Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Scripture~ November 14, 2010

Synagogue at Caperaum, Sea Of Galilee, Israel

And they went into Capernaum; and immediately on the Sabbath Jesus entered the synagogue and began to teach.  Matt. 1:21


  1. I hope your Sunday is filled with blessings and joy.

  2. Great scripture and picture. One of our dear friends just returned from Israel yesterday. Can't wait to hear about his trip. Be blessed!

  3. This brings to mind our Great Commission in Matthew "to let every man, woman and child hear God's word". We should be spreading the word to glorify God not only on Sunday but everyday.
    Jesus went to teach, we need to follow by example!
    Blessing to you....

  4. Beautiful. Thank you for this Yvonne. Hope you had a wonderful day filled with many blessings.
