Friday, June 17, 2011


StoneGable is having a party and YOU are invited!

I am hosting a brand new weekly linky party,

ON THE MENU MONDAY is a menu planning meme (linky party).

If you are a menu planner, than this the place for you!


ON THE MENU MONDAY is NOT limited to to those of us who weekly or monthly menu plan.

If you are planning an event, party, soiree, bash, celebration, brown-bag lunch, affair, coffee-klatch, feast, take-out dinner, cozy meal, luncheon, reception, picnic shindig, barbecue.. you get the picture, and have a menu this is the place for you too!

Bring your menu ideas, recipes, photos, tips, and anything else you have to share!

I hope ON THE MENU MONDAY will be more than just weekly menu planning (very important too!) meme, but a place where readers can get great tips, creative ideas and ready made menus for whatever the day or occasion.

Please join me, June 26th, for StoneGable's first ON THE MENU MONDAY. I hope to have the link up by 9:00 PM.

And PLEASE help to spread the word. I'm asking my blogging friends to give ON THE MENU MONDAY a shout-out!
Grab the ON THE MENU MONDAY on my sidebar.

Get those menus ready and


I am participating in::
Pink Saturday at How Sweet The Sound


  1. Fab idea! Oddly enough I was thinking of how to expand my recipes on the Tastebud section of my blog and thought that I might post it on Sundays so this will be perfect for me! Thanks for hosting it! will be what to cook?


  2. Love your button Yvonne! I have you on the sidebar and hopefully when my son stops by on Sunday it can be added to my weekly memes... Some things are still funny in Blogger:@)

  3. Oh my goodness, I am SO in!
    I know, I didn't think I could do this...but I will surprise even you, The Queen Yvonne. That is my designated title for you & I hope everyone will pick it up. At one point 2 of my girlfriends and I had an event planning business in Houston, so I may have some soirees in mind. Great idea, your Highness. I'm getting your button, announcing your party on every post I do. Bon Appetit, Y'all .

  4. Because I'm not a fan of grocery shopping, I've planned weekly menus for years. Like you, I may change the order - or skip a night and go out. I'm looking forward to some great new recipes and ideas - it's why I visit your menu every week :-)

  5. Yvonne,

    How do you do it all!! I have some other commitments however will make a visit and applaud all of those entertaining and event divas who participate!!

    Art by Karena

    Come and join my Giveaway from the Novica Artisans!

  6. I love this idea, Yvonne! This may help me be more organized in my menu planning.

  7. Because I live alone now I rarely, well never, make a menu anymore. Even when I had a busy family I often just decided that morning what dinner would be! But I will be stopping by for new recipe ideas. I love to cook so I'm always looking for new ideas.

  8. Happy Pink Saturday, dear Yvonne.

    What a perfect idea, and you are just the right one to inspire us. We need to crown you the menu queen.

    Of course, your menus always make me wish I lived at your house.

  9. Yvonne, neat idea! Will be visiting often.
    Happy PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  10. Great idea! Maybe this will inspire me to take the time to write out a weekly menu. Or borrow someone else's off your blog! Have a great weekend! And thanks for the fireplace advice! Going to see an antique mantle tomorrow.

  11. Great idea. I will give you a shout out on my blog, as soon as I figure out how to grab your button. I look forward to seeing everyone's posts.



  12. very much looking forward to this! Thank you!!!

  13. Congratulations on the new addition to your wonderful blog Yvonne. I'm sure it will be an instant hit.

  14. This will be great....I have made menu's in the past but never seem to stick to them. I will give it another try! And, it will be wonderful to get some new recipes as well as ideas. Cooking is not my favorite thing in the world and I could use some inspiration!

  15. I've been following your blog for awhile now, and you have such great postings! Today I revisited some of your past ones. I love all of your ideas, and it looks like this will be another great one!

  16. Best wishes on your blog venture. I do not get involved in much like that anymore. Do enjoy seeing what others do.

  17. I don't know if I am organized enough to do weekly menu planning. I will try though! I'll try anything! Good luck on the party! Can't wait to see everyone will be doing!

  18. Oh my...I'm not much of a cook. I'll try to get more organized so I can link up once in a while. Excellent idea though...I wish I had one of your pies in a jar right now!

  19. I think that sounds like a great idea! I know this type of sharing will inspire us-----and I could certainly use some help/inspiration in the menu planning area of my life!


  20. I am so looking forward to this. Now to get myself in gear and work on my menu!

  21. I just wanted you to know as part of Pink Saturday I featured your blog's button on my linked up post...!! :)

  22. This is a lovely idea for a weekly meme. I can't promise anything, but I will see what I can do.
    Wishing you a pinkishly beautiful weekend

  23. Great idea for a blog party...I'll see what I can do...until then, have a Pink weeend.

  24. O' Yvonne, I'm so looking forward to this new linky party!

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  25. Yvonne,
    What a great idea. I will try to come up with something.


  26. great idea! Hopping over from Pink Saturday. I enjoyed my visit to your lovely blog. Hugs

  27. Hooray! What a fun party, I love new recipes.

  28. What a wonderful party Yvonne -- maybe this will kick start me back into better menu planning habits :)

    Hoping all is well with the mistress of StoneGable :)


  29. This looks like so much fun! I can't wait to get started ~ ☼

  30. Though I LOVE to cook, I dont' generally plan out my menu for the week however I will certainly be stopping by to see whats cooking on Monday!!

  31. How gorgeous! Have a lovely weekend, Kellie xx

  32. Can't wait to participate. I better start working on posting more recipes.

  33. Now this looks like fun! I don't plan a menu, but I am always looking for ideas, what a great place to find ideas, I will have to check it out on the 26th, thanks for the heads up!
    Hugs, Cindy

  34. Can't wait! We do a meal plan monday on our blog, I can't wait to participate :)
    A reader of mine let me know about your blog :)
    I'm your newest follower!! Lov'in it!
    p.s. thanks for stopping by our blog too :)

  35. I'm so curious to see everyone's menus - particularly for casual gatherings.

    - The Tablescaper

  36. Hello Yvonne,
    because I am now alone, it makes no sense to plan for one person. But I will have a look at your party because to read all the yummy recipes is like having a festive dinner for me.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  37. I can't wait until your party happens. I am not a menu planner because my family is sooooo picky.(Same 15 meals every month.) I do want to be creative and get something together to participate.

  38. This wounds like a wonderful party! I am going to share this on facebook and I grabbed your button for my party list :):)
    Can't wait till Monday!
