Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Stockings Were Hung...

The Stockings at StoneGable are hung, but not by the chimney with care. We hang them on the back of our kitchen chairs. It is just much more practical! And goodness knows these old chairs could use a little sprucing up too! The tree in the background is my Kitchen Tree.

My stocking is made from an antique quilt and embellished with some old lace and antique muslin.

My children's stockings were made more than 20 years ago when they were babies. They are made from my GREAT Grandmother's muslin flour sacks. The sacks were passed down to my Grandmother and I remember her washing them once a year and putting them back into her hope chest (that I now have).

So when the muslin sacks were passed down to me I knew that a few would be used for Christmas Stockings. When grandbabies come some day I will make each of them a stocking made out of their GREAT GREAT GREAT Grandmother's muslin flour sacks.

The Stockings are attached to each chair with a big ribbon and filled with greens for an extra festive touch!

I am saving quilts, fur, cashmere, and old buttons...and have visions of new Stockings are dancing in my head!


  1. Yvonne...I love your stockings and their history in your family! Your kitchen chairs are very similar to mine and what a perfect spot to hang your stockings!

    Merry CHRISTmas!

  2. Lovely stockings and such a wonderful and rich family history you have!

    From Virginia

  3. They look lovely with your chairs...what a wonderful history. They are precious- in more ways than one!

  4. Great post Yvonne. I love the story of your stockings and hanging them on your chairs is a great idea. I doubt I'll have a chance to visit again before Christmas. Have a very merryand blessed Christmas!

    - The Tablescaper

  5. What a TREASURE to have the flour sacks! I hope you have grandchildren to make stockings for!!!! Your childrens stockings are adorable! I love that you have them hanging on the kitchen chairs! Someday, I hope you post your KITCHEN!!!! I see a bit of a Christmas tree in there:):) Come on, share:):) I know it is gorgeous, everything you touch is!!!! XO, Pinky

  6. Pinky, That is my KITCHEN tree! I put up a tree with gingerbread men and bright christmas balls every year.

  7. I believe I like the stocking on the chair idea a lot. We've always done them on the mantle so a change is in order. Love the stockings made from the old quilt. What memories.

    Have a wonderful Christmas with those you hold dear.


  8. Beautiful and sentimental! What a great combination!

  9. I love those pretty stockings and you have them hung in the perfect spot! You sound more than ready to start on some new ones!

    Happy Holidays, Yvonne!


  10. Yvonne, those are wonderful stockings and I like hanging some on chairs, too. Have a glorious Christmas!

  11. OMGoodness, how beautiful, and what a wonderful way of passing on the great "heritage" you have. I am sure great-great grandmother is smiling from above and loves her flour sacks done in beautiful Christmas socks for her posterity. Brings tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing and have a blessed Christmas.

  12. Yvonne, How wonderful.. I love your stockings. these are so wonderful. I am at a loss for words. I think it's just wonderful to use things with history. You've done a great job. wow. Merry Christmas, seeing your stockings just made mine!

  13. O, the stockings are all so pretty. I, too, want to make new ones for my grands. My son and daughter have velvet ones, made by their grandmother, my mom, and wouldn't take a million dollars for them.

  14. I love those stockings!!! And what sentimental value they have!!

    Happy Holidays!


  15. Your stockings are not only beautiful, but are so special because of their history. This post makes one feel good. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Hi Yvonne,
    Your stockings are so beautiful and have such a history too.

  17. I really love the stockings and most of all the special meaning they have for you!Isn't it fun to look at them year after year and remember your loved ones ? I have a red and white quilt that I get out at christmas...I found it in my grandmother's cedar chest and a cherish it! thanks for sharing with us!

  18. How beautiful and heart warming! We do breakfast stockings (filled with christmas breakfast goodies) so ours start by the fireplace and end up at the table. This is such an adorable idea, we may just have to change that next year. And what a beautiful treasury your stockings are too!

  19. Your stockings are delightful. I so want to do this...our real stockings (not the wood ones on my blog right now) are on that track sort of....to me stocking are the perfect way to incorporate memories and love. How's your knee/back?

  20. Hello Yvonne,
    those stockings are great. I wish you that Santa Claus will stuff them neatly.
    Greetings, Johanna

  21. The stockings are cute Yvonne and full of great memories-enjoy:@)

  22. Love the Stockings and the memories they hold!
    Merry Christmas

  23. How wonderful that you have these, Yvonne! And the story has to be passed down too, of course! They look wonderful on your chairs. My dining room chairs are very similar {except for the short spindle break close to the top}. I did put my Ballards Naughty and Nice Stockings on two of my kitchen chairs. I just stuffed them with a few plastic shopping bags to poof them a bit, but I'm liking your greenery. I need to clip some more fresh from my yard for the tables, so I'll grab a few extra for the stockings, too.

  24. We hang our stockings on dining room chairs! My mother-in-law knitted each of hours with one to spare in case of a new addition.

    I love yours. Each tells a story. Stories make up the fabric of our lives.

    Merry Christmas!

  25. your stockings are stunning...... and how lovely to have that history with them,
    Enjoy your Christmas
    Tilly x

  26. I love your stockings! What a neat way to pass on a little bit of family to your grandchildren.

  27. Yvonne, I'm sure your family certainly appreciates the history of the flour sacks and when those grandchildren do come along I know you'll create something extra special for them. Thanks so much for sharing your family stockings and Merry Christmas.

  28. Yvonne,
    Cherished heirlooms for the Christmas celebration! Lovely! What a wonderful, creative way to keep memories of loved ones with us at this ever special time of the year. Thank you for such inspiration today.

  29. Great idea the back of the chairs! There is no room to hang them at the fireplace here..so we have most on the upper landing railing looking down..This is a great idea for Christmas morning..Thank you.
    Lovely stockings..I like that they are special also.

  30. Yvonne, I love these stockings. My oldest daughter has the flour sack quilt from my mom. It is a treasure. Mom had pj's made out of the soft material when she was a child. Thanks for the sweet reminder of family. Hope you are doing better.
    Merry Christmas! Linda
    (you may want to check out my other blog..prone to wander at http://www.omega58.wordpress.com)

  31. Your creativity is amazing! Loved seeing your stockings and reading what was used to make them. Very special!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Yvonne!

  32. What a great tradition. I love the quilt stocking.

  33. I just love these! That tree in the background is super cute too! Merry Christmas, Yvonne!

  34. I love that you hang the stockings on the kitchen chairs. I never thought of that! Partly because we don't have kitchen chairs...we have benches. Still, I think it's a tremendous idea and may hang ours this year on the dining room chairs. If my family will let me. Old habits die hard, or not at all, around here :)

    Merry Christmas Yvonne!

  35. Hello Yvonne!

    Your stockings and their history is wonderful! What treasures they are. I had planned on hanging our stockings on our dining room chairs this year because I have no other place to do so. I am glad to see yours and how nice they look hanging on your chairs.

    I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas!

    ~ Tracy

  36. What a great idea to use the chairs! I love that you used great great great grandmas flour sacks..that's special! I like the lace trim, all of them are great! I am always interesting in seeing crafted items, great idea! Merry Christmas, Liz

  37. Yvonne, those stockings are such a beautiful family treasure. A keepsake that will be past down from generation to generation. Wishing you and your family a very Blessed Christmas.


  38. Love the stockings. I started new stockings last year and have still to make them. Maybe for next year....

  39. Hi Yvonne,
    I really enjoyed this post and the stockings are beautiful!
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.


  40. They are just beautiful and I love the care and sentiment behind them.

    Merry Christmas!

  41. I love the idea of using chairs to hang stockings. How wonderful those stockings have such a beautiful link to the past. You have and are creating more Christmas heirlooms to tie current generations to those of the past. Your family is very fortunate. This was a lovely post. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  42. Yvonne, you are amazing! What special stockings! Wonderful idea to place them on the chairs.

  43. Merry CHRISTMas Yvonne.......when I get to come to your blog.........it makes me just feel so loved and warm. Thank you for all the beautifulness you send our way! Very very nice to come and look around when I can.....now that I am doing this out of the HOME thing it limits me.......that okay.......God is in charge..right?

    Love and hugs from my farm to your beautiful HOME!

  44. Yvonne, Your stockings are wonderful and I especially love the ones made from flour sacks. I wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas.

  45. Yvonne, I have certainly enjoyed my visit with you today. You are so talented and creative. Love those stockings, cookies look amazing, menus, all your gorgeous decorations--better than a magazine!! Hope your Christmas was joyful... Happy New Year!!
