Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Here at StoneGable I am still trying to put the finishing touches on my Kitchen Face Lift. Thankfully, my to-do list is getting smaller and smaller!

With the arrival of my rush seat double bench I was able to check one more thing off the list!

The bench is from Ballard Design. I had looked and looked for an antique bench but my search came up empty. I am still looking! If I ever find one I LOVE this bench will go into a bedroom. But, I am very pleased with the color, style and quality of this handsome Ballard bench.

Because it will be called into seating service when we have a crowd in the kitchen, I didn't want to clutter it with decor. A simple stack of much loved books and a french inspired hen lamp find a home at one side of the bench.

I added a faux frilly plant to give the area life and a little texture. I have a rascally cat Hobbes, so a real plant in that easy to reach spot is OUT of the question!

A tall basket sits next to the bench. When it is not Hobbes' hiding place, I use it to store cookbooks.

(I just happened to see Hobbes in the basket and got this picture! Doesn't it look like he is saying, OOOps, busted!)

The red oriental breakfast room carpet was replaced with a black edged sisal area rug. The look is much lighter and brighter. It plays well with the new colors and decor of the whole kitchen space.

The new style of our kitchen and breakfast room suites our farmhouse inspired home. The overall look I hope to achieve is an updated farmhouse that is welcoming, warm and clean!

The next thing on my to-do list... hemming the linen curtains. Hopefully, this weekend.

So many of you, dear readers, have been asking about the Kitchen Reveal. Soon! I am just very methodical about the decorating process! Thanks for being patient.

I am participating in:
Tabletop Tuesday at A STROLL THUR LIFE


  1. Yvonne: The bench is perfect there...bless your heart (as we say in the South)thanks for the idea with the large basket for your recipe books, it's the simple things in life I don't think of!! Yes the antique bench is waiting for you somewhere, and it will look great next to the architectural touch of the old door. Don't you love Ballard's...great stuff!! Thanks for sharing, can't wait for your total reveal! Blessings...Marti

  2. The bench looks fantastic, and the hen lamp looks just like the one I saw on Sunday in San Diego!

  3. Love the bench, Yvonne. Great rug, too. Do I see corn growing outside? I love fresh corn. Can't wait for the reveal!!

  4. Yvonne, I have been coveting that Ballard bench for awhile now, glad to hear you give it a good review!
    I love the space so far, cant wait to see the reveal!

  5. Yvonne, I am dying to see the kitchen reveal. I just love your style, and the warmth of your home. The bench is perfect for that cozy little spot. I too have a Rooster lamp, with red toile. I've looked around my home and seem to find Roosters in more than a few places, they're welcoming, as is your updated Farmhouse style. The rug is fantastic too, sisal has always been one of my favorites, it will always fit in, like your favorite Jeans. Well done, but you really are teasing us with all these little glimpses ;)

  6. May I ask where you purchased your sisal rug and if you like it? I am considering one for my home and am concerned about wrinkling/buckling especially at the sewn taped edges.I want something that will lay flat.

  7. Nice bench, Yvonne! This makes for a lovely vignette, too. Love your lamp and your faux plant. I am on the look out for a new faux fern-like plant to use on my redone dresser.

  8. For Jerri,
    I purchased my rug through Ballard Designs.We also bought the suggested rug pad. It is very and even though it is very light any dirt seems to come up easily.
    Hope this answers your questions.

  9. Yvonne, the bench is wonderful and I love the vignette on the end of it. Fabulous lamp and the plants looks beautiful. Love the whole area. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  10. Its PERFECT for that corner & I know it will come in handy, with all the entertaining you do, Yvonne!

    I ♥♥♥ your little hen lamp with the black toile shade! I have yards of that fabric, just waiting for me to decide exactly what & where I want to put it.

    Please pat the kitty, Hobbes, for me? I miss having a cat but DD's DH is allergic. :-(


  11. I love your bench from Ballard. It looks so nice with your rooster lamp. Your blog is wonderful and now I sitting down reading it and now am a follower. Please feel free to view my blog also, I would love for you to follow it.


  12. What a lovely blog to have stumbled upon today! I've just spent the past little while backtracking your pretty posts and totally enjoyed them!
    I'm your newest follower!
    --Lee Ann


  13. A special little corner for someone to just sit back and take it all in! Real food for the soul you have created here, Yvonne.
    I love it all.

  14. yvonne,

    you take all the time you need in decorating your new kitchen. it is yours to enjoy. through the remodeling & decorating. but i will say i can't wait to see it. i can only imagine how beautiful it will be!

    your bench & that adorable lamp is wonderful. finding just the right piece takes time.

    i hope you have a lovely week! as always i'm leaving your blog fully inspired with all your beautiful pictures & recipes.


  15. Your bench corner is evolving very nicely! What a wonderful view you have! Scrumptious bench. I just got the new catalog and can't stop looking at it. So nice visiting here!

  16. I love the bench. It reminds me of the one my husband's maternal grandparents had at the end of the their bed, which I believe was a Lillian Russell or Cumberland Valley, not sure which though. I think my mother-n-law may have it now, as she ended up with that bedroom suite. Thanks for sharing. I just love how you decorate.

  17. What is there not to love about this little cozy corner? Nothing! I just love your style. The bench is perfect! Only thing missing is Hobbes taking a cat nap there. What is the wall color? I love it! It looks really close to the color in my kitchen right now. I can't wait for the reveal! Great job!

  18. I love that bench Yvonne, but then again I love everything you do!! I've been eyeing those benches in Ballards, I am thinking of getting one for my bedroom. Love your rooster lamp too, can't wait for the reveal!! Martina

  19. That rooster lamp is the coolest !! Your bench, post, etc. = pure fabulous-Ness!!! :)

  20. OOOH I love it! Love that lamp too! Nancy

  21. I love the whole space you have created, Yvonne! The bench is perfect...I love Ballards and get a lot of decorating ideas from them. Great job, I hope the reveal comes soon!


  22. Yvonne, the bench and its Frenchy vignette look perfect for the space and easy to remove when the bench is called into service. Is that a field of corn outside the window? Looking forward to seeing you new kitchen. ~ Sarah

  23. Yvonne, it looks great! Can't wait to see the whole thing. You are very talented!!

  24. Love it, love it, love it!! Everything you do is magic to me and so inspiring. What is the color you've chosen for the walls? I'm looking for something similar and afraid to commit!!

  25. It is a hazard to read this blog if a person is feeling a bit hungry. So many good-sounding and good-looking pictures of food. And I adore the chicken/toile lamp.

    I'm paying a long-overdue visit to thank you for your comments on my children's readling list blog post. Just wanted you to know that I'm designing a King Arthur themed course for my 12 years old next fall.

  26. I've been eyeing that bench myself.. Your spot is perfect for it. The accessories are lovely too. Charming as usual. Many blessings, marlis

  27. I too can't wait for your big reveal.....the kitchen of course!

  28. Love your bench, I saw one at TJmaxx the other day and considered it. I really like your rooster lamp and kitty in a basket super cute!

  29. The hen looks perfect on your new bench. Everything is really shaping up beautifully Yvonne!
    Hope you're having a good week so far sweet friend!

  30. I love your new bench Yvonne! And yep, it does look like Hobbs was caught in the act:@)

  31. I love that Hobbes was in your basket. What a cutie he is!!

  32. I agree with another poster, the wall color is wonderful and is the perfect backdrop to such a cute corner! I love everything about it!

  33. The bench couldn't be more perfect but I so love that lamp!

  34. things are looking so pretty! I do love the wall color and flooring/rugs....i do have to tell you the view out that window is my kind of view...i love to see crops flourishing!!!!

  35. I love it...you seem to have found the perfect spot to place it. Carla

  36. You forgot to tell me you got the bench! I LOVE it!!!! It is perfect there but I know you will find the perfect antique one too! I adore that lamp and the shade!!!!!! More perfection!!!!! Also love the rug. Can't wait for the TOTAL reveal!!!!! XO, Pinky PS, have been SO busy today.....whew!!!!

  37. Love the bench! And I especially love your cute little hen on top! :) Everything's coming together beautifully, Auntie!

  38. Love it! Its so beautiful, charming and inviting at the same time..you definitely have that magic touch. Thanks for sharing!

  39. Your kitty looks kind of innocent, I think. Ha ha, maybe he's trying for that look. It all looks so beautiful and put together. I love the bench!!

  40. It looks just perfect, and I know the reveal of your kitchen will be equally so.

  41. Yvonne, Your new bench and vignette are absolutely perfect in front of the window. I can't wait to see the rest of your kitchen. Yes, Hobbes looks a bit guilty at being caught in the basket... he's so cute.
    Happy Tuesday,

  42. Loving your new bench and it is perfect for that spot ~ the new carpet looks great too. Cannot wait to see your full reveal ~ I AM a patient girl! xo

  43. Yvonne -- everything is looking so nice. That is a lovely bench. I love Hobbes -- we have an orange kitty too. I plan to join up on your Menu Plan Monday. This week my husband is out of town and I am (gasp!) totally not home cooking (AND my kids are not happy). I am enjoying the break. Have a great Fourth of July. Joni

  44. Yvonne, you have done a great job as always! I love your home!!!!

  45. Yvonne, We are post wedding and I am trying to catch up on all your posts. What a pretty bench. I may have to order one!!!

    Great job as always.

  46. Yvonne,
    Beautiful bench...I adore Ballard Design catalog. Over the years, I've made a few purchases, they are my favorite finds! Hobbes...you cutie pie!!!

  47. Yvonne, I adore your Ballard Bench. Although I shop wholesale through the shop, I still enjoy shopping Ballard. Love the kitty sneaking a peek out of the basket. The lamp is just so perfect. Looking forward to the seeing more of your beautiful kitchen.
    hugs ~lynne~

  48. Yvonne, I love the bench but I especially LOVE that plump chicken lamp!!! You are teasing us with these little glimpses into the new kitchen! I can't wait to see it all! Linda

  49. Of course the bench is divine...you and Ballard Designs are an awesome combination! Can't wait to find out if I won your giveaway...wish me luck!

  50. The bench looks nice there and I love the lamp. Looking forward to the big reveal.

  51. I'm so glad I haven't missed the big reveal while I've been off dealing with real life. Don't let me miss it! I'm trying to slowly get back into blogging...I just have to get all the brain cells focused enough to do so!

    I love the bench. Your lamp looks perfect sitting there and even though I'm a "dog person" your cat picture made me smile!

  52. Gorgeous!! The bench is perfect and I LOVE the lamp!!! I have a rascally cat too and she is all up in my plants!!

    Can't wait to see the full reveal!

    Lou Cinda :)
