Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Scripture~ Palm Sunday 2011

Jerusalem, Israel

They brought the colt to Jesus. Then, throwing their coats on its back, they helped Jesus get on. As he rode, the people gave him a grand welcome, throwing their coats on the street.

Right at the crest, where the Mount Of Olives begins its descent, the whole crowd of disciples burst into enthusiastic praise over the mighty works they had witnessed:

Blessed is He who comes,
the King in God's name!
All is well in heaven!
Glory in the high places!

Luke 19:35-38, The Message

Courtyard at the Tower of David, Modern Jerusalem in the background,
Jerusalem, Israel

When the city came into view, He (Jesus) wept over it. "If you had only recognized this day, and everything would have been good for you"!

Luke 19: 41, The Message

Jerusalem, Israel

"Behold your house (Temple) is being left desolate.
For I say to you, from now on you shall not see Me until you say,"Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord"!
Matthew: 23:38-39, NASB

(Spoken by Jesus upon leaving the Temple for the last time leaving it without God's glory. The Temple in Jerusalem was completely destroyed by the Romans in 70AD. It has never been rebuilt... YET!)


  1. Beautiful post! I enjoy Palm Sunday and have lots of fond memories as a child in Catholic school. Thanks for the beautiful post today. Anne

  2. Yet!!!! What an awesome word that brings hope to a hurting world. Thank you for this post. Have a blessed week.

  3. You were SO fortunate to be able to visit the Holy City! I love seeing it through you lens.

    I recently explained to Ms. C. just exactly what the "palms" were for...she had seen them tucked behind the cross near my parent's photo. She is full of questions & I love telling her the stories.

    Thank you for these beautiful words...♥♥♥ your "YET!" LOL

  4. Beautiful Yvonne. We are getting so close to seeing His return!
    Happy SUnday to you and your,

  5. Thank you for this very meaningful post.

  6. love your blog.and here i am near jerusalem|)

  7. Lovely post, Yvonne.
    I was surprised at how few Palm Sunday postings there were, today. I posted about my favorite hymn.

  8. Beautiful pictures! The word of God is so wonderful.

  9. What a wonderful day!! THe sweet young children came down the center aisle at church this morning waving palm branches as the congregation sang "Sing Hosanna! Sing Hosanna! SIng Hosanna to the King of Kings! Then a wonderful message on "The Triumphal Entry"....He surely is coming soon! So wonderful to see your beautiful pictures of Jerusalem!!! I have friends planning a visit there this year!!
    Hope you are healing!!!

  10. I am just amazed at the loveliness and generosity of your blog. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos,ideas,and recipes.
    I also love that you have a special Sunday message that you share-thank you!

  11. I enjoyed our Palm Sunday Service today. Thank you for the recap!

  12. Great pictures of Jerusalem. We had a wonderful worship service this morning!

  13. Wonderful post today! It so nice to put actual pictures with the Scriptures. Have a great week, Nan

  14. Perfect post as we approach Easter with great photos to go along with it. Joni

  15. Beautiful post Yvonne and Happy Palm Sunday to you! Martina

  16. Yvonne,
    How spiritually blessed I am by your choice of photographs with the scriptures today. Today at Worship when the actors held the baby Jesus and two little lambs, tears flowed down my cheeks. Behold the Lamb of God...very touching! Today begins our Holy Week. Every day, every night is filled. I am truly blessed by the power of the Holy Spirit in my Church and Church Family. May God richly and abundantly bless you , as well!

  17. Beautiful Post!
    Thank you for sharing.
    Granny Trace
