Sunday, March 20, 2011

What's On The Men~ Week Of March 21, 2011.

This is a sentimentalweek at StoneGable! A page is turning in my life and a new one is unfolding to be written on by the pen of new experiences.

Not a big change... but one that, for some reason, is profoundly affecting me.

This will be the last week I will be cooking in my beloved kitchen as I know it. I understand it sounds silly but I am a little emotional about it. My kitchen is the heart of my home and the life-blood of gatherings, fun and creativity.

It has been used hard for over 16 years. Not bad for a white kitchen. My poor countertops bear the scars of  overuse and... well, abuse! My appliances are on their last leg. Everything is tired and in need of a transfusion of new style.

Next week my white workhorse will begin to go through a facelift. New and improved. I AM very excited about that!  New paint, countertops, sink, appliances, hood, drawers... Next week will be a whole different story as I look forward to a new kitchen and new memories!

But for this week I will obsess over the memories my beloved kitchen has stored up over the years. Children growing up. Teenagers doing projects at the island. Parties. The celebration of almost every major holiday with extended family. Birthday cakes and meals for those suffering. Coffee in the morning with Bobby. Girlfriend talks and Bible studies. A virtual ton of hugs and kisses... and tears! The abundance of blessings too numerous to count! This week I will sentimentally inventory all the priceless memories that are stored in this kitchen like a well stocked pantry, and be so thankful!

Red Beans And Rice
Baked Tortilla Chips and Salsa

Recipe: Red Beans And Rice
What a delicious combo. I must admit I don't think of this often... and I should! I stopped by a new blog to me, Miz Helen's Country Cottage and knew that her recipe for Red Beans And Rice would be on the menu.
It has quite a kick from the sound of the ingredients, but I will tame it down a tad. For this hearty recipe click HERE.

Rolled Chicken Parisian
Wild Rice
Roasted Mixed Vegetable

Rolled Chicken Parisian is a fabulous recipe! It looks and tastes much more fancy and time consuming than it really is. The sauce is divine! It is company worthy yet easy enough for a weeknight dinner.This is one you will want to try.

Recipe: Rolled Chicken Parisian
2 large boneless skinless chicken breasts
4-8 TBS. Borsin Cheese
4 piece sliced good deli ham or Canadian Bacon
12 asparagus spears
1/2 cup flour
2 TBS olive oil
1 TBS butter
8 oz. sliced mushrooms
1 cup chicken stock
1/2 cup white wine
1/2 tsp dried thyme
salt and pepper

Cut each chicken breast across horizontally. Pound each breast to about 1/8 inch thick. I use a zip lock bag with a couple of TBS of water in it...and a wooden mallet to pound chicken. Put the chicken on a work surface. Salt and pepper. Put 1 slice of deli ham on each chicken breast. Spread 1-2 TBS Borsin cheese on the ham. Lay 3 asparagus spears together across one of the width ends of the chicken. Roll up the chicken around the asparagus. Dredge in flour. Secure with a toothpick.

Heat oil and butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add chicken and brown on all sides. Remove chicken and add mushrooms and thyme. Cook until golden. Remove pan off of heat and add wine. Bring back to the heat and add chicken stock, scraping up brown bits.

Return chicken to the pan and slowly simmer for 15-20 minutes, lightly covered with foil.

Serve drizzled with sauce and mushrooms!

Grilled Chuck Delmonico Steaks
Wedge Salad

Recipe: Grilled Chuck Delmonico Steaks
This recipe seems ridiculously easy, but it is so delicious! Chuck delmonico's are CHEAP! And they are absolutely scrumptious. If you don't see them ask your butcher and give them a try.
4 chuck delmonico
1/4 cup Worcestershire Sauce
1 stick of butter
1 tsp garlic salt
1/4 tsp fresh ground pepper

Heat up the grill~ I make my steaks on a very hot grill.
Put Worcestershire Sauce, butter, garlic salt and pepper in a microwave proof bowl. Microwave on high until the butter is melted.

Liberally brush steak with the sauce while grilling. YUMMY!!!!!

Recipe: Wedge Salad
I don't have this salad very often... it is a little decedent for a salad! But I will eat a very small steak and make the wedge salad my dinner. EVERYONE just loves this recipe.

I make my own bleu cheese dressing... it is wonderful!!! If you are not a bleu cheese lover it can be made with ranch or parmesan pepper dressing.

Click HERE and look for Wedge Salad on Monday's menu.

Thursday: Apples Of Gold Dinner Italian Night
Caesar Salad
Spicy Sausage, Spinach and Cheese Ravioli Lasagna
Homemade Crusty Bread

Recipe: Spicy Sausage Spinach and Cheese Ravioli Lasagna
This is a must try recipe. It is easy and so very delicious! I am teaching a group of young woman to make this tonight! I love this wonderful group~ 30 women in all. 19 young women and 10 mentors. I am so blessed to be a part of this group!

Click HERE to make this recipe too!

Lemon Garlic Parmesan Pasta
Roasted Vegetables, Leftovers from Tuesday's Menu

Recipe: Lemon Garlic Parmesan Pasta
Pasta at StoneGable = LOVE!  And I love this recipe. Made with things I usually have on hand, Lemon Garlic Parmesan Pasta is so easy to make and full of FLAVOR! My friend from Butter Yum is always cooking up something wonderful! Click HERE to get this recipe.

Apricot-Balsamic Glazed Salmon
Fried Spinach

Recipe: Apricot-Balsamic Glazed Salmon
2 salmon fillets, skin removed
salt and pepper
1/4 cup apricot preserves
2 TBS balsamic vinegar
1/2 tsp honey
1 garlic clove, finely diced

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Salt and pepper fillets.

In a small saucepan add preserves, vinegar, honey and garlic. Heat to a simmer. Simmer for 5 minutes until glaze thickens slightly.

Put Salmon on a rimmed baking sheet and liberally brush with glaze. Bake in oven for 10-12 minutes, until salmon begins to flake. DO NOT OVERCOOK. Salmon will continue to cook when it is taken off the heat.

Recipe: Fried Spinach
This is one of the best things I have ever eaten! The name does not do it any justice! It should be called Crunchy, Crispy, Flavorful Glorious Quick Fried Spinach! Click HERE and look on Friday's menu for this recipe you should try!

Sunday: Soup Day
StoneGable Chicken Noodle Soup

Recipe: StoneGable Chicken Noodle Soup
Here at StoneGable, we eat soup till the hazy, hot, humid days of summer overtake us. I'll make stock in the slow cooker overnight. And from there it is easy to make chicken noodle soup! This is my favorite soup- for the recipe click HERE.


  1. Hi Yvonne, I know it must be hard to let go of your old kitchen, but just think of the wonderful memories that new kitchen will hold!

    Kat :)

  2. Enjoy the memories...and the new ones to come!!!

  3. You will keep all those sweet memories in your heart Yvonne, each one priceless. No wyo can look forward to making so many more.
    The salmon is on my list this week.
    Hope all is well with you - we are having a time touching base - we need re-schedule!!
    Happy week to you,

  4. Hi Yvonne,
    Our Kitchen can hold great memories for us and its always fun to make new ones. Thank you so much for featuring my Red Beans and Rice on your Monday Menu,I sure hope that you and your readers enjoy them. Have a great week and enjoy your new kitchen!
    Best Wishes,
    Miz Helen

  5. I'm sorry you are a little sad about your kitchen, it sounds wonderful and exciting to me! I'll trade you ;) I hope you'll share pictures of your new kitchen.

    From Virginia

  6. Oh myyy, such terrific recipes! Yhank you so much, you surprise me with your culinay know how, for which I'am glad you do, therefore, I'm lucky to do your recipes! Have a great week.

  7. It was so hard when we moved from the home we built and raised our children in. When you love your home (or kitchen)it becomes like a member of the family. Your menu sounds delicious. Thanks for coming by and saying hi. Mimi

  8. Following your blog inspired me to plan my weekly meals and I have been posting them on my recipe blog. it is a great place to store them, and I am really glad I started on this project. The only thing is that you must be more organised than me, because we occasionally have friends or family drop by and end up cooking something else, or else we just dont feel like cooking and end up re-heating leftovers. Plus I dont want to post recipes until I have tried them myself and make the changes, so now I am posting mine at the end of the week.

  9. Hi Yvonne, my goodness, I am so far behind with visiting my favorite blogs and posting on Frog Hollow Farm! As usual, I want to make everything on your menu - but I'm definitely making the lasagna and lemon pasta since I have all of the ingredients! Thanks for always sharing fantastic recipes and good luck with your new kitchen - I understand your feelings of loss though. Ciao, bella!

  10. You will make many more memories in your new kitchen! Hope you will post some pictures of the progress. Carla

  11. Does that mean we get to see before shots of your kitchen? I hope if you get another white sink you don't dye it pink too! I still giggle about that! Everything sounds yummy! I wish that I could blow up my kitchen and start all over.

  12. Do you find it surprising at all that we are doing the same things to our kitchens at the same time? I actually got the appliances first (in December) but the countertop, sink, faucet and paint are in progress right now. Get ready...the worst part is no sink in the kitchen for 2 weeks! I never realized just how often I use it! Even the eating out or carrying in gets old very fast!

    I don't feel at all like you do about my old kitchen. Maybe because my kids didn't grow up in this house or because for the past 8 years since we have owned it, I have dreamed of granite countertops. I'm just excited and ready to have it done. I didn't have a single twinge as we got rid of things.

    Every meal sounds good. I am inspired to cook like crazy as soon as I can. I miss cooking!

  13. Oh Yvonne, your new changes sound so exciting! Can't wait to see photos. Hold onto those memories. I hope you took a bunch of before photos!

    - The Tablescaper

  14. Yvonne,
    Some of us move and take our memories with us, ever to be held close to our hearts; others renovate and keep our memories much the same. . .close to our hearts! I will be thinking of you as you make this much needed transformation. Updating can be exhausting! At my age, I have begun to tire at all the moving, re-moving and moving, once again! HA! I'll be anxiously awaiting the "after" photos. Until then, I'll be holding you close in prayer.
    P.S. I have the "second" interview today. . .wish me luck!

  15. I know what you mean..we have just moved from what I believed was the house of MY dreams to the house of my HUSBAND'S dreams...and I have cried and cried. I need to get over it and move forward...right? Your new kitchen will be fabulous.

    Your blog is a delight. Just found you and am now following.

    Oh and one question...the teacup in your Menu week picture...the blue rice you use those for your daily dishes? I have an entire set and am contemplating that...they are SO pretty.

  16. I am so excited that you are doing Apples of Gold! You will bless the socks off those young women as you share your skills!! What a great ministry to be involved in.

  17. Yvonne,
    I know you are thrilled about your new kitchen! I hope you will share some of the excitement with us.;)
    PS This week's menu sounds fabulous. Lots of new recipes for me to try!

  18. This seems somewhat cruel since I haven't had lunch yet. :) The salmon and spinich have my tummy grumbling.

  19. Yum..some good ideas here! My cooking has changed so much since it's just me and the hub most of the time. Thanks for your visit. :D

  20. Thanks so much for stopping by Yvonne! Looks like you're having some yummy eats around here this week!

  21. Aww I hope you enjoy your new kitchen! THanks so much for your very sweet comments on my blog! I love your work and have seen you around the blogging world as well!!

  22. Hi Yvonne... Made your rolled chicken parisian last night... just SO tasty... and easy to do..
    Loved it!

  23. The best part of memory is that only old age can take it from you. You have the past and you now have the future to look forward to. Great things will happen in that new kitchen. Your menus are, as always, super and I admire your courage in cooking during the makeover. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  24. How exciting about your kitchen! I'm sure I would feel the same way about the memories the old kitchen holds.

  25. Hi Yvonne!
    I smiled when I saw your teacup of flour... That is the way my Italian grandmother would measure... with her special teacups. I asked her once how she knew the correct amount to put in her cookie dough...
    She would always reply, "I know when the dough is just right."
    Unforgettable moments!

    and...How I would love to participate in one of your groups!
    I wish we all lived closer!
    Happy Week to you, Yvonne!
    ♥ Maria

  26. I can't wait to see this remarkable kitchen. I know you are going to just love it. My counter tops have scars from my children and I would feel bittersweet if I got new ones. Not in the budget right now, anyway. :))

  27. your words brought tears to my eyes, but i'm a sentimental girl as well. soak in those sweet memories. i can only imagine what the new kitchen will hold.

    good luck with all the remolding. can't wait to see it all in progress.
