Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I have been trying to leave comments on your beautiful blogs for the last 2 days... but blogger keeps sending me back to "sign in". I have wanted to tell so many of you how inspired I am by your blogs, projects, recipes, do-it-yourself projects, linky parties, decor, gardens, thoughts, stories and so much more. I wanted to write about your creativity and brilliance and the pure bliss of what you have generously shared.

This may not be as personal as an individual comment with your name on it, but just know I was visiting and you made my day all the more wonderful!!!!

XO Yvonne


  1. Ditto! I was in a continous loop trying to leave comments!


  2. I had the same problem for several days until I unchecked the stay signed in box. Now I can comment again! Give it a try.

  3. Hi Yvonne!
    Oh Blogger is having lots of issues~
    It makes me appreciate this free service all the more... I hope their techies can work this out ~ God bless 'em!
    I hope YOU are feeling better too!
    You inspire us each week, Yvonne!
    I think of your kitchen project too ~ Hoping that you're finally settling in.
    Ours will start later this summer ~ Chris and I have chosen a beautiful painted door from Schuler cabinets called "Divinity" in the Pacifica door style.
    I'll take a photo sometime and post it :o)
    Wishing you all the best Yvonne ~ God bless you ♥ Maria

  4. Hi Yvonne, We have all been having the same problem so we understand totally, thank you for this post, that is very sweet and thoughtful of you! Hugs Marilou

  5. I hope you will not mind that I posted your idea at my blog! Blogger is a bogger!!!! So I wanted to follow your lead. You are a sweetheart! Thanks and let's hope blogger complies! Have a terrific week! Anne

  6. Don't feel alone, most of us have been having a terrible time since last Tuesday. I have been able to leave comments this evening and so maybe it will all be fixed soon.

    If the blog has an anonymous option in the comments, I found that I could leave one sometimes. I enabled my anonymous for that very reason. Thanks for thinking of everyone and making this sweet post.

  7. You've expressed the feelings of many I'm sure! This blogging world has several blessings with a few kinks thrown in! It gets very frustratiing at times but you've discovered a way to overcome your issue. Great entry!
    'hugs from afar'

  8. Yvonne so frustrating! I hope that blogger gets it together!!

    I am hosting A New very Exciting $250 Giveaway from Tracy Porter (which I hope you can enter)

    Art by Karena

  9. I just love that photograph.....are you working on Google Chrome or Internet Explorer?...I asked Monique the same question the other day...she recommended I switch over to Google Chrome..and voila...it worked.
    Hope you're feeling much better.
    Blessings from South Africa

  10. I had the same problem and I solved it simply.I unchecked the STAY signed in the box!Try!
    Kisses from Italy,

  11. Yvonne, thanks for that sweet post. I wonder if blogger is just getting too overloaded, there are so many blogs now. It's such a fun way to communicate and share writing/ideas/photos/ projects ... etc. We are blessed to have it. I can leave comments, but I lost my followers for about a week. Hope you are feeling much better,


  12. It is frustrating! I have missed everyone's wonderful comments. They just make my day! My email is also going all wonky too. I use Google Chrome since I have so many problems with IE. I have been wondering how you are doing. I was worried about you for the last 2 days. I will be calling you here soon. I miss talking to you!

  13. I have been having some issues too Yvonne ~ isn't it maddening!!

  14. Geeze, Yvonne, I can't believe Blogger still hasn't gotten this straightened out! I've only had a couple of commenting issues myself over this two week period, but I understand how frustrating it is.

  15. Hi Yvonne so glad you are feeling better! thanks for your comments :)

  16. I've heard simple solutions as in "clearing your cache" and "cookies" on your computer fixes it as well as not using "Internet Explorer". Several people have simply downloaded Firefox and it cleared right up. Someone even mentioned using Googles Chrome now and it fixed it. It seems like there must be a compatability issue with Bloggers software.

  17. Blogger has NOT been playing nice! I sure hope they fix all of the issues soon because it's affecting everyone! Hope you're feeling better and had a great Memorial Day Yvonne! And what IS with this heat??? Is it May/June or July/August:@)

  18. I have had the same thing happen... And Blogger would not even let me on my blog for four days... I just was able to sign in for the first time today......


  19. Since the commenty thing is currently working, I thot I'd let you know that your Sour Cream Scones are a huge hit in our home! Thanks for posting such an inspired recipe.

  20. Hy Yvonne, lots of folks are having issues. I'm not so much, it could be because I use Firefox, or I don't know. Deborah over at A Fisherman's Cottage seemed to sort out her problems and can tell you how she did it. Here is her link

  21. I was having the same problem. I ended up using Safari. I already had it downloaded and tried it after about an hour of frustration trying to figure out the problem. I am now using Safari when I go blogging and have no problems posting a comment.

  22. Yvonne, so sorry you are having issues. I read somewhere that someone said that it had to do with the verification.. I don't have it on mine so not sure if that has anything to do with it. I have noticed a few issues myself, but using the back arrow in your browser after you get the error, you will be able to then post a comment..
    leave your comment (copy it just in case)
    sign in
    get the error
    use the back arrow
    Post comment again..

    this is what I've been doing when I've encountered issues.. hope it helps. This is sure teaching us the meaning of patience isn't it!

  23. Check out the two links to my blog about paper wreaths made out of books. Hope you enjoy...



  24. Yes, that darn Blogger! You have to use Firefox or a different browser, then it will work. Blogger says they are trying to find a fix....

  25. Hi Yvonne,
    I had intermittent problems with blogger too. Posting, comments, logging on. The most frustrating was that I had to BUY storage space because I had used my allotment. But once I got that figured out and I started using Google Chrome, everything started working smoothly. Whew! Glad you like my Scrabble Pop Art idea... I have an idea for the rest of the Scrabble game too. Its a SUPER re-purpose project!
    Take care there...
    Rainey @ The Project Table

  26. I had the same problem til I UNCHECKED the "stay signed in" button. Then I could comment again! Try that! XO, Pinky

  27. Hello Yvonne,

    My friend Rhonda posted about the Blogger issues today. She gave some information that may help you.


    ~ Tracy

  28. Hi! I really like your music wreath! Speaking of problems with Blogger, I just thought I would let you know that you can't see the white text in your blog in Google Reader, because the background is white.

  29. I have been having the same problem! But I am new to your blog and have really been enjoying it so I determined to leave a comment this time even if it comes up anon. Lovely to meet you!
