Monday, March 14, 2011

Ina Garten's Perfect Roast Chicken With A StoneGable Twist

Is there anything more "Ina Garten" than  ROAST CHICKEN?  Those of us who love her easy-going attitude and deliciously made dishes know that she makes a roast chicken almost every Friday for Jeffrey, her husband. And her chickens are legendary!

I don't have a Jeffrey (or a television show, published cookbooks, house in the Hamptons...) but I do have a Bobby who loves the way I cook, and love roast chicken.

Ina's Perfect Chicken is her signature recipe! I wanted to make it in homage to our favorite Food Netwook star... BUT I just had to put a little bit of StoneGable  magic into the recipe. 

Ina stuffs the cavity of her chickens with all sorts of aromatic bits and herbs. I know this is absolutely gilding the lily, but I am also taking those wonderful flavor infused elements and making a compound butter to slide under the skin of the chicken breasts as well. Compound butters are easy to make and absolutely delicious! For a tutorial about compound butter click HERE.

The result is a chicken with gorgeous golden tasty skin, succulent meat, served along with fork tender and slightly caramelized veggies. And your house will smell fabulous!  And why only roast 1 chicken when you can roast 2? I love to have the extra chicken for lunch, and I'll use it again in Sunday's meal~ Chicken Chili.

I hope you will try this Barefoot Contessa meets StoneGable roast chicken, so you can also say, "How easy is that?"

(4-5 pound) roasting chicken
salt and pepper, kosher if possible
2 bunches  fresh thyme
1 bunch parsley
1 lemon, halved
1 head garlic, cut in half crosswise
3 sage leaves
1 stick unsalted butter
1/2 tsp lemon zest
1 tsp lemon juice
1 large yellow onion, peeled and sliced
16 baby carrots, or 4 large carrots, peeled and cut lengthwise and cut into 1 1/2 inch pieces
1 cup chicken stock
olive oil
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees .

Compound Butter:
Put room temperature butter in a bowl. Add 2 finely minced garlic cloves and 1/2 tsp lemon zest to butter.

Add lemon juice.
 Chop 2 TBS parsley, 1 tsp thyme and 1 small sage leaf and add to the bowl. Mix well.

Form butter into a ball. Reserve.

For Vegetables:
In a large bowl combine carrots, onions, 10 sprigs of thyme. 2 TBS chopped parsley, salt , pepper and olive oil. Toss. Reserve.

 Remove giblet packet from chicken. Rinse chicken inside and out and pat-dry the outside of the chicken with a paper towel. Salt and pepper inside of chicken.

Stuff the chicken cavity with 1/2 of the garlic, 1/2 of the lemon, a handful of parsley, 6-8 sprigs of thyme, a fresh bay leaf and a sage leaf.

Separate the skin from the flesh of the chicken breast, making a pocket. Put 1 TBS compound butter under each breast. Press butter until evenly distributed. Using your fingers rub extra compound butter into the skin of the chicken.

Tie the legs and tuck the wings underneath the chicken. Put the chicken in a roasting pan. Salt and pepper the outside of  the chicken.

Place the veggies around the chickens and add 1/2 ~1 cup of chicken stock to the pan.

Roast for 1 1/2 hours until juices run clear.  Remove chicken to a platter along with the veggies and let rest for 15 minutes. Slice and serve with veggies. Remember to save the carcass for stock!

Remember to 

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  1. Yvonne, that looks and smells so good. No just kidding can't smell it darn it. I am going to have to try this recipe. Just pass me a piece through the screen please!

  2. I am a Ina Garten fan too! She is my fav food network chef! This chicken looks absolutely scrumptious!!! YUM!!!

  3. Yvonne, you may not have the published cookbook yet, but your recipes are just as good! And when you do publish, I will be the first in line for your book (and an autograph, please? :) ) Isn't a whole roast chicken so much better than chicken roasted in parts? I don't know why that is. Your special touches and the compound butter look yummy. I really think I can smell the delicious aroma now. This is just the simple but delicious kind of recipe I like. Linda

  4. Love Ina! I really need to try this recipe. I roasted Cornish game hens for Valentine's Day, so I need to move up to full-sized chickens!! Love your compound butter idea. =)

  5. I'm a huge Ina fan as well. YOur chicken looks just as good!!

  6. Yvonne, Your chicken looks fantastic! Your photos are always awesome and magazine-worthy. Thanks for sharing, Yvonne.

  7. Yvonne, what a lesson in beauty! Your photos are amazing, how does one make chicken look so good??? Thanks for joining the Cook-Along, I can only imagine how great these chickens taste, and I'll bet you have some beautiful stock in the freezer too-enjoy:@)

  8. Your Ina chicken does look perfect! Absolutely delicious! Love the StoneGable twist! Now that's perfection!

  9. What time is dinner?!

    This looks fabulous! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Yvonne...what a beautiful post -- the roasted chicken is the anchor of my culinary talents. Yours looks absolutely as good as it gets. Been missing you - hope you enjoyed your sweet break. I am in the middle of my busy season and not getting around much but wanted to pop by and say HI!!


  11. Sounds so very yummy... I will have to try this INA meet stone cable recipe. Pictures have. Enticed me.

  12. This is the first time I've ever called a roasted chicken beautiful, but she certainly is! Beautiful presentation, creation, and I'm certain, delicious. I love you, Yvonne...

  13. That chicken looks amazing..will have to use compound butter next time! Wow I'm hungry now!

    Miss Bloomers

  14. wow, that looks mouth watering! Now I'm hungry!!! I'm going to have to make this when the hubby gets home from travel!

  15. I just had roast chicken today for lunch! But I cheated, I bought it at the grocery store! I just LOVE the taste of chicken so I will do your version, it looks so delish! Thanks for sharing your technique. XO, Pinky

  16. Such a great recipe and beautiful, beautiful photography Yvonne! Thank you for another dose of Stone Gable inspiration.
    xo, Andrea

  17. Yvonne! I just made Ina's Perfect Roast Chicken for the first time yesterday for our Sunday dinner! You are so right about how good your house smells while this is cooking! Too bad I didn't do the compound butter like yours!! The chicken came out so wonderful!! I didn't have the thyme that she had in the recipe so I had a bunch of tarragon that I used! It had a wonderful flavor! I LOVE INA.....Jeffrey is a lucky man to have her cooking for him. Every recipe of hers that I have tried has been fantastic and easy to put together!!!

  18. Love this. I do roasted chicken all the time, but I am always on the hunt for a way to change it up a little bit. Thanks for the recipe!

  19. Yvonne you've turned a simple classic Sunday roast chicken into something altogether more scrumptious.
    As always your photographs are amazing.

  20. Barefoot Contessa meets Stone Gable :). I love that Ina's mission in life is to make Jeffery wonderful food. He's a lucky man.

    I love your compound butter twist, Yvonne. I do something very similar to my turkeys (I should blog about that sometime). Your photos are phenom!


  21. This sounds wonderful! I just roasted 2 chickens for Sunday dinner with plans on using one for another dinner later in the week. I love doing that! I am going to have to try your recipe next time. It sounds wonderful!

  22. I'm drooling right here, right now! I've always said that when I grow up, I wanna be Ina Garten. :-)
    I love the way you do the butter ~ that is something I've not tried before but defnitely will now.

    You are such an incredible cook!

  23. WOW! That is almost too pretty to eat! I said ALMOST- because I'm sure it was delicious. Your photos are gorgeous...Ina would be PROUD!

  24. you do some incredible work.

    i never know what to expect when i pop over here. it's a toss up whether i'll be drooling over a recipe or over a thing a beauty.

    this really was both. incredible pictures.

    i am a HUGE fan of both you & ina.



  25. Oh wie lecker!Wunderschönen Bilder.Bim immer wieder von deinen Dekos begeistert.Schönes Wochenende.Bussi.Luciene,

  26. Ina's recipes are always good! How can anyone pass up roast chicken??? Looks delish!

  27. I am always looking for a new way to roast chicken. I love this recipe. Thanks for posting it on It's a Keeper! Happy to follow

  28. Yvonne do you like any particular chicken brand to use? I heard Empire chickens are good. Thanks.

  29. This is the way I roast my chickens, I also put a whole lemon in the cavity that has been pierced with a fork several times. It makes a mess out of your oven, with all that butter inside and out splattering all over. From now on I am doing in on our gas grill outdoors. Very yummy stuff.

  30. I followed your recipe for our Sunday dinner and the meal was divine. The chicken was so moist and succulent - just fantastic. I did two dinners - one for us and one for my niece and her husband who just had a new baby. Thank you so much! I will be making more of this and will follow similar steps for our Thanksgiving turkey.

  31. ,,Perfect'' - my husband said. It was really. Thank you. Never used lemon or zest on chicken before, but I will from now on.

  32. Is there any stamp to tell who made hose gorgeous white plates?

    1. Which plates Patty? I have tons of white plates. Can you send me an image link and then I can let you know.
