Thursday, March 3, 2011

Linzer Torte Cookies

Is there something you have wanted to learn or do? Something that every time you think about it will brings a smile to your face and a sigh in your heart? Little or big, just pursue it!

One little thing that I have always wanted to make is Linzer Torte Cookies... for years and years. I think they are so beautiful and look scrumptious! But, as many of you know, I am NOT a baker. 

And I am very intimidated about all things baking. It is too much chemistry for me. I am more of a free spirit in the kitchen. 

But embracing my own advice, I made Linzer Torte Cookies. The ones I made were shortbread cookies. These pretty cookies are inspired by Ina Garten's Linzer Torte Cookie recipe. What a satisfying experience... and yummy too!

These are little jewels in cookie form!


3 sticks unsalted butter, softened
1 cup sugar
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
3 1/2 cups flour
1/4 tsp salt
good preserves
confectioner's sugar for dusting

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Add butter and sugar in a bowl and beat together with a mixer until just combined. I used a paddle attachment to mixt the butter and sugar. Add vanilla and incorporate.  In a separate bowl mix flour and salt. Add flour in thirds to the butter mixture. Mix until dough forms.

Turn dough onto work surface and form into a disc. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Roll dough on work surface 1/4 inch thick. C

Cut out cookies using a fluted round (I used 3 1/16") cookie cutter. Cut the center out of half of the rounds (I used a 1 7/8") using a smaller cutter. This dough is a little fussy. It wanted to crack when I cut out the centers of the cookies. I just pressed the ones that cracked together again.

Chill cookies on a parchment lined baking sheet and refrigerate for 15 minutes.

Bake for  12- 15 minutes, until the edges are JUST BEGINNING TO  TURN BROWN. I let my first batch bake a tad long. Just watch them!!!
Remove to a cooling rack. Cool completely. I put the solid rounds on one rack and the cutout tops on another.

Dust the top with confectioner's sugar.

Put a teaspoon of great quality jam in the center of your solid cookie round.  I used StoneGable's homemade raspberry and sour cherry jam. YUMMY! To see a recipe for jam click HERE.

 Put the top on the cookies and press gently!

Eat these wonderful cookie treats with BLISS!

Remember to

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  1. Great photos and presentation Yvonne!

  2. They are just beautiful! I've always wanted to make these but have been somewhat fearful of the steps.


  3. You make things look oh so very easy. I think even I could make these. I'm definitely not a baker, but these are too pretty not to try!

  4. I love these cookies!
    Back home the Italian bakeries sold them but they are called Napolean cookies. My favourite!
    Thanks for sharing the recipe!!

  5. I love linzer tarts! We have a great bakery here that makes delicious ones, but I have wanted to make my own. Now with your recipe and pictures I just may have to give it a try :)

  6. Yummy!! Love these Yvonne ~ I may have to try them out myself.

  7. Yvonne,
    Those cookies look wonderful! Thanks so much for your ALWAYS sweet comment about my little house. :)

  8. These have always been my favorite cookie, Yvonne! Yours look so scrumptious! I was so happy when I found them in a gluten free version {and they still taste good}. It makes me feel that it is one less thing I had to give up!

  9. Gorgeous! These look like they would make anyone smile. ~ sarah

  10. My mouth is watering! Wonderful images and I may just have to try these. :-)


  11. Wow, can't believe you MADE these. Beautifully done, they look amazing.

  12. Hi there, thanks for your visit. I love these cookies, they are really beautiful aren't they. They look just delicious! Loved your pictures too. Beautiful post below this one too...lots of beauty at your house ;D

  13. All I can say is YUM! And I love the darling little container! Would make an adorable treat.:)

  14. Looking forward to making these Yvonne!!

  15. These look delish & beautiful!

  16. OMG, these look fabulous and I love the cutter. Thanks for sharing this delicious cookie.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  17. My all time favorite cookie. When I was growing up, my Dad owned a bakery that was based on old world German recipes and this was my favorite cookie. I also learned to make it in later years and my kids would be furious if they didn't magically appear on the Christmas tray. Yours look just wonderful!

  18. It took me years to make my first Linzer cookies and I don't know why I waited so long - they delicious!

    Great job and so festively photoed!

  19. Yum! They are so beautiful and delightful looking. Anything with that much butter has to be delicious. Thanks for the "how to". Just perfect for Easter! Karen

  20. Awesome looking linzer tarts, Yvonne.

  21. You make Linzer Torte look do-able, beautiful, and YUMMY! I think I will need to try this once I round up some suitable cookie cutters.


  22. Hi Yvonne - I'm so very glad to see your posts again. I adore your photos and recipe and style!


  23. O, aren't they beautiful. I just have to try these sometime. I will try to find cookie cutters like yours. Maybe online?
    I couldn't believe you said you weren't a baker. Every single thing you turn out is wonderful.
    xoxo bj

  24. Welcome back--and in such a delicious post!!!! I've missed you and your beautiful offerings.


  25. These will be the next cookies I make my friend...they look amazing. Thanks and happy friday xoxo

  26. Yvonne these look so delish!! I want to try these soon!

    Art by Karena

  27. These are beautiful. Love the photo tutorial.

    I'd love for you to share this recipe on my linky for Sweet Tooth Friday.

  28. How beautiful! I have planned on making linzer cookies several times and never get to it! I must do by easter!!! Thanks for sharing the inspiration!

  29. Adorable cookies! Does it make me feel better or worse to know that you "aren't a baker"? Hmmm . . . not sure. I'm not a baker either, but maybe if you made these, I can too. :) I was looking over my notes from Tuesday Tea and between baby and all, I missed some of the references to the Scriptures you read. If you have a moment between "tablescaping" could you send me the reference for the scripture you read about Aaron as High Priest interceding for the people, and the one for Jesus as our High Priest. I would appreciate it! I'm making notes in my Bible about the things you shared. Thanks so much!

  30. Hi Yvonne, everything you do is absolute perfection. These linzer tarts are just gorgeous and I'm sure so delicious! Thank you so much for designing such a wonderful post! Ciao, bella!

  31. Yvonne, These cookies are stunningly beautiful! You did a great job. They look delicious too.
    Blessings, Beth

  32. Beautiful! and they would go perfectly with my coffee right now!

  33. These are one of my favorite cookies! Thank you so much for sharing your recipe! They truly look like they came from a bakery -simply beautiful.

  34. These look marvelous! Everything you do looks like perfection...I am always so impressed. So glad to see you back too! The blog world needs your special touch.

  35. Yvonne, these are gorgeous. Your photos are afford perfect and easy instructions and I can tell from the recipe just how good these taste. I really like these cookies. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  36. Hi continue to amaze me with your talents & creativity. xx's

  37. Those look SUPER yummy!! The pictures make the recipe look so easy; maybe I will give it a try ;)

    Follow me @:

  38. Bonjour Yvonne,
    Shortbread Linzer cookies? My mouth is watering...I am copying this recipe right now.
    We'll touch base soon :))

  39. I am droolong as I read this! They look divine!

  40. My bakery staple at the local bakery, I adore them! I am glad you posted the recipe!!! Thanks!
    I followed your link from 504 Main!!!!

  41. My bakery staple at the local bakery, I adore them! I am glad you posted the recipe!!! Thanks!
    I followed your link from 504 Main!!!!

  42. Your torte cookies are amazing looking! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you will come by again and share your own positive experiences! I could use the help getting people sharing positive experiences!

  43. It sure looks like you are a baker to me! Beautiful cookies and I hope to try them as soon as I have a new oven since mine went out!

  44. Melt in your mouth and melt my heart with your photos! I would have them for breakfast this morning if they were around!

  45. Yvonne...those look sooo yummy! The La Madeline (French restaurant) near my home makes these and I aways drool over them.

  46. Happy Pink Saturday!

    These are my most favorite cookies but never made them myself.
    After seeing your post I will definitely try. Thank you for the recipe!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  47. Your cookies are lovely! Mine never turn out quite as well. Instead of patiently waiting for everything to cool, I really just want to hurry and eat the cookies :)

  48. How did I miss these? Gorgeous jewel colors and yummy! Thanks so much for sharing Yvonne:@)

  49. Hi Yvonne,
    When I got to the party and they seated me next to you...I thought oh goodie I get to look at those beautiful Linzer Torte Cookies all day and now I think I can even taste them. Thank you for sharing your many talents! Have a great week.

  50. I am wanting to make these fabulous looking cookies, but forgive me, unless I missed it I'm not sure what temperature you set your oven to in order to bake them. Would you be able to tell me the baking temperature? Many thanks!

  51. I want to make this recipe...where did you find
    those scalloped round cookie cutters? Makes a
    big difference in the finished linzer torte....

  52. Thank You for sharing, these are beautiful. Next time you make them, try using pepper jelly/jam. It is a hot/sweet surprise that is quite delish.
