Saturday, September 4, 2010

Making Vanilla

Vanilla! Just the word conjures up delicious thoughts. Can you almost smell it? Me too! And cooking with vanilla produces heavenly culinary results... and the added bonus of a house that that smells good enough to eat!

Good vanilla is quite expensive and  imitation vanilla quite unacceptable! I've always had a notion to make my own vanilla and recently I found this Vanilla Infusion Kit at HomeGoods.

The process is so easy and the results will prove to be so incredibly fabulous! I want to share how to make your own Vanilla Infusion Kit and have a 7 year supply of delicious, beautiful vanilla!

StoneGable Vanilla Infusion Kit
jar with lid that hold approximately 1 1/2 cups
3 large vanilla beans (they are really pods)
good quality vodka

Wash jar with hot sudsy water and rinse well.
Split vanilla bean lengthwise with a sharp knife.

Put beans in the clean jar.

Fill jar with vodka. Can you see those darling flavorful seeds!

Store for 4-6 months. Now your vanilla, that you made, is ready to use!

 Replace the vanilla, as you use it, with vodka.

It should last for 7 years!!!!

Now that's a bargain!

I am joining Beverly at How Sweet The Sound For PINK SATURDAY.


  1. wow i had no idea maybe i should be adding vanilla to everything!!

  2. Question??? After 4-6 months it is ready to use?

  3. Well, I'm wodnering if it can possibly be as good as my Mexican vanilla. I don't drink but I'm thinking I will ahve to go buy a bottle of Vodka...(any special brand?-lol) No wonder people that have a "problem" resort to drinking vanilla! Thanks for the instructions! Diana

  4. Where in the world do you buy vanilla beans? I have never seen them at my grocery store. Do you order them online? A specialty food store?

    This definitely sounds easy, and I'm with you, vanilla is such a heavenly taste and fragrance...but getting those vanilla beans might be a hard part.

    Have a lovely weekend,

  5. That is a bargain Yvonne. Good vanilla is so expensive and this looks like the best! Thanks for your "how to." I've purchased Spice Island vanilla beans in my local market and have a great bottle that will work like yours. Enjoy the long weekend.

  6. I love anything's my favorite!

    Thank you for sharing this Yvonne!


  7. Looks like a fun project, lovin' your custom label! Happy Labor Day weekend:@)

  8. My aunt made me one of these and it is so beautiful that I haven't used it! I need to. Vanilla is one of those wonderful essences. These would make beautiful gifts (even if the recipient just sits it on the counter because it is so beautiful.)

    I got the ingredients to make the mozzarella last week but haven't gotten around to it. I can't wait. Maybe today if I get an extra few minutes.

    Thanks Yvonne, for all of your fun ideas and inspiration!

  9. ooh fun! great idea, I have never bought a vanilla bean, never seen one....but haven't looked to hard either, I am afraid of what they will cost!

  10. Hi Yvonne! I hadn't thought of making vanilla in YEARS. It takes me back to probably 35 yrs. ago when I remember my mother making it. My daughter recently brought me some vanilla beans from Trader Joes. I should think about making vanilla!

  11. I have thought about making my own vanilla before but I didn't know you could buy a kit. Thanks for the information. I've enjoyed my visit to your blog today. Your photography is just beautiful. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  12. Who doesn't love vanilla-I always want more!

  13. amazing! I don't bake but looove vanilla & this is such a great deal!

  14. I had no idea it would be so easy. I'll have to give it a try.

    Thanks for your inspiring post. They always are.

    - The Tablescaper

  15. Yvonne, I love the label of Stone Gable you applied to the bottle.

    I made this for friends many years ago for Christmas handouts for a party I hosted. I purchased my vanilla beans from Penzeys, their pricing is pretty reasonable.

  16. That is a bargain...what a good thing to do..I can just smell it now! :D

  17. Thanks for sharing the information. My elderly neighbor bakes a lot and she makes her own vanilla, but I have never tried it myself.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  18. Lovely! There's always a bottle of homemade vanilla in my cupboard. No nipping for us. It's saved for delicious desserts and there's always extra for gifting.

    Have a delicious holiday.


  19. Can't wait to try this!!!! Thanks...hope you are having a great weekend.

  20. Oh Yvonne,

    There is NOTHING in this world like home made vanilla extract. It makes a world of difference when cooking.

    These are just lovely. Have a great weekend.

    xo Cathy

  21. Hi Yvonne, you always post about the most wonderful things! This vanilla recipe is so different, I never thought of making my own vanilla. I wanted to let you know that I used your wreath tutorial to make two wreaths for Frog Hollow Farm. I'll try to get some photos posted before we leave for Vermont. Hope all is well.
    Ciao, bella!

  22. Yvonne, I love this project! This would make an excellent hostess gift , wouldn't it? Just perfect.

  23. Hi Yvonne~ ~ ~I have been wanting to do this for so long now. I guess if I must leave it ripen for 4-6 months I had better get a bottle going. I have been using Shanks, our wonderful local brand, for many years and just love it.

    Your sunflower and Bee post is beautiful as always! Went to Shupps Grove antiquing today and didn't buy a thing! How sad. Not to many stands opened today. What's with that?

    Enjoy your weekend.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  24. Vanilla Beans at the local Whole Foods are about $7.00 for one pod.. so three pods in the bottle and a little bottle of vodka.. with the price of pure vanilla, this is a great price for 7 years worth! And I'll have to remember not to drink it..haha
    Thank you for posting this because I love to bake and use a lot of vanilla! I even use it in my pancakes or french toast..First bottle of this wonderful recipe will be made tomorrow!

  25. I just bookmarked this page. I am absolutely going to try this! :)
    Any suggestions on where to buy vanilla beans?

  26. So, if you keep refilling with vodka, how long until it's too diluted? I go through vanilla so fast, I don't think mine would last me 7 years. :-)

  27. Oh my goodness. I loved that I learned something new today in stopping by your post. I never would have thought of making my own vanilla. Do you know how expensive it would normally be to buy it. I think I should try this.How fun.

  28. What a wonderful idea!!! THIS I can do! This would make a wonderful gift too! Thanks for the info!

  29. Oh my goodness. Your photos are so pretty! I have never heard of this before. Thanks for the share!

  30. Oh thanks for posting I know what to give out for sweet little christmas gifts this year! ps I knew there was a reason I put a shot of vanilla in my coffee every morn : ) ~Stacey

  31. Yvonne, my dear, there is not way that vanilla would last for 7 years in this house!


    PS - I love your StoneGable Vanilla labeled bottle.

  32. I just stumbled upon your blog and am in love! I will return again soon, and am looking forward to trying the winter wreath and vanilla ideas. Thank you! What a warm and comforting place to discover! Best wishes,

  33. This looks easy in making and hoping to make my own vanilla. Thanks for sharing the ingredients.
