Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Scripture~ March 6, 2011

Wailing Wall, Jerusalem Israel

Don't fret or worry. Instead pray. Let petitions and praise shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.

Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down.

It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life!

Philipians 4:6-7, The Message

Prayers of visitors to the wailing wall... mine is the big one!


  1. Thank You for sharing this verse today.

  2. Great pics.. Love the words:)Thank you.

  3. Yvonne,
    Beautiful, timely message for me.
    I'm still dealing with the loss of employment. This scripture spoke to my very soul. I have a prayer jar , a gift from my daughter~in~law. I put request in for others during loss or long illnesses. The photo of the wailing wall prayer pages reminded me to place my own need in the jar. Thank you for posting this precious Scripture Sunday!

  4. Thank you Yvonne, for such a beautiful post! I agree prayers are the biggest miracle worker!!

  5. Thank you for this message today. As the daughter of two teenagers, one of them in college, I seem to worry all the time! Thank you for the reminder today to replace that worry with Christ! Have a blessed day!

    Patti at

  6. It is so difficult to relinquish the illusion of control.
    Thank you for this thoughtful scripture!

  7. Beautiful Yvonne...just beautiful! I kept meaning to stop by because you recently visited the blog that my sister and I just launched and I wasn't sure if you knew that it was me, formerly of Southern in my Heart, that was the co-author of the new one. You left such a sweet comment and were so encouraging! Just thought I should let you know that I have "moved" so to speak and can be found over At the Picket Fence now. Hope you will come by again soon to visit us! :-)

  8. Thanks for this wonderful verse. Yvonne, and good reminder. And the photos are beautiful.

  9. I know the words are true, but it is so hard not to worry isn't it. Human nature.
    I know it does no good to worry. LOL your note being the biggest. You had a lot of requests. I hope HE never tires of us asking for help!
    Have a blessed Sunday!

  10. How wonderful to "leave it at the wall". We're having a "wailing wall" as a part of our Lenten stations this year. Hang some burlap and people will attach their note with a safety pin.

  11. Ahh, very timely words. Thank you for reminding us of this message.


  12. This was the perfect message for me right now. I just need to live by it.

  13. Ah! That's because worry is sin. We make so much of ourselves that we forget that we are nothing, and God is Sovereign. Only after we cast it all on him do we receive the peace of God.

  14. How true it is,,,I am so grateful for all the love the Lord has given me these past months,,, he is so faithful,,,,


  15. Love this verse and photos. Thanks, I actually needed this today!

  16. Thank you. That was just what I needed to hear.
