Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Scripture~ March 13, 2011

O my soul, bless God.
From head to toe I'll bless his holy Name.
O my soul, bless God,
Don't forget a single blessing!

He forgave your sin, every one.
He heals your diseases, every one.
He redeems you from hell, saves your life!
He crowns you with love and mercy, a paradise crown.
He wraps you in goodness, beauty everlasting.
He renews your youth, you're always young in His presence.

Ps 103:1-5, The Message


  1. Yvonne,
    Beautiful message today! I put my name in the prayer jar and on Friday I had an interview for a very interesting position. Waiting now for a second interview call back. "Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. . ." Thank you for this weekly blessing on my blog sites!

  2. Thank you for this! I needed to hear it today! I think I need to get the 'Message' bible that you quote...I like the way it reads. Have a wonderful day and week, Yvonne! Christie

  3. Hi Yvonne, One of my favorite Psalms. Thank you. Have a good and wonderful Lenten season. Glad to see your elegant and beautiful posts. I was enjoying looking over your new tabs and went through some table scape posts.. Thank you for ideas in table top. Emelia.

  4. Thank you for sharing this scripture today! I am going to share with my teenage daughter and her almost 21 year old college sister! Perfect! I may share on my blog if that's ok...

    Patti @

  5. I'm always so inspired by your menu plans - I make them when we have out of town company, but you've almost got me in the mood to make one when we don't have company. Note I said almost ;).

