Friday, May 20, 2011

Green Goddess Dressing

Homemade salad dressings are little culinary luxuries. Delicious, fresh and so flavorful! And the best part is that salad dressings are so easy to make. Once you start making them yourself you won't go back to the bottle!

Green Goddess dressing is not named for it's herb-infused delicate green color or the green onions so prominent in it's recipe... but for the 1920's play, Green Goddess.  Regardless, this wonderful herb dressing packs a big flavorful punch wrapped in a creamy texture!

Wonderful on delicate greens, such as Bibb lettuce or baby field greens, Green Goddess caresses each leaf with delightful flavor. It is the taste of Spring!

But don't just use it on a salad. This dressing is luscious as a sauce drizzled over fish, chicken and vegetables.

I hope you consider making your own dressing. It is like making bliss!

StoneGable Green Goddess Dressing
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup chopped green onions, white and green
2 TBS chopped chives
2 TBS basil (or tarragon)
2 TBS parsley
1 TBS anchovy paste (don't leave this out)
4 TBS lemon juice, freshly squeezed
1 clove garlic

Add all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Blend until smooth.
Use immediately or refrigerate.

Click HERE for Printable Recipe.

I hope you enjoy this recipe!

I am participating in:
 Foodie Friday at Designs By Gollum.
Food On Friday at Ann Kroeker.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing with us this great recipe. I love it that you can use it not only in salads! I make salads a lot, so I love your lovely version of this dressing.
    Have a terrific weekend.

  2. Many thanks for this delightful recipe. As with your others, it did not disappoint! I'm such a fan of yours.

  3. I love this dressing. I haven't been able to find it here though. I am going to try this one. I know my tribe is hooked on your Mexican Explosion dressing. They just can't get enough of it! It has gone on EVERYTHING, including strawberries. That was not such a hit though. I could imagine this on grilled fish though. Ok, who wants grilled fish instead of pizza tonight?!

  4. Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe, I'm going to try it on fish this w/k. hugs ~lynne~

  5. Thanks for the recipe ... this is definitely ringing a bell from the past. I just may try it.

  6. This dressing recipe is so doable. My husband loves Green Goddess dressing and I've never made it. Now I will thanks to you, Yvonne!

  7. Oh, I will make this! I am a LOVER of salads but (can you believe) I have never had Green Goddess dressing! It sounds wonderful, thank you!!!!!

  8. Yvonne that sounds delish! We have salad almost every night with our dinner so I will be sure to try this. Enjoy your weekend, Martina

  9. Thank you for this recipe, sounds delicious and I like the idea of using it on more than salads!


  10. Thanks for the recipe...yummo. Thanks also for your photos... just stunning.

  11. Yvonne, I happen to love your recipes and just tonight told my Husband at dinner that I'll be making your French Onion Soup recipe this week.Finally, I'll use yours and Tyler Florence (the man of my dreams) recipes and sort of mix and match. They both seem to be very familiar. Now getting back to Green Goddess Dressing...what can I say, growing up in the '70's this dressing was a sort of "ladies only" dressing, our special, treat yourself, to something divine and not too fattening dressing. I can't wait to try this too! thanks again for your wonderful comfort food recipes, xxx tami

  12. Maybe it's the season, but I just can't get enough salads these days. Thanks for this recipe. I haven't had Green Goddess dressing in ages.

  13. You've jogged my memory with this one, Yvonne! I used to make this YEARS ago, as a young bride. I had totally forgotten all about it!

    Your photo of the salad is absolutely mouth watering & I'm enamored with that darling little jar with its cork stopper! Too cute!!


    BTW, I made your Mexican Explosion salad this week....YUMMO!!!!

  14. Green Goddess is one of my favorite dressings, I remember a chain restaurant years ago called Mr. Steak, their steaks were only so so but I loved their GG dressing. Thanks for the recipe Yvonne.

  15. You are so right about homemade dressing; it's easy and delicious.

    Your photographs are always so beautiful. They make your posts even more delightful. The last photo of the dressing, herbs, and green onions is particularly beautiful in its simplicity.


  16. Sounds irresistible. And easy. Thanks so much for participating in Food on Fridays! I'm so glad to meet you and be reminded of the pleasure and luxury of homemade dressings.

  17. By the way, here is the link to this week's Food on Fridays--drop your url in for people to swing by and visit:

  18. I would love to a fly on the right while you are creating these wonderful recipes. My Stone Gablge recipe file is growing...
    Wishing you a happy weekend Yvonne!

  19. Oh my goodness, Yvonne ~ I'm feeling like a "Green Goddess" already*
    I'll put anchovy paste on my list *
    wow... and after our onions and parsley get going, this should be the dressing our salad wears all summer ;o)
    *happy weekend to you*

  20. The name itself is SO enticing that you can't help but know just how good it is.

    I am actually getting ready to go into the kitchen and recreate a leek tart Andrea and I made in France via Mastering the Art of French Cooking~ Julia Child. A salad would be such a lovely accompaniment.

  21. Oh, YUM!!! So perfect for spring, too! This would've been PERFECT for my table last night when we dined on artichokes alfresco in Italy!!!
    You are such a blessing!!

    Love/hugs/blessings to you,
    Lana In Italy

  22. I adore homemade dressings and this one looks fabulous! Thank you for the recipe!


  23. thank you for a very inspiring blog

  24. I love this dressing, Yvonne. The anchovies are crucial to the flavor so should never be left out. I have a lovely head of romaine in the fridge that is calling out for a drizzle of this fantastic dressing.

  25. while searching for something I found this recipe here....thank you so much! I can't wait to find more recipes here!!

    xo+farm blessings,
    Anne Marie

  26. I love your recipe sharing....such inspiration. But what I am really excited to see is your new KITCHEN REVEAL!!! Can't wait!
