Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weekly Menu Nov 1~ 7, 2010

Is it really November? This fall is flying by! In just 25 days it will be Thanksgiving. It is amazing how the days go by so quickly! I am now getting organized for a big family Thanksgiving and extended weekend  here at StoneGable.

I'll want to enjoy family, food and lots of fun activities so I need to be super organized and work ahead so I don't miss the memories and fun because I am bogged down in the kitchen!

That is why I am posting a Thanksgiving Countdown

Starting tomorrow until Thanksgiving day, I will post reminders, tips, tidbits and a schedule of all the things to do to pull off a less-stress, memory making Thanksgiving.

I know most of you have wonderful tips, advice, things that work for you, recipes, organizing ideas, fun ideas... so leave me a comment any day until Thanksgiving about Thanksgiving prep and I'll post some of my favorite ideas on upcoming posts! Use my comment box as a forum for great Thanksgiving ideas!!!!  Just join in! Let's help each other!!!!

What's on the menu this week?

Monday: Leftover Day
We are having the leftover Turkey Thighs! They got 2 thumbs up!! I made extra for this week.
Baby Spinach Salad
Pomegranate Glazed Turkey Thighs
Roasted Potatoes  and Carrots with Onions and Garlic

Recipe: Pomegranate Glazed Turkey Thighs
Recipe for this Foodie Friday!

Buternut Squash Ravioli With Panchetta And Sage
Ceaser Salad with Star Croutons

Recipe: Ceaser Salad Dressing
Making your own dressing is soooooooooo much better than anything bottled. It does not take that much time and the taste is light years better! I am known for my Ceaser Salad. Shhhh, don't tell how easy it really is!

Rough chop freshly washed romaine lettuce. Add dressing, freshly grated parmesan cheese and star croutons. Toss and serve immediately.

Click HERE  for Ceasar Dressing and look for the recipe on Tuesday's menu.

Recipe: Star Croutons
These are so much fun and really look wonderful in a salad. Just watch them, they burn quickly!
10 slices day of dense, thin white bread (I use Pepperidge Farm White)
melted butter
garlic salt
tiny star cookie cutter (1 inch)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut crusts off of bread and reserve to make stuffing or breadcrumbs. Cut out stars using cookie cutter. Brush with butter and lightly sprinkle with garlic salt. Bake until golden brown. I don't want to give a time~ watch them! They go quick!!!!

Recipe: Butternut Squash Ravioli With Pancetta And Sage
This recipe speaks to my soul! Oh my! Get this from Dining With Debbie. She host a delicious meme, What's On The Menu Wednesday. An Internet cookbook of yummy dishes!

Eye Roast on Rotisserie
Mashed Potatoes (Make double batch)
Sauteed Spinach with Garlic Oil

Grilled Turkey Sausage With Apples and Sage
Creamy Polenta With Mushrooms
Homemade Applesauce
Recipe: Creamy Polenta With Mushrooms
The pictures will make you want to lick your computer screen! This culinary delight come from All That Splatters. This is one of my real favorites!

Waldorf Salad
Salmon Pinwheels
Homemade Rice A Roni
Green Beans

Recipe: StoneGable Waldorf Salad
3 Granny Smith apples, cored and chopped
3 Bosc pears, cored and chopped
1 cup red and green seedless grapes, halved
3 stalks celery, chopped
1/2 cup roasted walnuts or pecans
1/2 cup pomegranate arils
3 TBS mayonnaise
3 TBS greek yogurt
3 TBS apple juice

Put fruit, celery, nuts and pomegranate arils in a large bowl. In a small bowl mix mayonnaise, yogurt and apple juice. Add dressing to fruit bowl. Gently mix.

Recipe Homemade Rice A Roni:
Who doesn't love Rice A Roni? But what is in it? Being able to make a this kid-of-all-ages favorite using healthy ingredients is a real plus!
3/4 cups rice
1/2 cup angel hair pasta, broken into pieces
1 medium onion, peeled and finely chopped
2 TBS oil
1 TBS butter
2 3/4 cups hot water
2 chicken bullion cubes (or more if you like a real hearty chicken flavor)
2 TBS chopped fresh parsley

Heat oil and butter in a large skillet. Add onion and cook for 5 minutes, until soft and translucent. Add rice and pasta. Cook until slightly browned.

Meanwhile, add bullion to hot water and dissolve. When rice is slightly browned, add water and put a lid on the skillet. Cook until gently simmering. Cook about 20 minutes until the water is absorbed and the rice and pasta are soft. You may need to add a little extra water if it gets too dry. Take off heat and add parsley.

StoneGable Individual Pizza's
Deli Antipasta Salad

Recipe: StoneGable Artisian Grilled Pizza
We use the grill all year long and love these easy and scrumptous pizza. This is such a great dinner to start the weekend! Click HERE to make these great single serve pizzas!

Recipe: Deli Anitpasta Salad
This is fun! Go to your deli counter and build a great antipasta salad! Peruse the grocery isles for any other ingredients that strike your fancy!
Anitpasta Salad suggestions:
marinaded mushrooms
pickled eggs
fresh mozzarella balls
artichoke hearts
provolone cheese
marinaded pickled veggies
sliced fresh melon
sliced fresh pears
grape tomatoes

Homemade Tortilla Chips and Salsa
Game Day Chili
Corn Bread

Recipe: Homemade Tortilla Chips
These are so much better than the ones in the bag!!!! Give them a try and you will LOVE them!

Heat 1 inch oil in a large skillet. Stack 4- 10" flour tortillas and cut in half. Cut each half into thirds until you have 6 equal wedges per tortilla. Stack 4 more tortilla and do the same. When oil reaches 360 degrees add chips in a single layer, do not crowd. Cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Remove with a spider or slotted spoon to a rimmed sheet pan lined with paper towels. Salt. Cook in batches.

Recipe: Game Day Chili
 Football and Chili, a perfect combination! We are huge fans of both. If you love Sunday football and food this is a recipe to try.  This delicious sounding recipe come by way of the Green Bay Fan's at Calm Energy. Maria is one of my great blog buddies! She is delightful, as is her blog!

GO E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES!  We love all football fans! (Go Penn State, too).

I am joining Maryann at Domestically Speaking for a Countdown To Thanksgiving Party. Go visit to start getting your ideas for Thanksgiving!


  1. Hi Yvonne!
    Oh are you making your own homemade butternut squash ravioli!?!
    I have only had those already prepared and they are delicious!
    I had my stove and oven on all day today... In fact we roasted two garden fresh butternut squash... I'll have to keep my eyes open if you post more about the ravioli!

    I'll give three Cheers from the Green Bay House to Eagles house ~ wishing you happy cookin' and bakin' this week and fun watching all the games!

    Let me know if you come up with a new twist on the chili recipe! We're always thinking of what else we can add.
    Blessings always * Maria

  2. Good Morning! First let me say, "We are, Penn State!". Okay, now that I've gotten that off my chest...

    Hello my dear. I have a confession to make. I LOVE Rice a Roni. I have a serious weakness for the stuff. Love, love, love. I never dreamed of making it from scratch, but I'll have to now that I see your recipe. The homemade caesar dressing too - it's one of my favorites.

    Mmmm, the butternut squash with sage is making my tummy rumble. I'm so into sage lately. I have an amazing pork chop with sage recipe to share soon, but I have to get a better photo of it first (which means I have to make it again, but I'm not complaining about that!).

    Oh how I love your attention to detail. I would just cube croutons, but no, you cut them into cute little stars. Adorable.


  3. Sounds like another yummy week at StoneGable! I just made chili yesterday, we enjoyed it! I'm looking forward to your Thanksgiving tips-Go birds:@)

  4. So what was address again? And should I arrive early to help with prep work. lol
    It all sounds so good. I'm sure your guests will be delighted.

  5. sounds yummy. I think I'll try the butternut squash ravioli. Carla

  6. I can NOT find butternut squash ravioli!!!! We are EAGLES fans too and try to do chili on game days too! I love the idea of using the comments for a Thanksgiving forum! Great idea! I will e-mail you. Heading up there tomorrow!!! XO, Pinky

  7. WOW, everything on your menu sounds soooooo delicious!!!! I want to come to dinner at YOUR HOUSE! LOL

  8. You are a gourmet chef! Your menu sounds beautiful! I am so excited about your Thankgiving countdown!

    I only recently and thankfully came upon your darling blog and I fell in love with your white berry and leaf plates. I had visited a Home Goods in Dallas, TX a couple of weeks ago but they didn't have any. I searched the internet to no avail and basically felt I would have to just admire yours from afar! I went to our local Paul Michael and Company last week to kill some time and low and behold, there they were. Tons of them. As many as I could ever wish for! I grabbed a bunch and came straight home to my computer to make sure they were the same and yes they were! Now I am on the look out for companion pieces and I believe you are going to be 100% responsible for turning me into a plate lover. No other blog has ever done that! Thanks for your inspiration!

  9. I can feel that low level of anxiety building in my body, and I know it's time to sit down, plan and get organized. I will definitely be joining you and Maryann for the countdown to Thanksgiving. Dana

  10. Made and froze my Thanksgiving piecrusts today! I've been using Martha Stewart's (and your) recipe for years and have enjoyed great success with it. Let the countdown begin!!

  11. Yvonne~ love the recipe ideas; I am gearing up for a super busy week with family in town later in the week at the same time having 5 show events and misc meetings. What fun! I have not even started to think of Thanksgiving yet, but guess I'd better start...have a lovely week~

  12. It IS great to meet you!

    Thanks for commenting on my Blog. It means much to me.

  13. Everything over here is yummy!Thank you for sharing. Anne

  14. I love your countdown to Thanksgiving and Yum...Butternut squash ravioli. I always leave here inspired and hungry!!

  15. Your menus always sound so delicious. That butternut ravioli and grilled pizza sound mighty tasty. I really wish that I love to cook, I'm just not good at it at all.

  16. Yvonne everything sounds so yummy especially the butternut squash ravioli!

    Come and see my latest find,... I would love your thoughts!

    Art by Karena

  17. Bonjour Yvonne,
    The butternut squash ravioli sounds so good. I want to try this. Thanksgiving is not celebrated in France obviously, but we still do a special dinner with all the fixins!
    Your countdown to Thanksgiving is a great idea.
    Have a good day,

  18. I'm thrilled to hear you're going to post your count-down to Thanksgiving tips, Yvonne! What a great way to share thoughts & ideas & time saving tips. :D

    I can't wait to try your homemade Rice A Roni. Who knew it was tiny bits of angel hair pasta in there??? I'll be glad to be able to control the salt content by making it from scratch. That's a big issue around here with DH's ♥ issues.

    Thank you so much for all the wonderful "giving" of yourself. My home is a brighter, prettier place & the meals are much better, too, because of YOU!


  19. p.s. I forgot to say I use anchovy paste in my homemade Ceasar ? Caesar? (blogger wants me to spell it differently?? which is correct?) dressing. It keeps in the fridge for a long, long time, unlike an open tin. Tastes just the same to me.

    Also, Red Lobster will sell you a pint of their delicious Ceasar salad dressing for $3.00 if you're in a pinch. It is WONDERFUL, too!!

  20. Yummy! The Pomegranate Glazed Turkey Thighs sound heavenly. Thank you again for these wonderful menu ideas!


  21. With your help, Yvonne, I may actually be organized this Thanksgiving. I work nonstop right up until the day so need all the help I can get. Your Thanksgiving countdown is a fantastic idea. I know my family will thank you.

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