Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bridal Veil Tablescape

It is a perfect early afternoon on the porch. A small table is set for lunch. A mother and her precious daughter sit and share a couple of priceless hours together. It is a very exciting and happy time. The daughter has just had the first fitting of her bridal gown.

The young woman is chatty with wedding talk. The mother smiles and treasures every moment in her heart. They talk and giggle and discuss every detail of today's fitting. It is the first time the bride-to-be put on her own wedding gown!

  A sweet time, an intimate tete-a-tete over desssert. The mother is trying to soak in every moment of this day... but every now and then... just for an instant... her mind wanders back to memories of the little girl she can still see in the face of the young woman across the little table. The mother's eyes get misty with love for her child.

 "The only thing left to find is the bridal veil", these words bring the mother's thoughts back to the present. The young lady is right... and finding it might be easier than she thinks! The mother has an idea...

Bridal Veil... a double entendre for today's post.

The billowy, yet delicate, flowers cascading from from the garden below on to the porch is Bridal Veil. It envelopes the table like loving arms.

 Spiling over the white pitcher it gracefully moves with the lightest breath of a breeze just like a blusher on a  bridal veil!

A white damask tablecloth is overlaid with yards of vintage pearl-studded tulle.

Heavily detailed  white and ivory ironstone dishes are stacked to mimic the lace and intricate design in a wedding gown.

The bowl, a crown design, is reminiscent of a tiara worn by a blushing bride!

The silver flatware adds a touch of formality to the table.

White damask napkins are rolled and held in place by a wedding band-like sterling silver napkin ring.   A tender branch of bridal veil is intertwined around the napkin ring.

My grandmother's wedding goblets are like honored guest at this table. The sun catches their slight iridescence and makes them blush like the cheeks of a bride!

White porcelain cup and saucers have a leaf design.

Bridal Veil spills out over the the pitcher that is elevated on a white pedestal. The demure  floral clusters make a beautiful and profuse statement on the table.

The young girl did find her perfect bridal veil. It was a pearl studded cathedral length veil worn by her Mother many years before. Updated and shortened, it became a part of the happiest day of the young girls life!  

This dreamy white table also holds all the best wishes for a happy life to all bride-to be!


  1. What a beautiful post, for what it conveys AND what it pictures!

    I'm hostessing my annual Wedding Blog party next month and do hope ou will join me in sharing this post and any others as you see fit!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  2. Hi Yvonne,
    A perfect post!!! It is all very beautiful.


  3. Hi lovely lady. This was a Beautiful post ~~~ I love the way you have put it altogether on this lovely Day.


  4. Yvonne, this is the most STUNNING presentation EVER!!

    Have a beautiful day ~
    TTFN ~

  5. Such beautiful photos, Yvonne! Your bridal veil is gorgeous; just stunning! Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day.


  6. Oh Yvonne, absolutely gorgeous! Oh how I wish I could create something as beautiful as this. My daughter is getting married in July. She wants to incorporate oranges and lemons in her tablescape.....any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I need help!

    Enjoy this beautiful day,

  7. A pure delight to be here today. I love your play on words. The table is absolutely beautiful. The dishes are elegant and the centerpiece, so fitting!

  8. Heavenly.


  9. Hi Yvonne,

    This is a beautiful table and post. We have a bridal veil bush in our yard, and I love the flowers. They're so old-fashioned. You have done a lovely job arranging them. This was a great idea to tie this in with the wedding theme.



  10. Such a beautiful post...and message...and on such a perfect afternoon!
    <3 Kathleen

  11. My hearty is beating FAST seeing this GORGEOUS table!!!!!!!!!! It is truly exquisite! The pearl studded tulle is PERFECTION! I LOOOOVE the crown shaped bowls! I just saw several bushes of bridal veil the other day and wished so much I had enough sun to grow it. I have always loved it. What a wonderful post that brought back WONDERFUL wedding memories for me!!!! Thank you! I just posted my table, come on over! XO, Pinky

  12. Oh, Yvonne - this one has me teary-eyed. How wonderful your memory of that special time spend with your daughter. I look forward to the same time with my daughters.

  13. Oh how lovely and sweet -- she was a beautiful bride in her mother's veil.

  14. I'm tearing oldest daughter is getting married in October...I don't think i'll survive without a melt down :(

  15. Wonderful post Yvonne. You are so Blessed to have such a loving and warm relationship with your Mother. Not all girls are so lucky to have this kind of Mother Daughter relationship.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  16. Yvonne, this is perfect post! Your gorgeous table set among the blooming bridal wreath is sheer magic. And your daughter is gorgeous! The bridal veil is exquisite and so are the details of this table. ~ sarah

  17. Truly beautiful, both your post and the table. Lovely!

  18. Absolutely breathtaking!! Twenty-five years ago my veil was trimmed with pearls! Thanks for the memories! Beautiful table, as always!

  19. Yvonne,
    The enchanted tablescape unfolded before me liken that of a romantic novel. Exquisite and intriquing! Wonderfully mysterious! Each intricate detail of tabletop items representing facets of a wedding. I was quite smitten. Thank you for such a lovely post and storybook presentation!Fascinating!

  20. Beautiful Yvonne. The bridal veil centerpiece is just gorgeous. Loved
    the post and the sentiment behind it. The pearl studded tulle makes a soft and luxurious tablecloth.

  21. So beautiful! All of it. I just this spring bought my first spirea bush. I hope it grows fast, I have always thought they are so graceful.


  22. What a beautiful plant and you have put the flowers to good use. I have stephanotis flowering at the moment - it is also supposed to be a bridal flower. I love that veil.

  23. ~very beautiful! Brings me back to the times that I shared with both of my sweet daughters, as they prepared for their wedding days. Priceless- thank you for sharing.

  24. So gorgeous, Yvonne.
    And YES, I even got
    a bit misty-eyed,
    xx Suzanne

  25. Hello Yvonne~What a wonderful memory of a special time for you and your darling daughter.
    The setting was perfect with the crowning touch on those gorgeous dishes. Where did you find such grand pieces?
    I enjoyed seeing the bridal veil florals. The last time I had the pleasure of having bridal veil was over 20 years ago.
    It isn't found here in the rainy PNW. Being that our rain continues well into July, I cherish the times you share glimpses of flowers that are blooming in your garden.

    Sweet wishes,

  26. I enjoyed reading this post and absorbing all the lovely photos. Beautiful!

  27. So sweet I got a little misty eyed. Reminder of my wedding day over 63 years ago. You never forget.

  28. oh my, yvonne...this is just breathtaking....

  29. You have woven a beautiful story, and set a gorgeous table. Perfect, love the china and all the details. May they live happily ever after!

  30. Could this be my favorite post -- so dreamlike and beautiful -- the dishes are like lace and the bridal veil -- in both senses are so beautiful. Growing up we used to have a bridal veil -- so lovely. Joni

  31. So glorious and full of sentiment. The bowls are a perfect addition to your collecdtion.

    - The Tablescaper

  32. Olá!Ivone, realmente ficou magnífico a mesa decorada de branco e ao fundo o verde do jardim. Romántico e lindo!
    Abraç Dorath

  33. This is such a wonderful post...all of the wedding imagery is capture so beautifully in your table. We had "bridal veil" in our yard growing up, but it was called "bridal wreath".

    Beautiful table, beautiful post!

  34. What a "timely" tablescape! My daughter, recently engaged, is coming home next month to start planning the details of the wedding. How I would love to sit with her at the gorgeous tablescape you've designed and have the conversation you so lovingly described! Those crown-shaped bowls are perfect and the tulle with the bridal veil blossoms make for a romantic setting. Yvonne, you are magnificent at designing 'scapes!


  35. Your table is a work of art!
    And the post was perfect!
    Kudos to you for coming up with so many creative and beautiful ideas!


  36. I have tears in my eyes. As the mother of a young woman who will someday be this bride, I was moved by your words and images.

    Yvonne, you never cease to amaze me. Thanks for such a beautiful post!

  37. This is one of the most beautiful table setting I have seen and I love the story. I have to know where did you get your dishes?

  38. Just like a Fairy Tale! Loved everything Yvonne! Such a pretty setting and now nice that your daughter used your veil! I'm sure you did have a special visit that day:@)

  39. Hi Yvonne,

    How beautiful! I love your tablescapes and this one is so lovely. I especially love how the "bridal veil" bushes are in attendance for this photo shoot.

  40. Beautiful...just beautiful! I am in awe at such a beautiful table! Love it all!
    I have the crown bowls in yellow and love them...white is so elegant.
    Blessings My Friend,

  41. What a perfectly beautiful post!

  42. Hello Yvonne,
    your bridal tablesetting is pure artwork.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  43. Yvonne, I can't imagine a word quite perfect enough to describe this post and tablesetting.

  44. That was so beautiful I'm tearing up!! Tell you the truth, I'm at a loss of words, just soo lovely!! I will just have to go back and look again!

  45. Simply gorgeous! And I could feel the love shining through your post. Enjoy all the wedding preparations!

  46. You got me all choked up! So touching! My son is soon to be wed and weddings are on my mind! I love your Spirea in the background, what a perfect combination! White, silver and crystal go together so well! I adore your dishes too! Your story was sweet...loved it all! :)

  47. Yvonne, what a wonderful post! I just love all the details you put on the table too. The pretty crown bowl, the flowers, and settings, so very gorgeous. Often, I have to go back and look again and again so I won't miss anything, xxx tami

  48. Oh this is sooooo dreamy! My Bridal Wreath Spirea is bloomed out~ it is perfectly beautiful to see your table flanked by your blooming shrubs! Your pearl studded tulle, your lovely layered dishes, and your blooms tucked in napkin rings are perfection!

  49. I love the purity of the table setting...adn the promise of love forever. Hope your weekend is wonderful!

  50. This brought me to tears as my daughter is getting married in October. I, too, am hoping my daughter can incorporate my veil into her wedding. Everything was beautiful, the table, the flowers, the words...what more can I say!

  51. You amaze me, Yvonne. Every week you create the most wonderful tablescapes and this week you have just blown me away. The design and photos are really magazine quality. The background story is touching and timely. Thank you for delighting me each and every week with your lovely tablescapes!

  52. Oh my....simply Gorgeous in every detail! *big sigh* You are so talented, Yvonne. How on earth did you whip up something so beautiful while your house is torn up & full of contractors?

    I'm admiring your Bridal Veil bush by the lush it looks! I hope the bees don't like it.

    I love the shot of your beautiful DD & her new hubby, kissing! What a great photographer she had...that is a priceless moment.

    Have a wonderful weekend, my friend,

  53. Oh, Yvonne, this is just magical. Wherever did you get the gorgeous new crown bowls?!!! They are enchanting.

    I am soooo happy for the both of you. It is the most magical thing to get to plan your daughter's wedding. Totally different than your sons! Enjoy - I think my favorite was trying on the wedding dresses. I sewed my own, so I didn't get to do that with my mother and it was really special with my daughter. I can't even imagine how wonderful it is going to be with all of your talents!


  54. Oh my, what a beautiful post, and what an exquisite bride! I have recently come across your blog through NOPP and it is just delightful! I looooove the crown bowls so much!
    Warmest blessings from down under!

  55. Such a beautiful and precious post. The flowers and veil the perfect touch to such special moments. Would love to know what your dishes are too! Hope you enjoy the day like we have enjoyed a glimpse into such a lovely memory. Thank you!

  56. This is such a special table. It is so gorgeous, takes my breath away.

  57. Wow!!! What a beautiful post!!! One of my favorites to date! I LOVE BRIDAL VEIL!!! It is such an old fashioned bush, takes me back to sweet times in TN. I hope to have some someday in my yard.

    Love Carissa

  58. Yvonne - Thank you for your lovely comment re my latest blog post of England. I vote you the nicest blogger in blogland. You always say the most thoughtful things - so very nice to know you!!

  59. This made me cry, too! I can just picture my daughters getting married and how I will feel! This is a beautiful site and with such lovely sentiment! I think when my girls get married, I will fly you to Charleston, SC to be the planner!! So, so lovely! Christie

  60. What an incredibly beautiful post, Yvonne — in sentiment and images! I could sense your heartfelt emotions flowing through, as you composed this precious post.

    Memories of the preparations for my own darling daughter's wedding came flooding back, as I read your stirring words. How wonderful that we each could share such special times with our girls. ;)

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  61. You always have the most lovely tabescapes. Just beautiful!!

  62. What a beautiful blog. I really enjoy it. I love those white dishes especially the crown bowls. Can you tell me where they can be purchased? Thanks!

  63. I am interested who makes the crown bowls as well. I checked Vietri, but it wasn't them. They are fantastic!
