Thursday, October 28, 2010

StoneGable Loaded Baked Potato Soup

We are soup people here at StoneGable! 

What's more delicious than a cozy bowl of yummy hot soup on a blustery fall day? Not much ... especially if it is this delicious Loaded Baked Potato Soup.

It's sure to be a family favorite!

10 baking potatoes
2/3 cup butter
3 ribs celery, diced
2/3 cup grated carrots
8 green onions, sliced (use green parts too)
1 cup flour
12 cups milk
2 lbs thick sliced bacon, cooked and crumbled
3-4 cups extra sharp cheddar cheese (I use 4)
16 oz. plain greek yogurt
freshly grated nutmeg, a couple of good grates~ dash
6 hard boiled eggs, cooled, peeled and chopped in medium pieces

Bake potatoes. Cool, peel and cut into medium size chunks.

In a large stock pot over medium heat, melt butter. Add celery and carrots and saute until softened, about 5 minutes. Add green onions and cook until soft, about 3 minutes.

Add 1 cup of flour and stir. Cook and stir for 4 minutes. Add milk and whisk. Cook, stirring occasionally until it bubbles. Watch the pot so you do not scorch the milk. Add potatoes and bacon. Simmer for 10 minutes.

Add cheese, greek yogurt, salt, pepper and nutmeg. When cheese melts and greek yogurt is incorporated add hard boiled eggs.  If the soup is too thick more milk can be added. We love it thick!!!!!

Garnish and serve.

Sprinkle the following over soup:
crumbled bacon
chopped hard boiled eggs
chives and puffed pastry crouton leaves

For recipe and how-to's for Puffed Pastry Leaves click HERE.

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  1. YUMM-O Yvonne!! I think potato soups are always my favorite :)


    P.S. Great giveaway...lucky girl :)

  2. Yvonne, Congrats on winning this fantastic basket of goodies. I won the six French damask napkins from Laura in the same giveaway.

    The soup sounds fabulous! I have made several of the recipes you have posted and they have all been excellent. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Yvonne -- what a fun giveaway! I do make a potato soup quite often but it is not loaded. This soup is so yummy looking! Joni

  4. yummy looking soup and what a fun prize!

  5. Yum! This looks delicious, Auntie Yvonne! :) I have never thought to put Greek Yogurt in the soup before, but I'm sure that must give it a creamy texture. I think I'll try this soon!

  6. We love SOUP, we love POTATO soup so this will definitely find it's way to our table!!! I am salivating right now and with COOL weather on the horizon I better get to the store:) Thank you so much!!! XO, Pinky

  7. I love your loaded potato soup recipe, Yvonne! There are so many goodies in this soup I know my hubby would LOVE it!

  8. I love how thick you made your soup. It looks so lucious and would go with the snow we had yesterday! I always crave soups in cold weather and it is here. I would love a bowl to sit down to right now.

  9. Never heard of hard boiled eggs in soup before, this is really different! Beautiful pics Yvonne:@)

  10. I'm addicted to potato soup. Can't wait to try yours.

  11. Oh my it is my bedtime, and I should have known better than to come here to your recipes. I love potatoes any way ya fix them, but your soup sounds wonderful. Oooh how I wish I had a bowl of that.

  12. Congratulations on your wonderful giveaway Yvonne. If anyone deserves such a nice gift, it is you. As for the soup, I think YUM says it all. We will be enjoying this recipe very soon.


  13. This sounds so perfect to me, I love the flavor of baked potatoes and this blend is marvelous! Thanks for sharing a great dish for this cold weather! Come say hi :D

  14. Yummo Yvonne, I love thick soups, I'm going to the market tomorrow! Can't wait to try it! Hugs, Marilou

  15. Congratulations! What a great gift!!!! The soup looks yummy. Will have to try it. I always love your recipes. Mona

  16. Oh Yippee!!!!!! I've been waiting on this one! It sounded so good and now I know why!! Can you come live with me????????? :0)

  17. Hi Yvonne, I've just become your latest follower. Your soup looks delicious, and is so elegantly presented. Those puff pastry leaves are truly inspired. I've made leaf-shaped croutons for soup at Thanksgiving, but I like this idea so much better. And to think just yesterday I was at Williams-Sonoma, saw these little cutters, and passed them by. Well, I'm going to have to go back!

  18. COngratulations Yvonne, Laura and Andrea are doing a fabulous job with Metis Linens.
    The potato soups looks wonderful, my mouth is watering. And those puff croutons again! Only you can make two rows of potatoes looks beautiful!
    Have a good day,

  19. Lucky you, winning that fabulous basket of goodies! Your potato soup looks super delish - will have to try that recipe soon.

    I wanted to tell you that I made your recipe for Pumpkin Bread Pudding and took it to work as it was my turn to bring something for coffee break. I served it in my new leaf bowls (similar to yours) with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle and a toasted pecan on top. It was a BIG HIT! Two of the fellows there had second helpings! Keep up the great recipe ideas and pics!

  20. I've had baked potato soup before but it was nothing like YOURS!! A feast for the eyes & the tummy! I'll be sure to try it when I have friends & family to share it with. Thanks for both the link to Maryann's as well as your gussied-up version.

    To answer your question...yes, those witch shoes WERE mine, but as soon as DGD, Ms. C. spotted them, she fell in love & they now reside at her house. LOL

    Have a wonderful holiday weekend. I'm off to watch the grandkidlets parade around their school in their costumes this morning. So fun!

  21. I love potatoe soup! This recipe sounds devine. I just added it to my own file I am keeping on Word of all the wonderful blogging friends recipes! Yummo! Thanks for sharing it!

  22. Mmmm...nothing better than potato soup! You really scored with that giveaway. Love the monogrammed sheet.

  23. Yvonne- This soup sounds absolutely wonderful! We all love potato soup and this is one recipe I WILL try~ thank you for sharing it with all of us--Diana

  24. Yvonne,
    I love homemade potato soup! With our diet, this may be just 'the fix' I can enjoy. Instead of heavy cream you used yougart. Sounds perfect! I enjoy the thicker soups and put vegetables in everywhere I can. It's much cooler on the prairies and this comes in the fullness of time of the Season!Thank you for an all inspiring post!

  25. I've never met a SG soup I didn't love. I'll give this one a try this weekend. The weather here has gone from cool to cold so potato soup will hit the spot after football this weekend.

  26. Love all your posts and gorgeous table settings. I recently purchased Mikasa Italian Countryside after seeing it on your beautiful blog and others. I tried several of your recipes and look forward to the new soup....I will have to buy the Greek yogurt since I am a Greek American.Thank you for most gracious and elegant are so talented. My birthday is October the fifth so I have been enjoying your fall birthday posts. Emelia

  27. Oh, my...does that soup look yummy!

    Congratulations on winning the giveaway, fun!

  28. I am fighting a cold and this soup sounds SO good! I will try it soon.

    Thank you so very much for the kind mention.

    Happy Halloween!

  29. Yvonne~ the soup looks amazing and I hope to try it out this weekend as it will rain here tomorrow. Glad you love the basket of goodies; intrested to know what you will use the basket Have a great weekend~

  30. Congrats on your win, Yvonne. It's Manifique!

    My son recently had "loaded baked potato soup" at a local restaurant and he really enjoyed it, so I'm happy you posted your recipe. I can't wait to give it a try (it's going into my StoneGable file :) ).


  31. Well you know that I love soup and this looks perfect for this time of year!

    What a wonderful prize you fun, congratulations!

  32. This soup looks amazing. I love potato soup!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Becky K.

  33. This soup not only sounds yummy but your presentation is beautiful. What a great recipe that I would love to try soon. Thanks for the inspiration.

  34. I just love coming over to your blog, it is a very peaceful time for me. All your beautiful tablescape's.
    Your Potato Soup looks wonderful, as a matter of fact I would love a bowl right now. Thanks for stopping by The Cottage to have Butternut Custard with me.
    Miz Helen

  35. OHHH-I made this yummy soup last night for my family-it was a hit and very delish!! Thanks for the great idea!

  36. Yvonne, do you use whole milk in this recipe, thanks?

    1. I use whole milk, but I don't really think it matters! HOpe this helps!

  37. This looks so good. My two favorite soups are corn chowder in the summer and potato soup -ANYTIME. I can't wait to try it-would love to be sitting in your beautiful kitchen having a bowl . :) Kathy

  38. I love loaded baked potatoes so I'm sure I'd love this soup! I made our first soup of the season of our favorites...Chicken Tortilla Soup which I shared recently on my blog. You can't mess it turns out perfect every time. Another soup we love is what I call Hamburger Soup...made that too! I'll be sharing that recipe soon as well.

    Your presentation is always!
