Monday, January 17, 2011

Diamond Napkin Fold

Don't let the attractive fold of this napkin fool you. It is not just a pretty face, but a hard worker too. It does double duty as a napkin for your mouth and lap AND  a pouch for your utensils.

Wouldn't these napkins be great at a picnic using a fun bandanna? Or, dressed up in crisp white damask for a fancy dinner? A place card could be tucked in the folds or a flower would look so pretty peeking out of the pocket. There are so many creative ways to use this napkin fold!

StoneGable Diamond Napkin Fold

1. Lay napkin face down.
2. Fold napkin in half horizontally, oriented with the opening facing you.
Fold napkins in quarters, and orient the napkin opening away from you.
3. Fold the top layer almost all the way forward and press.
4. Press the next layer on top of the first layer, letting the edge of the first layer peek out from underneath.
5. Repeat with the 3rd layer.
6 and 7. Turn the napkin over, face down, and fold the corners over one another. Make sure it is symmetrical from the front. Secure one corner between the folds of the other corner.

Now get creative... pick out a fun napkin, fold it and tuck some great flatware in it... even if you just do it for yourself.... I did! What a sweet little treat!


  1. How pretty, love the idea to put flowers in the pockets!! Thanks for the tutorial :)

  2. Yvonne, I'm always looking for ideas for folding napkins to have little pockets. Thanks! ~ Sarah

  3. Hi Yvonne, I too love this pretty napkin fold. Thanks for sharing us just how to achieve it too.

    I do have a question for you. My daughters think I am difficult to buy for. Just recently I decided I was going to tell them I would love a book on napkin folding for my birthday. Do you have the title of one you might recommend?
    Thanks! Lovely post as always.


  4. Donna, I don't have a book. There are so many wonderful creative napkin folds on the internet.
    Happy Birthday!

  5. That is just so pretty Yvonne! I'm gonna have to play soon!

  6. I do know this fold and have done it. It LOOKS so complicated but it is pretty easy! Nice of you to do a tutorial. XO, Pinky

  7. Oh how lovely! I'm going to have to come back to this next time I have a dinner party.

  8. Very pretty, I love how you used the flowers. Thanks for a great tutorial, Yvonne!


  9. I must be brain dead from taxes or something. I couldn't figure out how to do this til I pulled out a napkin and followed your tutorial. Following your tutorial was so easy. Thanks for the steps!

  10. Yvonne,
    What a lovely way to display dining utensils! Today is a busy "work day" at home. . .but believe me when it's Tea Time, it will be napkin folding Practice Time, as well! You give the greatest instructions! We will all feel accomplished and confident when we've completed our new fold! Thank you, once again, for all your inspiration.

  11. Thanks Yvonne... I think this looks so pretty!!

  12. Now that I'm retired it's about time I learned a few more domestic things and I couldn't have come to a better place than Stone Gables. I visited Corgis In My Garden and saw your blog mentioned there. I have a lot to learn so I will be back.--Inger

  13. I've always been fascinated with napkin folding...I need to get out more I know! ;-) I just love it when a table is beautifully set and the napkin is like a piece of art, folding in some interesting way! Thanks for the instructions!

    Kat :)

  14. lovely fold, a cloth folded napkin adds so much to the table!

  15. That is wonderful Yvonne. It looks as pretty on the back as it does on the front. That is so neat you had that Kitten Sewing kit. I just thought it was precious.

  16. Hi Yvonne!
    What a wonderful idea...I'm not going to wait until the next time we have company...I'm going to do this for hubby and I next time he's got a weekend off and I make a big breakfast. I have red bandanna's that will work perfectly and if it's close to Valentines day I may just stick some sort of heart in the pouch along with the utensils! Thanks for sharing this with us :) Hope your day is a good one.
    Maura :)

  17. Pretty! I am going to show this to my son...this is one of his favorite things to do...dress up the table with a napkin treatment.

  18. Oh thank you Yvonne! I've always wanted to know how to do that one! We almost always use cloth napkins, something that I've noticed few people do these days. But it's really the "green" way to go and it's always prettier and softer. I'd much rather toss my napkins in the wash than in the trash!

  19. So pretty, Yvonne. Thanks for the tutorial.

    That turnover doesn't look half bad, either. :o)

  20. I love to play with napkin folding and noticed this one when you posted it in your table scape! Now I'm happy to know how to make it ;)

  21. Thanks for the tutorial! Loved all the folds and I also like the idea of a flower.. you are right, perfect for a picnic!

  22. This might take some practice, but it looks worth it!

    Thanks for the tutorial!

  23. Thanks my sweet friend....I am going to try this! Boy will I impress my next group of guests! Hugs. xoxo

  24. Sooo pretty! It looks easy enough for me! :)

  25. Just lovely... I have a book on how to fold napkins... I think I will be getting it out tonight, inspired by you to doing something fun!

  26. Wonderful tutorial, Yvonne! Thank you... I'll have to revisit your other napkin tutorials... I get stuck on a few old "stand-bys" and need some variety :o)
    I'm also looking forward to your chicken ala king recipe! I haven't had that in a long time just thinking about it is making my mouth water :D
    *blessings always*

  27. Hi Yvonne! What a pretty napkin fold! I don't think I have ever seen it before! Love the blue and white accented with red...gorgeous! I hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  28. This looks so much prettier done with a bright red napkin! I have seen it done in white....but this really has a punch! Beautiful!
    Have a beautiful weekend, Yvonne!
    ;-D Kathleen

  29. Yvonne, this is sooo pretty! I can't wait to try this for my next family brunch; thanks for the tutorial~
