Sunday, November 28, 2010

Weekly Menu, November 29 ~ December 5, 2010

I trust everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and weekend. I certainly did! Full of family and eating and fun and eating and shopping (NOT on black Friday) and ... well you get the picture.

I had a productive day putting away all of my fall decorations and trying not to be stressed out by other blogger who have their Christmas decorations up already! Over achievers (but I'm sure they are lovely people)!

It just seems to take me a week or so to get the inside decorated. The outside takes a whole weekend.  I love to think and create. Because I decorate most every room in my house with at least a wreath, decorating is not done in a day or even three. So if I'm still hanging mistletoe the week before Christmas that's okay. I'll try to enjoy other blogs and get inspiration from them... and try not to feel guilty about being poky.

We have eaten so much over the Thanksgiving holiday that I am going lite on food consumption this week, but not on the food itself. I'd rather have a few scrumptious bites than a lot of something just okay.

Have a happy week of delicious food and fun decorating!

StoneGable Mile High Quiche Lorianne
Cream of Mushroom Soup With Madeira Wine
Mixed Greens, Sugar and Spice Pecans, Tangerines and Bleu in an Orange Vinaigrette

Recipe: StoneGable Mile High Quiche Lorianne aka Herbed Quiche Lorianne
This is a must try recipe. I don't make any other quiche now that I found and tweaked this recipe. To see this recipe, click HERE.

Seared Salmon in a Herbed Garlic Butter
Roasted Broccoli
Leak and Potato Tart with Gruyere'

Recipe: Seared Salmon in a Herb Garlic Butter
My friend at Savoring Time In The Kitchen has a BRILLIANT way of cooking Salmon. You must go see!!! I'm sure this will now be my prefered way to cook this delicious fish. Click HERE for a whole new way to keep your kitchen from smelling fishy while cooking a delight of a dinner!

Recipe: Leek and Potato Tart with Gruyere'
This recipe sounds almost heavenly!!! It is from Cooking Light. Click HERE for all the yummy details.

Wednesday ~ Soup Day
Turkey Noodle Soup (from the turkey carcass)
Arugula, Shaved Parmesan, Pine Nut with a Lemon Vinaigrette

Recipe: Turkey Noodle Soup
I am using my turkey carcass to make a delicious turkey noodle soup.  This soup goes FAST! Great for dinner and lunch too.  When turkey/chicken noodle soup is on StoneGable's menu my family is very very happy! Click HERE and look for it on Sunday's menu.

Thursday Slow Cooker Day
Slow Cooker Holiday Beef Brisket
Potato Stuffing
Roasted Root Vegetables

Recipe: Holiday Beef Brisket
Make this the day ahead and it will be an easy and company worthy meal.
1- 3 lb beef brisket
1 pkg. Lipton onion soup mix
1 can cranberry jelly/ or cranberry relish
1 bottle beer

Combine all ingredients and cook on low for 8 hours. Take brisket out of slow cooker and shred. Cool and refrigerate. Refrigerate sauce in a separate container. When totally chilled skim fat from the top of the sauce.
To reheat: Put beef and sauce in a 350 degree oven until warmed through.

Steaks On The Grill
StoneGable Rice-A-Roni
Roasted Cauliflower

Saturday~ Book Club Christmas Dinner
Out To Dinner

StoneGable Artisan Pizza
Apple, Beet and Carrot Salad

Recipe: Artisan Pizza on the Grill
Delicious and easy to make, this pizza is a crowd pleaser. I let everyone make it their way by putting out all the topping and letting each person choose what goes on top of their very own pizza. Click HERE  for recipe and how-to!


Have a delicious week!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sunday Scripture, November 28, 2010

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem saying,
Where is He who has been born KING of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east, and we have come to worship Him.  Matt 2:1-2

I am participating in Spiritual Sundays. Click HERE to visit.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Organic elements and Christmas go together naturally.

And one of my very favorite places to see natural Christmas decorations is Williamsburg.

Williamsburg looks it's most beautiful this time of year. Decked out in Yuletide finery and brimming with good cheer, it is a true study of decorating with naturals.

Greens, fruit, magnolia leaves, dried florals and pods of all varieties are twisted and turned into beautiful wreaths, swags and corners.

Simple designs with vibrant colors make a big show on white backgrounds.

An unusual mix of organics gives a big visual punch. Dried artichokes, red peppers and other greenery make this natural display a winner.

Unexpected elements mixed with greens catch our imaginations and curiosity.

Card sharks must frequent this establishment. Cards folded and fanned adorn this clever and creative wreath. Dried apples formed into rosettes and cotton fluff add more detail.

A cobbler's shop uses salt dough figures of a cat and some mischievous mice to tell a whimsical story on this wreath. A leather shoe that has been commandeered by a little mouse sits on the windowsill to continue the story.

Natural leather signs and balls of cotton twine add to the organic feel.

The mice have gotten into the house... so cute!

This wreath outside historic Chownings Tavern is adorned with small silver beer mugs, wheat tops and hops. It cleverly gives a nod to the libations inside.

Horseshoes, hunt horns and stirrups!

Look at the creative way this equestrian lover combines their love of horses with Christmas decorating. There is so much personality in this natural design! Make sure you take one of the apples to your favorite horse.

Whether humble or majestic, decorating with naturals is a festive and traditional way to decorate for Christmas.

Let the Merry season begin...

I am participating in SEASONAL SUNDAYS with my good friend The Tablescaper. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas over there!

Join us weekly for

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Table and Giveaway Winner

The Winner...

What a wonderful response to the Bethlehem Christmas dinnerware! I am so honored to be able to host this beautiful giveaway! And thanks for all the great comments and encouragement!!!
Stop back next Wednesday night to see how I used my Bethlehem Christmas in a tablescape.

The winner of the StoneGable Christmas Dinnerware Giveaway is...

Tyla from Tire Swings and Fireflies!

 Isn't that a delightful name for a blog!

Congratulations, Tyla! Please e-mail me with your address and phone number and Pat will get your dinnerware right out to you.

Thanksgiving Table 2010

Here at StoneGable we are busily getting ready for Thanksgiving. We usually host the big day. Setting the table is one of my favorite parts of the preparation!!!

The inspiration for this year's table is the large blue and white gardinier in the center of the table. Purchased at an antique shop years ago, it sits on the buffet in the dining room. I wanted to step outside of the fall color box a little by adding blue to my table. Since blue and orange are complimentary colors I hoped it would work for a Thanksgiving table.

We are sitting 13 around the dining room table this year. Finding pretty dishes for my table was a little challenge. I have 18 of my everyday Mikasa Italian Countryside so they will  be used for dinner.

Alternating dishes at the table can be very interesting and fun. It is a great way to make your dishes "stretch" if you don't have enough of one pattern.  

My favorite berry and leaf  chargers look very dramatic against the dark brown woven tablecloth.

Both variations are anchored with a creamy white charger and an Italian Countryside dinner plate. These plates bring uniformity to the table settings.

One stack of dishes uses a blue transferware plate, a creamy white leaf and berry plate and a brown turkey transferware plate to top it off.

The blue transferware plates are my Mother's. We had these when I was a child living in England. They are a true family treasure!

The alternating stack of dishes use a blue and white floral plate, the same leaf and berry plate and a pretty acorn shaped plate.

Napkins are also alternated. Both are a lovely vintage soft off white cotton with detailed corners.  They are caught up in real acorn napkin rings that I made to continue the acorn theme.

Brown ribbed goblets are ready for ice and water. I thought the sun reflecting through the glass and onto the pumpkin was very interesting!

Each guest will easily find their place at this Thanksgiving cards are little embellished frames holding their baby pictures. These frames are also a sentimental take home gift to hang on their Christmas trees using an attached ribbon.

An ecru cotton lace table runner fills in the middle of the table and gives definition to the centerpiece.

The large gardiner is the focal point from which all sorts of bounty flows on either side. Pumpkins, acorns in all shapes and fashions, clove studded fruit, feathers, dried hydrangeas, pumpkin vines and pine cones are casually arranged to fill the large bowl.

Colonial and Oriental inspired blue and white pieces are dotted along the center of the table.

Two  stately pheasants have flown from my mantle to be a part of the table. Each flanking the center urn.

A garland of acorn rests on the lace runner, as do white and orange pumpkins and clove studded clementines.

Burnt orange turned candles in glass cylinders with silver hammered bases are nestled in a handful of glittery acorns.

Tall ornately designed silver candlesticks, a beloved gift from my sister years ago, hold slender orange candles.

Other touches of blue and white are in the salt and pepper shaker and a bowl that will hold cranberry sauce. 

As our family gathers to give thanks to God for all His rich blessings in our lives, I too am thankful.

Thanks you dear blogging buddies, friends, followers and readers! You are one of the blessings I will count this year!

May God bless you!

Happy Thanksgiving!