Thursday, March 31, 2011

To Maket, To Market Tote And A Little Gift For You!

To Market,
To Market,
To buy a fat pig.
Home again,
Home again,

When Kellie, at This Blessed Nest, asked me to do a product review of her  TO MARKET, TO MARKET TOTE  I ran right over to her ETSY shop Bag Full Of Posies.  OOOOhing and AAAAAhing I checked out all of her attractive  and creaive totes and other goodies! And there I found  the TO MARKET TO MARKET TOTE... Oh my JIGGIDY JIG! I was thrilled she was sending it to me.

So, when it came in the mail (all sweetly wrapped up with a note) what did I do? I went to market! And not just any market, the oldest continually operating farmer's market America.

Lancaster Central Market has been a part of my local community for over 250 years. You can read all about our number1 tourist spot by clicking HERE.

Even though I did not buy a pig at Market, I did buy 1 pound of naturally smoked bacon... 

...a giant Jicama, 2 bunches of asparagus, 2 crusty baguettes, a head of lettuce, 3 beautiful leeks, 1 pound of white mushrooms, a pound of great Canadian sharp cheese, 1 shiny eggplant, 2 zucchinis, 3 heads of cabbage, a bunch of tulips and a couple of sprays of stock.

All of these goodies fit comfortably in my TO MARKET TO MARKET TOTE  along with my camera's telephoto lens, sunglasses and wallet.  I was able to securely tuck my cell phone, lipstick and loose money in a zippered compartment inside my tote.

As I was meandering through market taking pictures and collecting fresh produce I had 6 strangers comment on the cuteness of my TO MARKET TO MARKET TOTE.  It was so much fun to brag about it's quality, leather straps, sturdy construction, 100% jute fabric and the very very jaunty french pig on the front of the bag!

I handed out all the little business cards Kellie sent along. She must have known that my TO MARKET TO MARKET TOTE would be the center of attention!

I can happily and highly recommend this chic and useful tote.

Kellie wanted to share my joy and delight! She is offering a
15% discount
on her beautiful and reasonably priced totes and other goodies to my DEAR readers!

Just go to  BAG FULL OF POSIES and enter the
 promotion code STONEGABLE.

I hope you will take advantage of Kellie's beautiful handiwork and generosity! Thanks, Kellie!

Now I'm off to order a couple of totes to use as Easter baskets!

Central Market Roasted Asparagus With Bacon
2 large bunch asparagus
2-3 TBS olive oil
kosher salt
8 slices bacon
1/4 cup shaved Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Put bacon on a rimmed baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes until crisp. Remove and drain on a paper towel. Crumble into larger chunks.

Toss asparagus with oil, salt and pepper and roast in a rimmed baking sheet for 20 minutes. Remove to a large plate. Squeeze lemon over asparagus. Sprinkle with shaved Parmesan cheese and bacon.

My little pink Market pig and I are participating in Pink Saturday at How Sweet The Sound.


  1. What a darling little tote, Yvonne. Your fresh ingredients sound delicious, I'm sure all of your recipes will turn out wonderfully.

  2. Capital "A" Adorable Yvonne! What a fun bag, I'm sure it was noticed:@)

  3. I love this adorable tote! The "fat pig" is sooo cute!

    And I love, love, love the Lancaster Market. One of my favorite things to do when visiting my grandparents as a child was to go to the York market or the Lancaster market. Yum yum sugar cakes and Wantz's bologna. My little girl heart just went pitter patter.

  4. Adorable bag!! Love all the goodies you got at the market! Can't wait till it's warm enough here for the markets locally! Thanks for sharing!


  5. Hi Yvonne !

    Oh, isn't the Lancaster Market great ! Lucky you, you live near there !

    I haven't been there since the 90's, but it was a wonderful place to visit ! I had to buy the Central Marketplace Cookbook for a souvenir. Darn, I live in the wrong area of PA !

    That recipe sounds wonderful and can't wait to try it !

    The tote bag is just the ticket for that market ! Cute !


  6. never did the Lancaster mkt i do roots and green dragon and i love them in summer, i do do our markets here in York

  7. Love it. And with your market buys it just makes it all the more special. I'll be checking them out.

  8. It is very cute. You got some haul! Will you have Easter at home even though you are renovating?

  9. cute cute bag!! We have no markets here...and Walmart just aint that much fun. But a pig bag would help!

  10. I do love the pig tote! How cute! Blue ribbon chow chow!!!! I haven't made chow chow in years! I hope the garden produces this year for some good canning :)
    Now to Kellie's, to Kellie's i go to see what goodies she has to bestow!
    Have a great weekend Ms. Yvonne!

  11. I LOVE it! It's cute as can be and looks very sturdy. The fresh market items you purchased look fantastic too. Can't wait to find fresh goodies like that! Such a healthier, tastier way to eat.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  12. I adore your bag and I can't wait to visit the shop! This would be perfect for shopping! Thanks, Yvonne!

    Your recipe looks delicious, I am going to definitely try it!


  13. What an adorable tote... and now I'm hungry again. I blame you, Yvonne!!


  14. What a fabulous tote!! I love it. I can't wait to go browse in the shop. You are so blessed to be able to enjoy a farmer's market like that particularly this time of year. We are about to get a foot of snow! Your recipe sounds delicious. If roasted asparagus wasn't good enough, you added bacon and cheese. It cannot be anything other than wonderful! Thanks for sharing all of this with us!

  15. Very cute tote! I have a thing about pigs. I just love them. I made a few totes this summer, but nothing as cute as this.

  16. Oh, I fell in love with it immediately! I already ordered one! You are a good sales person! LOL..
    I love the area you live in, my son lives in West Chester and I will be visiting the first part of May. Lancaster and the whole area is so wonderful to visit! The train in Strasburg is a favorite!

  17. I will run right over to her shop to look around! Now I know where you get all your wonderful ingredients for your wonderful meals! I have never been there and now want to go SOON!!!! Thanks so much for telling us about it. The recipe sounds yummy too. I just made a kinda stir fry tonight with yellow and green squash and asparagus. It was delicious! XO, Pinky

  18. A glorious trip to the market & a beautiful tote, how wonderful. Can't wait to try the recipe. Everything is better with bacon!
    Licks & Wags, Niki

  19. Great tote! I like that yummy grocery list too!

  20. Hi Yvonne, This is just the cutest bag ever! I am envious that you have access to such a wonderful farmers market.

  21. What a cute bag! I always forget to bring a bag along to the farmer's market and I always feel bad about it! I certainly wouldn't forget a bag this cute!!

  22. What a stunning bag! And the fresh produce and flowers look gorgeous...such attention to detail. I'm sure you have lots planned with the contents.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  23. Oh my, I LOVE the bag. Absolutely love it!!! Your photos of the bag brimming with market produce are stunning too , Yvonne. I'm definitely going to check out her etsy shop.

    There is another version of that nursery rhyme too.

    To market, to market
    to buy a fat hog,
    Home again, home again
    jiggity jog!!!

    Have a super weekend everyone!


  24. i am SQUEALING like a pig!!!

    yvonne, you are simply incredible. omgoodness, i am just speechless. i'm thrilled you like your bag, but i just had no idea this post was going to be sooooo fantastic.

    thank you. thank you.


  25. HI Yvonne, thanks for stopping by my recent brunch post and leaving a comment - it's so nice having you visit!! Kellie's Market bag is just adorable and so functional, I just ordered my bag from her Etsy site and was so excited to get my 15% discount using your password! The photos on today's post were just so great - you really captured that bag and its sturdiness. By the way, I absolutely love, love, love your printable recipes - I'm always looking for great asparagus recipes because we have such a huge patch that will begin sprouting shortly. Can you do a tutorial or something so I can also learn how to add that feature to my own blog? Ciao, bella! xxoo

  26. Thanks for sharing about the great tote! I just ordered mine. Food always looks more appealing when it's put in something other than a plastic bag!

  27. Yvonne,
    What an adorable tote bag! Yes! I'm sure it was noticed at the Marketplace and rightfully so! Just want you to know that I copied your printable recipe with ease today. Thank you for this useful, helpful tool on your blog. Have a wonderful weekend! I'll be watching for Scripture Sunday. A must read before Worship.

  28. I forgot to mention that I LOOOVE that you are doing printable recipes now!!!! It makes it so much easier and better!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  29. No doubt this adorable bag was noticed. And it looks even better filled with all those market goods. Thanks for sharing. I'm off to visit Kellie. ~ Sarah

  30. Pig oriented merchandise is always welcome in our home (MIchael is a police officer!)
    Please come visit my post on my most recent shelter pet in need and enter my GIVEAWAY!


  31. That has to be one of the cutest totes I have EVER seen. I love it!

  32. Yvonne, the random number generator selected comment #117 on Designs by Gollum's copper cookware giveaway. Best I can count, your second comment was #117. So I'm calling it a win. Just email me when you get a chance and let me know if you'd like the cookware set or a gift certificate for the same amount. Thanks and congratulations! (Did Jackie send your tote?)

  33. Just too darn cute for words! I'm off to take a peek.

  34. Oooohhh thanks Yvonne! I have a bunch of fresh asparagus nand this sounds delightful. I'll make it tomorrow night.

    Blessings sweet friend.
    Warmly, ~Melissa :)

  35. Yvonne, this is a really cute shopping bag and it looks very durable. I will check out Kellie's shop.

    I love your markets picks, especially the fresh bacon...yum!

  36. Congratulations, Yvonne! I was happy to read you won the copper from Gollum's! Woohoo!

  37. Wow how beautiful, a wonderful bag is a great way of remembering to actually take them into the store. (I am always leaving them in the trunk).

  38. I have seen some really adorable totes...I even have two that I love, but NONE are anything near the cuteness level of this one! BEAUTIFUL!

  39. How exciting to be the winner of the copper cookware set! Congratulations.

    What a gorgeous tote. I can see why you received so many compliments. What a fun bag. What a beautiful post. I love that it has zippered compartments for all of life's little necessities. Too adorable.

  40. What a lovely daughter loves that nursery rhyme. Beautiful pictures!!!

  41. Perfect! You are just like me. I love market places!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  42. Yvonne, thank you for volunteering to make the lavender shortbread! Just whatever you'd like to make--photos from past blog or FF posts, or anything that strikes your fancy.

  43. The tote is so cute and I am so jealous of the Farmer's Market. Here I am in "farm country" and we have a few people who set up stands around town with corn or tomatoes...but, no big, pretty market with flowers and interesting herbs. We have to drive an hour to do that.

  44. That is just too adorable! I just love market totes - you sure did give it a workout! Will surely check her totes out!
