins. Sweet Mister would like that, too. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous design. Cherry Kay

  15. vonne your table look georgeous! love it! gloria

  16. I loved hearing that you set the table every night for you and all the children. That was a mandatory event at our house every day. We all had dinner together and I am so glad we did. Most of the time a few of their friends were also there, and that was even better. I always set the table and tried to make it nice. Simple but nice. Love your everyday table. Hugs, Marty

  17. So pretty and restful! You treat your husband so well to set this gorgeous table for the two of you. I love the lighting. It makes it seem like it is just time to sit down to your delicious meal. We are almost empty nesters and it is an adjustment isn't it.

  18. Everything you do is always so elegant and classy. What a beautiful setting, and delicious meal, and you even provide a tutorial.....thank you! xo,

  19. I really enjoyed seeing your "everyday" setting - it is beautiful, too! You have inspired me to do better for our every night meals! I am usually serving everything buffet style from our counter - with paper towels!

    Loved the shout out to the Olde Millhouse Shoppes! I am over in West Chester and bought so much from them over the years!


  20. Ugh... eggplant parmesan is my all-time favorite dish! Mmmmmm - can't wait to see it.

    I wish we had a Homegoods in my town. Such a lovely tablesetting - and I really like that you take the time to set a nice table every night.

    Your everyday flatware looks like the Oneida pattern called "Needlepoint". LOVE your grandmother's forks!!


  21. Hi Yvonne, your everyday table is just as elegant and beautiful as your staged one. And your dinner looks so delicious! Can I live with you? LOL!..Christine

  22. I love your Pottery Barn pitchers filled with your great twigs. What fun it would be to sit at any table you put together, so filled with love and history.. hugs ~lynne~

  23. You are such an inspiration for so many of your followers. I also love using whites and linens with a hint of nature. Your tablescapes are gorgeous and so inviting.
    'hugs from afar'

  24. Hello Yvonne,
    This is a wonderful and inspiring post. I also like to set dinner table every day even though it's not as pretty as yours. With a toddler and a baby, I keep it simple and practical. But I like having fresh flowers on the table. Dinner is the best part of our day when all the family gets together (even the baby sits at the table in his reclining chair).
    Thank you for sharing these pictures!

  25. Well I will go out on a limb here Yvonne and say your "everyday" setting is more like a big night in most peoples homes!! Its beautiful! And its undestated but elegant, and so really do have the magic touch.
    I love how you have the 2 forks from your grandmother and cherish them and use them in your daily dining ritual.....thats a beautiful gesture. Everything you featured is stunning, love those placemats too! So great to be back in blogland!

  26. This is elegant dining for two at its best. Absolutely lovely Yvonne. Bobby is a lucky man.

    Sometimes when we have guests for dinner, they'll ask "Is this how you always eat?" I sheepishly answer yes.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful dining ideas with us. I always come away inspired.

  27. What a wonderful idea for an "Ask Stone Gable". Your table is beautiful. It is so nice to make things special for our family, and not only when we have company coming. I love your 3 pitchers centerpiece. I guess it is time to reluctantly put the real summery things away! Have a wonderful weekend.

  28. Sometimes simplicity is just so elegant and I think this table speaks to that Yvonne. Its lovely and I too love the Mikasa Countryside dishes.

  29. Lovely!

    I also put an effort to our everyday meal. In the end, these are the most important persons in our lives and we want to pamper and cherish them the best.

    Lovely tablescape, Yvonne. Thank you for sharing!

  30. your table setting is perfect. i love the three pitchers with the branches in them. your photos are amazing. thank you for sharing.

  31. Wow Yvonne, you are the hostess even when company isn't coming over! Everything is just lovely and calming. What a great way to end the day.

  32. I love this table, it's so perfect, elegant and yet so simple!. The PB pitchers with the twigs just give it the touch of fall...beautiful table for dinner with the people you love. Hugs,

  33. Thanks for sharing a everyday evening meal table setting with us. Beautiful table setting. Thanks for raising the bar...I will be setting a better table setting for when its just the two of us at night. And I love your solution for the window treatments, did you cut the two panels in half (lengthwise)?

  34. Lovely post, Yvonne! I think this theme would be perfect for a blog party. I'd enjoy seeing everyone's everyday dinner tables! I'm with you on candlelight. I grew up with candles on the table and continued that tradition with my children. I think it signals that dinner together is a special time!

  35. I love your "over the top" tables, but this simple one is beautiful too. Very elegant!

  36. From the simple to the elaborate, your tables are always beautiful. The thing is your tablescapes inspire others to make things nicer for their guests or their family. We all have sets of china that never get used! I love to be inspired over here to pull out that china and actually use it! Thank you for sharing your home with us and for the gift of all the wonderful inspiration! Oh, Yvonne! Stop by and read about the incredible act of grace (I did nothing to deserve!) It all came from blogging! I hope it encourages other bloggers! I hope you have a wonderful day! Christie

  37. So beautiful, you really inspire me. I have 4 small kids, but i still want to do this. when i was little my mom would let me set the table any way i wanted. sometimes she liked it so much she would leave it up for weeks and we would have to eat at the bar. she would show my aunts and uncles what i had done and they acted very impressed. Just one of my many great childhood memories. Thanks for your blog. It is one of the few that I never seem to tire of.

  38. just beautiful. so elegant yet functional for every day! i think it is such a special way to wind down your day, catching up with some great food and conversation...
    lisa : )

  39. I love your "everyday" tablescape, Yvonne!! The simple candles still make it special & I LOVE those faux twigs!!! They are a perfect transition for fall.

  40. Can I come for dinner? Haha! Your everyday dinner tablescape is beautiful. So crisp yet still elegant!

  41. Lovely table. Great idea to share what everyday is. I too get the same questions. I find it interesting that you put your runner away. I love to see the runner and whatever centerpiece on the table in between meals. I always have candle on the table, but I've go to admit, they don't always get lit.

    Thanks for your concern during the storm. As you probably saw from my post, we weathered the storm without issue.

    - The Tablescaper

  42. Such a lovely way to make everyday seem like a special occasion. When you stop to think about it, everyday we are blessed to have another meal with our loved ones is a special occasion. Going to make some changes at our home! Thanks for the inspiration.
    Angela and Renee

  43. Yvonne,
    I too set the table every night. I do use every tablescape I set for dinner on Wednesday night. I think setting the table,brings the family closer and teaches values to our children. I love your simple table. It is perfect for any occasion. I love the pitchers!!!You are such an inspiration to me. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Blessings My Friend,

  44. I love to set the table. I think bringing ourselves to the table and enjoying a meal together makes a family stronger. I love this simple but charming everyday dinner table. Thanks for sharing this with us. hugs, Linda

  45. I love the pitchers with the twigs. I just took my summer centerpiece off today and the table is waiting for me to be inspired. I don't think I'll post how we eat most nights...the tv trays might not photograph well:)

  46. I am so impressed and inspired ... again, as always!

  47. I just got a sneak peek of your eggplant... looks fabulous!!

  48. You most assuredly know your way around a kitchen! And then some!

  49. Fantastic post! So elegant and dreamy. The food looks yummy.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  50. Very pretty...I always light the candles too for dinner...This month we just became empty nesters too...son off to college. I can't get used to cooking such smaller portions.

  51. I love the pitchers and twigs and hope you don't mind that I may borrow that idea sometime soon. I thought I was the only one that had everyday flatware that has been to war with the disposal but still makes it to the table most nights.

  52. Lovely, so simple but beautiful.

    Cathy's Cupboard Calamity

  53. I love those wicker charges, Yvonne. They're lovely with your white dishes and that Eggplant! It looks divine. I don't know why, but I have never tried this dish, and it's on the menu at the restaurant we recently bought into! It looks so delicious, but then everything you make looks delicious.

    I'll be joining you on Monday for What's on the Menu.


  54. Nice post.Your table looks amazing.It is perfect for dinner with someone special.I love it.I also love those bubble glasses.It's beautiful.
    -dinner sets

  55. Yvonne, your everyday table is simple but you make it so special with special touches...candlelight, nice runner and simple but striking arrangement, cloth napkins, etc...My husband and I used to eat at the table every night when our child was little but now that she is gone we got lazy and eat in front of the TV. I am going to start this tradition again, I know my husband would love it and you bring me such inspiration with beautiful tablescapes and delicious menus! Thank you for all your inspiration! God bless you! Ana

  56. Simple, understated elegance. I too set the table every evening for my husband and I. Candles included. Love your center piece and Mikasa Country Side plates. I have glassware with that pattern name also which I use daily and they are just lovely. Thank you for sharing.

  57. Dear Yvonne:
    I know I am a year late replying to this post.

    I always loved your beautiful white dishes and just
    last week my husband suprised me with 2 sets of the
    Italian Countryside dishes. We are enjoying having thes
    beautic0ful dishes. I need to get some of the small fruit
    bowls as we are finding the cereal bowls are way to big for
    our portion of cereal each morning.

    Just love your blog and and all your information.

    Denise Lamb

  58. I, too,grew up with a set table for every meal and have carried on that tradition with my children . I believe that it gives you that certain amount of time to catch up from the day and spend time together as a family! Our oldest daughter is now out on her own and is showing promise of the same ways!!As always...loved this tablescape!

  59. I love what you do!!
    Where did you buy your table and chairs?
    im looking for just that size and style!

  60. The table and chair were custom made locally
