Thursday, August 19, 2010

WOW Factor Dessert, Cutie Pies!

Elegant and Easy Individual Fruit Pies

These beautiful little fruit pies are the newest addition to StoneGable's WOW Factor Desserts! To be dubbed a StoneGable WOW Factor Dessert a sweet treat must meet some rigorous standards!

First, it must be EASY! No big production.
Next, it must be DELICIOUS!  It must be a dessert that will be the sweetest memory when it is done.
And it must be BEAUTIFUL! It must look as good as it tastes.
Finally, you must be PROUD (in a good way) to serve it!

Wait till you see how easy and fabulous this dessert is!! The secret to this WFD (WOW Factor Dessert) is a little gadget I picked up at Wm-Sonoma.

I made a special trip to WS to get this little contraption! It makes individual pies. For only $20.00, it is worth it's weight in.... compliments you will get!

Using it you will get ...

I know... WOW!

StoneGable Individual Blueberry Raspberry Pies
recipe makes 4 cute pies

store bought pie dough (for this one I used store bought~ remember EASY)
2-3 cups fresh blueberries
1/2 cup good raspberry jam
1 1/2 tsps corn starch
egg wash
sanding sugar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a small bowl mix jam and cornstarch together. Add blueberries and set aside. See EASY!
Remove dough from packaging, and place 1 round of dough on a work surface. Gently roll to flatten edges, but do not roll any thinner.

Using the blank side of the pie maker, press into the dough and to cut 4 pie bottoms.

Flip pie maker to the lattice side and cut out 4 pie tops from the second piece of dough.

Open the maker... isn't it adorable?

Put pie bottom in the well of the pie maker and make sure the edges match up. Fill with blueberry/raspberry filling.

Wet the edge of the pie with a little water... just use your finger. Top with the lattice dough. Line up all edges.

Flip the top over onto the pie and press.

Oh, cutie pie!!!!

Put pies on a parchment lined baking sheet. Make an egg wash by scrambling one egg and a TBS of water, and brush it over the pies. Sprinkle with sanding sugar.

Bake until golden, about 25 minutes. Cool.


Easy, Delicious, Beautiful and I love serving them!!! Wow Factor!

My mind is thinking of so much I can do with my fun pie maker. Fruit pies, savory pies, sandwiches, stromboli... you'll see more of this little gadget!

These pies were made for a photo shoot and picnic article I did for Belle Inspiration, a beautiful new e-magazine. To see a gorgeous preview of Belle Inspiration and subscribe click HERE. I am so tickled to be a part of their premier issue!!!!! You are going to LOVE it!

Remember StoneGable is on facebook. Become a facebook friend to get extral tips, recipes and insights from StoneGable. Click on the StoneGable icon on my sidebar! Let's be friends!!!!!

I am participating in Foodie Friday at Designs By Gollum. I get so many great recipes from Michael Lee's weekly meme! Click HERE for a foodie delight!


  1. Oh Yvonne...sigh...thanks to you, I guess I am going to have to start saving up my $$$ for that cute little gadget because that pie looks - well - WOW!!!

    Blueberry is my fave and this looks delicious! Thanks for sharing!

    Ramona :-)

  2. That is magic...and about all the pie crust one needs too...they looks YUMMY! I wish I had one of these gadgets...very cool. ;D

  3. Positively precious!! Totally a WOW from me Yvonne!! Have I told you HOW much I LOVE pie :)


  4. What a fun little gadget-so cute! I'm sure you'll get a lot of use out of it and these pies look fantastic-enjoy!

  5. Oh mercy. I am going to have to find a WS near me and go get one of those gadgets!!! I can't wait to see what else you with it. ANY wow factor recipe sounds good to me....I am INTO easy:):):) XO, PInky

  6. dang cute gadget...i have my grandma's little pie pans gosh have no idea how many, lots i know that. this gadget be perfect for them.

  7. Oh my I need to try this. They look so wonderful! WOW! Thank you so much for the tip!

  8. Where in the world did you find such a cute little pie press? I want, I want!


  9. Yvonne! You have done it again! You made me drool into my keyboard and now it is all gummed up! Wow! Are those some Cutie Pies, or what? I LOVE that little kitchen accessory! I can't tell you how many OTHER little kitchen accessories I have that have not seen the light of day (because they are in the back of a dark, dark drawer) in months. But this one? Well... I think I am gonna have to pony up and buy one of these babies! my grandkids are gonna have with this! Hope I can get one on-line. Diana

  10. I want one too! Let me know where you got it, okay? Have a blessed week! Sandi

  11. These are adorable!! I am going this weekend to WS!!

  12. I love fruit pies even more than chocolate and those look scrumptious! Did you say where you got the molds? I'll have to look back over it. WOW!

  13. I don't know Yvonne, I have so many gadgets I don't use. But that one does look like fun.

    - The Tablescaper

  14. Those are the cutest little pies...I am betting they are delicious, too!

  15. Leave it to you, Yvonne, to find the BEST DESSERT IDEAS EVER!!! Tomorrow thousands of us will be running out to find this amazing little pie maker. I can never pass up a fantastic little gadget like this. Thanks to you my family thinks I'm brilliant.

  16. I don't know if it looks yummier than it is cute or cuter than it is yummy. I've definitely put one of those thingamajigs on my wish list!

  17. yummy shots- i love my pocket pie makers from WS- have the lattice and the apple ones. They are too cute!!!!

  18. Mmmm, those look SO good and so easy! I MUST get one of those, I'm already envisioning all the little pies I'm going to make for my Christmas Goodie plates for the neighbors!

  19. Too bad you won't receive a % of the sales on these babies from WS! You're pies look so perfect from everything to back to school lunches to posh buffet tables. Love it!

  20. Definately going to add to my recipes. My son loves anything 'blueberry'!
    Have a blessed weekend

  21. Everything you do is exquisite! Look at these berry mouth is watering! I think a trip to WS is in order. My son would absolutely love these (me too!)

  22. Oh now WS is on my list for the weekend! Way fun to use and you make it look easy. It was easy!

  23. These are truly precious!!!

    I think I am about to come up for air from the crush of this week...I would love to try to do coffee next week if you have time!

    Becky K.

  24. I have the cutie pie press also, but haven't used it yet. Thanks for the inspiration! Very yummy!

  25. wow and Yum. These two words are the highest praise when it comes to food. Thanks for the tip on the little pie press...genius.

  26. Bonjour Yvonne,
    Okay now I have to get one of these contraptions. Your pies looks beautiful indeed!
    Bon weekend,

  27. I love your pies. I guess I will be making a trip to WS soon:)

  28. love your pics, you captured a sunny day of fun! i have this too and love it, my first pies were blueberry too :-)

  29. Had to do a search for what WS is ... Williams Sonoma.

    Here's a direct link to the gadget which sells for $9.95:


  30. How cute is that pie maker??? I just love WS...wish I could afford one of everything! LOL. I'm inspired to make little pies tonight! Thanks for always have the WOW factor going on..such a treat to visit your blog! Have a great weekend!!

    Miss Bloomers

  31. Cutie pie indeed! These are adorable! I received this pie mold for my birthday, but have yet to try it out. Now I have a recipe to use. Thanks so much!

    P.S. I found your blog via a sweet comment you left on mine. Your photos are gorgeous and Scamp is adorable! :)

  32. Yvonne, these look amazing, so delicious!!!! I wish I had a WS so I could buy one, my peaches would be yummy in there too!!!!
    Thank you for stopping by and I am sure we will get to know each other well, we seem to have a lot in common already!!!!
    Margaret B

  33. Those are absolutely wonderful and I think I'll incorporate them into my holidays this year!

  34. I made your peach dumplings last weekend. What a hit...yummy and pretty!

    If I had that handy little gadget I'd be making these pies this weekend. Sooo cute!

    Thanks for all the inspiration!! :)

  35. I love WS! What foodie wouldn't? I was just there today and picked up a new gadget. Now I have to go back for this one :) Beautiful pies!!!

  36. Oh those are just the cutest!!! I'm going to have to look for those next time. I love them!

  37. This is a gadget I haven't seen before, but I have to have one. How clever and they do look so special. I'm thinking a platter of assorted flavors for a dinner cool. Thanks for the tip!

  38. Yvonne,
    Thank you, thank you!!! I saw these in the WB store here but it wasn't obvious how they worked. Now I know that these would be perfect to makes pies with the kids!

  39. Aren't those just the cutest little thangs?! I just ♥ them! Sure wish I'd thought of something like that to market. They're going to make a fortune with it now that you've told the whole entire world about it. LOL

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful little desserts. They look as good as I'm sure they taste.

    Off to the WS website this minute!

    Rett said "The secret to this WFG (WOW Factor Dessert)"...shouldn't that be WFD??? ~Grin~
    I'm available to proof-read for you anytime, ya' know. When you head off to New York to do your book tour, will you take me with you, so I can review your speeches & books too?? ;-)

  40. How adorable! I'm going to have to go to right now and look for that gadget. The teens would adore those little pies, I'll have to make them for our next teen dinner party. Thank you for a great idea!
    Cheers, Andrea

  41. That absolutely meets all my criteria for "wow" too! There is something special about individual desserts! Love it!

  42. Now that is a "cutie pie"!! Love your new little pie-maker gadget! You are right, there is a big WOW factor in serving individual pies as fancy as that!


  43. I love it when something can be both yummy and beautiful! I have got to have one of these pie making cute thingies;)!

    Thanks so much for sharing...another beautiful post!


  44. You do everything beautifully, Yvonne...cook, bake, decorate, tablescape, entertain, photograph.

    As always, this is a totally lovely post. Thank you for sharing about that wonderful amazing contraption.

    Have a fabulous weekend.


  45. Oh my, these look super yummy! I am going to have to bookmark this one and try it soon.


  46. These pies are so cute. I had to tell my sister all about this post and the little contraption that you used. She is the baker in our family and I am hoping that she'll try it out :)

  47. Those are such cutie pies. I have also seen the apple and heart shaped little pie molds. I most stop by WS and buy one or two. A couple of years ago, I bought pie cutters' from WS. I really like those too.

    Your post reminded me of the electric mini pie maker that my mother-in-love gave to me. It's quick and easy, too. I might do a post to share it with you too.

    All the Best,

