Sunday, October 10, 2010

StoneGable Weekly Menu

The house was full of family and birthday fun this past weekend! It is hard to get back to normal and have StoneGable be quiet again. But the soft warm memories of fun and laughter will fill that void for a little while.

Each day this week I am making recipes from other blogs and places on the Internet. I consistently find great recipes and delicious dishes that I just must try!

I usually try one or two things from the Internet each week. I love perusing all the great sites, learning about food and preparation techniques. The food photography is so exceptional! I consider the Internet my own personal recipe box!

Please join me and try some of these distinctive recipes that have caught my eye this week.

Coffee Infused Short Ribs
Cheesy Polenta
Sauteed Spinach in Garlic Oil

Recipe: Coffee Infused Short Ribs
My wonderful dear friend and cook extraordinaire, Mrs. P at Faithfulness Farm, posted these fabulous short ribs and I knew they would have to show up on my menu!!!!! ?S\hort ribs are such a fall/winter comfort food! And these sound just divine! Click here for this lick-your-plate recipe!!!

Fresh Tomatoes
Salmon Pinwheels
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Kale Chips

Recipe: Kale Chips
Doesn't this sound divine? A crunchy side dish of yummy greens? Find this delicious recipe at From A Writer's Kitchen. This is a culinary delight of a blog! If you like to cook, you will LOVE this site.

Wednesday: Soup Day I
Cheddar Corn Chowder
Bacon and Herb Beer Bread

Recipe: Cheddar Corn Chowder
Kendra, at Haden News made this wonderful soup from Ina Garten. We are huge soup lovers here and this will be delicious on a fall evening. Kendra's blog is delightful... just like her

StoneGable Penne With Five Cheeses
Ceaser Salad

Recipe: StoneGable Penne With Five Cheeses
I use Ina Garten, The Barefoot Contessa's recipe and tweak it a bit! I think she makes consistently fabulous food! So I use this yummy recipe as a base and add 1/2 cup homemade pesto and cooked diced chicken (here's where a rotisserie chicken comes in handy!) to the recipe. And the Penne is served in individual portions! I have a thing for individual servings!

Recipe: Ceaser Salad
This is a StoneGable staple! Please make your own dressing... it is sooooo much better!!!!Ceaser Salad (look on Tuesday's menu) is an every week event! I make the dressing in bulk and freeze it in ice cube trays, pop the frozen dressing out and keep it in a large plastic container in my freezer. Then when I want a salad I just take out a couple of cubes, defrost them and dress a romaine salad sprinkled with parmesan cheese.

Friday: Soup Day II
Butternut Squash Soup With Herb Croutons

Recipe: Butternut Squash Soup
Autumn and a bowl! This is the best sounding soup from my very dear cooking friend at Butter Yum! This is a wonderful way to have a bowl full of good-for-you! If you have not been to Butter Yum, please go. It is one of the best on the Internet! Butter Yum is a delight for the eyes.. as well as the tummy!

Saturday: Family Dinner
Salmon And Leek Pie
Baby Greens, Pears, Bleu and Candied Pecans With Poppyseed Dressing

Recipe: Salmon And Leek Pie
This is a dinner right after my own heart! It sounds like the ultimate lick-you-plate dinner! And Patti at Bramasole, Yearn For The Sun is a dynamo! She and her teenage daughter, Alli (SO adorable!) write this blog together. I feel like a member of the family when I visit!

Sunday: Company's Coming
Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole
Apple, Beet and Carrot Salad

Recipe: Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole
Doesn't that sound fabulous! And wait till you see the pictures... this casserole is in a bread bowl! Carb heaven!!!! Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole come to you from Kendra at Haden News. She also provided Wednesday's dinner.  This is going to be a keeper!

Thanks to all the wonderful cooks whose recipes I use each week to bring new and mouthwatering food to my table! Cooking is never boring because I have the BEST recipes from the most warm and yummy blogs!


  1. oooh! What a scrumptious week! Thanks so much for sharing these.
    Have a great week and enjoy!

  2. Everything sounds so delicious!

  3. Hi Yvonne! Yummy! Everything sounds delicious. Can I just come over and eat at your house this week? :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Wonderful recipes this week, Yvonne. You take all the work out of menu planning, so welcome when I have a busy week ahead. The only problem is I don't know what to choose first.

  5. I always love it when you visit my blog because yours is one of my favorites! Just a little word of warning about the candlesticks....when I was boxing them up for Shannon to take home, one of them popped off the base. I just took off the old glue (peeled right off) and glued it back on again. I thought they turned out so pretty and we're anxious to fill them with fall goodies! Let me know when you get yours made and decorated...I know they will be beautiful.


  6. Looks like we're eating good this week...thanks for the suggestions.

  7. Such a delicious week! Wish I was invited! lol...

  8. Your menu looks delicious, Auntie Yvonne!!! I already took a gander at the Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole...bookmarking that for later!

  9. Good grief...this menu looks incredible! You must be an awesome cook to even try these recipes. I am such a plain country kind of cook. Pintos and cornbread kind of girl...I would love to eat from your menu, though.

  10. I came to read my Sunday scripture and stopped to read your menu for the week! My mouth is watering at 11 pm! I WISH I had such a passion for cooking really good food...I love to eat, but not so much the cooking part! Maybe when the kids get older! I will try the soups!

  11. Oh my goodness, all of these sound SO yummy, especially the soups. We are big soup lovers too especially in the Fall! We had home made black bean soup tonight with a delicious loaf of wonderful bakery bread! YUM! I will be visiting the blogs you mentioned to see all the deliciousness:):) XO, Pinky

  12. Hi Yvonne, I wish I was as organized as you!!! Sometimes I don't have any idea what we will be having for dinner until I get home and open the frig!! Have a great week. Bon Appetit!

  13. Yvonne: You are such a good blogging friend to share all these recipes from fellow bloggers. I'd like to come and thank you personally--how's Thursday? Or Friday?Well, most any day this week look delicious. And I'll do the dishes!!


  14. I wish I could eat with you this week!

  15. If you ever open a B&B, with dinner included, I'm there :) I love your menus.

  16. Yvonne, I keep saying I'll plan my menus, but it never seems to happen! Thanks so much for the kind words. Surgery tomorrow- I'll be back! :)
    xoxo Pattie

  17. Just set another place for me Yvonne...Love eating this time of year.
    Comfort food.

    Enjoyed all your fall decor, topiaries are fab.
    I'm a huge fan of the white pumpkins...
    Have a great week,
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  18. I wish I had my act together enough to plan a whole week's worth of meals in advance. I've done it here and there, but I've never been able to keep it up long term.

    Just out of curiosity, how many people do you feed every night?


  19. Yvonne, Once again, your blog is
    simply amazing...the pictures, the
    recipes! I always love stopping by
    and I learn so much! Thank you
    for taking the time to post so many
    lovely pictures!

    Flora Doora

  20. Love it all--it's a delight popping into your site each day.

  21. The menu looks amazing this week! I'm trying to follow along!


  22. Yvonne...enjoy the short ribs. IF you ever make it to Nebraksa, you've a standing invitation to supper :)


  23. I hope you are ready to set a French inspired table. You won the basket. Please email me your mailing address.


  24. Yvonne I wish I were as organized and all as you!! I remember when the boys were small I always would schedule meals and menus especially because of grocery specials etc. Now with it being just the 2 of us it just isn't as exciting cooking! I was just thinking the other day that I need to get out my recipes and spice the menu up some instead of the same old same old!

    The Chedder Corn Chowder sounds yummy but I wasn't having success with the link.

    bee blessed

  25. Hi Yvonne!
    Oh I agree with you about the recipes on the internet!
    The food photography IS great!

    I discovered the King Arthur Flour blog and I'm finding great baking ideas there!

    Foodie Friday is such a resource!

    Thank YOU for being here too! What a treasure you are to us all ♥

    Happy Columbus Day ~ Happy new week too!
    blessings always,

  26. Your menus sound out of this world! It's well planned too. I use to plan my menus years ago. It makes it exciting! The short ribs. the spinach and ceaser salad sound really yummy.I heard about the kale chips! It's something I sure would try.

    I am so happy to hear that you had a house full this past weekend. The warmth of family is what you need sometimes. Quiet is also welcoming after wards:)

  27. Hi Yvonne! Thank you for the beautiful scripture in my comments! I'm adding that to my post! I used for my search of sweet scriptures about trees, strength and beauty.
    I spent a while reading there...
    and saw the beautiful one from Psalms too ~

  28. The menu looks Fantastic, Yvonne; stopped by to congratulate you too on winning the lovely basket on Laura's Decor to Adore giveaway for Metis; I brought the basket home with me this last trip and it is a really lovely one; you will certainly use it. all best~ Andrea

  29. It all sounds delicious. The soups really sound yummy. I'm sticking to roasted chicken and cottage cheese for a couple of weeks...I have a few pounds to get rid of. It is so hard to do with all the wonderful recipes in Blogland!

  30. Yvonne -- leave it to you -- you even have some gorgeous gourds growing in your compost bin! You are quite the lady! Joni

  31. Yvonne -- leave it to you -- you even have some gorgeous gourds growing in your compost bin! You are quite the lady! Joni

  32. Yvonne -- leave it to you -- you even have some gorgeous gourds growing in your compost bin! You are quite the lady! Joni

  33. Sending a sweet hello from Frog Hollow Farm! Another fantastic, seasonal menu. Thank you!
    Ciao Bella!

  34. What time shall I be at your house for dinner every day?
    Love your blog, I found you through Three Pixie Lane, I have you in my follow list but my list is so long I sometimes forget to go look!
    I just copied the recipe for Granola and Pumpkin Pie Smoothie! Yummo!
    Thanks, Terry
